By William Hagan November 24, 2011 at 07:58:52

The Goodspeed History of Wilson County, Tennessee
THE GOODSPEED HISTORY OF WILSON COUNTY, ... and about six miles north of the geographical
center of the county, and on the Tennessee & Pacific ... John M. Hill , …


Originally published 1886
Beyond an occasional migratory and venturesome hunter, trapper or scout, who passed through the vast forests and canebrakes in quest of the abundant game or in pursuit of marauding bands of Indians, the presence of white man was unknown in Wilson County previous to l790. At the close of the Continental war the State of .North Carolina made grants of large bodies of land to her soldiers in pay for gallant service in time of battle. The land so granted was situated in Tennessee, then a portion of North Carolina, and it was by the owners of the land that Wilson (then Sumner) County was settled.

The following are the names of the parties to whom land was granted in Wilson County during the years between 1780 and 1790:

William Ray. 1,000 acres;
Isadore Skerett, 640 acres;
James Kennedy, 640 acres;
Cornelius Dabney, 640 acres;
John Burton, 1,168 acres;
John Williams, 640 acres;
John Conroe, 640 acres;
Hardy Murfree, 1,000 acres;
Nicholas Conroe, 640 acres;
Thomas Evans, 640 acres;
John Davidson, 274 acres;
Stephen Merritt, 640 acres;
James C. Montflorence, 1,000 acres;
John Kain, 571 acres;
Walter Allen, 912 acres;
Redmond T. Barry, 640 acres;

William Hogan,500 acres;

and Andrew Bostane, 220 acres.
Between 1790 and 1800: Robert Stewart, Jonathan Green, John Boyd, Philip Shackler, John Haywood, William Lytle, Alexander Mebane, Jeremiah Hendricks, James Rodgers, John Brown, William Fleming, Bennett Searcy, Ambrose Jones, Edward Harris, Henry Barnes, George Kennedy, Jacob Patton, Reeves Porter, James Menees, Thomas Evans, Gideon Pillow, Delilah Roberts, David Douglas, Johnson Hadley, Joseph Cloud, Daniel Wilbourn, James Barron, Vachel Clark, Jesse Cobb, Samuel Churchhill, Boyd Castleman, Ephraim Payton, and
Alexander Denny, 640 acres each; William Hogan, 500 acres; Willie Cherry, 228 acres; Archibald Lytle, 1,000 acres; Lazarus James, 337 acres; John Wright, 2,000 acres; Henry Ross, 274 acres; John Dabney, 228 acres; William Martin, 1,280 acres; David Gibson, 1,000 acres; Thedford and George Brewer, 1,000 acres; John Boyd, Jr., 228 acres; Samuel Barton, 1,000 acres; and Absolom Tatum, 300 acres.

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Many of the above never became settlers of the county and numbers of the pioneers of Wilson County purchased of them the lands on which they settled. The first settlement of Wilson County was made in the year 1797 at Drake's Lick, near the mouth of Spencer Lick Creek on Cumberland River, which was afterward the northeast corner of Davidson County, by William McClain and John Foster. Two years later John Foster, William Donnell and Alexander Barkley made a settlement of Spring Creek, seven miles southeast of the present town of Lebanon. During the same year settlements were made on Hickory Ridge, five miles west of Lebanon, by John K. Wynn and Charles Kavanaugh, both of whom came from North Carolina, and on the waters of Round Lick Creek, by William Harris and William McSpadden, of North Carolina, and James Wrather and Samuel King, of Virginia, and also on the waters of Spring Creek, about eight miles south of Lebanon, by John Doak. John Foster, David Magathey, Alexander Braden, the Donnells, and probably others. At the time of these settlements the land was covered with vast forests and thick canebrakes, and game of every specie from the bear, panther and deer down to the squirrel and rabbit existed in abundance. Several years before, however, the Indians as a tribe had been driven back. and only friendly ones as a class were met with by the settlers.
From 1799 the settlement of the county was rapid. The lands lying on the waters of the various creeks being the richer and easier of cultivation were naturally the first settled, and hence in giving the following list of names of the early settlers, they have been grouped into creek neighborhoods. On Barton Creek: Charles Blaylock, Elijah Trewitt, Levi Holloway, Henry Shannon, Snowdon Hickman, William Eddings, Thomas Mass, Eleazer Provine, John Lane, Byrd Wall, William Thomas, Samuel Wilson, George Swingler, John Goldston, Benjamin Esken, Jeremiah Still, Thomas Sypert, George Wynn, Benjamin Wineford, William Peace, James Mayes, John Cage, Alexander Chance, Josiah Martin, Henry Reed, William Elkins, James Menees, John Allcorn, Thomas Congers and
probably others.

On Spring Creek: James Cannon, Soloman Marshall, James Chappell, Walter Carrouth, Martin Talley, George Alexander, Joseph Moxley, Hugh Morris, Bartlett Graves, Spencer Talley, John Forbes, William Bartlett, William Sherrill, John Steinbridge, Josiah Smith, Alligood Wallard, Thomas Williams, Purnell Hearn, John Jones, John Walsh, Samuel Elliott, Benjamin Mottley, Richard Hawkins, Gregory Johnson, William Steele, Henry Chandler, Arthur Dew, Daniel Cherry, Adam Harpole, and others.

On Cedar Creek: Hugh Roane, John Provine, Alex Aston, Samuel Calhoun, Perry Taylor, John L. Davis, Mathew Figures, David Billings, Irwin Tomlinson, Joseph Trout, Hooker Reeves, Nathan Cartwright, Lewis Chambers, Andrew Swan, William Harris, William Wilson and Joseph Weir.
On Spencer Creek: John Walker, William White, Brittain Drake, Lewis Kirby, William Gray, Joel Echols, Robert Mitchell, Philip Koonce, James McFarland, Moore Stevenson, Jere Hendricks and Richard Drake.

On Cedar Lick Creek: Theophilus Bass, Clement Jennings, John Everett, John Gleaves, Reuben Searcy, Joshua Kelley, James Everett, James H. Davis, Thomas Davis, Howell Wren, William Ross, Edmund Vaughn, George Smith, Harmon Hays and Daniel Spicer.

On Cumberland River: Edward Mitchell, Elijah Moore, William Sanders, Caleb Taylor, Bartholomew Brett, William Johnson, Josiah Woods, W. T. Cole, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Henry Davis, James Tipton, Thomas Ray, Reuben Slaughter, Daniel Glenn, James Hunter, Ransom King, Henry Locke, Ephraim Beasley, Sterling Tarpley and William Putway.

On Stoner Lick Creek: Blake Rutland, Zebulon Baird, John Graves, Benjamin Graves, Thomas Watson, John Wilson, John Williamson, Henry Thompson, Thomas Gleaves, Ezekial Cloyd, Anderson Tate, Jacob Woodrum, Ezekial Clampet, Andrew Wilson, James Cathom and James Kendall.

On Suggs Creek: Benjamin Hooker, Acquilla Suggs, William Warnick, William Rice, Benjamin Dobson, Hugh Gwynn, Jenkin Sullivan, John Roach, James Hannah, Hugh Telford, Green Barr, Peter Devault, John Curry, Thomas Drennon, Joseph Hamilton and Joseph Castlemen.

On Pond Lick Creek: Robin Shannon, John Ozment, Lee Harralson, John Spinks and John Rice.

On Sinking Creek: Thompson Clemmons, William Bacchus, David Fields, Lewis Merritt, Frank Ricketts, Fletcher Sullivan, James Richmond, Robert Jarmon, John Winsett, Jesse Sullivan, William Paisley, John Billingsley, Seldon Baird, Dawson Hanco*ck and Jonathan Ozment.

On Hurricane Creek: William Teague, John Gibson, William Hudson. Nicholas Quesenbury, Charles Warren, Jacob Bennett, Elisha Bond, Robert Edwards, John Edwards, Bradford Howard, George Cummings, John Merritt, Joseph Stacey, Frank Young, Henry Mosier, Charles Cummings, John Woolen, Absalom Knight, Thomas Miles, Peter Leath and Gideon Harrison.
On Fall Creek: William Warren, Samuel Copeland, Joseph Williams, Jacob Jennings, William Allison, Hardy Penuel, Joseph Sharp, Sampson Smith, Frank Puckett, James Quarles, Roger Quarles, Mathew Sims, Shadrack Smith, James Smith, Charles Smith, Aaron Edwards, Hugh Cummings, Isaac Winston, William Wortham, Burrell Patterson, Absalom Losater, John Alsup, Lard Sellars, Joseph Carson, Charles Gillem, Arthur Harris, Walter Clapton, William Smith, John Donnell, Adney Donnell and William Lester.

On Smith Fork: Dennis Kelley, David Ireland, John Adams, David Wasson, John Armstrong. Isaac Witherspoon, John Allen, Richard Braddock, Edward Pickett, E!isha Hodge, Thomas Flood, James McAdoo, Samuel McAdoo, Abner Bone, Thomas Bone, William Richards, George L. Smith, Samuel Stewart, William Beagle, James Johnson, John Knox, William Knox, John Ward, Solomon George, Reason Byrne, .James Godfrey, Henry Payne, James Thompson, James Thomas, Thomas Word, James Ayers, William Jennings, Charles Rich, Abner Alexander, William Oakley and James Williams.
On Round Lick Creek, including Jennings Fork: John W. Peyton, Arthur Hankins, James Wrather, Samuel King, William Haines, John Bradley, William McSpaddin, William Coe, Abner Spring, William Harris, John Phillips, Benjamin Phillips, Edward G. Jacobs, John Green, Samuel Barton, Alexander Beard, Jordan Bass, Soloman Bass, John Lawrence, Evans Tracy, Joseph Barbee, Shelah Waters, George Clarke, James Shelton, William Neal, Joshua Taylor, Isaac Grandstaff, Daniel Smith, Jacob Vantrase, Duncan Johnson, Joseph Foust, James Hill, Joseph Carlin, George Hearn, John Patton, John Bradley, William New, Robert Branch, James Edwards, William Howard, Edmund Jennings, John White, John Swan, Thomas Byles, William Palmer, Park Goodall, Jerre Brown, Thomas B. Reece, James Scaby, James Hobbs, James Newbry and John Caplinger. The first corn-mill erected in the county was built by Samuel Caplinger some time in 1798. It was a small horse-power affair, the horse being hitched to a pole or shaft and driven around in a circle. The building was a small, unhewn-log house, and stood on the farm now owned by Roland Newby, in the Eighth Civil District. Very good corn meal is said to have been ground by this mill, and the patronage was drawn from a large scope of country. Subsequently the mill was removed to a site on Jennings Fork, and converted into a water-power. The first water-mill is supposed to have been built by Thomas Conger, some time in the same year, on Barton's Creek, about three miles northwest of Lebanon. A horse-power mill was also erected about that time by one of the Donnells, near Doak's Cross Roads, eight miles south of Lebanon.

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In 1867Russell Sanders, Polk Evans, John Bratton, Mary North, Thomas Clymer, Frank Baird, Isham Jackson and Wash Hardy, on charges of larceny, were each imprisoned one year.

In 1868. on charges of larceny, Foster Newby was sent to prison for three years, Fayette Sneed three years, Thomas Waters one year and James Radford one year, and Nancy Elliott, for murder, ten years, and James Tarlton, for horse-stealing, three years:

In 1869Henry Palmer and Henry Sewell. for house-breaking, were each sent to the penitentiary for ten years; Henry Curtis, horse-stealing, ten years, and Frank Smith, for larceny, one year.

In 1870William Porter was sent to the penitentiary seventeen years for bigamy, and for larceny Sam Thompson, Ben Camper, Edward Knight, Marcus Hawkins and John Burch were given terms of imprisonment.

In 1872Hugh Bradley (colored), was sent up for four years for larceny, and Seth Williams, for house-breaking, got two years.

In 1875Jerry Belcher got ten years in prison on the charge of arson, and for larceny William Gooch, Albert McGregor, Burdine Preston and Moses Howell were sent to the penitentiary.

In 1876Porter Williamson and Burr Spinks (colored), were convicted of murder and sentenced to be hung. Williamson was granted a new trial, pending which he was hung by a mob, while Spinks was hung by law.

In 1877sentences were passed as follows: King Walsh, house-breaking, three years in the penitentiary; Jasper Williams, horse-stealing, ten years, and William Claxton, horse-stealing, three years.

In 1878Albert Gibson, for larceny, was sent to prison for three years; Davis Bass, house-breaking, was given three years, and James Scott, for larceny, received one year.
In 1879Scott Bask, for larceny, received three years imprisonment; Jere Evans, for malicious stabbing, one year; Pomp Grizzle, horse-stealing, three years and Bob Williamson, murder, three years.

In 1880 John Bond, for rape, was imprisoned for ten years; William Tackett, horse-stealing, and Lee Hardy, larceny, were each sent up for three years.

In 1881 Samuel Baird, Wash Hearn, Martin Graves and Pike Ward were sentenced to the penitentiary for larceny; J. W. Conner, for murder, was sent for twenty years; Bob Nipps, horse-stealing, three years, and Joe Harrison, for arson, was sent for five years.

In 1882 Joe Campbell was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years for murder; Marcus Seay, horse-stealing, went up for five years, and, for larceny, terms of imprisonment were given Jake Neal, Jack Price, Alf Jennier, William Hamler, Bill Oxendine and George Dibrell.

In 1883 James Payne, for house-breaking, received three years imprisonment, and

In 1884 Frank Jennings and Tom Robertson, for murder, were each given ten and three years, respectively, and Frank Johnson and
Bill Davis were given one and five years, respectively, for larceny.

In 1885Berr Officer, for larceny, was sent up for one year; Bernice Richardson, murder, got a life sentence; Hardy Baker, horse-stealing, three years; James Baxter, murder, convicted and sentenced to be hung. Baxter's case was appealed to the supreme court, where the decision of the lower court was sustained.His execution was set for November 3, 1885, but he was granted a reprieve, and on June 4, 1886, was hung at Lebanon; Andrew Church, an accomplice of Baxter in the crime, was sent to the penitentiary for life; both were negroes, and their crime was the murder of Mrs. Lane, an aged widow, for the purpose of robbery.

In 1886George Burns, for bigamy, was sent to the penitentiary for five years; Kate Rhodes, infanticide, sent for ten years; Asbury Johnson, Jesse Hill, George Thompson and Robert Keith, for larceny, were sent to the penitentiary for one year each, and W. H. Smith, marshal of Lebanon, was indicted for murder, he having killed a negro who resisted an arrest.

Wilson County has a war record extending back to the Continental war of 1776, for among the pioneers of the county were quite a number of the patriots of that war, among whom were John Wynn, Edward Mitchell, John Dabney, John Harpole, Philip Shackler, Anthony Gain. Jeremiah McWhirter and James Scott, the first four of whom were commissioned officers. As early as 1800 the county had an organized militia of seven companies, the captains of which were Capts. Bishop, Moore, Echols, Dillard, Warick, Blalock and Hood. By 1807 the militia had increased to fifteen companies, under command of Capts. McNight, Pitman, Mann, Wilson, Caplinger, Bumpass, Leech, Branch, Alexander, Hunter, Martin, Coonce, Bandy, Joiner and Priestly. The companies had been increased four by 1810, and were commanded by Capts. Hill, Provine, Thompson, Cage, Hallum, Jones, Martin, Swingley, Quarles, Williams, Stiles, Estes, Henderson, Barnes, Smith, Bass, Spink, Davidson and Williamson. Robert Desha was the first brigadier-general of the Wilson County militia.

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From 1800 to 1820, the business men of Lebanon were John Herrod, James Anderson, Edward Mitchell, William Mann,
Benjamin Tarver, George Hallum, Joel Mann, David Marshal, Reddick Eason, Leonard Sims, Allan Avery, Patrick Anderson, Yerger & Golladay, Cage & Crutcher, Winchester & Cage, Jaspar R. Ashworth, and Nathaniel Dew. During the same period, Edward Mitchell, David Marshal and John Herrod were the tavern keepers.

The business men of the twenties were James Johnson, Mathew Dew, Yerger & Golladay, Foster Crutcher, Hicks & Johnson, Pauldin Anderson, John Muirhead, David Marshal, Allcorn & Johnson, Harry L. Douglas, Frank Anderson, Thomas J. Thompson. Jasper R. Ashworth, T. J. Stratton and Henry Chambers.

The hotels during the same period were conducted by David Marshal, George Helms, William Hartsfield and Harry L. Douglas. During the thirties the business men were Jasper R. Ashworth, Joseph Phillips, Lawrence Sypert, T. J. Stratton, William Hall, Edward and John W. White, John Hearn, John M. Hill, Dr. James Frazier, M. T. Cartwright, P. & T. Anderson, Stiff Harrison,
E. A. & J. W. White, White & Price, Henry Smith, Peyton Ewing & Co., Fisher Bros., Dawson Hanco*ck, Allcorn & Johnson, Ewing and Richmond, George H. Bullard, Mathew Cartwright, Gillespie & Mabry, Hearn & Hill, E. A. & J. W. White, and W. H. Wortham. Albert Wynn and a company composed of Obediah Gordon, George F. McWhirter and James G. Robertson, were the innkeepers, and a company composed of Gears, Wilkerson, Pyle, Porter & Co., conducted an extensive carriage factory during that period. At the same time a large cotton factory, owned and operated by a stock company under the firm name of the Tennessee Manufacturing Company, was in full operation, and upward of 500 hands were employed in the manufacture of cotton goods of all descriptions. The property was afterward destroyed by fire and never rebuilt.


Old Wilson County newspaper clippings

The Lebanon Record (Sep 1868 - Mar 1869)

The Lebanon Record Saturday, October 31, 1868; pg. 3

Marriage Licenses

Gordon McPROK to Mary M. RANEY
Jos. COWTHON to Hannah DAVIS
Oscar M. WATSON to Fanntoin E. ORGAN
Jno. G. WHITTAKER to Tennessee E. LOYD
Joe HARDY to Susan KEMP

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Wilson County News :
1-4) (Feb 1880 - Oct 1881 | Feb 1941 - Sep 1941) (139K)

Pg. 3 - History of Statesville-
The second oldest town in Wilson County is Statesville, a village of about 200 inhabitants. It is situated on Smith Fork Creek in the 15th district 18 miles southeast of Lebanon and 6 miles south of Watertown. The town was established with 19 town lots on the lands of William BUMPASS in 1812.

It was first named Maryville in honor of Mrs. Mary BUMPASS. When they applied for a post office over 100 years ago, they discovered there was a town in east Tennessee by that name so to get a post office, its name was changed to Statesville in honor of Statesville, N.C.

A number of its settlers were from that vicinity, others from South-Boston, Lynchburg, and Halifax, Virginia; some from Rockingham County and other parts of Virginia. Statesville was once incorporated before the name was changed and Tommie PATTON, father of Fate PATTON, was mayor.

The post office was run by R.P. PATTERSON, Aubry L. JENNINGS, Sam ARMSTRONG, Georgia M. PATTON and since 1933 by Frank JENNINGS.

The rural route was started about 1905 and was run by Wiley JENNINGS, Ballard DONNELL, Delta FORD, Homer JENNINGS, and now by Theodore ARMSTRONG.

Some of the first settlers on Smith Fork and Statesville were Dennis KELLEY, John ADAMS, John ARMSTRONG, Isaac WITHERSPOON, John ALLEN, James McADOO, Abner & Thomas BONE, George SMITH, James JOHNSON, John WARD, Solomon GEORGE, Thomas WORD, James AYERS, and others. Most of the pioneers of 1797 to 1812 today have descendants living at or in the vicinity of Statesville.

The first house built was located south of the Town Spring and is within the walls of the Old Boyd Hotel.
This is where William and Mary BUMPASS lived. The first store in the vicinity of Statesville was located where the Smith Fork Baptist Church now stands and was owned by George HODGE about 1802. The merchandise was bought from further east by pack horses and mules. Salt sold from $8-$10 a bushel and nails at $.25 a pound. There was once a 2-story apartment owned by John JEWELL located where the club house now stands. "Uncle Buddy" JENNINGS owned a store in what is now J.C. LESTER's yard. The merchants in 1886 were J.R. HALE, J.M. JENNINGS & Bros. and A.L. JENNINGS. The "Tennessee Gazeteer" published in 1834 mentions the fact that 1/4 of the cotton mills in the state were located at Statesville. Monroe JENNINGS was a wood workman and made wagons and coffins.

The first water-powered corn mill was erected on Smith Fork by John T. HAYES about 1804; a few years later one by Ezekiel PATTERSON was erected one mile east of Statesville, and another about 1850 by John PATTERSON 1/4 mile east of Statesville. The blacksmiths were Jack BASCALL, Tom JOHNSON, Arch PEW, S.T. MOODY, J.W. ARMSTRONG, and Brittain HALE. The present blacksmith, Ulysses ARMSTRONG, began his work 53 years ago with Wes ARMSTRONG who had been in business 30 years.

A tan yard was owned by John Ivy REEVES and Dan BOYD. It burned about 56 years ago. The switchboard was first installed in 1914 at the present home of Miss Sallie JENNINGS and was run by Mrs. Gushion BARBEE. The first telephone in Statesville was owned by Wes ARMSTRONG and was on the Watertown exchange. (to be cont.)

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Pg. 7 - Marriage Licenses-

April 5 - R.P. CASSETTY & Alta TURNER, both of Watertown

April 5- Clarence Howard CANTRELL & Annie L. FERGUSON, both of Nashville

April 5 - Paul HALL & Clara Lee AGEE, both of Watertown

April 9 - Hugh VAUGHN of Antioch & Ethel BALLARD of Statesville

April 11 - Robert Leonard MARTIN & Helen BLAND, both of Mt. Juliet

April 12 - Woodrow MANNING & Unity THORNE, both of Lebanon

April 13 - William Edward REYNOLDS of Kimery & Louise OSBORNE of Nolensville

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1) (Feb 1880 - Oct 1881) (15K)

Wilson County News - Wednesday, February 18, 1880; pg. 1

ESKEW - On the 11th inst. in the 22nd district, Miss Sallie D. ESKEW of consumption. She was the daughter of B.J. ESKEW who died only a short time since. A singular fatality seems to attend this family. Six of them lie buried in a row, all having died of consumption, three of them since last July.

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Wilson County News - Wednesday, April 28, 1880; pg. 2

Marriage Licenses-

Sam ALLEN to Alice MASSY

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Holloway's Store-
Jeptha CLEMMONS is 73 years old and has made 170 panels of fence this Spring. He is a widower - widows and girls will please take notice.

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Wilson County News - Wednesday, June 3, 1880; pg. 2

Marriage Licenses-

Lewis ALLEN and Maria BARBEE

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Wilson County News - Wednesday, October 20, 1880; pg. 1

Marriage Licenses-

J.L. LANE and Fannie W. JOHNSON
Robert SUMMER and Eb. McCANY
Robie COE and Alice FORBIS
Will McCLELLAND and Juila CAB (colored)
Rance FLOYD and Amanda YOUNG (colored)

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Pg. 3 - Tucker's X Roads-

Mrs. Annie DAVIS, one of the oldest and best old ladies in our neighborhood, died yesterday. She will be buried today at 10 o'clock.

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3) (May 1941 - Jul 1941) (58K)

Wilson County News - Thursday, February 27, 1941; pg. 1

Pg. 3 - Pioneer Days
Wilson County was carved from Sumner County and named for David WILSON. The first settlement was made at Drake's Lick on Spencer Lick Creek near Cumberland River, 2 1/2 miles northwest of the present site of La Guardo, in 1797 by William McCLAIN and John FOSTER. Historians have differed as to the date and site of this first settlement, varying in dates ranging from 1790-1799, however, after careful research we are convinced that the date and site above quoted are correct as they are identical with those Dr. ANDERSON, author of "The Late George DONNELL", in which he quotes Mrs. McCLAIN, wife of the first settler, as the authority. In 1799 John FOSTER, William DONNELL, and Alexander BURKLEY made a settlement on Spring Creek several miles southwest of Lebanon. In the same year the county was organized at the home of John HARPOLE, where the first "county court" was held. About the same time other settlements were made in other sections of the county. The first white settlers of our county were nearly all pure Anglo-Saxon and Scotch-Irish, whose ancestors came over to Virginia and North Carolina in the time of Charles the Second and Cromwell and subsequently after the battle of Culloden in 1745. Lebanon, the county seat, was founded in 1802. Neddie JACOBS was the first settler. The first town lots of the present Lebanon were sold at auction. Among the purchasers were

William BLOODWORTH, James PEAco*ck, John WRIGHT, Edward MITCHELL, M. STEWART, William CRABTREE, William TRIGG, Sam HARPOLE, William GRAY, John IRVIN, J. PROVIDENCE, Peter RULE, John IMPSON, William ALLEN, and others. Tombstones marking the graves of several of the first settlers may be found near Double Island on the Cumberland River. This old cemetery marks the site where the first "camp meeting" was held in Wilson County, previous to the erection of a church of any denomination.

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Eli ALLEN, 73, father of Grayson C. ALLEN of Lebanon, died last week of pneumonia at his home in Hazard, Ky. Besides his son in Lebanon, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margarette ALLEN; two sons: Victor ALLEN of Hazard and K.O, ALLEN of Elizabethton, Tennessee; and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas A. HUFF of Hazard.

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Pg. 4 - Society-

Mr. J.W. POWELL of Mt. Juliet announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Helen BLAND, to Robert L. MARTIN, son of Mr. & Mrs. W.L. MARTIN of Gladeville. The wedding took place in the study of the officiating minister, Rev. Luther Joe THOMPSON of Watertown. The only attendants were Miss Marguerite MARTIN, sister of the groom, and James William FOSTER, both of Gladeville.

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Wilson County News - Thursday, April 24, 1941; pg. 1

Pg. 3 - History of Statesville-
The second oldest town in Wilson County is Statesville, a village of about 200 inhabitants. It is situated on Smith Fork Creek in the 15th district 18 miles southeast of Lebanon and 6 miles south of Watertown. The town was established with 19 town lots on the lands of William BUMPASS in 1812. It was first named Maryville in honor of Mrs. Mary BUMPASS. When they applied for a post office over 100 years ago, they discovered there was a town in east Tennessee by that name so to get a post office, its name was changed to Statesville in honor of Statesville, N.C. A number of its settlers were from that vicinity, others from South-Boston, Lynchburg, and Halifax, Virginia; some from Rockingham County and other parts of Virginia. Statesville was once incorporated before the name was changed and Tommie PATTON, father of Fate PATTON, was mayor. The post office was run by R.P. PATTERSON, Aubry L. JENNINGS, Sam ARMSTRONG, Georgia M. PATTON and since 1933 by Frank JENNINGS. The rural route was started about 1905 and was run by Wiley JENNINGS, Ballard DONNELL, Delta FORD, Homer JENNINGS, and now by Theodore ARMSTRONG. Some of the first settlers on Smith Fork and Statesville were Dennis KELLEY, John ADAMS, John ARMSTRONG, Isaac WITHERSPOON, John ALLEN, James McADOO, Abner & Thomas BONE, George SMITH, James JOHNSON, John WARD, Solomon GEORGE, Thomas WORD, James AYERS, and others. Most of the pioneers of 1797 to 1812 today have descendants living at or in the vicinity of Statesville. The first house built was located south of the Town Spring and is within the walls of the old Boyd Hotel. This is where William and Mary BUMPASS lived. The first store in the vicinity of Statesville was located where the Smith Fork Baptist Church now stands and was owned by George HODGE about 1802. The merchandise was bought from further east by pack horses and mules. Salt sold from $8-$10 a bushel and nails at $.25 a pound. There was once a 2-story apartment owned by John JEWELL located where the club house now stands. "Uncle Buddy" JENNINGS owned a store in what is now J.C. LESTER's yard. The merchants in 1886 were J.R. HALE, J.M. JENNINGS & Bros. and A.L. JENNINGS. The "Tennessee Gazeteer" published in 1834 mentions the fact that 1/4 of the cotton mills in the state were located at Statesville. Monroe JENNINGS was a wood workman and made wagons and coffins. The first water-powered corn mill was erected on Smith Fork by John T. HAYES about 1804; a few years later one by Ezekiel PATTERSON was erected one mile east of Statesville, and another about 1850 by John PATTERSON 1/4 mile east of Statesville. The blacksmiths were Jack BASCALL, Tom JOHNSON, Arch PEW, S.T. MOODY, J.W. ARMSTRONG, and Brittain HALE. The present blacksmith, Ulysses ARMSTRONG, began his work 53 years ago with Wes ARMSTRONG who had been in business 30 years. A tan yard was owned by John Ivy REEVES and Dan BOYD. It burned about 56 years ago. The switchboard was first installed in 1914 at the present home of Miss Sallie JENNINGS and was run by Mrs. Gushion BARBEE. The first telephone in Statesville was owned by Wes ARMSTRONG and was on the Watertown exchange. (to be cont.)

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Wilson County News - Thursday, August 7, 1941

Pg. 5 -

Mrs. Nettie Blanc WRIGHT, 37, wife of Rev. C.E. WRIGHT, pastor of the First Baptist Church at Watertown, died Friday night at a Memphis hospital after an illness of several weeks. The body was carried to Watertown where it remained until Sunday morning when it was removed to Knoxville for funeral services and burial. Services were conducted at Mann's Funeral Home in Knoxville at 2:00 Monday afternoon by Dr. Fred BROWN at that city. Burial was in the Greenwood Cemetery there. Surviving in addition to her husband is one son, Dan WRIGHT; and her parents, Mr. & Mrs. H.D. BLANC of Knoxville.

Mrs. Mary Agness Walsh MARTIN, 70 died suddenly Friday night at her home on W. Spring Street. She was the wife of J.J. MARTIN, operator of the Cedar City Machine Shop on N. Cumberland St. Mrs. MARTIN was a member of the Catholic Church. Funeral services were held at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville Monday morning at 9:00 by Rev. Francis RILEY. Surviving are her husband; four sons: John, Paul, Dean and Thomas MARTIN, all of Lebanon; one brother, Michael WALSH of Nashville; four sisters: Miss Sarah WALSH and Mrs. W.F. CLUMAN of Nashville, and Mrs. Annie RILEY and Mrs. Josephine GLYSIBY, both of Detroit, Michigan. Burial was in Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Nashville. Seagraves and Gill were in charge.

Mrs. Cora Davis LANE, 76, died Saturday morning at 4:30 at her home near Lebanon after an illness of several months. Funeral services were conducted at the Rutland Church of Christ Sunday afternoon at 2:00 by Elder drake MACON of the Greenhill community. Surviving are two sons: T.G. and J.M. LANE of Gladeville; three sisters: Mrs. A.C. WRIGHT and Mrs. Mollie HOOKER, both of Mt. Juliet, and Mrs. Ruth BONDS of Knoxville; one brother, Lawrence DAVIS of Mt. Juliet; and two grandchildren: Nancy and Robert LANE of Gladeville. Burial was in Rutland Cemetery with Ligon and Son in charge.

Mrs. Luscenia Frances WOODALL, 87, died Saturday at her home on N. Maple St. after an extended illness. Funeral services were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:00 by Rev. Dean STROUD, pastor of the local Methodist Church. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Francis DAVIS of Lebanon; one son, I.V. WOODALL of Nashville; 6 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Burial was in the Caraway Cemetery at Gladeville with Ligon and Son in charge of arrangements.

Wilson County News - Thursday, September 11, 1941

Pg. 7 - Statesville

Lebanon Personals-

Mr. & Mrs. Dorris BLAND have chosen the name of Shelby Lou for their infant daughter born last Friday.

Pg. 5

Uncle" Arch BAINS was found dead at his home on Knight Creek Friday afternoon, September 3. He was thought to have died in the early part of the night before. He was well known over the country for the tying of good brooms. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Sam LANIER; and four sons: Zear, Artle, Newbern, and Purnell. He was buried September 4 at a small graveyard in Jaco Hollow. Tollie PATTON had charge of the funeral.

Wilson County News - Thursday, September 25, 1941

Pg. 1 -
Mr. & Mrs. Howard WOODALL announce the marriage of their cousin, Maggie Mai HOBBS, to Clyde HAMBLIN, son of Mrs. J.D. MAY of Gladeville. The wedding took place at their home on University Avenue on Friday evening, September 19, at 6:00 with Rev. Hoyt HUDDLESTON performing the ceremony

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Miscellaneous News Articles *(Sep 1876 - Aug 1877)
The Jackson Sun" (Jackson, TN) - Friday, Sept. 29, 1876

Nashville American - Two young men by the names of Charley George and James Eskew got in a dispute Wednesday evening near Laguardo, regarding some land titles. Angry words were passed, when George, who was riding a horse, moved in his saddle. Eskew, thinking he was armed and trying to draw his weapon, raised his gun, a double barrel shotgun and emptied the contents at him, one load taking effect in the head, the other in his side. He dell from his horse and died without a struggle. Both were residents of Wilson County.

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Tennessee GenWeb Project/Wilson County

Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
That he brought suit against the heirs of Richard HILL, dec'd. ... pending the suit, ... Richard HILL sent word to the defdt. that if he would move out to Maury Co. ...

5352 - 1853 Aug. 30 - (O.B.) Sydney J. SMITH and his wife, McHenry Ann SMITH of Wilson Co., TN against James EDWARDS of Marshall Co., TN. Richard HILL died in Maury Co., TN testate. Testator gave to his three great grand children Penelope, Elizabeth and McHenry Ann BRIDGES a negro man named Peter. EDWARDS claimed said slave under an alleged gift from the testator during the life of the latter. That he brought suit against the heirs of Richard HILL, dec'd. ... pending the suit, two of the legatees, Penelope and Elizabeth being yet minors, married, the first with James M. HUNT and the second with Thomas BABB. They agreed to compromise.... In 1842 Sydney was in Lewisburg.

1854 Jan. 7 - Ans. of Deft. James EDWARDS of complt. against him by Sydney J. SMITH and wife Mahenry Ann. Richard HILL died in Maury Co. in June or July 1832. James C. RECORD and
John R. HILL exors.

In the year 1824 the defdt. married Nancy BRIDGES who was a grandchild of Richard HILL and the mother of the complt. Mahenry Ann, Penelope and Elizabeth by a former husband, at this time the defdts. were living in N.C. and he and his wife continued to live having with them the complt. Mahenry Ann and her sisters until the year 1831. Richard HILL sent word to the defdt. that if he would move out to Maury Co. with his family and settle them, he would give the defdt. and his wife 2 negroes named Molly and Peter.... He sold out his homestead and moved to this state.
He arrived at the house of Richard HILL with his family on the 1st day of Jan. 1832. Defdt. in a few days moved into a house that had just been vacated by a son of Richard HILL and took with him the slaves Peter and Molly and continued in the possession from that time until a few weeks before the death of Richard HILL, when one of Richard's sons came into the field where Peter was at work and forcibly took him from the possession of the defdt. At the time of the suit, Peter was 15 years of age....
When he married her mother, Mahenry Ann was about 3 years old and from the date of the marriage over to the year 1839 Mahenry Ann had been a member of his family. 1854 - Summons executed on R. HILL, Benjamin WEAVER and Thos. MCKNIGHT.

1854 June 12 - Giles Co., TN. Dep. of Franklin W. HILL about 45 says he carried the message to N.C. asking the defdt. to come here....

1854 June 13 - Marshall Co., TN. Dep. of Wm. S. LENARD about 45, went to N.C. and relayed the message about the slaves.

1854 Nov. 25 - Dep. of Penelope E. HUNT says, "...we moved to the house I called "Bob's House", his son Bob HILL lived in the house at the time.
Great grand father died in July. After Peter was taken away from Edward my grand father HILL, who had a cancer on is face, went about a good deal. I remember he walked to my aunts, where I was staying about half a mile from his house.

I was about 17 when I came to this county from N.C. My sister, Mrs. SMITH was not sent to school more than a month by EDWARDS. My sister, Mrs. SMITH, was about 3 years old when my mother married EDWARDS. My sister, Mrs. SMITH, eloped when she married. My husband and I approved of the match.

My mother was not keeping house in N.C. when she married EDWARDS. After my mother's marriage while they remained in N.C. I made his house my home. After my mother's marriage my cousin Frank HILL came to N.C. from this state. I never saw a man named William LEONARD from this state, in N.C. There was a man named Leonard, who married EDWARDS sister-in-law, who lived near him in N.C...."

1854 Nov. 28 - Marshall Co., TN. Dep. of Benjamin S. WEAVER about 60 says he knew Richard HILL late of Maury Co., in N.C. and was intimately acquainted with him after he moved to TN which he thinks was in 1816.... "I was at Richard HILL'S house the night EDWARDS landed there from N.C. and stayed all night. In the morning the old man HILL, Mr. EDWARDS and myself walked out in to the yard where the negroes were killing a hog. Mr. HILL turned to Mr. EDWARDS and pointed at the boy Peter and said to EDWARDS that is the boy I gave to you last night ... the old man had a cancer...."

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1866 Apr. 5 - Dep. of Dr. T.H. KNIGHT, aged 53.... - Dep. James W. JENNINGS, 24.... - Dep. of J.P. GRINDSTAFF, aged 33, says, "I paid the note in 1861 when I was a Confederate soldier at Camp Cheatham...." - Dep. of Henry H. HILL, aged 25, says, "I am half brother to Chas. SIMPSON...." - Dep. of Wm. N. WILSON, aged 34.... - Dep. of D.F. WHITLOCK aged 34....
1867 June 8 - Dep. of Mathew WILSON aged 63. The horse he gave to Amanda, he says was sold by Thomas RICH to William N. WILSON and he sold it to William WOOD.

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1867 Oct. 28 - Dep. of Elizabeth A. CRAGWALL says Chas. SIMPSON is her brother. She sold a farm in 1858 or 59 in the neighborhood of Statesville to Charley SIMPSON ... Henry HILL was present.... WOOD'S mother and brother lived on the place and I think WOODS made the place his home with his mother. WOOD'S mother stayed there a year....

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5368 - 1860 Sept. 18 - (O.B.) E.S. SMITH admr. of T.G. WILSON, dec'd. against John T. and Mary F., Sanford, and Martha Ann WILSON minors under the age of 14 years and children of T.G. WILSON, dec'd. citizens of Wilson Co., TN. T.G. WILSON died in Aug. 1858 intestate leaving four children his only heirs at law.... Alex. VICKS their gdn. ad litem ... town lot in Statesville. - A list of notes: C.P. PATTON, A.T. STROUD, Lafayette ALSUP, M.T. AYERS, J.A. WILLIAMS, J.R. STROUD, Isaac HARVEY, I.T. ADAMS, J.H. RAKES, Raney & C.C. CRADDOCK, Geo. THOMPSON, P.S. LESTER, J.B. THOMAS, G.L. SMITH, L.D. MCCAFFREY, W.J. EVANS, David CHAMBLISS, W.H. MCCONNAKIN, James WORD, A.J. STROUD, Jr., R.H. WALKER, Asaph HILL, T.C. BYRNE, J.T. QUARLES, G.B. ADAMS, T.B. DUNN, Jno. S. JENNINGS, J.W. DAVIS, Jno. SNEED, Green LEDBETTER, J.H. BYRNE, M.S. MILLER. - Buyers at the estate sale: Wm. R. DABBS, John G. THOMAS, James R. STROUD, Thomas STROUD, MOONEY & STROUD, Noah JONES, SMITH & MOONEY, Coleman TALLY, John PEMBERTON, Jno RAKES, Mark MILLER, R.H. WALKER, Jas. KING, Jas. A. WILLIAMS bought the Bible, Jas. RAKES, J.R. STROUD, Jacob MOONEY bought the cradle and David MOONEY.

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5377 - 1866 May 5 - (O.B.) Benjamin J. TARVER of Wilson Co., TN VS John F. MILLS of Shelby Co., TN, Patrick H. ANDERSON, Patsy M. ANDERSON, Mary O. ANDERSON, of Wilson Co., TN, Saml. F. ANDERSON and Jessee G. ANDERSON of Ark. On 4 Feb. 1859, John F. MILLS, then a resident citizen, together with his wife, of Phillips Co., Ark., undertook to sell to Patrick H. ANDERSON and Jessee H. ANDERSON, since dec'd., 65 negro slaves, of whom 34 were males and 31 females, together with all the grain produce, household and kitchen furniture, stock, his premises in Phillips Co., for the sum of $65,000., $10,000 draft on New Orleans ... on same day MILLS sold to the same parties 1306a of land in Phillips Co. for $40,000. MILLS has recently filed his bill in "Phillips Co. Circuit Court in Chancery" of Ark., to enforce payment of notes.... This bill is filed against Patrick H. ANDERSON and Rufus K. ANDERSON, admrs. in Ark. of Jesse H. ANDERSON, and against Patsy M., Mary O., Saml. M., and Jessee H. ANDERSON the children and heirs of Jesse H. ...on 7 Aug. 1865, Jesse H. ANDERSON conveyed to your orator property in Wilson Co., TN and Davidson Co., TN

Wilson Co., TNGenWeb

... Mary Lou, spouse of 135 HILL, John David, spouse of 53 HILL, John Robert Jr. 177 HILL, John Robert Sr. 102 HILL, Patricia 176 HILLER, Dee, spouse of 123 ...

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Index of Wilson Co., TN, PULLEYs and related families (including Davidson Co., TN, parental and sibling relations) All women are listed by their maiden name. Note: Because there are living individuals in this list, the register to which it belongs is not included. If you have genuine relationships found herein and can prove so, additional information may be requested from Dee.pulley@ nashville.com.

DAVIS, James Albert, spouse of 74 DAVIS, James Timothy 138 DAVIS, Philip Wade 137 DAVIS, Terry Gwynn 136 DAVIS, Thelma, spouse of 72 DAVIS, Wayne Thomas 135

HILL, John David, spouse of 53

HILL, John Robert Jr. 177

HILL, John Robert Sr. 102

HILL, Patricia 176

Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
18 - Deposition of Wm. S. HILL, 50. He became acquainted with the SPICERS in 1820.... Hasty was a black negro and Daniel was copper colored.... - Deposition ...

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1852 - (Amended bill) names the children of Jesse DELOACH: Wiley DELOACH, Thos. B. NETTESVILLE and his wife Betsey, James A. LILLY and his wife Manerva, William DELOACH, Benj. WALKER and his wife, Evealine, John R. DELOACH and a grandson Saml. DELOACH, son of James DELOACH, dec'd. all non residents of the state.

1853 - Depositions of Isaac EATHERLY; Saml. DAVIS; George WILLIAMSON; James EATHERLY. James EATHERLY says Jos. T. WILLIAMS is his Father in Law and has been dead many years. Witness owned a still house. He lived near his brother Isaac EATHERLY. Jos. T. WILLIAMS left this county for IL about 26 years ago....

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Deposition of Mrs. Mary TIPTON, aged about 62, says she knew Wm. SPICER and his wife Tracy. "I became acquainted with them the year after I was married which took place in the year 1811...." - Deposition of Daniel GLENN, aged about 73, knew the SPICERS about the time or soon after he was elected constable. He was elected constable in 1812 and remained in office until 1818. - Deposition of James TIPTON, aged about 68, says they lived about two miles from me in 1811 ... They moved near Cedar Lick Creek.... - Deposition of Webb BLOODWORTH, aged about 79, says he knew old Samuel DELOACH the father of Tracy SPICER; in N.C. "My father lived about 7 miles from old man DELOACH. I was about 15 years old when I left there. I knew Wm. SPICER'S father. I was living with my father at the time Mr. SPICER married Tracy; her father was very much opposed to the marriage. I remained in N.C. 2 or 3 years after the marriage.... I came to this county about the year 1795. Wm. SPICER and wife moved to this county. They settled near my father in Sumner Co. for 3 or 4 years before they moved to Wilson County." - Deposition of John D. TAYLOR, aged about 54, says he has lived in this county since he was about 4 years old and knew SPICER.... - Deposition of Robt. R. TAYLOR aged about 35.... - Dep of Rutherford RUTLAND, aged about 67, knew SPICER first at Cedar Creek.
1856 Mar. 18 - Deposition of Wm. S. HILL, 50. He became acquainted with the SPICERS in 1820.... Hasty was a black negro and Daniel was copper colored.... - Deposition of James FOSTER, 73 years old, lived near SPICER. He moved from that place in 1817.

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1857 Aug. 17 - Edgecombe, N.C. deposition of Delilah SPICER going on 61 years. She is the widow of William SPICER'S brother, Moses SPICER. "My mother lived about two miles from William SPICER...." /S/ Delilah (her D mark) SPICER. - Deposition of Hartwell LONG past 60 years of age, not exceeding 63.... - Deposition of Newsom LONG about 58.... - Deposition of Gray ARMSTRONG, 70 to 75 years old,.... "SPICERS had in their possession a yellow or mulatto girl named Jenny who was not grown. At the age of about 18 or 19

I went to TN and settled in sumner Co. where
I remained about two years or long enough to make two crops. I came back in either 1805 or 1806. I married in this county (Edgecombe) after my return from TN in 1807. William SPICER was at my wedding and in the same year he removed to TN. I started to TN in Feb. and got there in March following and stoped on Station Camp Creek Sumner Co., TN....

I got back to N.C. near Christmans. ...William SPICER lived on the HARGROVE place which he had bought. SPICER sold the land to either John HILL or his two sons, Peoples and Nathaniel HILL....
I have talked to old Duncan HARGROVE about this case....
1857 Aug. 31 - Edgcombe, N.C. Deposition of Hugh B. BRYAN and Benjamin WILLIAMS at the home of William NORFLEET in town of Tarborough. Hugh B. BRYAN, 35, was the son of Dempsey BRYAN.

He lived in this county and died about 13 years ago. "My brother William BRYAN settled my father's estate. William removed to AL several years ago. ...my sister, Mrs. BATES, is about 50 years of age...."

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Samuel DELOACH, Wm. RYALS, Wm. ALLEN, John LEE, Obedeaj JOHNSON, Wm. COATS, Bryant ADAMS, James WOODALE, Shaderick INGRAM, Richard WHITTINGTON, Owen BARBER, Widow, John EASON, David IVY, Britton HONEYCUT, George PARRISH, James MAINER, Wm. SIMS, David BELL, David AVIRA, Etheldred BELL, Matthew JONES, John FISH, Reas COLLINS, Thos. JOHNSON, Thos. AVIRA, Wm. SPICER, Ryas COLLINS, Lewis ADKINS, Richard BRASWELL, Lovel AVY, John COATS, Elijah LASITTER, Tracy SPICER, Obediah JOHNSON, Osbourn HUNTER, Needham BRYAN, James MAINER, Rebecca DELOACH, Redden JOHNSON, Jacob FLOWERS, Samuel BRYAN, Polly INGRAM. Thos. D. SNEAD, C.C.C.
1807 Nov. 25 - Indenture between William SPICER and Tracey SPICER of Edgcombe, N.C. and Peoples HILL and Nathaniel HILL of same ... 100a more or less.... [The same discription as previous indenture.] Wits.: William HILL; Harras PROCTOR; Hardy X PROCTOR....
N.D.: George K. ROBERTSON was admr. of Alfred MCCLAIN, dec'd. - N.D. Jesse DELOACH had six children, their interests: Wiley, Thomas B. and Elizabeth NETTENVILLE, J.A. LILLY and wife Minerva, Benjamin WALKER and wife Emeline, William DELOACH.

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5318 - 1866 Mar. 10 - (O.B.) William OAKLY a citizen of Wilson Co., TN against Ptolemy MCMILLEN, Thomas KNIGHT, Henry HILL and David CHAMBERS all of Wilson Co., TN. Orator purchased land in Civil District 15 from defdt. KNIGHT in Wilson Co., TN bounded by David MOONY, George JENNINGS, James KING.... - Answer of David CHAMBLISS ... 18 June 1857 indenture between Thomas H. KNIGHT and William OAKLEY $2490. land in Wilson Co., TN Civil District 15 on the waters of Smith's Fork, 166a bounded by T.H. KNIGHT, James T. JEWELL ... Charles SIMPSON ... James KING ... A.T. STROUD ... Green B. ADAMS ... Wits: John W. MOORE; T.G. WILSON.... - Deposition of Mr. P. MCMILLAN, aged 40. 1866 - Summons: Carrol PORTERFIELD, Chas. MCMILLAN, Henry SHORES, and Thomas KNIGHT.

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5352 - 1853 Aug. 30 - (O.B.) Sydney J. SMITH and his wife, McHenry Ann SMITH of Wilson Co., TN against James EDWARDS of Marshall Co., TN. Richard HILL died in Maury Co., TN testate. Testator gave to his three great grand children Penelope, Elizabeth and McHenry Ann BRIDGES a negro man named Peter. EDWARDS claimed said slave under an alleged gift from the testator during the life of the latter. That he brought suit against the heirs of Richard HILL, dec'd. ... pending the suit, two of the legatees, Penelope and Elizabeth being yet minors, married, the first with James M. HUNT and the second with Thomas BABB. They agreed to compromise.... In 1842 Sydney was in Lewisburg.
1854 Jan. 7 - Ans. of Deft. James EDWARDS of complt. against him by Sydney J. SMITH and wife Mahenry Ann. Richard HILL died in Maury Co. in June or July 1832. James C. RECORD and John R. HILL exors. In the year 1824 the defdt. married Nancy BRIDGES who was a grandchild of Richard HILL and the mother of the complt. Mahenry Ann, Penelope and Elizabeth by a former husband, at this time the defdts. were living in N.C. and he and his wife continued to live having with them the complt. Mahenry Ann and her sisters until the year 1831. Richard HILL sent word to the defdt. that if he would move out to Maury Co. with his family and settle them, he would give the defdt. and his wife 2 negroes named Molly and Peter.... He sold out his homestead and moved to this state. He arrived at the house of Richard HILL with his family on the 1st day of Jan. 1832. Defdt. in a few days moved into a house that had just been vacated by a son of Richard HILL and took with him the slaves Peter and Molly and continued in the possession from that time until a few weeks before the death of Richard HILL, when one of Richard's sons came into the field where Peter was at work and forcibly took him from the possession of the defdt. At the time of the suit, Peter was 15 years of age.... When he married her mother, Mahenry Ann was about 3 years old and from the date of the marriage over to the year 1839 Mahenry Ann had been a member of his family. 1854 - Summons executed on R. HILL, Benjamin WEAVER and Thos. MCKNIGHT.

1854 June 12 - Giles Co., TN. Dep. of Franklin W. HILL about 45 says he carried the message to N.C. asking the defdt. to come here....
1854 June 13 - Marshall Co., TN. Dep. of Wm. S. LENARD about 45, went to N.C. and relayed the message about the slaves.

1854 Nov. 25 - Dep. of Penelope E. HUNT says, "...we moved to the house I called "Bob's House", his son Bob HILL lived in the house at the time. Great grand father died in July. After Peter was taken away from Edward my grand father HILL, who had a cancer on is face, went about a good deal. I remember he walked to my aunts, where I was staying about half a mile from his house. I was about 17 when I came to this county from N.C. My sister, Mrs. SMITH was not sent to school more than a month by EDWARDS. My sister, Mrs. SMITH, was about 3 years old when my mother married EDWARDS. My sister, Mrs. SMITH, eloped when she married. My husband and I approved of the match. My mother was not keeping house in N.C. when she married EDWARDS. After my mother's marriage while they remained in N.C. I made his house my home. After my mother's marriage my cousin Frank HILL came to N.C. from this state. I never saw a man named William LEONARD from this state, in N.C. There was a man named Leonard, who married EDWARDS sister-in-law, who lived near him in N.C...."

1854 Nov. 28 - Marshall Co., TN. Dep. of Benjamin S. WEAVER about 60 says he knew Richard HILL late of Maury Co., in N.C. and was intimately acquainted with him after he moved to TN which he thinks was in 1816.... "I was at Richard HILL'S house the night EDWARDS landed there from N.C. and stayed all night. In the morning the old man HILL, Mr. EDWARDS and myself walked out in to the yard where the negroes were killing a hog. Mr. HILL turned to Mr. EDWARDS and pointed at the boy Peter and said to EDWARDS that is the boy I gave to you last night ... the old man had a cancer...."

1854 Nov. 30 - Dep. of Jas. M. HUNT says "I am brother-in-law of complt. I married his wife's sister - have know complt. SMITH since he was a boy - SMITH married complt. McHenry Ann on the 12th Dec. 1840.... It would take SMITH 5 days to go to Lewisburg and return allowing him one day to remain. SMITH was not married at my house, but a house in the neighborhood. SMITH'S wife resided at my house nearly 5 years before she was married. I supported her.... When she went backwards and forwards to Marshall Co. to see her mother, I paid her traveling expenses. By the will, Peter was bequeathed to the three BRIDGES children one of whom witness married, another married BABB, and the third complt. McHenry Ann, married SMITH.... The suit was moved from BCT to Marshall Co.... There was a little coolness between my family and SMITH'S on account of SMITH'S wife's not marrying at my house. I think Mrs. SMITH is 33 or 34.... Mrs. SMITH was 18 or 19 when she married."

Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
Priscilla Davis was the dau of Zachariah and Elizabeth Hill (dau of John .... Searching for HILL, Robert married Louisa HARRISON on May 15, 1834, died 1845. ...

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I would like to find the names and dates of wives married to Hershel Samuel CARVER- His first wife was Lila M Sheeves married around 1918. Lila M Sheeves Carver died 10 Feb 1926. I believed that Hershel Samuel CARVER was married at least three more times. Hershel Samuel CARVER and family lived in Mount Juilet, Wilson County, Tennessee area until 1940. Your help would be appreciated.
P. Ferguson
Submitted on Fri Apr 27 14:44:16 MDT 2001

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James D. Walker (1777-1849) md Nancy Davis.
Nancy was dau of Isham & Charlotte Long Davis.
James D. and Nancy had: Orrand (m/1 unk, m/2 Evaline Hall/Holt); Elizabeth (m/1 Matthews Brown, m/2 Samuel Higgason); James; Sarah/Sally (m Samuel Coles); Marcus M. (m Priscilla Davis); Thomas (m Elizabeth Hall/Holt); Nancy (m/1 Dorman Taylor, m/2 Harvey H. Wright); and Martha. Priscilla Davis was the dau of Zachariah and Elizabeth Hill (dau of John & Judith Scurlock Hill) Davis and was her husband's first cousin. Zachariah Davis took his entire family (married and all) to Benton Co., Missouri, after leaving Wilson Co. and living in Barren Co., Kentucky for a few years. Especially interested in parents and siblings of James D. Walker. Have the Davis back and allied lines back to its origins in America.
Submitted on Sat Apr 7 23:48:24 MDT 2001

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Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
Robert HILL in Wilson Co., TN. /S/ James H. co*ckE. 1840 Sept. 3 - Dep. of James C. JOHNSTON, 43. James MCDONALD built two boats for SHEPHERD and ...

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5661 - 1840 May 7 - (I.B.) Thomas C. SHEPHERD Against Jones W. LOCK both of Wilson Co., TN. Orator says in the year 1836, orator and LOCK entered into partnership of two boat loads of corn which they intended for the southern market. He agreed to funish the money and orator the labor and trouble of buying, transporting and selling. The defdt. kept the article of part- nership and after the enterprise proved unfortunate he refused to produce the paper.
1840 July 18 - Dep. of James co*kE, 23, at home of Col. Robert HILL in Wilson Co., TN. /S/ James H. co*ckE.
1840 Sept. 3 - Dep. of James C. JOHNSTON, 43. James MCDONALD built two boats for SHEPHERD and LOCK. - Dep. of Isaac G. COLE, 42. Bondsman: John MUIRHEAD, Wilson Co., TN.
1841 Mar. 10 - Taftower Carrol Co., MS.: Dep. of Allen T. MCCASKELL, 30, says he lived with Stephen D. MILLER in Taftower in 1836.... - Dep. of William LEFLONE, 35. - Dep. of Henry JEFFERSON, 37.
1841 Mar. 16 - Dep. of Allen R. DILLARD, 42, Grenada Yallaboosha Co., MS at home of E.P. STRATTON.

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5712 - 1838 Jan. 22 - (Exparte Petition) James YEARGIN represents that George STEEL died Oct. 1837 in Wilson Co., TN and he was apt'd. admr. Nov. Term of the same year. Samuel STEEL father of intestate in 1821 conveyed to the 12 children of said George therein named 4 negroes: Lucy and her children which are now in possession of your petitioner.... One of the doners has died, namely Samuel, leaving 11. The woman slave is getting old, one of the children of Lucy had two children increase, but one of them is now dead, so the number is now 5. Samuel left no increase. Doners are now settled over several states. All off age but one (Lucinda) and that one has a gdn., George WILLIAMSON. ...Lucinda B. STEEL.

1821 Feb. 26 - (Deed of Gift) 10 July 1821, STEELE to STEELE Boutourt Co. Court. The deed of gift together with the certificate from the county court of Fauquire.... "I Samuel STEELE of Fanquire Co., VA for natural affection to my grandchildren William STEELE, George STEELE, Sarah STEELE, Caroline STEELE, Samuel STEELE, Margaret STEELE, Nancy STEELE, Gallenus STEELE, Eleanor STEELE, John STEELE and Lucy STEELE and for $1.00 the following negro woman named Lucy and her three children Mary, James, and Harriet to stay in possession of George STEELE of Botetourt Co., VA the father of my grandchildren until the youngest of them, Lucy STEELE, shall arrive at the age of 21...." /S/ Samuel STEELE. Wit.: John WEAVER; Charles THOMHILL.

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5704 - 1851 July 10 - (I.B.) Rebecca WRIGHT of Wilson Co., TN Against James WRIGHT, Robert BELL, Thomas WRIGHT and Benjamin WRIGHT of Wilson Co., TN, Zachius WRIGHT of Coffee Co., TN and John WRIGHT of MO. Rebecca is widow of John WRIGHT who died intestate in Wilson Co., TN Jan. 1849. Previous to his death her husband purchased from his son Thomas WRIGHT a small tract in Wilson Co., TN. Sold by Thomas KIRKPATRICK to the defdt. James WRIGHT who took the house of KIRKPATRICK for a title. James WRIGHT sold it to Thomas WRIGHT.... A few days after purchase John WRIGHT died ... 37 1/2a adjoining William LANNAM on the E., Robert BELL on S. and W. and Shelton ARNOLD on N. The said James, Thomas, Benj., Zachius and John WRIGHT are all children of John WRIGHT, dec'd. 1852 Dep. of James F. WRIGHT, 30. Ira W. FIELDS, 35. I.G. WRIGHT, 25. Robert L. RICKETS, 46. Zacheus WRIGHT, 24. R.A. BASKINS 2_. Samuel J. ALSUP, 44. Thomas KIRKPATRICK, 56.

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1903 Feb. 24 - Dep. of Mrs. J.W. BOYD says Wade Sr. died in 1893. Her son-in-law got killed the first day of May '99. Elizabeth BAKER died the close of the year of '99, after the death of Wade. After Wade married her dau. they lived at the BAKER homeplace. They were married in Jan. '99. /S/ M.A. BOYD. "...offered to sell me the 39a known as the SMITH place ... the cedar timber was sold from what is known as the RICE place ... 70a." Dep. of W.F. JENKINS of Civil District 25, Wilson Co., TN.

------------------ ,Also

1931-B - 1879 Aug. 1 - Settlement with D.W. DAVIS, gdn. of his minor children Wm. H., Bettie J., Thomas R. & R.L. DAVIS.
1954-B - 1889 Sept. 25 - This dep. filed as evidence in the case R.T. DAVIS et als VS Ed JACKSON et als. Originally filed 8 Mar. 1883 (Complts. proof). Martha JACKSON &C VS R.T. DAVIS et als. [This 23 page dep. of James HAMILTON has the first 2 pages missing.] CHERRY'S grandfather is I.F. DAVIS. Says he thought Eli CHERRY was supposed to advance all the money. HAMILTON wrote the deeds ... speaks of the 210a and 140a ... "I had a mortgage on the tract known as the CHERRY tract, in Davidson Co. Wm. JACKSON gave me the mortgage, he was a son of complt. Martha A. & Defdt. Edmond JACKSON. Wm. JACKSON inherited it by being half brother of Eli CHERRY.... Martha A. JACKSON'S father was Mr. DAVIS ... grandson, Wm. JACKSON. Wm. A. JACKSON died before the redemption of the CHERRY land, a year or two.... Abram JACKSON was uncle of W.H. JACKSON. I always understood that I.F. DAVIS was gdn. of Eli CHERRY - that he had his means - that he was the son of Mrs. JACKSON - was then about of age.... - Elizabeth JACKSON'S husband was Asa JACKSON."

Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
1822, #4 is Rebecca Hill. Brother of Thomas A. is W.W. Rutland All are from around Wilson Co. area. Jacque Johnson -- 2819 W. Beechwood, Fresno, CA 93711 ...
------------------ ,

I am looking for a Thomas A. Rutland B. Wilson, Co. in 1848. Wife #l Mary Franklin b. 1861, #2 Jennie Page m. 1887, #3 Alice Honeycutt b. 1864. His father W.C. Rutland b. 1813 and mother Emily Miles b. 1816 Wife #2 of W.C. is Mary M. Young b. 1815, #3 is Mary A. Hunt Martin b. 1822, #4 is Rebecca Hill. Brother of Thomas A. is W.W. Rutland All are from around Wilson Co. area.
Jacque Johnson -- 2819 W. Beechwood, Fresno, CA 93711
Submitted on Fri Aug 13 20:17:30 EDT 1999

------------------ ,

I am looking for information on the family of William Maxwell, Jr. and his wife Rachel Shores. One of their sons was Milton M. Maxwell and his wife was Elizabeth Hill and also Mary Buchanan Hughes. If you have any information on any of these folks, please contact me.... Thanks!!
Joanna Backman
Submitted on Mon Jun 21 16:05:34 EDT 1999

------------------ ,

HILL, John A., b. pre-1820 - am told that he and his family came to Arkansas via the Cumberland Gap. They lived in Wilson Co., Tn. for a time. I suspect he was still living in Wilson Co. in 1848 since he named one of his girls Tennessee. She was born in 1848. He
Jay Hill
Submitted on Wed Apr 28 22:44:27 EDT 1999


Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
With her were: WILLIAM THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, age 18, and his wife, FANNIE CATHERINE (HILL)CARTWRIGHT, age 18. Sarah's husband listed as being ...


Looking for the CARTWRIGHT husband of SARAH CARTWRIGHT, (1795 - 1870+) (she was born in NC) living in Lincoln Co., in the 1860 census. With her were: WILLIAM THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, age 18, and his wife, FANNIE CATHERINE (HILL)CARTWRIGHT, age 18. Sarah's husband listed as being born in VA.
Donna J Borges
Submitted on Sat Sep 14 15:14:20 MDT 2002


Looking for relatives of my great-grandparents, John Hill DAVIS (born 1818 Wilson, TN) and Lucy Ann FRAZER (born c1828 TN). Their children: James M., Braxton Brantley, Elizabeth, Mary Tennessee, Martha G., Tompkins Beauregard (my grandfather), William T., and Artemisa DAVIS. Their first child born in TN, all the rest in Benton County, Missouri. Thanks for any help.
Thelma Davis Slack -- 170 Teeling Trail, Whitney, TX 76692
Submitted on Fri Dec 7 22:48:42 MST 2001


Wilson Co., TNGenWeb
... Thomas 73,82,83,84,86175, Hern W. R. 140, Hickman Mrs. 96, Hickman William 94, Hickman Thomas 181, Higarty Patrick 203, Higety Patrick 195, Hill Jas. ...


What follows is a listing of names found in Wilson County Court Minutes 1809-1819 as determined from a previous transcription. Names have not been checked against the original records. The book of transcribed minutes is found at the Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, TN.
A list of Plaintiffs and Defendants, without page numbers, is available.

by The Tennessee Historical Records Survey Division of Community Service Programs Work Project Administration

NameCourt Record Page

Last Name1st/2nd Name

Allen John 191,193,195, Allen Saml 151, Allen Will 124, Allen William 169,175,178, Allin Geo. A. 57,61, Allin John 6,15, Allin Samuel 13,30, Allin Wm. 109,
Beck John E. 16,
Bell David 186,185, Bell Francis 185,186, Bell John 143, Bell Joseph L. 194, Bell Jos. T. 194,
Bloodworth 99,119,134, Bloodworth Jesse 66,67,70, Bloodworth William 71,80, Bloodworths William 26,
Calhoon John 118,215, Calhoun Samuel 24,
Carver Thomas 27,73,75,77,80,82,83,84,86,95,
Castleman Andrew 99,119,134, Castleman Benjamin 4,8, Castleman Jo 80, Castleman Joseph 31,35,108,
Finley Obediah G. 24,28,29,30, Finley O. G. 131,
Harrison Thweatt 144, Harrison Threatt 140,

Hill Jas. 94,

Lane Armstead 145,
Lytle William 32,143, Lytle William Jr. 35, Lyttle William 7,
Martin George 189, Martin J. L. 192,199,


The Darnell , Newsom(e), Hill, Family Home Page - Genealogy.com
Oct 26, 2003 – William Hill married Martha Ann Griffy; lived in Tennessee during early 1800's. Green B. Newsom married Miranda Dickinson; Green B. was born ...familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/h/i/l/Max-R-Hill/index.html Cached


Madison County, Tennessee, Loose Marriage Bonds (1850-1851)
The Continuation of the Madison County, Tennessee, Loose Marriage Bonds copied for this issue by Charlotte (Mrs. ... Newsom, Robert to Harris, Narcissus ... Newsom, Jenkins to Bond, Eliza A. Sol. ... Newbern, Darius D. to Hill, Elizabeth A. ...www.tngenweb.org/records/madison/vitals/mar-ff/marbond5.htmCached

(Page 125)
The Continuation of the Madison County, Tennessee, Loose Marriage Bonds copied for this issue by Charlotte (Mrs. Dempsey) Thornton at the Court House, Jackson, Tennessee
Newsom, Robert to Harris, Narcissus
Iss'd Oct. 15, 1850
Witness: Robert Newsom and George L. Harris
Sol. Oct 15, 1850 by Minister Cooper


Newbern, Darius D. to Hill, Elizabeth A.
March 25, 1850
Witness D. J. Newbern


August 6, 1868-October 18, 1871
(Page 2)

This entire book was entered with the marriages of black persons. The symbol = indicates marriage. Abstracted below are the names of persons being married, date of marriage or date when license was issued (when the license was not returned for recording in the county court clerk's office), and the name of the person who performed the marriage ceremony.
The initial MG means Minister of the Gospel.
Public Marriage Records of Black Persons in Madison County, Tennessee 1868-1888
Eli Hill = Angelina Gardner, February 21, 1870. Jeff Brown, col.Minister of the Gospel.


MARRIAGE BOOK C, August 6, 1868-October 18, 1871 (Pages 2-12)

Joe Jenkins and Leah Hill, license only August 14, 1869.
Young Hunt = Narcisa Hill, November 12, 1870. J. C. Harris, JP.
Henry Jackson = Martha Hill, December 27, 1868. Nathan Taylor


MARRIAGE BOOK E, October 22, 1871-January 4, 1879 (Pages 12-38)

075. Washington Hill = Hattie Hotskey, August 7, 1872. Isham Campbell, MG.
076John Taylor = Sarah Jane Higgins, August 22, 1872. Charles Lea, MG.
101. Jerry Neill = Nanny Hill, December 12, 1872. Berry Caruthers, MG.
226Henry Hill, Jr. = Sally Cooper, December 25, 1873. T. N. Stephenson, JP.
227 Ben Johnson = Margaret Hill, December 31, 1873. C. McRae, MG.
400. Jake Hill = Catherine Ingram, January 31, 1876. Eli Anthony, MG.
Sandy Hill = Haley Hunt, January 29, 1876. J. C. Harris, JP.
481 Henry Hill & Catherine Johnson, license only June 20, 1877.
489. William Hill = Harriet Hill, August 12, 1877. Henry Bond.
511 Charly Hill = Callie Lacy, December 13, 1877. Parson Dunlap, DD.
543. Orange Butler = Jennie Hill, February 6, 1878. Rev. John Benton.
556. Booker Givens = Lucy Hill, March 24, 1878. Isam Hill, MG.

MARRIAGE BOOK G, July 13, 1879-January 27, 1883 (Pages 38-52)

223.Jeff Reid = Rose Givens, October 29, 1880. Isham Hill.
579. Charley Hill = Cora Davis, November 30, 1882. Logan Curry, MG.
587Green Hill = Hattie Bush, December 14, 1882. Chas. Turner, MG.
015. William Hill = Laura Davis, August 28, 1879. Parson Logan Curry.
016Willie Hill = Eliza Smith, August 30, 1879. J. C. Harris, JP.
043. Booker Givens = Margaret Young, November 3, 1879. J. H. Hill.
116. Archie Mayo = Miss Alice Hill, January 15, 1880. Logan Currie, MG.

MARRIAGES, January 28, 1883-April 13, 1887 (Pages 52-66)

097. M. C. Hogins = Miss B. Chester, December 6, 1883. Elder Barnes.
160 Wilie Curry = Hattie Graves, March 19, 1884. J. H. Hill, JP.
221. Isham Hill & Mandy Nevells, license only October 28, 1884.
255. Jeff Hill = Fannie Anderson, December 25, 1884. S. L. Tyson, MG.
Allen Exum = Dena Smith, December 25, 1884. Henry Hill, MG.
287. George Hill = Sarah Anderson, February 8, 1885. M. V. B. Exum, JP.
337. Tom Hill = Neil Glenn, October 1, 1885. R. H. Epperson, JP.
549. Ed Jones = Manda Hill, December 29, 1887. M. L. Day.
585. Allen Stubbs = Leanna Graves, February 27, 1887. Rev. Logan Curry

MARRIAGE BOOK J, April 14, 1887-December 29, 1888 (Pages 66-72)
151 Reuben Hill = Laura Burke, April 8, 1888. Rev. C. Dunlap.
158 John Cole = Hattie Hill, May 20, 1888. R. H. Epperson, JP.
014 Wyatt Vanhook = Charlotte Tomlinson, May 31, 1887. Rev. W. A. Bledsoe, MG.
189. John W. Lanier & Hattie Godfrey, license only October 17, 1888.

HILL 3, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 51, 58, 59, 60, 65
HIGGINS 9, 12, 15, 50, 64

Madison , TENNESSEE ....Table of Contents
Bible Records from Family Findings
Volume II, 1970
Spanogle Family Bible Records


Family Findings, Vol. II, No. 2, April 1970, p. 61.
SPANOGLE FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS: Mrs. Louis Hill, 22 Kemmons Dr., Jackson, Tenn., is the owner of a quite valuable Martin Luther German Bible, Title Page and complete Bible written in German, publication date 1736. There are many most unusual pictures in this old Bible, and the following records are entered therein:

Volume III, 1971
Hill Family Bible Records
From Family Findings, Vol. III, No. 1, January 1971, pp. 11-12

HILL FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS, contributed by Mrs. Louis Hill,

22 Kemmons Dr., Jackson, Tenn. 38301, also the owner of the Bible from which these records were taken.
TITLE PAGE: The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of The Original Tongues; and with The Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, Instituted in the Year MDCCCXVL. 1858


Isaac Hill Junior to Elizabeth Ann Bunnell May 17th 1794
Maria Hillto Bola Coe April 23d 1817
Ruth Hillto John Hough August 1828
Benjamin Hillto Julia Stephens December 1828
Leverett Hillto Esther Strong March 25th 1829
Charles Hillto Melinda Lyon July 24th 1830
Austin Hillto Cornelia Rowland September 27th 1832
Sylvester Hillto Clarissa Applebee November 19th 1835
Charlotte Hillto William Hickorson November 19th 1835
Sophia Hillto Asa Wheeler October 19th 1847
Sally Hillto Zenus D. Bradish August 1844

Isaac Hill Junior, November 6th 1772
Elizabeth Ann, Bunnoll, April 12th 1771
Maria Hill, March 20th 1795
Benjnmin Hill, November 7th 1796
Levcrett Hill, March 16th 1798
Charles W. Hill, August 14th 1799
Elizabeth Arm Hill, May 31st 1801
Sophia Hill, March 25 1803
Ruth Emily Hill, March 7th 1805
Charles Hill 2d, March 6th 1807
Austin Hill, December 26th 1808
Sylvester Hill, December 17th 1810
Esther Hill, September 20th 1812
Sally Hill, March 11th 1814
Charlotte Hill, March 12th 1816


Charles W. Hill, September 27th 1801
Esther Hill, September 30th 1816
Elizabeth Ann Hill, August 22d 1828
Elizabeth Ann Hill, 2d, August 30th 1838
Bela Coe, October 5th 1849
Leverett Hill, October 2d 1851
Isaac Hill junior, September 3d 1860
Charles Hill, January 7th 1865
Sally B. Bradish, October 14,1865
Maria Coe, Oct 20, 1866
Clella B. Hill, July 13 1915


Sylvester Hill, December 17th 1810
Clarissa A. Hill< April 17, 1815
Isaac H. Hill, Dec. 5th 1836
Truman O. Hill, July 13th 1838
Elmore D. Hill, Aug. 5th 1843
Ellen G. Hill, Sept. 5th 1848
Homer C. Hill, Apl. 10th 1852
Horace B. Hill, Aprl. 30th 1855
Martin L. Hill, 4th chd., Dec. 9th 1845


Sylvester Hill, November 19th 1878
Isaac H. Hill, Sept. 4th 1849 (
Ellen G. Hill, Sept. 10th 1853
Elmore D. Hill, Sept. 25th 1854
Martin L. Hill, May 7th 1864


S. Bruce Hill to Janie S. Coats, Sept. 1st 1896
Sylvester Bruce Hill to Janie S. Coats, Sept. 1st 1896
Louis Sylvester Hill & Vera Ruth Biddle married.June 11, 1925


Sylvester Bruce Hill, Sept. 3, 1867
Janie Sarah Coats, July 7, 1869
Elsie Hill, June 21st 1897
Thomas Orvin Hill, Dec. 21st 1900
Louis Sylvester Hill, Aug. 31, 1905
Raymond Hartley Hill, May 22, '07
Norma Jean Hill, Born June 9, 1927
Gladys Joan Hill, Born June 26, 1929

______________:Next New Listing Below

Volume III, 1971
The Bible of Elizabeth C. Elam
From Family Findings, Vol. III, No. 4, October 1971, pp. 146-147

The following Bible Records are submitted by Mr. William B. Elam, Box 194, Medina, Tenn. 38355. The Bible from which these records were taken belonged to Elizabeth C. Elam until her death Aug. 1, 1902. Her neice Mary E. Elan then had it until her death January 14, 1939, and it presently is in the possession of Mr. William B. Elan.

Edwin P. Phillips was married to Elizabeth Hill February 14th 1843

______________:Next New Listing Below

Volume VI, 1974
Bible Records of the Holt-Adams Family of Gibson County, Tennessee

From Family Findings, Vol. VI, No. 3, July 1974, pp. 97-98
Mrs. Martha Tummelson, RR 3, phone - 352-2891, Champaign, Illinois. 61820, has submitted the bible records on the Holt-Adams family of gibson County, Tennessee. Mrs. Tummelson stated that many of the leaves of the Bible are missing and the back is off. It is a big, leather Bible. Sabrina E. Adams and Neal Alexander Holt were the owners and they lived in Gibson County, married in Milan, Tennessee, August 10, 1848. The Holts lived in Humboldt in 1870, Sabrina Holt died 1877. Mrs. Tummelson received the Bible about 10 years ago and the age of the book is about 126 years. The parents of Sabrina Adams Holt were not named in the Bible.

N. A. Holt and Sabrina Adams was married August the 10, 1848.
John R. Wooters and Martha Lou Ellen Holt was married January 28, 1869.
David Holt and Pollie Ann May was married October the 8, 1876.
S. S. Smothers died 1914.
Nancy M. Hill born May 8, 1849. Died May 1, 1911.

Nancy M. Hill was married May th 17, 1877. (N. A. Holt 2nd wife)

______________:Next New Listing Below

Volume VII, 1975
William Gladney McMaster Bible
From Family Findings, Vol. VII, No. 2, April 1975, p. 27-28
This Bible is now in the possession of Misses Ann and Marguerite Van Hook, 335 N. Fairground St., Jackson, Tennessee. Copied by Elizabeth Greer McMaster (Mrs. Guy).
Annie Delesline Van Hook born July 16, 1904
Marguerite Van Hook was born Mar. 7, 1906



Nathan Henry Van Hook to Annie Pybus McMaster by Rev. Dodd, Dec. 25, 1902

______________:Next New Listing Below

Volume VIII, 1976
Sloan Family Bible
From Family Findings, Vol. VIII, No. 2, April 1976, pp. 13-14
(Page 13)

This data was copied from the Sloan Family Bible several years ago before the Bible was carried by a family member to another state probably Missouri. Other data has been added of the last few years. This was given to "Family Findings" by Mrs. J. P. Roden, Route 6, Humboldt, Tn.. 38343.

Ola Sloan Graves and William Dee Bush were married Jan 28 (or 29), 1909.

William Dee Bush born Nov 25, 1877 in Madison Co. died Apr 12, 1958 buried at Browns Church in Madison Co, Tn.

William and Ola Bush had one dau:
Gladys Belle Bush born Aug 29, 1910 died Dec 20, 1938 buried Milan, Tn.

Ola Sloan Graves Bush was married to C. B. Anderson of Lexington, Tn. in Oct (or Nov) 1961. No children.
Ellis Ray Graves, son of Ola and Wilce Graves, was married to Nellie Hill, and had two children:
Harrell Ray Graves born Apr 1, 1925.
Sarah Nell Graves Apr 28, 1929.

______________:Next New Listing Below

Volume IX, 1977
William Houston Harris Family Bible Record
From Family Findings, Vol. IX, No. 4, October 1977, p. 24
Submitted by Mrs. Charles Lee Harris, 2351 Chere Carol Rd., Humboldt, Tn. 38343.

William Houston Harris May 6, 1830
His wife, Malisa Jennings March 7, 1835


A. J. Harris April 15, 1858
Elizabeth Harris April 17, 1860
Ruth Ann Harris May 22, 1861
Mary Novela Harris May 22, 1861
W. H. Harris, Jr. May 14, 1863
Matty Harris June 10, 1865
Jesse Lee Harris Sept. 30, 1868
Lilly Harris Dec. 16, 1872

I. B. Hill July 12, 1851
M. W. Hill May 22, 1861
Children of Isaac Brown Hill

Ruth A. Hill March 11, 1883
George J. Hill Aug. 10, 1884
Una D. Hill Jan. 6, 1881 Wilson Co.

W. H. Harris and Malisa Jennings, Aug. 2, 1856

W. H. Harris and Mrs. E. E. Wright, Oct. 16, 1880 (maiden name Haltom)

A. J. Harris and Emmie Moore, Nov. 12, 1888

Novella Harris and Isaac Brown Hill, May 30, 1882

Ruth Harris and John J. Witt, Nov. 6, 1895

Lillie Harris and John A. Baird, Dec. 29, 1896



W. H. Harris, Sr., Aug. 1918
Malisa Harris, Aug. 22 1878
A. J. Harris, July 1934
Elizabeth Harris, June 4, 1860
Ruth Harris (Witt) Oct. 1922
Mary Novela Harris (Hill) Jan. 19, 1921
William H. Harris, Jr. Nov. 1919
Matty Harris, April 16 1867
Lee Harris, May 25, 1946
Lillie Harris (Baird), Oct. 23, 1903
I. B. Hill, July 20, 1890
George J. Hill, July 13, 1919
John A. Baird, Jr. Jan. 7, 1919
John A. Baird Sr. June 16, 1935

______________:Next New Listing Below

(Page 25)

HILL CEMETERY located on the Campbell lane about 1 mile from its intersection with its Steam Hill Ferry Rd in Madison Co., Tenn. This well kept old family cemetery is still in use. Copied 27 May 1972 by B. R. Randolph.
Inscription on the large granite monument in the center or the cemetery "Allen Hill-early settler of Madison County, Tenn. Capt in the War of 1812 organized Cane Creek Baptist Church, the first Baptist Church in Madison Co served as minister for 25 years, 1815-1825. Born Dec 27, 1769 in Pittsylvania Co, Va. Married Aug 28, 1795 Died Sept 21, 1857. His wife Sarah Garrett born Feb 22, 1771 in Amelia Co, Va, died Apr 11, 1856. Children: Jacob, Nancy, Byrd, Evalina, Eliza, John O., Martha, Wm. D., Luraney & Lucindy, Charles Allen" erected by Anne Louise Golightly, Memphis, Tenn.

NOTE: Luraney and Lucindy were twins. There are a number of unmarked graves in this old cemetery, among which is undoubtedly the grave of Mary Hill, sister of Allen Hill and wife of Martin True. Martin True was a Revolutionary War soldier.

Allen, Claud M., 31 Oct 1877-18 Jan 1962
Allen, Nancy Margaret "Tot" Van Hook, 21 Aug 1882-23 Oct 1956

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(Page 26)
Givens, Robert Hill, son of R. H. & L. Givens (no dates)
Givens, Mrs. Lucinda, dau of Allen & Sarah Hill and consort of B. H. Givens, born in Williamson Co, Tenn. 12 June 1812 and died at her husband’s residence 17 July 1854, aged 42yr lmo 5da.

---------------- Skip To:

Givens, William W., son of B. H. & L. Givens born in Anderson Co, Texas (dates buried in cement, old stone) Anderson Co, Texas is where two of Allen Hill's brothers in law settled, the Rev Thomas Ranks who married Sarah "Sally" Hill and George Ranks who married Luraney Hill.
Thomas and Sarah (Hill) Ranks are buried in Old Antioch Cemetery near Montalba in Anderson Co, Texas.
Their markers were still readable a few years ago but have since been destroyed by vandals.
George and Thomas Hank's sister, Joicey, married Reuben Hill.

Reuben and Joicey died in Maury Co, Tenn.
Allen' s brother Daniel Hill is buried in Rose Hill

Cemetery in McNairy Co, Tenn.
These Hill's are children of Thomas & _ (Hamblen) Hill of Pittsylvania Co, Va.---BRR)

Hill, Byrd, 18 Nov 1800-28 Sept 1872, married Louisa A Eddins 15 Jun 1830

Hill, Vesta H., born 18 Sept 1891-17 Nov 1968 (DAR marker)
Hill, Alice Harris, 1866-1941
Hill, Jacob David, 1865-1932
Hill, George W., 1871-1943
Hill, Jane L., dau of L. J. & A. R. Hill, 2 Mar 1868-22 Mar 1897

Hill, Byrd, 22 Nov 1876-8 Dec 1946
Hill, Clara Belle, infant dau of J. D.-A. E. Hill, 29 June 1897-11 Aug 1897

Hill, L. J., 1833-1900

Hill, A. R., wife of L. J. Hill, 1858-1918, also on this stone Maggie E. Hill Powell

Hill, Charles W., son of L. J. & A. R. Hill, 1 Oct 1859-23 Sept 1965

Hill, Jacob, died 2 Aug 1878, aged 81 yrs 11 mo 29da

Hill, Infant dau of Jacob and Jane Hill, 13 Apr 1836-25 Jan 1837
Hill, W. D. 2 Aug 1810-4 Sept 1830, aged 20 yrs 1 mo 2 da
Hill, Charles A., 18 Dec 1819-Sept 1841, aged 21 yrs 9 mo
Hill, Ophelia L., dau of Jacob & Jane Hill, 14 July 1842 -

____ (buried in cement)

Hill, Wil____ (old stone weathered, no dates)
Hill, George Leonidas, son of W. L. & L. M. Hill, 8 May 1906-25 June 1907

Hill, Lula Mae, 9 June 1879-21 Oct 1967
Hill, Walter L., l879-1942
Hill, Walter V. S., 26 June 1920-____
Hill, Walter L. Jr, 18 May 1910-2 Feb 1954
Hill, Charles W., son of Jacob and Jane Hill, 14 Oct 1839-24 Oct 1958

Hill, Allen, born 27 Dec 1769, married Sarah Garrett 26 Aug 1795, died 21 Sept 1857

Sarah Garrett, born 22 Feb 1771, m. Allen Hill 26 Aug 1795, d 11 Apr 1856

---------------- Skip To:

Newbern, William Hill, son of D. D. & Elizabeth Newbern, 14 Nov 1851-____ (buried in cement)

Hill, Elizabeth, dau of Jacob & Jane Hill, consort of Dr. D.D. Newbern, b in Madison Co, Tenn. 2 Dec 1828,
died at her fathers residence 13 Sept 1854, aged 25 yrs 9 mo 11 da
Powell, Maggie E. Hill, 1868-1946 (on stone with L. J. & A. R. Hill)
Williams, Mary Jane, dau of Jacob & Jane Hill, 15 Dec 1826-19 Aug 1846
Whitlow, Lela Hill, 1862-1942

Van Hook, E. W., 1872-1909
Van Hook, Ella Kate Williams, wife of S. W. Van Hook, 1855-1912

Van Hook, S. W., 1851-1909
Young, B. Frank, son of B. F. & E. J. Young, 1884-1912
Young, Elizabeth, dau of B. F. & E. J. Young, 1873-1910
Young, B. Frank, Sr, hus, 1845-1893
Young, Eugenia J., 1845-1920
Young, Louanna, dau of B. F. & E. J. Young, 27 Mar 1867-27 May 1867
______________:Next New Listing Below

(Smith Cemetery)

The Hill-Johnson Cemetery is located on the Roby Inman farm, north of Parsons to the rear of the home of Mr. & Mrs. Cleo Rhodes at 2053 Holladay Road. The cemetery is reached via a farm road which begins at the driveway, passes all the farm outbuildings, climbs the hill behind the house, then follows the south fence line down the opposite side of the hill. The cemetery is behind the fence about 3/4 of the way down. Cemetery maintenance may be limited to a once-yearly clearing. There are seven fieldstone-marked graves — three in the Hill-Quinn area, two in the row with the Jas. Johnson military marker, and two with the Smith markers.

David Donahue recorded Hill-Johnson Cemetery July 11, 2004. Margarett Alexander recorded Hill-Johnson Cemetery on March 20, 1977. Her record appears as an unnamed cemetery in Decatur County, Tennessee Cemetery Records, published by the Nathaniel A. Wesson Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Parsons, Tennessee, p. 595.

Hill, Mary E. [see Quinn, Mary E. Hill]
Quinn, Mary E. Hill, 1859-1891, "Mother" [replacement]

______________:Next New Listing Below

Hill-Johnson Cemetery
by William (Bill) Chumney

This is the Old John Prior Hill property and cemetery. John Prior Hill was born ca. 1801 in North Carolina and died after Feb. 2, 1867. He was probably the first Baptist preacher in this area, Settling with two of his brothers, Campbell Hill and Dutton Hill.

His wife was Rebecca Aldridge Hill (b. ca. 1805 in North Carolina, d. after 1860).

One of their daughters was Fannie A. Elizabeth Hill who married James Johnson. Fannie and James acquired the farm and lived there until he died during the Civil War. He is buried in the cemetery.

Children of John Prior Hill known buried in the cemetery:

1. Fannie Elizabeth Hill and husband James Johnson

2. Emiline Hill and husband W. H. Smith

3. Martha Melinda Hill and husband Robert M Quinn, Jr.

4. Mary Elizabeth Hill and husband John M. Quinn
Fannie A. Elizabeth Hill was born ca.1832 in the part of Perry Co., Tennessee that is now Decatur Co. On Oct. 20, 1854, she married James Johnson, the son of Jeremiah Johnson.

James was born ca. 1832 in the part of Perry Co. that is now Decatur Co., Tennessee.
The marriage was performed by John Priar Hill, a Baptist minister and Elizabeth's father, in the home of John Priar Hill, witnessed by John M. Johnson and John T. Hill.

James Johnson enrolled in company D of the 2nd Regiment of West Tennessee Cavalry on Sept. 23, 1862 at Carroll Co. and mustered into service as Corporal on Sept. 24, 1862 at Trenton, Tennessee, to serve one year. This regiment was later changed to become Company D 7th Tennessee Cavalry. He was mustered out of service Oct. 26, 1863 at Saulsbury, Tennessee. While in service at Saulsbury, Tennessee he contracted smallpox. At the date he was mustered out of service, he was still suffering from this disease and left camp in a wagon. Near Bethel Station in McNairy Co., Tennessee, he had a relapse from the smallpox and died Nov. 13, 1863. He was being treated by E. D. Bostick, acting assistant Surgeon for the 7th Tennessee Cavalry and his death was witnessed by James P. Haggard of Co E 6th Regiment of Tennessee Cavalry. He was taken home dead and buried on Nov. 17, 1863 in the family grave yard near the rear of his residence in Decatur Co., Tennessee. Fannie A. Elizabeth Hill Johnson died about 1891.

James Johnson and Fannie Elizabeth Hill had two children, William Campbell Johnson and Sarah Johnson. They lived on this farm until they were grown. Later William Campbell Johnson, my grandfather, bought Sarah's half of the farm. William Campbell Johnson acquired other land but he would never sell this farm. When his oldest daughter, Ada, married John Hearington, he let them live on the farm until she got sick and moved into Parsons. At the time of his death he left one half of the farm to Ada and the other half to another daughter, Genora, the wife of Claude Evans. When Genora died she left the farm to her daughter Mable Inman, when she died it was left to her daughter Claudine Rhodes.

John M. Quinn was first in the Southern army, taken prisoner and then joined the Northern army. He was sent West to fight the Indians.

Buried in the cemetery in unidentified graves are Elizabeth's sister Martha Melinda Hill Quinn (ca. 1837-aft. 1880) and Martha's husband Robert M. Quinn, Jr. (ca. 1835-aft. 1880).

There are several more unmarked graves in this cemetery and as this is the old Hill-Johnson property, Elizabeth probably had her father, John Priar Hill and mother, Rebecca buried here along with some more of her sisters and brothers.

______________:Next New Listing Below


Power, Moore families included
Transcribed by Martha Power Little
I am not sure which member of the Hill family this belonged to. In December of 1930 I know that the Bible belonging to
Allen Hill was still in existence, plus in the letter I have from December of 1930 it says that the bible belonging to Sarah
Garrett Hill was also available because a list of deaths and births from that bible were mentioned. The following are
records from the bible:

John G. Hillwas married to Jemima Cook, Feb 11th, 1826

Lucinda A. Hillwas married to J. McAlexander, May 12th, 1845

Sarah Hillwas married to C.N. Moore, Jan 19th 1848

Eliza Jane Hillwas married to G. H. Dukes

William M. Hillwas (married) to Mary E. Ruby, Dec 25th, 1855

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Allen Hilldied Nov 5th, 1830
Charles Hilldied Feb 5th, 1842
Jacob T. Hill died Mar 8th, 1856
Martha L. (Hill) Sucer died June 20th, 1857
Jamma (Jemima) Hilldied June 7th, 1861
M.(Meredith) N. Hilldied July the 25th, 1852 in war, Richmond, Va.

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Annie H. (Hill)Taylor was born Feb the 16, 1850
Emma Ophelia (Hill) Moore was born Jan 14, 1849
Elizabeth Ella(Hill) Moore wasborn Nov 20, 1850
Frank Charles Moore wasborn Dec 27, 1852
Octie Olivia Moore wasborn March 14, 1854
Hal J. Ferrell Moore wasborn May 20, 1856
Lelia Newton Moore wasborn Nov 14, 1859

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Emma Ophelia Moore died Sept 1859
Frank Chalres Moore died March 14, 1899
Lelia Newton Moore died July 1863
Charles Newton Moore died Aug 25, 1859
John G. Hill was wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga and departed this life at Augusta, Georgia at the Sauletimos (sp?) House in the year of out Lord: One Thousand And Eight Hundred And Sixty Four. (1864)
John G. Hill (Sr.) departed this life the 29th day of October 1869
Sarah E. (Hill) Braden died June 1919

---------------- Skip To:


Leonidas F. Hill was married to Annie Taylor August the 14th, 1866

Elizabeth Ella Moore married Samuel Thomas Power, Feb 3, 1880

Frank Charles Moore married Mattie E. Rook, Dec 20, 1878
Octie Olivia Moore married William Norman, 1875
H. J. F. Moore was married to Barbara Rook (no date)
Charles Lewis Power married Lena McLain, Nov 14, 1907
Mary Emma Power married H. Clyde Woods July 20, 1910
Shelby Reeves Power married Octie Kizer July 12, 1912
Sallie Thomas Power married John Hamilton McClatchy Dec 28, 1912

Eugene Douglas Power married Pearl Wright May 10, 1914
Octie Power married Andrew Cochran, Dec 31 1916


Charles Lewis Power was born Dec 15, 1880
Mary Emma Power was born Nov 10, 1882
Eugene Douglas Power Aug 14, 1884 (was born)
Octie Moore Power was born Oct 28, 1887
Shelby Reeves Power was born May 10, 1890
Sallie Thomas Power was born Oct 25, 1891
Sarah Louise Power was born May 27, 1909
Helen Estelle Power was born Aug 31, 1911
Douglas Clyde Woods was born June 23, 1911
Charles Lewis Power Jr. was born May 13, 1914
Mary Alice Power was born Oct 31, 1916
Dorothy Elizabeth Power was born Jan 16, 1915
Shelby Reeves Power, Jr. was born Jan 31, 1917

I know these are not in any order, but this is the progression of the names and births and marriages as they appear in the two different columns in the family bible.

I also have records from the Moore family bible that belonged to Austin Elvy Moore ( 15 Aug 1804 - 16 Aug 1874) The copyright date of that bible is 1856. The records in the Moore family bible coincide with the records from the Hill family bible.


Transcribed by Martha Power Little

A small synopsis of the Hill family (by Martha Power Little):

The first Hill family of which we have a record is Allen Hill who was born 27 Dec 1769 on the Dan River, Pittsburg Co.,
Virginia. Although efforts have been made to find out the names of his parents, nothing is known about them. Allen
married Sarah Garrett in East Tennessee in 1794. Sarah Garrett was born Feb 22, 1771 in Amelia County, Virginia.
Nothing is known about her parents. After marrying, Allen Hill began to move westward from East Tennessee following
the Cumberland River. He settled near Nashville, living on the Cumberland, Big Harpeth and the Little Harpeth Rivers
where several of his children were born. These children were Jacob, Nancy, Byrd, Evalina, Eliza and John Garrett Hill.

Later Allen Hill moved to Madison County, Tenn where he settled near Medon. It was here that he helped establish the
Cane Creek Baptist Church. He died at Medon in 1857. John (Jack) Garrett, son of Allen Hill and Sarah Garrett Hill,

married Jemima Cook of Medon, Tenn on 11 Feb 1826. After the signing of a treaty with the Chickasaw Indians which
moved the Indians to Oklahoma and opened sections in North Mississippi to settlement, John G. Hill moved his family to
Marshall County, Mississippi near Holly Springs in the Wesley Chapel neighborhood.

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Hill, Abigale GeorgeSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Winnie E.Sweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Callie MassengillSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Elijah BenjaminSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Hallie BlackmanSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, John ThomasSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, JuanitaSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Rufus H.Sweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Sarah M. "Sallie" WilliamsSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Reba Mae Busby (Hill) HopperSweetlips Cemetery
Hill, Clyde C.Henderson City Cemetery
Hill, Annie LeeHenderson City Cemetery
Hill, Ernestine W.Henderson City Cemetery
Hill, Gertrude MaddoxHenderson City Cemetery
Hill, James H.Henderson City Cemetery
Hill, John C.Henderson City Cemetery
Hill, VaudeHenderson City Cemetery
Hill, Mary "Mollie" E. TillmanHenderson City Cemetery
Hill, DellaEnville/Woodlawn Cemetery
Hill, MelvinEnville/Woodlawn Cemetery
Hill, StinsonEnville/Woodlawn Cemetery
Hill, George W.Bethel Church Cemetery
Hill, JasonBethel Church Cemetery
Hill, Mary GladysBethel Church Cemetery
Hill, Nannie M.Bethel Church Cemetery
Hill, William DorisBethel Church Cemetery
Hill, GuyNew Estes Cemetery
Hill, MaggieNew Estes Cemetery
Hill, Mary E.Robertson Cemetery
Hill, OgeneWoodville Cemetery
Hill, Ophia MyrtleWoodville Cemetery
Hill, Velma InezCave Springs Cemetery
Hill, William M.Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Hogan, W. T.Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Hogan, Stella,Old Mifflin Cemetery

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Jun 1853 A. J. HILL of McMinn Co to ROBERT ... McCARTY . 409 13 Sep 1853 JAMES HILL to S. J. ROWAN of Monroe ... W. BRIDGES, Trustees of “Forest Hill Academy”, to ALEXANDER CLEAGE, thewww.tngenweb.org/records/mcminn/land/pg68-162.htm


Page 74
328 21 Jun 1853 A. J. HILL of McMinn Co to ROBERT F. COOKE, JOHN KING, GEORGE BROWN, JOSIAH I. WRIGHT, and WILLIAM L. EAKIN, all of Monroe Co; Title Bond in the amount of $50,000.00 on condition that he make title to one half the mineral interest in land in McMinn Co., if copper or other minerals shall be found, the Grantees testing for minerals at their own expense, but to have the use of timber from the land for mining purposes; the operation to commence in twelve months.

Page 76409 13 Sep 1853 JAMES HILL to S. J. ROWAN of Monroe Co.

page 85187 22 Dec 1858 John Hill of Murry Co., Ga. to Elizabeth Marr.

303 22 Apr 1859 Stephen Hill to John Hill.
311 29 Mar 1859 Martha Stewart to Stephen Hill; her dower in land.

STEPHEN HILL--NC/TN (19 May 1825 NC - 12 Sep 1898 TN) + (1) Mary Addaline STEWART: children Sarah Jane (1849-1865) + John PLANK, Mary Ann (1851-1868) John Hamilton (1852-1943)+ Margret PEARCE, Martha Ellen (1855-1923) + Henry THOMAS, Landon Carter

(1858-1892)+ Belle Cowan, Andrew D. (1860-1883) +Mary Elizabeth THOMPSON, Joseph (died 1863 as infant)

STEPHEN HILL--NC/TN (19 May 1825 NC - 12 Sep 1898 TN) + (1) Mary Addaline STEWART-9 children
Landon Carter--TN (L.C.) Hill (1858 TN - 1892 TN) + Belle Cowan--8 children
Cowan Scott Hill Sr.--TN/OK (1885 TN - 1966 OK) + Mabel Wood-2 surviving children
Cowan Scott (Skeeter) Hill, Jr. (1921 OK - 2004 CA) + Mary

Vee Forrer-2 children

312 23 Mar 1859 Henry C., William R., and Giles W. Stewart to Stephen Hill.

685 27 Nov 1860 William B. Broomfield of Monroe Co. to John Hill of same.

723 27 Jun 1861 Williams Mayfield to Jese M. Hill; “by virtue of the title in me vested by deed of trust for use and benefit of Jese M. Hill, by my mother, the late Penelope Mayfield (deceased) do make and convey to the said Jese Hill, he being of the age of twenty one years”.
95 2 May 1859 County Court Decree; A.J. Hill, Exec. VS “John Charles Cocran & Willoby ray burn De__ & J.J. Dixon”, land known as the old Price place sold, reserving that which was deeded form Teastator, Joseph Rayburn, to his son J.J. Rayburn; rights of heirs of Joseph Rayburn named in the acption to the decree vested in E.P.Bloom, the high bidder

149 15 Apr 1867 Joseph B. Smart of Williamson Co., Ill. To John Hill; his undivided interest in estate of Thomas Smart dec’d.

156 26 Nov 1867 Copy of Chancery Court Decree: James Smart Exec. of Thomas Smart dec’d VS Widow and heirs; land, subject to dower of widow Margaret, sold to John Hill.

101 10 Jan 1872 P.L. Dodson and wife Amanda to John Hill; their 1/5 interest in the Jonathan F. Pugh farm.
458 12 Oct 1875 John Hill and wife Elizabeth to Stephen Hill; for love; 1/3 undividedinterest in land known as the
Thomas Smart land.Page 146


Page 14880 12 Aug 1876 Lewis Graves and wife Julia to Charles Hill; their 1/7 interest in two tracts of land.

Page 14981 21 Aug 1876 C. J. Wright and wife Catherine to Charles Hill; their 1/7 interestin two tracts of land.

Page 150210 17 Mar 1877 John Hill and wife E. to Sarah Brown and Samuel, John, and Jesse Vanzant; his 1/3 interest in land known as the Thomas Smart farm; for love.

Page 151229 12 Oct 1875 John Hill and wife Elizabeth to son Stephen Hill; for love; 1/3interest in land known as the William Brumfield farm.

Page 151232 14 Mar 1877 John Hill and wife Elizabeth to son Absalum Hill; for love.

Page 151233 16 Mar 1877 John Hill and wife Elizabeth to Russell Hill; for love

Page 152345 17 Mar 1877 John Hill and wife E. to Charles Hill; for love.



Page 8447 1 Feb 1858 Charles Cate to John M. Monds, B.A. Prophet, Michael C. Reynolds, A.G. Derrick, and Julius Miller, Trustees for the Methodist Protestant Episcopal Church, South, Mars Hill meeting house; $1.00; one acre on which said meeting house is now situated; land to be used for a church and also for a public school for the benefit of the public and convenience of the neighborhood.Mars Hill Presbyterian Church


To Pages 68-162

187 11 Dec 1838 Williams, Jesse, and Mahulda Mayfield, David A. Cobb and wife Prussia, Jessee Mayfield Jr., John and Samuel Mayfield, Elizabeth Hill, and Nancy Mayfield for herself and as Gdn. for William, Thomas, James, Walks, Clemons, and Parson Mayfield, to Thomas B. Mayfield.

189 11 Dec 1838 Jessee and Mahulda Mayfield, David A. Cobb and wife Prusia, Jessee Mayfield Jr., John and Samuel Mayfield, Elizabeth Hill, and Nancy Mayfield for herself and as Gdn. for William, Thomas, James, Walker, Clement, and Prussian Mayfield and to Thomas B. and Williams Mayfield.

259 24 Oct 1839 Joab Hill to William Hill. Teste: Anderson, John, John R., and William Neil.

Page 29
520 29 Jan 1841 John Hill of Murray Co., Ga. to John Moss, R.C. Jackson, S.K. Reeder, and John F. Reeder; Bill of Sale for slave.

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Mt. Tabor Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
This cemetery is located about 7 miles south of Jackson, Tennessee on the west side of Riverside Drive, at Mt. Tabor Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Kudzu is invading the cemetery from the west.

Hill, Alis, Nov. 15, 1847-Sept. 13, 1909 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995 who noted it to be "a broken stone"]

Hill, Bertha, d. Dec. 27, 1918, Age 18
Hill, Turner, d. Apr. 20, 1920, Age 22
Hill, Bessie, d. May 16, 1951, Age 50 Years [shares double marker with Callie Northern]

Hill, Ed Thomas, Nov. 7, 1944-Apr. 28, 1973, military marker "Tennessee Pvt US Army Vietnam"

Hill, Ella [see Winston, Ella Hill]

Hill, F. D., d. Oct. 1918, Age 38 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Hill, Frederick Douglas, May 6, 1949-Dec. 5, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 4 feet north of marker for Antonio "Lala" Givens

Hill, Hubert Lee, May 13, 1913-Sept. 28, 1998, In God's Care
Hill, Nancy, Oct. 17, 1887-Mar. 19, 1947, "Sleep on mother"
Hill, Ruby Mae, July 13, 1923-Apr. 9, 1996
Hill, Warzell, July 29, 1919-Oct. 28, 1952
Hill, William Lee, d. Nov. 30, 1914, Age 6
Hill, Fred, d. Feb. 15, 1914, Age 1 Year
Hill, William, 1874-1915 [Masonic symbol]
Northern, Callie, d. Nov. 26, 1942, Age 65 Years [shares double marker with Bessie Hill]
Winston, Ella Hill, Sept. 22, 1909-Oct. 4, 1986, "Parents of Andrew, Joseph, Richard, Robert"


Mar.1864-Mar. 1952 [not found in 2003; described by Smith in 1995: "next to Mrs. /Nancy/ Hill a stone with name worn. . . . May be a Givens (a fallen stone)"]

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St. Paul Baptist Church Cemetery
St. Paul Baptist Church Cemetery is located in south-central Madison County about 4 miles northeast of Medon, Tennessee on west side of Medon-Malesus Road. There are many unmarked graves and numerous funeral home markers with information missing.

Gardner, Hattie, 1886-1929, "Sisters" [shares double marker with Pearl Hill]

Brown, Eva G. Hill, Apr. 20, 1899-July 29, 1980

Hill, Angie, born & died 1907, "Dau. of Neely & Walter Hill" [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]
Hill, Beady, Mrs., d. Jan. 4, 1966, Aged 57 Years (best guess), temporary marker, 2 feet north of marker for Mary Alice Anderson

Hill, Dan, Jan. 24, 1894-June 21, 1916, "Son of J. D. & F. Hill"
Hill, Eva G. [see Brown, Eva G. Hill]
Hill, James W., Sept. 30, 1936-Apr. 24, 1989
Hill, Jeff, July 24, 1896-Aug. 22, 1915, "Son of J. D. & F. Hill"
Hill, Laura, 1869-1918
Hill, Ludie, May 12, 1902-June 7, 1993
Hill, Pearl, 1891-1927, "Sisters" [shared double marker with Hattie Gardner]

Hill, Robert, d. Dec. 8, 1971, Age 76 Yrs., temporary marker, Dixie Funeral Home, Bolivar, tennessee, 5 feet south of military marker for Robert Frank Sangster

Hill, W. M., 1861-May 6, 1916

Hill, Will, Feb. 18, 1900-Aug. 23, 1960, "Erected by son and granddaughter"

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Bascom Chapel C.M.E. Church and Cemetery
Bascom Chapel C.M.E. church and cemetery are located on John Smith Road northwest of Jackson, Tennessee. Bascom Chapel was organized July 29, 1872. The cemetery is kept mown. The unmarked graves outnumber marker graves.
Located about 4 miles northwest of present Jackson, Tennessee city limits via Windy City, McClellan and John Smith Roads. Church and cemetery are situated on the west side of John Smith Road, .4 mile north of its juncture with McClellan Road. Bascom Chapel was organized July 29, 1872. There are many unmarked graves here

Davis, Hester, Mr., Apr. 7, 1909-Aug. 2, 1995, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, 3 yards south-southwest of marker for Walter Hill, Jr.
Floyd, Artensie Hill, Nov. 25, 1899-Jan. 22, 1933

Hill, Anie May Hill, May 2, 1906-Oct. 13, 1931, "Daughter of Robert and Lillie Hill"

Hill, Artensie [see Floyd, Artensie Hill]

Hill, Bishop, June 29, 1813-July 30, 1916, "Son of Robert & Sallie Hill"

Hill, George W., 1883-1952, "Rev."
Hill, Alice, 1888-1930
Hill, Sandy, 1906-1958, "Rev."
Hill, Willie May, 1908-1978

Hill, Ione, Mrs., d. Sept. 7, 1987, Aged 88 Yrs., temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Hill, Joshua, d. Dec. 11, 1988, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Hill, Lillie, 1883-July 8, 1915, Withers Chamber 2008-Jackson, Tenn. (fallen)

Hill, Robert, 1880-1962 (homemade; information plate was loose in 2003)

Hill, Robert, Mar. 5, 1927-July 13, 1961, military marker "Ohio Cpl 811 Engr Avn Bn World War II" (improperly mounted, dates buried) [dates reported by Smith in 1995]

Hill, S. D., 1856-Dec. 21, 1912, "Rev." "Husband of Mahalie Hill"

Hill, Walter W., Feb. 14, 1877-Dec. 27, 1953, "Father" (fallen)

Page 118
Rev. S. D., husband of Mahalie HILL, Born 1856, Died Dec. 21, 1912, The just shall be made perfect
ANIE MAY HILL, Born May 2, 1906, Died Oct. 13, 1931, Daughter of Robert and Lillie Hill, She is gone but not forgotten

LILLIE HILL, Born 1883, Died July 8, 1915, Withers Chamber 2008, Jackson, Tenn. (a fallen stone)

MARY M. DAVIS, 10-14-1921-11-29-1982
Mrs. IONE HILL, Died Sept. 7, 1987. Aged 88 Yrs., Stephenson-Shaw Fun. Home Marker
ROBERT HILL, 1880-1962
ROBERT HILL, Ohio Cpl 811 Engr AVN BN World War II, March 5, 1927-July 13, 1961
BISHOP, son of Robert & Sallie HILL, Born June 29, 1813, Died July 30, 1916, With the angels
JOSHUA HILL, 12-11-1988, Mercer Funeral Home Marker

Page 120
ARTENSIE HILL FLOYD, Nov. 25, 1899-Jan. 22, 1933

Page 121
NOLEN, son of John H. & Narcisus DAVIS, Born Dec. 20, 1897, Died July 19, 1912, Too good for earth, gone to Heaven
1 stone: Rev. GEORGE W. HILL, 1883-1952ALICE HILL, 1888-1930Rev. SANDY HILL, 1906-1958WILLIE MAY HILL, 1908-1978

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Located on Bible Hill Road, in a field across from Mr. Obie Rosson's home. Cemetery is in good condition, fenced in on top of hill. Can be seen from the road.

Hays, Wm. Hubert, 1900-1969

Hays, Lena Hill, 1901-____

Hill, H. B., Oct. 15, 1865-Apr. 29, 1925
Hill, Infant, no dates, "Infant son of W. H. & B. G. Hill"
Hill, J. T., d. Nov 14, 1908, age 70, "Husband of Josephine Hill"
Hill, Josephine, d. Jan 22, 1895, age 54 yrs 1 mo7 days
Hill, Lena [see Hays, Lena Hill]
Hill, R. G., Feb. 28, 1874-Apr. 7, 1955
Hill, W. M., Mar 20, 1870-Mar 5, 1933
Howard, Harriet, d. Jan. 19, 1946, 71 yrs 6 mos 20 days, "Wife of R. T. Howard"
Howard, R. T., Dec. 19, 1819-Apr. 1, 1925
11 unmarked graves
TOTAL 21 graves

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Chapter VIII - Medical Profession - Doctors

Another Virginian was Dr. Samuel Hill was 80 years of age and hailed from Ireland
An earlier Doctor Hill was Dr. Samuel Hill who hailed from Ireland and was practicing in Decatur County in the early 1800s.

Dr. William G. Rains was born in Randolph County, Tennessee, October 26, 1837. His education was interrupted by the breaking out of the Civil War.[7] After the war, he began his study of medicine under Drs. J. H. Hill and J. H. Leonard of Decaturville and completed his course at the Nashville University in 1867.

A doctor in Decatur County with an interesting practice was Dr. David E. Hill, born near Bible Hill in 1852. He received his education, locally in part and received his training at Vanderbilt University. As was the custom in those days, before a doctor hung out his shingle, he practiced under an older physician. Dr. Hill worked under Drs. Hunt and Beard at Denson Landing in Perry County. Later he called on Dr. C. A. Chaffee for assistance.

Among those who were listed in the 70th session of the Tennessee State Medical Association in 1903 are Dr. W. G. Rains, who was president of Decatur County Medical Association, Dr. R. Y. Fisher, Dr. J. G. McMillan, Dr. E. D. Bostic, Dr. R. M. Brown, Dr. L.C. Gates, Dr. E. G. Hill and Dr. J.W. Montgomery. Dr. Ed Bostics address is listed as Parsons, Dr. R. Y. Fisher and Dr. J. G. McMillan, Decaturville, Dr. R. M. Brown, Bible Hill, Dr. L. C. Gates, Vise Town, Dr. E. G. Howell, Swallow Bluff and Dr. J. W. Montgomery, Thurman.


Lonnie A. Hill, son of Bruceton

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Bible Hill Cemetery, Perry County, Tennessee

Bible Hill Cemetery is a moderate size cemetery at the intersection of Bunker Hill Road and Deer Creek Road. The cemetery gets little or no maintenance. Only the northern portion of the cemetery where the most recent burials lie is clear. The most densely occupied portion of the cemetery is the south side which is overgrown. There are many many fieldstones and sunken spots in the overgrown area. In fact, the limits of cemetery seems to lie back in the woods and probably correspond to the yellow "No Trespassing" signs seen in the woods on the eastern and southern sides of the cemetery.
Hill, William A., May 10, 1890-July 27, 1891, "Son of D. E. & M. J. Hill"

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Cedar Hill Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee

Cedar Hill Cemetery
This cemetery is located on both sides of Cedar Hill Road within Henderson County, but almost on the line with Decatur County. David Donahue recorded this cemetery November 29, 1992; checked and updated it December 2, 2001; and updated it October 14, 2003. There are approximately six unidentified burials. Two previous records were made of this cemetery.

Hill, Nettie [see Quinn, Nettie Hill]
Hill, Ray, Sept. 28, 1915-Feb. 15, 1992

Quinn, Amzle, Aug. 10, 1905-Sept. 20, 1983
Quinn, Nettie Hill, Mar. 12, 1906-Feb. 20, 1991
Renfroe, Susanna P., 1890-1971, "Mama" footstone
Renfroe, R. Frank, 1890-1974, "Papa" footstone

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(West Section)

This record of the west side of Mt. Olivet Cemetery includes all markers west of the drainage ditch plus a few markers just west of the entrance gate. David Donahue recorded this section October 6, 2003 and updated it January 26, 2004. Some markers were inaccessible, especially under the tree at the northern end of the loop drive and along the western fence. Three markers were covered with too much ivy to pull off. A number of markers lay face down and were too heavy to lift. Only the top 4 inches of one 5-foot tall military marker were visible.

Allen, Alma Hadley, no nates [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Allen, Burnese, Sept. 1, 1916-Nov. 10, 1916, "Dau. of Arthur & Lizzie Allen"
Alston, Ellen May, Mar. 16, 1840-May 4, 1917

Boyd, Beatrice Comer, Sept. 4, 1943 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995 who noted this to be "a fallen stone"]

Boyd, Eliza Jane, Oct. 1883-Aug. 5, 1942 (fallen, possibly out-of-place)

Boyd, Lucy, July 1, 1882-May 8, 1971, "God's greatest gift returned to God, our mother"

Hill, Lillian, Oct. 26, 1908-Apr. 3, 1996

Hogue, Hettie, 1897-1944, "Sister of Ella Cowan"
Hogue, Rachel, 1854-1922

Middle Section

Allen, Andrew, 1883-1913

Boyd, Willie, 1885-1917

Middle Loop

Allen, Sarah, Mrs., 1833-1940 [adjacent to military marker for Thomas Allen]
Allen, Thomas, no dates, military marker "Co. K. 108 U.S. Cld. Inf."
Hill, Lonnie, Jr., d. Nov. 23, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers F.H., 6 feet south of marker for Henry E. Hall

Middle North Section

Hill, Maggie [see Robinson, Maggie Hill]
Robinson, Maggie Hill, Aug. 15, 1892-June 19, 1968

Southeast Loop

Hill, James Wesley, Dec. 31, 1964-May 2, 1998, temporary marker, Ford Funeral Home, 3 feet north of military marker for O. B. Eugene Yarbrough
Hobson, Thomas W., Jan. 7, 1970-May 17, 1992
Hogan, Kittie, Mar. 12, 1870-July 8, 1946

Northeast Section

Boyd, Billy, May 11, 1883-May 14, 1973, "Father"
Branch, Rosie Jenkins, June 1, 1882-Jan. 5, 1973
Hill, Sandy, Mar. 7, 1885-Jan. 16, 1907, "Son of Sandy & Mahalie Hill"

Unplaced Military Markers
Merged List

Hill, James Wesley, Dec. 31, 1964-May 2, 1998, temporary marker, Ford Funeral Home, 3 feet north of military marker for O. B. Eugene Yarbrough (Southeast)
Hill, Lillian, Oct. 26, 1908-Apr. 3, 1996 (West)
Hill, Lonnie, Jr., d. Nov. 23, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers F.H., 6 feet south of marker for Henry E. Hall (Middle Loop)
Hill, Maggie [see Robinson, Maggie Hill] (Middle North)
Hill, Sandy, Mar. 7, 1885-Jan. 16, 1907, "Son of Sandy & Mahalie Hill" (Northeast)

Hogan, Kittie, Mar. 12, 1870-July 8, 1946 (Southeast)
Hogue, Hettie, 1897-1944, "Sister of Ella Cowan" (West)
Hogue, Rachel, 1854-1922 (West)

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Located about 9 miles southwest from present city limits of Jackson, Tennessee via Riverside Drive and Steam Mill Ferry Road. A turn is made to the east off the latter road on to Blairs Chapel Road and at .7 mile are the cemetery and old church sites on the north side of this road. Judging from grave mounds and sunken graves here there are likely several hundred unmarked graves; numerous funeral home markers no longer have information on their panels. Blairs Chapel C. M. E. was organized in 1881 but in 1971 it relocated 2 miles northwest on Steam Mill Ferry Road.

Page 80

AUGUSTA HILL, 1914-1963

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Supplement, Page 28

Located just east of Jackson in the East Union community. At a point 4.5 miles from the southeast corner of the public square in Jackson, by way of East Chester Street and Beech Bluff Road, turn south from the latter road onto an access road that leads .1 mile to this burial ground. It was the cemetery for the Deberry-Hurt families on the Rose Hill plantation. According to Mrs. Betty Young Hopper, as she told Mr. Robert D. Taylor, Jr., August 6, 1996, it was traditional in her family that black family servants were buried on the south side of this burial ground; that the fieldhands were probably buried elsewhere on the plantation. There are no grave markers for the blacks buried at this location. Mrs. Hopper is a descendant of Mathias Deberry (1788-1839) who first developed Rose Hill plantation.

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Biographical Directory Tennessee General Assembly 1796-1969

Brown, Henry Hill (1793-1847)

SENATE, 15th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd General Assemblies, 1823-25, 1835-41; representing counties of Henderson, Carroll, Henry, Hurnphreys, Perry, and Stewart in 15th; counties of Henderson, Hardin, McNairy, and Perry, 1835-41; was a Whig by 1837. Born in the portion of Bute County, N.C., which later was included in Franklin County, Jan. 23, 1793; son of-Jeremiah and Martha (Hill) Brown. Extent of schooling not stated. Married in December, 1814, to Mary Ellington Marshall, native of Virginia; children--Martha Ann, Hannah Malvina, James Frazer, Nancy Thomas, and one whose name does not appear. Senator Brown's occupation and place of residence in Henderson County have not been determined; there are indications that he lived in or had property in Perry County. In War of 1812; enlisted at Lebanon, Wilson County, Sept. 24, 1813; mustered in at Fayetteville, Lincoln County; discharged at Fort Strother, Ala., Dec. 27, 1813; was sgt. in Capt. Henry L. Douglas' Co., 1st Tenn. Vol. Inf. Died at Nashville, Davidson County, Oct. 12, 1847; place of burial not found.
Sources: Information supplied by Mrs. Robert Selph Henry, Alexandria, Va.; and by Mrs. Catherine Ewing, genealogist of Nashville; Nashville Whig, Oct. 16, 1847; Acklen, Tennessee Records, I, 200-201; War of 1812 files, Tenn. Archives.

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Goodspeed History of Warren Co. TN

Henry J. A. Hill
Irwin Hill
H. L. W. Hill’s grist-mill on Hill Creek,
Col. H. L. W. Hill, now a resident of the Sixth Civil District, represented the district in Congress in 1847-48.
The Warren County companies were as follows: Company 1, Thomas B. Murray, captain; A. P. Smartt, first lieutenant; James Hill, second lieutenant

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Genealogical Tidbits, memphis Daily Appeal, 1876


Although in blotchy old-time print the obituary of JOSEPH E. BORUM (1828-1876) merits replication here:
Joseph B. Borum.
Died, at his residence, in Mississippi county, Ark., on Friday, July 7, 1876, after a short illness, JOSEPH B> BORUM, in the forty-ninth year of his age.
Colonel Borum was a tower of strength to his friends. After the expulsion of the disturbing elements and the restoration of quiet, he was made a member of the County Board of Supervisors, and in this capacity served his People for two years. For the last two years of his life Colonel Borum was not in politics, but was a man whose opinions on all subjects pertaining to county or State affairs was eagerly sought by his friends and neighbors. His last illness was brought on by exposure to the heavy rains which prevailed during the early part of this month at his house, and to fatigue. He was at the landing receiving freight on Tuesday evening, and Friday morning was a corpse. He Leaves a wife (who was formerly Miss Eva Dobbins, of Maury county, Tenn.) and three young children. His remains were interred in Elmwood Cemetery, near his first wife (Luan Hill, sister of a Napoleon Hill, of this city). His memory will long remain green in Mississippi County, where he was known from the Missouri line to Frenchman's Bayou by all classes, and loved and respected by all who knew him.
July 25, 1876

As a consequence of the death of F. G. TERRY, the firm of Hill, Terry and Mitchell was dissolved in Memphis, July 1, 1876; the partners, I. M. HILL and W. B. MITCHELL, would continue their partnership as Hill & Mitchell Co.
September 3, 1876

FRANCIS MELLEREH married MARTHA HILL, both of Memphis, August 30, 1876.

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Page 125

Mrs. LUDIE HILL, 5-12-1902-6-7-1993, Bledsoe Funeral Home Marker
DAN, son of J. D. &F. HILL, Born Jan. 24, 1894, Died June 21, 1916

W. M. HILL, Born 1861, Died March 6, 1916
JEFF, son of J. D. & F. HILL, Born July 24, 1896-Aug. 22, 1915

ANGIE, dau. of Neely & Walter HILL, Born & Died 1907
LAURA HILL, 1869-1918

Double tombstone: Rev. DANIEL J BROWN, May 22, 1898-Sept. 25, 1990EVA G. HILL BROWN, Apr. 20, 1899-July 29, 1980
Page 127

WILL HILL, Feb. 18, 1900-Aug. 23, 1960, Erected by Son and Granddaughter

Double tombstone: PEARL HILL, 1891-1927HATTIE GARDNER, 1886-1929, At Rest

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Quarterly Court Minute Book, 1881-1903......Jackson Madison County,Tennessee

Book 16, October 1881 - May 1885
Page 326: ROBERT N. HILL, SR. died in Madison County, August 7, 1883. [St. Luke Episcopal burial records reveal that he died in April, 1883 aged 67 yrs]
Page 88: JACOB HILL died in Madison County, September, 1878.
Pages 63, 66: J.T. HARRISON died in Madison County, December, 1881. A former member of the Madison County Quarterly Court, the same group eulogized him “as one of the most genial and friendly members of this Court.” [His tombstone in the Cobb Cemetery provides only his death date, Dec. 30, 1881]

Page 106: JOHN H. LANIER died in Madison County, March 5, 1882. [Lebanon Methodist Cemetery: JOHN H. LANIER, December 31, 1811-March 5, 1882]

Page 136: On May 2, 1882 the Court agreed to legitimize DAVID HAYS, JR., ALONZO HAYS and TENNESSEE HAYS as the children of DAVID HAYS, black, who formally adopted them.

Page 427: JOHN W. PRATT died in Paducah, Ky., 1880

Page 565: ELIZABETH ROBINSON died in Madison County, December 29, 1884.

Book 17, June 1885-October 1888

Page 69: SAMUEL GARDNER died in Madison County, August 8, 1884.

Book 18, November 1888-January 1892
Page 154: ROBERT E. co*ckRILL died in Madison County, August 12, 1889.

Page 166: JAMES G. MERIWETHER died in Madison County, September 25, 1889.

Book 19, January 1892-August 1895
Page 270: LWT of C.R. GIVENS was probated August 30, 1893. [Hill Cemetery: CHARLES R. GIVENS died August 25, 1893; 50 years, 3 months and 8 days: May 17, 1843]

Book 21, January 1899-June 1901

Page 448: LEONIDAS J. HILL died in Madison County in 1900.
Book 22, July, 1901-May, 1903

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Deed Index
Books 1 through 9, 1822-1845
Deed Books 1-3 (Pages 1-21)


PATSEY DOAK, exec of Robert Doak, sold for $900 the "east end" of a tract in SD 10, R 3, S 8, to GREEN HILL, both of them of Madison Co., Tenn. Sept. 27, 1823. Reg April 24, 1824. Wits H. Haralson, W. H. Doak.

SUGARS McLEMORE paid $400 to HERBERT NEWSOM, adm of Eldridge Newsom, dec. for a negro boy, Burrel, about 11 yrs old. Feb. 19, 1827. Reg March 10, 1828. Wits James A. Edwards, Byrd Hill.

WILLIAM HILL, White Co., Tenn., exec of James Hill, dec. for services and money spent in locating lands for Grant 18006, 229½ acres in SD 10, R 1, S 8, to JAMES BROWN, 45 acres out of 229½ acres. Oct. 24, 1826. Reg March 12, 1828. Wits James Chisum, Claibourne Chisum.

WILLIAM JUSTICE, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" he had for his son, JOHN B. JUSTICE, part of the land "I" live on and on which said John B. Justice lives. 105 acres. Feb. 4, 1826. Reg March 29, 1830. Wits M. Christian, William Hill (his x mark).

ALEXANDER MURPHY, Caswell Co., N.C. and ARCHIBALD D. MURPHY, Orange Co., N.C. were devised an estimated 4350 acres from Archibald Murphy, late of Caswell Co., N.C. which he had been granted by the State of N.C., Nov. 17, 1790. On March 6, 1795 Archibald Murphy had sold 900 acres of this tract to Henry Rutherford. Now, for $11, 212 Alexander and Archibald D. Murphy sold remainder of this tract to ELIZA JANE, wife of Pasquali Paoli Ashe and SOPHIA, wife of Samuel Strudwick. June 1, 1821. Reg March 31, 1823. Wit Thos. Hill.


Deed Books 4-6 (Pages 21-36)
GREEN HILL, dec., husband of MATILDA HILL died testate leaving his widow negroes Brandon and wife, Pheby and their two children, Brandon and Warren; York, Angey, Eliza and other property and as the dec. Hill died owing about $2300 or $2400, and as Matilda was "aged and infirm" and she wished to keep the negroes for her life-time she agreed with her son-inlaw, JETHRO B. FORT that he would pay off indebtedness and at her death the negroes and other property would be his. July 7, 18__Reg Oct. 5, 1836. Wits J. W. Fort, J. B. Robinson.

JOHN R. NEWSOM, WILLIAM MAY and wife, NANCY, formerly Newsom, dau. of Eldridge Newsom, both legatees of said Newsom of Madison Co., Tenn., for $800 sold 166 2/3 acres to JAMES NEWSOM, 150 acres of which "is an equal south part of a tract of land of four hundred and fifty acres conveyed . . . to Eldridge Newsom and John Spencer" out of a 750 acres from a 6075 acre grant to J. H. Eaton originally. Spencer "released" his interest in the tract to Eldrige Newsom, Feb. 6, 1826. Dec. 23, 1833. Reg July 20, 1836. Wits J. F. Cloud, Harbert Newsom.

MARY NEWSOM, Williamson Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for her son, JAMES NEWSOM, of same place, all her dower in Madison Co., Tenn., 500 acres "which tract her late husband Eldridge Newsom decd" owned and which she held as dower. July 28, 1837. Reg. Sept. 30, 1837. Wits John L. McEwing, R. C. McEwing.

JOHN WOOLFOLK, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his son-in-law, FELIX R. HARDGROVE deeded him two negroes, Pheby about 26 yrs old and Ann Eliza about 3 yrs old. Jan. 24, 1838. Reg Feb. 13, 1838. Wits Isham V. Harris, G. W. Hill.

Deed Books 7-9 (Pages 36-54)

Indenture, Oct. 15, 1838, between legal REPRESENTATIVES of

JAMES CHISHUM, dec. and JOHN CHISHOLM /so spelled/, dec. (John Johnson and wife, Polly; Walter Robertson and wife, Rebecah; Robert H. Vernon and wife, Nancy; Andrew Turner and wife, Viney; Jonas Robinson and wife, Elizabeth; Claburne Chishum; Thomas G. Chishum; John G. Chishum; also the hrs of John Chishum, dec. (William H. Chishum, Claibourn Chishum. and wife; John W. Smith and wife, Letty; Edwin Stevens and wife, Mary Ann; Thomas G. Chishum and wife, Belinda; James M. Johnson and wife, Nancy; Catharine Chishum; Matilda Chishum; Martha Jane Chishum), all of Madison and Hardeman counties, Tenn. and William Hill, guardian of hrs of Lucy Hill, dec., White Co., Tenn. conveyed to JOHN CHISHOLM /so spelled/, Lauderdale Co., Ala. for his services in locating land for the hrs of James Galleway and others in the Western District of Tenn., he being one of the company of locators known as the Chishum Co. The various hrs sold to this John Chisholm/Chishum their equal and undivided 2/3 of 120 acres in SD 10, Rs 2-3, S 7, Madison Co., Tenn. provided them by decretal order from the Chancery Court of Rockingham Co., N.C., part of the lands granted to hrs of James Galleway. Reg Aug. 6, 1840. Wits Seth Caison, Meriman H. Jones.

Indenture, Oct. 15, 1838, between legal REPRESENTATIVES of JAMES CHISHUM, dec. (John Johnson and wife, Polly; Walter Robinson and wife, Rebeccah; Robert H. Vernon and wife, Nancy; Andrew Turner and wife, Viney; Jonas Robertson and wife, Elizabeth; Claibourn Chishum; Thomas G. Chishum; John G. Chishum), all of Madison and Hardeman counties, Tenn. and William Hill, the guardian of hrs of Lucy Hill, dec., White Co., Tenn. conveyed to JOHN CHISHUM, Lauderdale Co., Ala., for his services in locating land for the hrs of Martin Armstrong and others in the Western District of Tenn., Chishum having been one of the Chishum Co., 260 acres in Madison Co., SD 10, Rs 2-3, S 7, set apart under decree of /a/ court in Davidson Co., Tenn. to the locators of land for the hrs of Martin Armstrong. Reg Aug. 7, 1840. Wits Seth Caison, Meriman H. Jones.
GEORGE H. BOND, Madison Co., Tenn. for "love and affection" for his daughter, CAROLINE A. TRADER, wife of William Trader, he deeded a negro slave, Betsy, not liable for the debts of her husband. Aug. 3, 1840. Reg Aug. 8, 1840. Wits D. H. E. Sanders, Jacob Hill.

"We," the undersigned HEIRS of the estate of THOMAS BONNER, after having made division of his estate among them, in writing, George W. Hill agreed to pay a claim that Thomas E. Bonner held against the estate of Thomas Bonner, dec., not charging interest to G. S. and William L. Bonner longer than March 1, 1836 and after paying that claim to make up to G. S. and William L. Bonner $600, including the debt of said Thomas E. Bonner with interest up to the present and if said claim gained interest after March a, 1836 it wasn't to be taken out of the $600 and then G. S. and Wm. L. Bonner relinquished their claim as hrs to tract of land on which Thos. Bonner died and a negro woman, Bet, in consideration of the $600 to be paid them by George W. Hill, who would relinquish his claim to two negro men, Bill and Abram in consideration of G. S. and Wm. L. Bonner relinquishing their claim to said tract of land and Bet. Undersigned by WILLIAM L. BONNER, G. W. HILL, GEO. S. BONNER. March 1, 1836. Reg May 1843. Wits Jas. Oneal, James H. Oneal



Name:Green Hill
Marriage County:Rutherford
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Name: Green Hill
Spouse: Rachel Wilson
Marriage: date - Rutherford

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Name:Green Hill
Marriage County:Williamson
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Name: Green Hill
Spouse: Martha Ann Kirkpatrick
Marriage: date - Williamson

Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002
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Name:Green Hill
Marriage County:Gibson
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Name: Green Hill
Spouse: Eliza Jane Blankenship
Marriage: year - Gibson

Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002
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Name:Green Hill
Marriage County:Franklin
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Name: Green Hill
Spouse: Malinda Long
Marriage: date - Franklin

Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002
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Name:William Green Hill
Marriage County:Henry
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Name: William Green Hill
Spouse: Martha Ann Jameson
Marriage: date - Henry

North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2004
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Name:Green Hill
Marriage County:Johnston
Marriage State:North Carolina

Name: Green Hill
Spouse: Sally Lee
Marriage: date - Johnston, North Carolina

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Henderson, NC - pafg1710 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

He died in 1858 in Greenhill, Rutherford Co., NC. He was buried in Whiteside, Greenhill, Rutherford Co., NC. He married Malinda Lynch on 27 Mar 1827 in ...www.joecowart.com/Portals/1/Henderson/pafg1710.htmCached


Re: Hills of Franklin Co. TN
Sep 22, 2000 – Green hill married Malinda Emily Long, Malinda was born 1820-25 in Franklin Co. TN. and married Green Hill on March 10, 1848 in Franklin Co. ...

Green hill married Malinda Emily Long, Malinda was born 1820-25 in Franklin Co. TN. and married Green Hill on March 10, 1848 in Franklin Co. TN. And also possibly married Hasting Dial??? (This is all I have on this couple)

This is all second hand information, but would still like to see what I can find on these two as Malinda is suppose to be a sister of Elizabeth Victoria Long, my descendant.

Elizabeth Victoria Long, b. June 14, 1872 in either Yancy Co. TN or Franklin Co. TN., d. 1890 in Sewanee TN, Franklin Co. TN., married 3 times, 1st to George Gibson, 2nd to* James Robert Radford of Yancy Co. NC., and 3rd to Robert McCreary.

I have the children of Elizabeth Victoria Long and James Robert Radford, if you would like to have these.
have Green Hill married Malinda Long, 12 Mar 1848 Franklin Co., TN. She was a daughter of John and Susannah Long. No other info. This is not my line; just info I picked up along the way.

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A genealogical history of the Montgomerys and their descendants - Google Books Result
3, 1871 ; married Ellen H. Long, Sept. 28, 1898. 540. ... Malinda Hill, unmarried. 552. Green Hill, born 1850; married Miss Mallicks. 553. Hugh Davis Hill ...books.google.com/books?id=2E06AAAAMAAJ...David B. Montgomery - 1903 - 436 pages


A genealogical history of the Montgomerys and their descendants......
By David B. Montgomery

Children of Mary Jane Cook 173 and Isaac Hill her husband

546 John Hill born died 1898 married Ida Harkins
547 Martha Hill born died 1898 married Lindsay H Martin
548 George Washington Hill married Hepsy Dobins
549 Margaret Hill unmarried
550 Belle Hill unmarried
551 Malinda Hill unmarried
552 Green Hill born 1850 married Miss Mallicks
553 Hugh Davis Hill born 1852 married Dobyns
554 Rebecca Hill married James Davis

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Nancy Knowles born June 4 1847 daughter of Nelly married James RR Hill Jan 14 1864
He was born in Barren county Ky 1838 taught in the public schools and came to Indiana when quite young
He was a soldier in the 80th regiment Ind Vol moved to Greenwood county Kanas in 1877 and
Mrs Hill died there Aug 19 1897 She was a member of the CP church from 16 years old Children twelve

1 John W. Hill bom married Ella Pinkerton in Kansas May 8 1887
Children two1.] Maggie Hill born2.] James RR Hill born
They live at Bush Oklahoma

2 Annetta Hill born married Samuel A Richey in Kansas Jan 4 1882
They live at Ukiah California
Children eleven
1 Isaac
2 Henry
3 Etta
4 Archie
5 Guy
6 Anna 7

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Bertie 8 Lemmie 9 Glenn twin to Lemmie 10 Matilda 11 Victor H 3 Mollie A Hill marrried AR Lindermond at Yeats Center Kansas Dec 5 1900 no children 4 Maggie Hill 5 Matilda F Hill married Ferdinand C Jones March 8 1899 one child They have a claim at Cache Oklahoma 6 Frank J Hill twin to Matilda F 7 Arthur H Hill 8 Charles D Hill dead 9 Bertha E Hill 10 Edgar Hill 11 and 12 Ollie and Dollie Hill twins
hildren of Sylvia Jane Meek 538 and R v JS Swogger her husband 1227 George Glenn Swogger On this branch of the family the writer has only been able to learn that Rosa L Montgomery 545 and her husband NB Hays have one child a son that John Hill 546 and Ida Haskins his wife have three children that Martha Hill 547 and Lindsay H Martin her husband have six children and that George Washington Hill 548 and Hepsy Dobyns his wife have five children Many others of this branch of the family down to and including No 568 have offspring but the details could not be obtained

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The history that he has left us giving an account of the family from 1603 to 1706 with the copious notes of Rev George Hill in 1869 gives us one of the very best contributions to the history of the Moutgomerys that have ever been published The accuracy is surprising in a volume of its size

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Biography - George Washington Hill
Major Green Hill served in the American Revolution as did Daniel Hill. ... Mountain Hill, found in Georgia in the early 1800's, lived later in Warren Co. Tennessee. Dr. Hill grew up in Warren County, Tennessee, approximately seventy miles ...www.txgenweb6.org/txnavarro/.../h/hill_george_washington.htmCached - Similar


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______________:Next New Listing Below

Listing From McDowell Family of Williamson County, Tennessee


Green Hill, Jr., son of Green Hill, Sr., was born on November 14, 1741 in Old Bute County, NC and died on September 11, 1825 in Williamson County, Tennessee.
He is buried in Green Hill Cemetery in Williamson County, Tennessee.

This Green Hill shows up in the 1790 census of Franklin County and is referred to as “Esquire.” He was a Major in the Provincial North Carolina Army and was a member of the Provincial Congress of NC at New Bern.
His home in North Carolina was about one mile from Louisburg in Franklin County, NC where the first North Carolina Methodist Conference was held at his home in

1785.His will in on file in Book 8, page 259.

This Green Hill, Jr. moved around 1800 from Franklin County, NC to Williamson County, Tennessee having previously visited the Tennessee area several years earlier.
Green Hill, Jr. married Nancy Thomas, the daughter of Jordan Thomas. She was born on July 26, 1745 in North Carolina and died on January 16, 1772 in Franklin County, NC. They were married on October 13, 1763 in Old Bute County, NC and had the following five children:
Jordan Hill was born on October 17, 1765 in Bute County, NC and died on August 15, 1830 in North Carolina.
Hannah Hill was born on May 28, 1776 in Northampton County, NC and died on July 13, 1800 in Chatham County, NC.
Nancy Hill was born on December 5, 1768 in Edgecombe County, NC and died in 1830 in Jackson County, Tennessee.
Martha Hill was born October 2, 1769 in Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee and died in January 1883 in Wilson County, Tennessee.
Richard Hill was born September 14, 1771 in North Carolina. He died on January 26, 1772 in Maury, Tennessee.

After the death of Nancy Thomas Hill in 1772,

Green Hill, Jr. married Mary Seawell, the daughter of the Honorable Benjamin Seawell and Lucy Hicks.
She was born on August 5, 1751 in Brunswick County, Virginia and died on March 27, 1821 in Williamson County, Tennessee.

She is also buried in the Green Hill Cemetery in Williamson County, Tennessee.

Green Hill, Jr. and Mary Seawell were married on June 3, 1773 in Brunswick County, Virginia and had nine children as follows:

Lucy Hill was born on July 20, 1776 in Franklin County, NC and died on January 31, 1832 in Williamson County, Tennessee.

John Hill was born on November 23, 1778 in Franklin County, NC and died on August 14, 1850 in Haywood County, Tennessee.

Green Hill, III was born between 1780 and 1790 – Check the main list for more on this Green Hill..

Thomas Hill was born on September 15, 1781
in Franklin County, NC and died before 1850 in Rutherford County, Tennessee.

Sarah Hill was born on November 16, 1788 in Franklin County, NC and died July 27, 1810 in Williamson County, Tennessee.

Mary Seawell Hill was born on October 1, 1791 in Franklin County, NC and died on September 29, 1809 in Williamson County, NC.

William Hill was born on January 24, 1792 in Franklin County, NC and died in 1876 in Hawkins County, Tennessee.
Reverend Joshua Cannon Hill was born on August 10, 1795 in Franklin County, NC and died on May 12, 1827 in Williamson County, Tennessee.

Martha Hill – last of the nine children. Other information is not available.
This Green Hill family is NOT the Green Hill who witnessed the Sion Hill and Starage Lee marriage in Johnston County.

_______ Also Listed

Green Hill Families of
North Carolina and Virginia
1700's to 1860
So many Green Hills born in this period

GREEN Hill’s who were born somewhere in a 1750 Timeframe ;

Green Hill who married Grace Bennett

Green Hill who married(1) Nancy Thomas and(2) Mary Seawell

Green Hill who married Mary Long

Green Hill who married Francis/Fannie

Green Hill who married Jane Starnes

Green Hill who married Louisiana

Green Hill of Lowndes, Georgia, age over 90

Green Berry Hill who married Martha Ivey

Green Hill who married Mary Bates

Green Hill who married Mary Booth

Green Hill who married Mary Doxey

Green Hill who married Vatida Matilda Turner

Green Hill who married Nancy Briggs

Green Hill who married Nancy Mitchell

Green Hill who married Nancy Steed

Green Hill who married Synthia Massey

Green Hill who married Martha Ann Scarlett

Green Hill who married Sally Lee

Green Hill of Johnston County over 45 in 1800

Green(berry) Hill who married Milly Harris

__ Also Listed

Green Hill, Land Patent #47 from Davidson County, NC Land Patents. Green Hill of Wake County, NC.

Micajah Hill (sometimes written Michael Hill and indexed that way) had two deeds in 1808 with Amy Knight, Noel Knight's mother in Wake County and they were both witnessed by George McDowell of Wake County, NC. Then in 1818, Micajah (Michael) Hill is selling land to Noel Knight. Noel Knight signed John McDowell's marriage bond. The 1818 deed is witnessed by Duke House - Micajah Hill had married Polly House (Hause on the bond) on Nov 1, 1804 in Wake County.

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Williamson County, Tennessee: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Williamson County, Tennessee: Bibles, biographies, cemeteries, census, ... Family History & Genealogy, Census, Birth, Marriage, Death Vital Records & More ... Ash Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church Spring Hill, Tennessee (Source: Historical ... Armistead, Camp, TN Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916 (Source: ...www.linkpendium.com › USA › TennesseeCached - Similar

________________:Next New Listing Below

Company D Burials - 1st Tennessee Infantry Company D
www.williamsongrays.com/Company%20D%20Burials.htmCached - Similar
You +1'd this publicly. UndoMount Hope Cemetery Franklin, TN. North of ... Private James Milton Hill Grave # 46 (July 24, 1834-June 27, 1898) ... Private James Green Moody Section 15 ...

________________:Next New Listing Below

Green Hill CemeteryBrentwoodWilliamson CountyTennessee, USA

Hill, Rev Green 9018117Photo Of Headstone

Rev Green Hill....Birth: Nov. 3, 1741North Carolina, USA --- Death: Sep. 11, 1826
Colonel in the American Revolution. Methodist preacher for over 50 years. A member of the first Provinicial Congress.

He founded Liberty Methodist Church, in nearby Brentwood. He hosted the ninth session of the Western Conference of
the Methodist Church at his plantation home. In 1960, the cemetery in which he is buried was proclaimed a Methodist
shrine. Born in the former Bute County in North Carolina. Moved to Tennessee in 1799 to claim his land grant awarded
for his service in the Revolution.

Married (1) 1763 Nancy Thomas (Jul 26, 1745-Jan 16, 1772)

Married (2) 1773 Mary Seawell (Aug 5, 1751-Mar 29, 1821)


Green Hill (May 5,1774 - May 25, 1830)
Lucy Hill (Jul 20, 1776 - Jan 31, 1832)
John Hill (Nov 23, 1778 - Aug 12, 1850)
Thomas Hill (Sep 15,1781-1850)
Sarah Hicks Hill (Dec 16, 1783-Jul 27, 1810)
Mary Seawell Hill (Oct 1, 1786-Sep 29, 1809)
William Seawell Hill (Jan 24, 1792 - 1876)
Joshua Cannon Hill (Aug 10, 1795 - May 12, 1827)

----------------- Next

Family links:Spouse:
Mary Seawell Hill....Birth: Aug. 4, 1751 Death: Mar. 29, 1821
Daughter of Col Benjamin Seawell; Wife of Col Green Hill.
Photo Of Headstone


Lucy Cannon Hill....Birth: Jul. 28, 1778 Death: Jan. 31, 1832
Photo Of Headstone

__________________________________ Next

Hill, John L 9018136
John L Hill....Birth: Sep. 6, 1821 Death: Aug. 13, 1852
Photo Of Headstone

__________________________________ Next

Hill, Rev Joshua C 9018121
Birth: Aug. 10, 1795 Death: May 12, 1827
Photo Of Headstone

__________________________________ Next

Hill, Lemiza Lanier 9018125
Birth: Jan. 16, 1801 Death: Feb. 10, 1860
Photo Of Headstone

__________________________________ Next

Hill, Robert F 5003453
Birth: 1848Overton CountyTennessee, USA
Death: unknownWilliamson CountyTennessee, USA
Left home about 1860's. No further information.
No Photo Of Headstone
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Hill, Robert F 9018130Judge
Birth: Mar. 10, 1826 Death: Jul. 2, 1859
Photo Of Headstone

__________________________________ Next

Hill, Sally Hicks 9018119
Birth: Dec. 16, 1783 Death: Jul. 27, 1810
Daughter of Col Green Hill and Mary Seawell Hill
Photo Of Headstone

__________________________________ Next

Hill, W H S 9018132
Birth: Mar. 17, 1817 Death: Jan. 6, 1894
Photo Of Headstone

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Hill CemeteryFranklin CountyTennesseeUSA

co*ker, Oda Hill 5572076
Birth: Apr. 11, 1885Wilder ChapelFranklin CountyTennessee, USA
Death: Jun. 6, 1951Wilder ChapelFranklin CountyTennessee, USA
Family Photo (Man & Woman)

______ Next

co*ker, Henry 5572078
Birth: Jan. 1, 1850Wilder ChapelFranklin CountyTennessee, USA
Death: Jun. 25Wilder ChapelFranklin CountyTennessee, USA
Husband Ofco*ker, Oda Hill

_______ Next

Hill, Bessie 23731705
b. Dec. 22, 1901 d. Aug. 19, 1959

_______________ Next New Cemetery

Hill CemeteryFranklin CountyTennessee USA
Listing Dates 1800's To Early 1900's

Hill, Addie 39496251
b. Aug. 10, 1901 d. unknown
Hill, Allen 39503620
b. Jun. 14, 1865 d. Jul. 14, 1902
Hill, Andrew Jackson, Jr 39503668
b. Mar. 20, 1881 d. Aug. 14, 1962
Hill, Andrew Jackson 39503572
b. Oct. 20, 1835 d. Mar. 12, 1898
Hill, Authur E 72963713
b. Dec. 1, 1917 d. Apr. 16, 1988
Hill, Boyd 28479642
b. Aug. 5, 1918 d. Dec. 8, 1966
Hill, Eddie 39504574
b. 1891 d. 1915
Hill, Edward 72989875
b. unknown d. unknown
Hill, F. M. 39505184
b. May 2, 1882 d. Mar. 23, 1961
Hill, Geneva 72962400
b. Jan. 6, 1922 d. unknown
Hill, George W 72936287
b. Feb., 1854 d. Jan. 18, 1929
Hill, Georgia Bell "Georgie Bell" 52976733
b. Jan. 12, 1925 d. Jan. 22, 1998
Hill, Henry 39498701
b. Jul. 30, 1892 d. Aug. 10, 1934
Hill, Howard 72989554
b. unknown d. unknown
Hill, James A. 39505381
b. Mar. 7, 1884 d. Feb. 5,
Hill, John A. 39497773
b. 1877 d. 1947
Hill, John M. 39497576
b. 1897 d. 1950
Hill, Johnson Allen 27554452
b. 1849 d. 1923
Hill, Lem E. 39504189Family Photo
b. Oct. 4, 1882 d. Sep. 13, 1964
Hill, Martin 39497866
b. Nov. 26, 1863 d. Sep. 16, 1929
Hill, Mary 39505155
b. Mar. 20, 1880 d. unknown
Hill, Mary E. 39504225
b. Feb. 9, 1890 d. Feb. 27, 1937
Hill, Mary Ellen co*ker 27554498Headstone Photo
Birth: 1845AltoFranklin CountyTennessee, USA
Death: 1922AltoFranklin County Tennessee, USA
Hill, Mrs Mary Ellen "Ellen" co*ker Hayes 58957262Family Photo & Headstone Photo
b. 1845 d. 1922-- First married to William Hayes who died
in Civil War. Children: James Campbell Hayes and Martha
Ann Hayes. Second husband Johnson Hill.
Hill, Nancy Ardena 39503699
b. May 19, 1881 d. Dec. 9, 1961
Hill, Rebecca 39505944
b. Aug. 24, 1882 d. Jan. 2, 1952
Hill, Sam Allen 72969277
b. May 14, 1914 d. Aug. 26, 1965
Hill, Sam S. 39498362
b. Jul. 8, 1898 d. May 24, 1971
Sansom, Dassie Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hill 27554607
b. 1875 d. 1950

_______________ Next New Cemetery

Hill CemeteryFranklin CountyTennesseeInterments (4)

Adams, Joseph "Joe" David 43238812
b. Dec. 19, 1954 d. Sep. 7, 2009

Hill, Adelphia Hawk 38294902Headstone Photo
b. Oct. 19, 1791 d. Mar. 27, 1853
Family links:Children:Louisa Maria Hill Hudson (1818 - 1882)*

Hill, Pleasant 38294833Headstone Photo
Birth: Dec. 25, 1780Tennessee, USA Death: Jan. 7, 1851Franklin CountyTennessee, USA
Family links:Children:Louisa Maria Hill Hudson (1818 - 1882)*


Louisa Maria Hill Hudson (1818 - 1882)*Headstone Photo
Family links:
Parents:Pleasant Hill (1780 - 1851)Adelphia Hawk Hill (1791 - 1853)

Spouse:William Asbury Hudson (1816 - 1892)

Children:William Pleasant Hudson (1852 - ____)*
Burial:Blanco CemeteryBlancoBlanco CountyTexas, USA


Hill, Randall Cecil "Robert" 54365215
Birth: Apr. 7, 1952, USA -- Death: Jun. 28, 2010Alto Franklin CountyTennessee, USA
Obituary: July 1, 2010

Randall Cecil Robert Hill, born April 7, 1952, passed away to be with his heavenly father at
his residence/home place that he so dearly loved on June 28, 2010 at the age of 58.

Randall lived in the Alto Community on his family's farm all his life. He was also the owner of
Randall Hill Trucking for the past 27 years. Randall proudly served his country in the
United Sates Marine Corps for 7 years and retired from the Army National Guard as
Tank Commander. Randall was a good and loving family man.
He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Jan Foster Hill;
Children, Lori Hill Woodall (Kevin) and Anthony Wayne Hill; grandsons, Kevin Lane Woodall and
James Randall Cole Woodall; brothers, Horace (Sandra) Hill of Cowan, Steve Hill (Jenny) Decherd,
Roger (Frieda) Hill; mother-in-law, Irene Foster; sisters-in-law, Gayle Foster and Diane Hill;
7 nephews and 4 nieces.-- He is preceded in death by his Father Earl Eugene Hill,
Mother, Owanna Jane Meeks; brother, Aaron Ray Hill;
Father-in-law, Vernon Foster; Brother-in-law, Ricky Foster.

_______________ Next New Cemetery

Hill Cemetery .....Madison HallMadison CountyTennessee, USA

Campbell, Thomas 6879841
Birth: May 19, 1793 Death: Jan. 8, 1862

Note: Born in Davidson Co., TN. Buried in
Cement. Transcription of Cemetery Records
of Madison Co., TN; Vol. I, The Southern Half
of County. By The Mid-West
Tennessee Genealogical Society.

_______ Next

----, Mary M. Campbell 6879837
Birth: unknown -- Death: May 31, 1861

Note: Dau. of Thomas & Eliza (Elizabeth Hill) Campbell.
Transcription of Cemetery Records of Madison Co., TN;
Vol. I, The Southern Half of County. By The Mid-West
Tennessee Genealogical Society.

_______ Next

Campbell, Allen A. 6879846
Birth: Mar. 20, 1832 -- Death: Dec. 31, 1887
Inscription:A. A. Campbell
Note: Son of Thomas & Eliza (Elizabeth Hill) Campbell.
Transcription of Cemetery Records of Madison Co., TN;
Vol. I, The Southern Half of County. By The Mid-West
Tennessee Genealogical Society.

_______ Next

Eddins, Lewis T. 6879880Headstone Photo
Birth: Aug. 21, 1859 -- Death: Jan. 24, 1860
Note: Son of Washington & Caroline D. (Givens) Eddins.
Transcription of Cemetery Records of Madison Co., TN;
Vol. I, The Southern Half of County. By The Mid-West
Tennessee Genealogical Society.

_______ Next

Givens, George Washington 6879894
Birth: Jun. 9, 1845 Death: Jun. 9, 1910
Note: Transcription of Cemetery Records of
Madison Co., TN; Vol. I, The Southern Half
of County. By The Mid-West
Tennessee Genealogical Society.

Manley, Horace T. 33301466
Birth: Mar. 14, 1805
Death: 1846Madison CountyTennessee, USA
Son of Caleb Manley and Ann "Nancy" (White) Manley.
Caleb Manley was born in 1770 in Cumberland County,
Virginia and died in 1831 in Williamson County, Tennessee
Father of Louisa N. W. Carroll, Emily Tabitha Graves,
Caleb Allen Manley, William W. Manley,
Martha Elizabeth Williams, and Sarah Jane Davis.
Family links:Spouse:Martha Hill Givens (1808 - 1863)

Formerly Mrs. Martha Manley(widow of Horace T. Manley).

Note: Broken tombstone. Transcription of Cemetery Records of
Madison Co., TN; Vol. I, The Southern Half of County.
By The Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society

Emily Tabitha Manley Graves (1828 - 1897)*
Spouse:Thomas N. Graves (1818 - 1888)
Burial: Bethpage CemeteryGibson County, Tennessee, USA


Caleb Allen Manley (1834 - 1910)*Headstone Photo
Birth: Oct., 1834Madison County,Tennessee, USA
Death: Aug. 20, 1910 JacksonMadison County.Tennessee, USA
Burial:Riverside Cemetery JacksonMadison CountyTennessee, USA
Plot: Section 5 Lot 191-C
Spouse:Sarah Frances Steadman Manley (1850 - 1935)
Leila Allen Manley (1867 - 1938)*
Horace B Manley (1868 - 1931)*
Cora Bell Manley (1870 - 1899)*
Hattie Manley Wilde (1872 - 1953)*
Louanna Manley Baird (1875 - 1926)*
Emmett Steadman Manley (1877 - 1954)*
Mary Effie Manley Stetzel (1882 - 1965)*
Babe Manley (1886 - 1894)*
Bert M Manley (1892 - 1940)*


Martha E Manley Williams (1837 - 1908)*
Burial:Woodlawn CemeteryGoliad CountyTexas, USA
Children:Manley H. Williams (1862 - 1946
Burial:Evergreen Cemetery VictoriaVictoria CountyTexas, USA
Spouse:Susie Laura Danforth Williams (1864 - 1952)

Children:Manley H. Williams (1905 - 1955)*


Sarah Jane Manley Davis
Birth: Mar. 21, 1845MedonMadison CountyTennessee, USA
Death: May 28, 1929 Fort SmithSebastian CountyArkansas, USA

Burial:Oak CemeteryFort SmithSebastian CountyArkansas, USA
Plot: Block 2 Range 1 Lot 3 Row 1 Space 5
Spouse:Pleasant Redmond Davis (1839 - 1910)*


Thomas Caleb Davis (1862 - 1912)*
Martha Elizabeth Davis Crane (1866 - 1957)*
Zeno W. Davis (1869 - 1944)*
Mary Davis (1870 - 1871)*
Lula E. Davis Mowen (1872 - 1932)*
Laura Davis Witherspoon (1873 - 1960)*
Grace Davis Mantor (1877 - 1906)*
Anna B. Davis (1880 - 1881)*
Pleasant Redmond Davis (1885 - 1885)*
Irma Davis Blakely (1888 - 1972)*

_______ Next

Van Hook, Nancy "Tot" Margaret Allen 6879792
Birth: Aug. 21, 1882 Death: Oct. 23, 1956
Note: Transcription of Cemetery Records of Madison Co., TN;
Vol. I, The Southern Half of County.
By The Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society.

_______ Next

Whitlow, Rosa Lee "Lela" Hill 79799346
Birth: 1862Madison CountyTennessee, USA
Death: Oct. 20, 1942 JacksonMadison CountyTennessee, USA
Wife of Felix H. Whitlow.
Family links:Parents:
Leonidas John Hill (1833 - 1900)
Angerona Rosetta Eddins Hill (1838 - 1918)
Alice Elizabeth Whitlow Harris (1882 - 1954)*

_______ Next

Young, B. Frank, Sr 57681106
Birth: 1845 Death: 1893

Family links:Children:
Louanna Young (1867 - 1867)*
Elizabeth Young (1873 - 1910)*
Etta Bond Simmons (1880 - 1915)*
Headstone Photo

[[ Benjamin Frank Young (1884 - 1912)*]]

Birth: 1884 Death: 1912
Family links: Parents:
B. Frank Young (1845 - 1893)
Eugenia J. Hill Young (1845 - 1920)


Young, Benjamin Frank, Jr 57681180
Birth: 1884 Death: 1912
Family links:Parents:
B. Frank Young (1845 - 1893)
Eugenia J. Hill Young (1845 - 1920)

____ Next

Young, Eugenia J. Hill 57664339
Birth: Feb. 4, 1845 Tennessee, USA
Death: Oct. 17, 1920JacksonMadison CountyTennessee, USA
Family links:Parents:
Jacob Hill (1796 - 1878)
Jane Lemons Hill (1803 - 1862)
Louanna Young (1867 - 1867)*
Elizabeth Young (1873 - 1910)*
Etta Bond Simmons (1880 - 1915)*
Benjamin Frank Young (1884 - 1912)*

____ Next
_______________ Next New Cemetery

The state of Tennessee did not require the keeping of death records until 1908. The city of Nashville began keeping its own death records in 1881; Davidson County, separate from Nashville, began keeping its own death records in 1900.
Newspapers published in Nashville from 1855-1907 frequently carried notices for the deceased. Death notices were extremely brief and usually did not include any information on the family of the deceased. A death notice usually lists only the name, age, race, and cause of death.
The death notice does not always list the exact date of death for the deceased. The indexes that follow give the date the death notice appeared in the newspaper, not the date of death
[DA] Daily American (1875 - 1894)
[DNP] Daily Nashville Patriot (1855 - 1862)
[DNTW] Daily Nashville True Whig (1855)
[NA] Nashville American (1894-1907)
[NB] Nashville Banner (1876-1907)

Death Notices in Nashville Newspapers 1855-1907 > H

Last Name First Name Race Notice Date Newspaper

Allen A. B. W 23 Oct 1892 DA
Allen A. M. (Mrs.) W 26 Aug 1888 DA
Allen America A. 4 Dec 1877 DA
Allen Annie F W 30 Aug 1885 DA
Allen Annie Mai W 13 Feb 1904 NA
Allen Anthony 20 Aug 1882 DA
Allen Arthur C. 22 Apr 1905 NA
Allen Augusta W 27 May 1904 NA
Allen B. H. (Mrs.) 26 June 1903 NA
Allen Bridgett (Mrs.) 4 Swx 1881 DA
Allen Brownie Dell 2 July 1907 NA
Allen C. F. W 16 May 1896 NB
Allen Charles G. 30 Jan 1907 NA
Allen Charles Wesley 16 Dec 1905 NA
Allen D. M. W 21 Dec 1895 NB
Allen David M. 6 Nov 1886 DA
Allen Demarius (Mrs.) 8 Mar 1907 NA
Allen Dewey Petri 15 Aug 1898 NB
Allen Donald 18 & 19 Mar 1888 DA
Allen E. F. W 15 Jan 1882 DA
Allen Elenor 8 Oct 1886 DA
Allen Eliza C. W 28 Jan 1894 DA
Allen Eliza J. (Mrs.) 11 Feb 1907 NA
Allen F. M. W 25 Jan 1885 DA
Foster 2 June 1858 DNP
Allen Frank 16 Mar 1906 NA
Allen George C. 24 Aug 1889 DA
Allen George E. 24 Jan 1879 DA
Allen George W. 18 Oct 1905 NA
Allen Granville W 4 Dec 1901 NA
Allen Hettie W 4 June 1893 DA
Allen Jane 24 June 1890 DA
Allen Jane W 27 July 1890 DA
Allen John W 25 Mar 1888 DA
Allen Martha J. 24 Apr 1907 NA
Allen S. R. W 18 Mar 1888 DA

Last Name First Name Race Notice Date Newspaper

Hill Abbie Lea 8 Jan 1902 NA
Hill Addison P. 28 July 1901 NA
Hill Albert Claud W 29 June 1883 DA
Hill Albert Claud W 1 July1883 DA
Hill Alex C 16 Mar 1895 NB
Hill Alfred H. W 25 Sept 1892 DA
Hill Alice C 2 Nov 1890 DA
Hill Alice C 4 & 6 Nov 1898 NA
Hill Allen C 31 Mar 1889 DA
Hill Almond W 9 July 1893 DA
Hill Amanda W 17 Mar 1901 NA
Hill Amanda C 29 Dec 1894 NB
Hill Amos Sr. 1 Feb 1897 NA
Hill Amos Sr. 7 Feb 1897 NA
Hill Annie (Mrs.) 14 Jan 1903 NA
Hill Arthur W 4 Oct 1891 DA
Hill Arthur H. 22 Feb 1901 NA
Hill Bertha W 19 Oct 1884 DA
Hill Bettie C 20 July 1901 NA
Hill Bettie C 8 June 1890 DA
Hill Bettie C 8 Mar 1885 DA
Hill Birdie M. W 8 Oct 1882 DA
Hill C. Hooper 8 Apr 1887 DA
Hill Cecil T. C 20 Mar 1893 DA
Hill Charity C 28 June 1885 DA
Hill Charles C 13 Apr 1890 DA
Hill Chester P. W 1 Mar 1891 DA
Hill Christine W 8 Sept 1903 NA
Hill Clarence C 22 Feb 1890 NB
Hill Current c 8 Nov 1902 NA
Hill Eatcis C 28 Dec 1889 NB
Hill Ed C 21 Feb 1892 DA
Hill Edmond C 3 Dec 1893 DA
Hill Edward C 13 Mar 1893 DA
Hill Edward H. 4 Dec 1907 NA
Hill Eliza 25 Dec 1884 DA
Hill Elizabeeth R. W 7 Feb 1886 DA
Hill Elizabeth C 29 Apr 1895 NB
Hill Emeline C 4 Sept 1892 DA
Hill Emma W 9 July 1893 DA
Hill Enoch G. 25 Dec 1903 NA
Hill Ernest B. 7 Aug 1897 NB
Hill Eugene W. W 11 & 13 Nov 1892 DA
Hill Felix C 22 Nov 1891 DA
Hill Frances C 25 Dec 1892 DA
Hill George C 21 Apr 1894 NB
Hill Georgia C 28 June 1904 NA
Hill Georgia Anna 17 Aug 1881 DA
Hill Gray C 18 Mar 1883 DA
Hill H. B. (Dr.) 17 Feb 1900 NB
Hill H. T. W 21 Oct 1888 DA
Hill Harriet W 14 Sept 1890 DA
Hill Henry W 22 Mar 1891 DA
Hill Henry C 5 Aug 1883 DA
Hill Henry D. W 20 Feb 1900 NA
Hill J. B. 28 Jan 1901 NA
Hill J. H. (Dr.) 14 Aug 1907 NA
Hill James 15 June 1907 NA
Hill James W 2 Oct 1887 DA
Hill James A. W 1 Apr 1888 DA
Hill James A. W 11 Apr 1888 DA
Hill James D. W 21 June 1885 DA
Hill James H. W 1 Oct 1884 DA
Hill James H. W 5 Oct 1884 DA
Hill James H. W 1 Aug 1886 DA
Hill James H. C 25 May 1884 DA
Hill James Madison C 14 & 15 Sept 1903 NA
Hill John C 12 Dec 1891 NB
Hill John W 4 Sept 1898 NA
Hill John H. (Mrs.) 15 Dec 1885 DA
Hill John Henry C 10 May 1900 NA
Hill John M. 16 Dec 1885 DA
Hill Joseph C 19 Oct 1889 NB
Hill Joseph 20 July 1883 DA
Hill Joseph C 26 Apr 1885 DA
Hill Joseph C 9 July 1893 DA
Hill Josephine 4 Nov 1907 NA
Hill Keena 20 July 1900 NA
Hill Lafayette Benson 26 Jan 1897 NA
Hill Lafayette Benson 31 Jan 1897 NA
Hill Laura W 7 Feb 1897 NA
Hill Lena C 6 Jan 1884 DA
Hill Lillie May 13 June 1901 NA
Hill Little Eula W 8 & 9 Mar 1884 DA
Hill Lovie C 5 Dec 1900 NA
Hill M. A. C 27 Nov 1898 NA
Hill M. L. W 29 Jan 1888 DA
Hill Maggie C 25 Jan 1891 DA
Hill Martha W 30 May 1897 NA
Hill Martha A. 21 Nov 1898 NA
Hill Martha A. 21 Nov 1898 NB
Hill Mary Dunlap 4 Nov 1903 NA
Hill Mary E. 6 Dec 1891 DA
Hill Mary J. 21 Sept 1904 NA
Hill Mary T. 3 June 1884 DA
Hill Mattie W 26 May 1884 DA
Hill Mattie W 1 Jun 1884 DA
Hill Minnie C 21 Jan 1894 DA
Hill Minnie May Alice C 31 May 1904 NA
Hill Moses C 3 May 1885 DA
Hill Nannie W. (Mrs.) 1 Nov 1906 NA
Hill Nick C 5 Feb 1903 NA
Hill Paul W 15 Feb 1885 DA
Hill Phoebe W 20 Dec 1885 DA
Hill Priscella C 3 Mar 1894 NB
Hill R. B. W 26 Feb 1899 NA
Hill R. H. (Capt.) 1 May 1889 DA
Hill Randle C 17 Apr 1903 NA
Hill Robert C 22 July 1893 NB
Hill Robert Andrew W 8 Aug 1903 NA
Hill Roger Amis 16 Jan 1904 NA
Hill Samuel W 1 July 1883` DA
Hill Sarah Henrietta 21 Jan 1907 NA
Hill Sarah Rebecca (Mrs.) 12 Dec 1900 NA
Hill Sarah (Mrs.) 19 Apr 1901 NA
Hill Uritha C 2 Apr 1893 DA
Hill W. H. D. 8 Jan 1903 NA
Hill W. H. (Maj.) 10 May 1881 DA
Hill W. J. 1 July 1904 NA
Hill Walter G. W 27 Apr 1884 DA
Hill Walter Manrie 12 Jan 1879 DA
Hill Welbern C 22 Mar 1891 DA
Hill William C 1 Apr 1883 DA
Hill William C 21 July 1889 DA
Hill William 6 July 1890 DA
Hill William H. W 17 July 1900 NA
Hill William Wallace 14 Mar 1906 NA
Eddins C. B. W 27 Dec 1885 DA
Eddins G. T. W 17 Jan 1886 DA

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

___ BIBLE's ? I Belive For Sale?

Hill Bible includes Banks, Hill, Carrier, Day, Nichols of CT (Source: Bible Records Online)

Hill Family Record
This is a letter and accompanying document stating
ancestral information about the family of Joseph Hill
and his relatives, I think, judging by the letter. It
appears that he was collecting information about the
family from his various relatives.
The letter was written by Jerry Crary, who was collecting
information for a book he later published in 1917: Ancestors
and Descendants of Calvert Crary and His Wife, Jerry
Crary, 1917, New York : T. A. Wright.
The accompanying document may be what
Jerry Crary sent to Lib, or perhaps it is what Lib sent
back to him, along with his letter as reference, or
neither. It appears to be written earlier than 1893 -- the
embossed stationery dates to the mid-19th century,
and no dates are later than 1849. It doesn't quite match
what Jerry's "memories" of the Hill genealogy would be,
dating 120 years before the letter was written, so I
am skeptical that it is the document he is referring to
in the letter, but it might very well be.
It appears from his book that this family was from Connecticut.
Transcribed by and in the possession of Tracy St. Claire,
-----------------TRANSCRIPT STARTS-----------------
52 Waverly St. Jersey City, April 13th 1893.
My Dear Lib: --
I enclose you what memories I have of the genealogy
of the Hill family. I would like to make a nice Type
written copy of a continuation of what I have here of the family
record to the present time, and if I can get it full enough to
amount to anything I will have it printed.
What I want first is the date of all the Marriages of grandmother
Carrier's children and the name and date of birth of
their husbands and wives, and of their children and grandchildren
all the births marriages deaths &c. When you see Aunt Sally, get
what you can from her, and get what you can from Mary Lute, and
then there is David and Joseph Hill, get what dates you can, and
those you can't get give me the address and I will write them.
Perhaps your Mother can give the date of the marriages of all
her brothers and sisters.
Be careful and write names and dates very plainly.
P. S. If you can get any dates prior to those I send I should
prize them very highly.
Give my love to your Mother.
Yours Truly:
J.M. Crary.
[Page Two -- Family Information]

-----------------TRANSCRIPT STARTS-----------------
Sturges Banks born Oct 26th 1773
Sarah Banks " April 8 1776
Hezekiah Banks " Dec 12th 1777
Patta Banks " April 7th 1780
Mary Banks " July 20th 1782
Aretta [?] Banks " Jan 13th 1789
Jesup Banks " April 7th 1791
Walter Banks " June 3rd 1793
Joseph Hill " May 3rd 1774
Benjamin Hill "Feby 19th 1800
Sherwood Hill " Jan 1st 1802
Eliza Hill " Dec 1st 1803
Esther Hill " Sept. 27th 1805
Joseph Hill Jun " April 4th 1808
Hezekiah Hill " March 21st 1810
Sarah Hill " May 11th 1811
Areta Hill " April 18th 1813
Paulina Hill " June 13th 1816
Ebenezer Carrier " Jan 28th 1774
Clarissa Day " May 8th 1777
Betsey Carrier " Aug 30th 1796
Eleanor Carrier " July 13th 1798
Minorres Carrier " May 31st 1800
Maria Carrier " Feb 11th 1802
Louisa Carrier born Feb. 2nd 1805 [corrected from 1803]
Amasa Carrier " Oct 20th 1808
Eban Carrier " Jan 27th 1806
Flavius Carrier " Dec 20th 1810
Roderick Carrier born Feb 6 1813
Deborah Carrier " April 13, 1816
Julia Carrier " June 26t, 1818
[Page Three -- Family Information Reverse Side]
Hezekiah Banks died March 3rd 1812
Sarah Banks his wife " Feb 22nd 1815
Areta Nichols " July 10th 1815
Ebenezer Carrier " June 17th 1847
Joseph Hill & Sarah Banks married 1799
Joseph died April April 19th 1816
Sherwood Hill " Feb 6th 1849

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

Hill family Bible records, 1786-1917 (Source: Online Collections at BYU)
Hill Bible includes Hill, Freas, Stearns, Low, Cottrell, Wilson, Seeley of PA (Source: Bible Records Online)
Hills Bible includes Hills, Benit, Bennet, Walter, Hill (Source: Bible Records Online)
Lawson Hill Family Bible (Source: ChaseYourTale.com)
Abraham Hill Family Bible (Source: ChaseYourTale.com)
Dr. Lawson A. Hill Family Bible (Source: ChaseYourTale.com)
Hill Bible Records North Carolina Family Records Online

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

Nashville ,Tennessee
Hill, Horace Greeley Aka: H.G. Hill's
Horace G. Hill, grocery man, real estate entrepreneur, banker, and philanthropist, was born in Hickory Valley in White County in 1873. He opened the first H. G. Hill Grocery Store at age twenty-three and became a pioneer in such grocery retailing innovations as self-service, cash-and-carry, and newspaper price advertising. Hill quickly built a large Middle Tennessee chain of stores and expanded into other states. At one time, he operated more than five hundred grocery stores in the South, including stores in Birmingham, Alabama, and Louisiana.
Hill preferred to own the properties in which his stores operated, and he enjoyed investing and dealing in real property. By the time the H. G. Hill Realty Company incorporated in 1926, Hill held one of the major real estate portfolios in Tennessee.
In 1933 Hill agreed to use his financial resources, reputation, and management skills to rescue the Nashville Trust Company, one of the oldest banking institutions in the South. He served as its chairman until his death in 1942.
Hill was privately known for his many acts of unrecognized generosity and kindness. His public philanthropy included providing leadership and significant financial assistance to George Peabody College for Teachers, the Young Men's Christian Association, and the Presbyterian Church. Highly respected and active in business and community affairs, Hill served as president of the Commercial Club of Nashville from 1919 to 1920.
Hill died in October 1942 and was survived by his widow, Mamie Wilson Hill.
Elizabeth Hill Penick (1899 - 1973)*

Horace Greeley Hill (1901 - 1993)*

Frances Hill Caldwell (1905 - 1992)*

_______________ Next

Hill, Napoleon
The merchant prince of Memphis, Napoleon Hill was born in 1830, the second of eleven children of
Duncan and Olivia L. Bills Hill. Hill's physician father died in 1844, leaving his widow an estate valued at more than forty thousand dollars, including Longwood plantation in Marshall County, Mississippi. At age sixteen Hill moved to Bolivar, where he clerked in a dry goods store. Three years later, he joined the California Gold Rush and reportedly accumulated several thousand dollars before returning to Tennessee. By 1857 Hill was back in Memphis after a brief stopover in Bolivar. He opened a wholesale grocery and cotton commission house on the eve of the Civil War.

In postwar Memphis, Hill became one of the leading businessmen among the cotton and merchant houses of the day. He also invested in banking and real estate, as well as in New South industrial development. As Memphis rose to prominence as the world's leading cotton spot market and one of the nation's largest wholesale grocery distribution centers, Hill became wealthy, powerful, and socially prominent. The city's cotton merchants organized the Memphis Cotton Exchange in 1873; Hill headed it in the early 1880s. Unlike in other southern cities, Memphis cotton men (instead of the railroads) owned and operated the city's cotton compress and storage facilities. In 1887 Hill succeeded founder Henry Montgomery as head of the Merchants' Cotton Press and Storage Company with its giant warehouses and daily compress output of six thousand bales. In 1885 Hill, Sam Tate, and Robert B. Snowden formed Citizens Railway Company, a streetcar line serving the Fort Pickering, Cole's Mill, Scotland, Elmwood Cemetery, and Leath Orphan Asylum areas. The line was soon absorbed by Memphis City Railroad Company. Hill's biggest investment was in Hill, Fontaine and Company, a cotton and wholesale grocery business. In addition to his other investments, Hill owned 1,250 shares of Pratt Coal and co*ke Company, developers of the Birmingham, Alabama, steel industry. He was also a strong investor in Union and Planters Bank and served as a bank director.
Hill lived ostentatiously in a mansion he built at the present site of the Sterick Building. He died in 1909 and is buried in Elmwood Cemetery.

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Tannehill, Wilkins
Born near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1787, Wilkins Tannehill came to Nashville in 1808; he was involved in politics, intellectual pursuits, Masonic activities, journalism, and publishing in the city for the rest of his life.

Tannehill's political interests led him to serve as an alderman in 1813 and as mayor of Nashville 1825-26. He was a trustee of Cumberland College, later the University of Nashville, from 1814 to 1821 and from 1825 to 1832. As one of the most literate Nashvillians, Tannehill joined the Nashville Library Company around 1810 and served as the society secretary for the Tennessee Antiquarian Society. He launched his career as an author with the appearance of a volume for Masonic use in 1824. By 1827 he had published a more general work on the history of literature. This, and other activities, led to an honorary A.M. from the University of Nashville in 1828.

An especially well-known Mason, Tannehill held high positions more often than anyone else. In the late 1840s and early 1850s, he blended his interest in Masonry with his interest in education. Partially as a result of his influence, money from area Masons supported the Montgomery Masonic College in Clarksville, Jackson College in Columbia, and small colleges at Huntingdon and Macon in West Tennessee and at Bradley in East Tennessee.
Near the end of his career, Tannehill founded a newspaper and a monthly journal. The Daily Orthopolitan, begun on October 1, 1845, supported intellectual causes and scientific interests. The Port Folio; or Journal of Freemasonry and General Literature began in July 1847 and supported various intellectual causes. Tannehill's last great venture before his death in 1858 was the Merchants Library and Reading Room, a subscription library formed in downtown Nashville in 1849.

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Boyd, Henry Allen
Henry Allen Boyd, founder of the Nashville Globe, was the son of Richard Henry Boyd, founder and manager of the National Baptist Publishing Board. As the son of one of Nashville's most prominent black businessmen and public figures, Boyd learned early the importance of both the political and economic struggle to create and protect Nashville's black "world-within-a-world." In 1906 Boyd and three other local businessmen founded the Nashville Globe and later the Globe Publishing Company. Boyd assumed daily editorial charge, while his father's money (and frequent advertisem*nts for National Baptist Publishing Board literature) helped to bankroll the paper. The Globe provided an invaluable record of Nashville's black community. By the late 1920s some 20 percent of the city's African American families subscribed to the Globe. The newspaper relentlessly advertised and promoted black businesses. From the largest undertakers to the smallest barbershops, Boyd ceaselessly advanced the idea that business enterprise offered the best mechanism to advance "the race." The Globe's motto was "Nashville Offers Opportunity." And, for Henry Allen Boyd, it did.
In addition to managing the Globe Publishing Company, Boyd also owned significant stock in the One-Cent Savings Bank (later the Citizens Savings Bank), a black-owned and -managed enterprise that practiced fiscal conservatism to protect small depositors and directed black capital into fruitful enterprises. Boyd also remained as politically active as the Jim Crow era would permit and served as the African American representative on various city boards.
Through the 1910s and 1920s, Boyd maintained the relatively aggressive editorial policy the paper originally had assumed during a streetcar boycott of 1905-6. Although the Globe operated primarily for the promotion of the black entrepreneurial spirit, the paper also publicized police abuses and provided a forum for local black protest. It demanded that more African Americans be added to the Fisk University faculty and protested the 1913 change from ward-based elections to at-large city elections, a move which diluted the black vote. A stalwart in local Republican Party politics, Boyd was instrumental in obtaining land grant money for what later became Tennessee State University. From the pages of his newspaper, he called attention to the pittance African Americans received for teacher education through the Peabody Fund and directed a campaign to build a black YMCA.

After the death of his father in 1922, Henry Boyd continued the elder Boyd's successful work in religious publishing. He produced one of the first African American religious hymnals, the National Jubilee Melody Song Book, which set to notation the nineteenth-century slave spirituals.
After a long and productive career, Henry Allen Boyd died in 1959, leaving behind a legacy of public service and a business tradition to the Nashville African American community.

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Bowen-Campbell House
Captain William Bowen brought his family to what is now Sumner County in 1784. He first built a double log cabin on the bank of Mansker's Creek before erecting a brick home in 1787. Now within the present limits of Goodlettsville, the Bowen-Campbell House is the oldest brick house in Middle Tennessee. In 1995 archaeologists uncovered the original brick kiln, also the oldest in the region, fifty feet east of the house. The bricks on the original hall-parlor portion of the house were laid in Flemish bond. Family records indicate brick and stone masons, as well as window glass, were imported from Lexington, Kentucky. The Bowen-Campbell House Association, in conjunction with the Tennessee Historical Commission, restored the house in 1976. Archaeological recovery and rebuilding of the plantation's outbuildings and appurtenances are presently in progress. Archaeologists discovered the family cemetery in 1995 and restored it in 1996.

Captain Bowen was a veteran of Lord Dunmore's War, the French and Indian War, and the American Revolution. His grandson, Brigadier General William Bowen Campbell, born in the house, served in the Seminole, Mexican, and Civil Wars. Campbell served one gubernatorial term, 1851-53 and three terms as a U.S. congressman, 1837-43. He was also president of the Bank of Middle Tennessee. Bowen's daughter, Celia, married Barton W. Stone, cofounder of The Disciples of Christ church. Bowen's son, John, served one term in the U.S. Congress, 1813-15.

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

The Ministerial directory: of the ministers in the Presbyterian Church in ...edited by Edgar Sutton Robinson

HILL Edgar Preston Portland Ore Born Pontiac 111 Wms C MA 1884 Belt C Wis DD 95 McC TS Chicago 88 Ord May 88 Pby of Chicago Reunion Chicago Ul 88 89 P IstCh Free port 111 89 95 P 1st Ch Portland Ore f95

HILL Edward Yates Warsaw Ind Born Rochester Mo Baker U BA 1891 Lake FU 111 MA McC T s Chicago 94 Ord Dec 26 93 Pby of To peka P Christ Chapel Chicago 111 94 96 P 1st Ch Warsaw Ind 96

HILL Ellsworth Jerome 7 00 Eggles lon Ave Chicago III Bom LeRoy NY Un TS NY 1863 Lie April 8 63 Pby of New York Ord April 64 Pby of Chicago cago SS Homewood 111 64 66 SS Will 111 67 68 Tea in HighSch Kankakee 111 and Chicago 70 88 Memb Pby Chicago

HILL Frank W iiiE Parade Buffalo NY Born Brooklyn NY U of NY Cy BS 1886 CE 86 BL 87 Prin TS 94 Ord 94 Pby of Brooklyn P Lebanon Chapel Calvary Ch Buffalo NY 94

HILL George Hermann Rock Mills Pa Born Blairsville Pa W and J C Pa BA 1886 Wn T S Pa 89 Lie April 88 Pby of Blairsville Ord Sept 89 Pby of Clarion SS Maysville Pa 89 91 P Beech woods Pa 89

HILL Hiram Memb Pby of Los Angeles Born Belleville NY Aug 29 1832 Yellow Springs C BA 57 Aub TS NY 61 Ord April 62 Pby of Watertown Served the following Chs Cape Vincent NY 61 65 Austin Nev 65 66 Holden Mass 67 72 Carthage 1 yr Visalia Cal 73 78 San Leandro 78

HILL Horace Paynter 1810 N SI Philadelphia Pa Born Delta Miss Prin TS 1895 Lie June 94 Ord Oct 8 95 Pby of West Chester SS Central Mission Camden NJ 91 92 SS IstCh Holly Beach NJ 93 SS 1st Independent Ch Philadelphia Pa 93 95 P Grace Ch North Cramer's Hill NJ 95

HILL James Barnett Ingram Pa Born Butler Co Pa W and J C Pa BA 1886 Lie April 1 90 Ord June 9 91 Pby of Pittsburg P 1st Ch Ingram Pa June 9 91

HILL James R New Plymouth O Born Jefferson Co Pa Wm C Pa BA 1869 Homeopathic Med C Mo MD 84 Ref TS Allegheny Pa 71 Pby of Pittsburg Ord May 72 Lakes Pby RP Ch PRP Ch Southfield Mich 72 76 PRP Ch St Louis Mo 77 85 P Pbn Ch Pataskala O 86 90 P Rich Hill Pa 90 93 P Fairview W Va 93 97 P New Plymouth O 95 Author The Man of the Future Little & Becker St Louis Mo 80 True Temperance and the Conditions of its Success Rufus Johnson Blanchard la 82

HILL John Boynton 1613 BellevueAve Kansas City Mo Born St Louis Mo Knox C BA 1881 MA 84 Un TS NY 87 Lie June 8 86 Pby of Ozark Ord July 5 89 Pby of Topeka SS Westminster Ch Topeka Kans 89 90 P 1st Ch Butler Mo 90 94 SS 1st Ch Tipton Mo 95 96 Literary work and occasional supplv Kansas City 95 Prof of Greek Park C Mo 81 84 and 96

HILL John Clark Austin III McC TS Chicago Served the following Chs Princeton 111 Adrian Mich Favetteville NY Belvidere 111 P Austin I ll Author Hints on Bible Readings Randolph &Co NY 78 The Tabernacle Methodist Book Concern 80 The Children's Sermon Pbn Bd of Pub 92 Fishin Club Randolph & Co 95 Coming to the Lord's Table Pbn Bd of Pub 95 Translated Gospel Hymns into Spanish

HILL John Franklin Canonsburg Pa Born Armstrong Co Pa W and J C Pa BA 1853 MA 57 Lie June Ord Dec 58 Pby of Pittsburg P Ref Pbn Chs Bethel Ebenezer and Harrisburg Pa 58 69 P IstCh Shelbyville Tenn 69 76 P Bethany Ch Bridgeville Pa 76 84 P Chartiers Ch Canonsburg Pa 84 Cor Sec Gen Assembly's Permanent Com Temperance 90

HILL John Wltherow Lexington Neb Born Franklin Co Pa Laf C BA 1884 MA 87 Un TS NY 89 Ord April 12 89 Pby of Carlisle SS Nanti co*ke Pa 87 SS Burchard Liberty Barneston Neb 88 P Diller Neb 89 92 P Lexington Neb Jan 93 Prof Math State Normal Sch Shippensburg Pa 84 86

HILL Matthew LaRue Perrine St Paul Minn Bora East Bloomfield NY March 11 1884 Wms C Mass BA 58 Stud Aub TS NY 1 yr Prin TS 2 yrs Ord Sept 19 61 Pby of Albany P Little Falls NY 61 68 P Glovesville 68 70 Jacksonville Fla 70 72 Des Moines la 72 75 Corning NY 75 Ev

HILL Robert Alexander Norlhville NV Born Armstrong Co Pa Stud Wn U Pa Ord Sept 4 1848 Pby of York Ref Pbn Ch P Pbn Ch Prince town SS Mariaville NY 71 82 Ave Ch 82 Mariaville NY 90 North Granville 94 HR

HILL Robert William Canandaigua NV Born New York NY Stud Rev E Seymour DD U of Ore DD Un TS NY 1878 Ord May 78 Pby of New York Served the following Chs Martinsburg 76 80 1st Ch Salem Ore 78 81 then elected Supt of Missions Ore Wash Alaska and Idaho Transferred 87 to Ind Ter SM for Ind Ter Okla 87 95 Ev 95 Prof of Mental Moral and Natural Science Willamette U Ore 80 81

HILL Thomas 40 S Union St Gallon O Born Canton O Wit C O BA 1855 MA Wit CTS Lie Sept 8 56 Ord 58 Syn of Wittenburg Served Lutheran Chs at Tiffin New Philadelphia Canal Dover Circleville and O Received into Pbn Ch 71 Served Pbn Chs at Scioto Grove City Liberty Berlin West Berlin Ostrander and Delhi O HR

HILL Thomas C Neilsville Wis Born Scotland P Neilsville Wis HILL Thomas Guthrie Franklin E Logan St Gemianlown Phila Pa Born Pittsburg Pa W and J C BA 1887 MA 90 PGU of Edi burgh Scotland Wn TS Pa 90 Lie April 89 Pby of Pittsburg Ord June 26 90 Pby of Blairsville P Parnassus 90 98 P Wakefield field Ch Genuantown Phila April 1 08 Author The Christian Endeavor Hour Parts 1 2 and 8 FH Revell New York

HILL William J Huron S Dak Born Co Antrim Ireland Rut C NJ 1869 MA NBTS NJ 72 Ord June 72 Classis of Westchester HM Dutchess Co NY 72 75 P Ref Ch East New York LI 75 82 P Ref Ch Glenville NY 82 84 HM in Pbn Ch in S Dak 84 P at L Pby of Dakota

HILL Winfleld Euclid Waynesburg O Born East Liverpool O Jef C Pa Wn TS Pa Lie April 29 1868 Pby of New Lisbon Ord May 11 75 Pby Lima SS Gettsyburg and Fletcher O 69 70 SS Gettysburg O 70 71 SS Wapa koneta O 72 76 SS Ottawa O 76 79 P Fairview W Va 79 90 P and Malvern O 90 96 P Waynesburg O 97 Author Birds of the Pan Handle West Va The Plants of the Pan Handle WestVa

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Thomas Morton to James Johnson, Aug 1834
State of Tennessee ) Anderson County ) personally appeared before me Willian Crafts, Clerk of the County Court of Anderson County aforesaid William Severs with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he made and Executed the within named deed of Conveyance for the purposes within aforesaid on the day it bares date. Witnesses my hand at office in Clinton this the 4th day of February, 1839 William Crafts, Clerk This Indenture made the 16th day of August in the year of our Lord 1834 between THOMAS MORTON of the County of Anderson of the one part and JAMES JOHNSON of the County of Knox of the other part. Witnesseth that the said THOMAS MORTON for an in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars to him secured to be paid hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth Convey and Confirm unto the said JAMES JOHNSON his heirs and assignees forever a tract of land lying in the said County of Anderson in the Poor Valley and bounded as follows Beginning on the top of Hinds Ridge on the northeastern line of a grant for twenty five hundred and sixty acres of land granted to WILLIAM TYRELL LEWIS thence along the line of said grant north forty five degrees west to the line of a tract of land conveyed by (LEWIS CLIPIER (can't read, sorry)) to WILLIAM BRUMMET and with h is line to the top of the Lone Mountain thence Easterwardly along the top of said mountain to point from which a line running south forty five degrees east to the top of Hinds Ridge will strike the division line agreed upon between said MORTON and his brother, GEORGE (MORTON), thence with said line to the top of Hinds Ridge thence along the top of said ridge to the beginning containing one hundred acres be the same more or less which tract of land together with the herediments and appertinances thereunto belonging or appertaining to have and to hold unto the said JAMES JOHNSON his heirs and assigns against the lawful title Claim and demand of all persons whatever the said THOMAS MORTON doth hereby warrant and forever defend in testimony whereof the said THOMAS MORTON hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written signed sealed and delivered in the presence of DAVID MORTON THOMAS MORTON (seal) JAMES MORTON TRAVIS GEORGE JOSEPH "x" STANLEY State of Tennessee ) Anderson County ) Personally appeared before me WILLIAM CRAFTS, Clerk of the County Court of Anderson County, JAMES MORTON and JOSEPH STANLEY, two subscribing witnesses to written named deed who being first sworn deposed and say they are acquainted with THOMAS MORTON the within named Bargainer and that the said THOMAS MORTON acknowledge that he made and executed the within named deed for the purposes therein contained on the day it bares date. Witnesses my hand at office in Clinton this 4th day of February 1839. William Crafts, Clerk


James Johnson to James Morton, Mar 1843
Transcribed by Nina Morton Tomasieski State of Tennessee ) Anderson County ) personally appeared before me WILLIAM CRAFTS Clerk of the County Court for the said County the within named ROBERT McHANEY (not sure if this is the correct last name) with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within deed of Conveyance for the purposes therein contained. Witnesseth my hand at office in Clinton this 13th day of November 1843. William Crafts, Clerk By his deputy

the above deed came to office November 13 1843 2 o'clock p.m. Jackson T. CANADA DB Rec November 13 1843 3 o'clock p.m. JAMES JOHNSON THOMAS MORTON ANDERSON COUNTY 100 ACRES FEE $1.00 This Indenture made and executed this the 5th day of March in the year of our Lord 1843 - Between JAMES JOHNSON of the County of Anderson of the one part and JAMES MORTON of the County of Anderson of the other part Witnesseth that the said JAMES JOHNSON for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars to him secured to be paid hath bargained and sold and by these present doth convey and confirm unto the said MORTON his heirs and assignees forever a tract of land lying in the said County of Anderson in the Poor Valley and bounded as follows Beginning on the top of Hinds Ridge on the Northeastern line of a grant for Twenty five hundred and sixty acres of land granted to WILLIAM TYRELL LEWIS thence along the line of said Grant north forty five degrees West to the line of a tract of land conveyed by LEWIS CLISS???) to WILLIAM BRUMMETT and with his line to the top of the Lone Mountain thence Easterly along the top of said Mountain to a point from which a line running south forty five degrees East to the top of Hinds Ridge will strike the division line agreed upon between THOMAS MORTON (can't read) and his brother GEORGE MORTON thence with said line to the top of Hinds Ridge thence along the top of said Ridge to the Beginning X containing one hundred acres be the same more or less which tract of land together with the hereditanments (?) and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining to have and to hold unto the said JAMES MORTON his heirs and assignees a grant the lawful title claim and demand of all persons whatever the said JAMES JOHNSON doth hereby warrant and forever defend in Testimony whereof the said JAMES JOHNSON doth hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written signed sealed and delivered in the presence of JAMES M. BAYLESS ISAAC HANco*ck JAMES "x" JOHNSON JOHN H. STOUT HIS MARK State of Tennessee ) personally appeared before me Anderson County ) WILLIAM CRAFTS, Clerk of the County Court for the County of Anderson, ISAAC HANco*ck and JOHN H. STOUT the subscribing witnesses to the within deed who being first sworn depose and say that they are acquainted with JAMES JOHNSON the Bargainor and that he acknowledges the same in these presence to be his act and deed upon the day it bears date witnesses my hand at office in Clinton the 13th day of November 1843 WILLIAM CRAFTS, Clerk By Deputy C. J. Oliver The above came November 13th 1843 3 o'clock per Jackson T. Canada, DB

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Ancestors - "James W. Hill Family History - Hill Surname Genealogy
... against Susan Lewis Hill and others over the estate of William Hill, ... -Martha C. Hill b: ... in the above court case, gave James W. Hill her power of attorney ...www.jwhgenealogy.com/ancestorspage.htm


William Hill, Sr. b: Abt 1759 d: Abt 1841 Rock Creek? ,(Prince Edward Co) VA
+Susan Lewis b: Abt 1795 m: May 3, 1834 (We think this was William's 2nd wife).
-Reuben G. Hill Abt 1880
+Mary (Polly) Lewis M: 1810 in Monroe County, VA (Now WV)
........ -Permilia Pryor Hill b: Abt 1813 (Monroe Co, VA? [now WV ] ) d: In Livingston Co, MO?
...........+David W. Muncy (Munsey)
.............-John Muncy
.....-William Elbert Muncy
..... -Nancy Muncy
.....-Permilia A. Muncy
.....-Mary Muncy
.....-Sarah Muncy
.....-James D.Z. Muncy
.......-James W. Hill b: Abt 1815

(A record of William's will was found in Prince Edward County. In that will he left his possessions to his wife Susan, and only $20.00 to his son Reuben G. Hill. Tarleton Lewis was listed as executor. No other heirs were mentioned. Based on records found in P.E. County William's father was possibly named William also. A Samuel Hill and James Hill of P.E. County could have been William's brothers. None of this has been verified. We suspect that Reuben and Polly had more children than Permilia and James but we have been unable to verify them.)

-William W. Hill (Jr.?) (All we know about William, Jr. was that he was named in the law suit that Reuben's wife and daughter filed against Susan Lewis Hill and others over the estate of William Hill, Sr.)
-Martha C. Hill b: Abt 1810 Prince Edward Co, VA d: ? Giles Co, VA?

(Martha's name was mentioned in a court record that outlined litigation over William Hill Sr's estate. Martha was listed in the 1850 Giles Co, VA census as living with Thomas Burdett and Nancy C. Hill. Hence, she was probably Nancy's sister. The above mentioned court case lasted from 1841 until 1848. There appeared to be considerable contention over William's estate. James W. Hill was also named in that court record.)

-Nancy C. Hill b: Abt 1820 (Listed as age 30 in 1850 Giles Co, Va census)
+Thomas I. Burdett (Burdit) m: February 7, 1845 Giles Co, VA
(As mentioned above Nancy and Thomas were found in the 1850 Giles Co, VA census. Why Rueben ,Martha and Nancy all went to Giles County is a mystery. One guess is that they wanted to escape in-laws they had battled with in court in Prince Edward County. Also note that James W. Hill was named as the bondsman for Nancy and Thomas' marriage. Nancy's name also appeared in the above mentioned court case.)
-Reuben G. Hill b: Abt 1780 d: abt 1842 Giles Co, VA
+Mary "Polly" Lewis b: Abt 1781 Monroe Co, VA (Now WV) m: February 8, 1810 Monroe Co, VA d: Abt 1853 Giles Co, VA
.....Permilia Pryor Hill b: Abt 1813 (Moved to Missouri after her husband died)
+David Muncy (Muncey, Munsey) d. Abt. 1849
-John Muncy
-William Elbert Muncy (Very famous Methodist minister)
-Permilia Muncy
-Mary F. Muncy
-Sarah M. Muncy
-James D.Z. Muncy

(Reuben, in addition to being named in William's will, was also named in the above court case. The settlement of Reuben's estate also mentions one of his beds being delivered from Tazewell, VA to James W. Hill. According to the 1850 Giles Co, VA census Polly age 69 was living with her son's, James W. Hill's, family.)
-Frances Hill b: 11/29/1803 Prince Edward Co, VA d: 3/26/1881 Livingston Co, MO
+Joshua T. Bevell (BeVelle) b: 8/21/1801 Pierson Co, NC m: 4/1/1823 Wythe Co, VA d: 7/22/1870 Livingston Co, MO
-Eliza Jane Bevell
. -William Lewis Bevell
..-John Kirk Bevell
..-James Madison Bevell
..-Harvey Jackson Bevell
..-Burrel Johnston Bevell
..-Benjamin Thomas Bevell
(Frances in addition to being named in the above court case, gave James W. Hill her power of attorney relative to any settlement from William W. Hill's estate. This POA was filed in the Giles Co, VA Courthouse.)

As you can see, William W, Martha C., Nancy C., and Frances Hill seem to be connected to James W. Hill. Our research team has been unable to prove what that connection is. If you feel that you may be connected to any of these ancestors please contact the Webmaster or Annette Damron...immediately!

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Anderson County, Tennessee: Vol. K: Register of Deeds Nov. 1837- Nov. 1842

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ABRAHAM HILL (1698 - 1760) m/JUDITH ... ????) (s/o Daniel Hill 1757-1848), m/MARTHA WALKER (c1800 TN - 1847). Contact: Andrew L. Hill.


ABRAHAM HILL (1790 TN - ????) (s/o Daniel Hill 1757-1848), m/MARTHA WALKER (c1800 TN - 1847).
Contact: Andrew L. [emailprotected]

DANIEL HILL (1757 NJ - 1846 TN) (s/o Samuel Hill), m/ELEANOR NODDING (1750/60 VA - 1830 TN)
DNA Group 14 (hilldna.com) Contact: Andrew L. Hill

EBENEZER HILL (1791 NH - 1875 TN) (s/o Ebenezer Hill & Mary Boynton), m/MARY T. BRYAN (1799 SC - 1861 TN)
Contact: Need a [emailprotected]

GEORGE HILL (1797 TN - 1867 TN), m1/JANE CALVERT (1804 TN - ????), m2/CAROLINE M. HENRY.
Possibly s/o John Hill and Elizabeth Kyker.
DNA Group 37 (hilldna.com) Contact: Bo [emailprotected]

ISAAC HILL, Sr. (1748 MD - 1825 TN), m/LUCINDA WALLACE (1746 - 1798 NC).
DNA Group 4 (hilldna.com) DNA Kit # 8504 (hilldna.com) Contact: John P. Hill; Loy Burges; Jackie Hill Bower; Tina K. Peddie
Website: www.geocities.com/[emailprotected]

JACOB HILL (1796 TN? - 1878 TN), m1/JANE LEMON (1804 NC - ????), m2/LAURA NOEL (1844 - 1925)
Contact: Need a [emailprotected]

JAMES HILL (1760/70 GA - 1831 TN), m/JANE ROBERTSON (bef 1775 NC - 1836 TN)
Contact: Need a [emailprotected]

JAMES HILL (1770/75 NC - 1826 TN), m/MARY CLAYTON (1776 NC - 1824 TN).
DNA Group 39 (hilldna.com) Contact: Russell A. [emailprotected]

JOHN HILL (1750 VA - 1807 NC) (s/o William Hill 1713 - 1799 VA/NC), m/JANE KENAN (c1755 NC - 1819 TN)
DNA Kit #11490 (hilldna.com) Contact: Delano [emailprotected]

JOHN HILL (1782 NC - 1858 TN), m/MARGARET COVINGTON (1783 NC - ????)
s/o John Hill, Sr. who owned property adjacent to William Hill and Hannah Bridges in Rockingham Co., NC. Based on DNA matches with William Hill descendants, John Hill, Sr. was probably a brother of William Hill.
DNA Group 13 (hilldna.com) Contact: Need a [emailprotected]

JOHN MELCHOIR HILL (1797 PA - 1870 TN) (s/o Gottleib Hill), m/PHEBE THOMPSON (1848 OH - ????)
Contact: Need a contact

JONAS HILL (1763 NC - 1840 TN), m1/Unk, m2/SUSAN MARCHBANKS?, m3/MARY BARNES (1769/92 SC - 1861 AR).
DNA Group 1 (hilldna.com) Contact: E. Ray Hill; Major Hill;Donald L. Hill; [emailprotected] [emailprotected]
Website: www.livingston.net/[emailprotected]

MOSES HILL (1786 GA - 1860 TN), m/wife unknown (d/after 1840 TN) Color Black
Contact: Need a contact

NANNIE HILL (???? - 1875 Franklin Co., TN), m/1871 TN to WILLIAM T. LEAGUE (no dob/dod).
Contact: Rosemary [emailprotected]

NATHANIEL HILL (1794/95 NC - 1862 SC), m1/SARAH ODUM, m2/MORIAH FLOWERS of Darlington, SC.
DNA Group 4 (hilldna.com) Contact: Fran Harris [emailprotected]

PERRY HILL (c1773/85 SC - 1840 TN), m/SARAH _____(no dob, d/after 1850 TN?).
DNA Group 1 (hilldna.com) Contact: E. Ray Hill Contact: Ray [emailprotected]
Website: www.livingston.net/jonashill

PLEASANT HILL (1780 VA - 1851 TN), m/ADELPHIA HAWK (1791 VA - 1853 TN).
DNA Kit #: 5531 (hilldna.com) Contact: Sandra H. [emailprotected]

REUBEN HILL (1761 PA - 1833 TN) (s/o Thomas Hill 1724-MA - aft 1810 KY), m/SARAH JOYCE HANKS (1769 pa - 1847 TN).
Contact: David H. [emailprotected]

ROBERT HILL (abt. 1760/65 VA? - abt. 1845/50 Wilson Co., TN), m1/Ms. MOORE?, m2/1820 TN to ELIZA PERKINS,
Contact: Dee [emailprotected]

THOMAS HILL (abt. 1790 VA/PA? - bef. 1845), m/TN to SARAH/SALLY WOOD THOMAS
Contact: Dee Hill-Meermans

ROBERT HILL (abt. 1793 England - 1827 Nelson Co., KY), m/1816 NCKY to Sarah COTTON
Contact: Garland [emailprotected]

STOKLEY R. HILL (1794/1802 - 1820 TN?), m/MARY McDONALD (1794-1802 - ????)
Contact: Joan F. [emailprotected]

THOMAS HILL b/1776 NC, m/SIBBY COPE b/1772 NC (1850 census Overton Co., TN)
Contact: Brenda [emailprotected]

WALTER M. HILL (1774 NC - aft1850 TN), m/JENNET HENRY (1773 NC - aft1850 TN)
Contact: Need a [emailprotected]

WILLIAM HILL, Sr. (1774 NC - 18?? TN?), m/HESCENIA SMALLWOOD (1774 NC - 18??).
DNA Group 6 (hilldna.com) Contact: Joseph S. [emailprotected]

WILLIAM HILL (bef1775 - c1830 TN), m/ANN _____ (1780/90 - c1834 TN)
Contact: Need a contact

WILLIAM HILL (1783 NC - c1854 TN), m/MARY PHILLIPS (no dob/dod).
Contact: T. M. Hill

WILLIAM HILL (1784 VA - bef 1880 Va) m/NANCY MULLINS
DNA Group 23 (hilldna.com)

WILLIAM HILL (1787 VA - 1858 TN), m/ELIZABETH ARNOLD (1791 VA - 1863 TN)
Contact: Shelley R. Woodson or John W. Hill

WILLIAM KENAN HILL (1794 - 1841) (s/o John Hill 1750 VA - 1807 NC), m/REBECCA K. HARRIS (1801 SC - 1860 TN)
DNA Kit #11490 (hilldna.com) Contact: Need a contact
1800 - 1900

ANTHONY JAMES HILL (Apr 1854 Eng. - ????), m1/Unk (Eng); m2/Bridget Walsh b/Jun 1850 Ire. (widow of Patrick Hayes). Son Frederick James Hill b/Apr 1887 Wisconsin.
Contact: Helen Hitchco*ck

BRADLEY HILL (1820 TN - 1889 AR), m/ JANE ELLIS (1829 AR - 1903 AR)
Contact: Ruby L. Miller

ED HILL (1860 NC - 19?? ) born in Southern Pines, NC.
Contact: Bryan Hill

HARRISON D. HILL (1828 SC - c1862 AR?), s/o BIRDWELL HILL & FRANCES DAVIS, m/MARTHA J. MOSS (b/c1829 SC - d/bet 1870/80 CA?)
Contact: Patricia Tiff

JAMES HILL (1822 Eng. - 1860 NY), m/Ann _____ (1828-1856). Son: WILLIAM M. (1856 NY -1942 OH), m/MARY R. LaVOICE.
Contact: Lenore E. Dixon

JOHN C. HILL (1848 TN - C1906 TX), m/1869 Lincoln Co., TN to MATILDA ANDERSON (1852 GA - 1923 OK)
Contact: Melba Kirk

JOHN F. HILL (1824 VA - 1887 MO), s/o Nathaniel and Nancy Hill, m/LABANA E. MANUEL (1826 NC - 1886 MO) d/o John Manuel and Elizabeth Lovice..
Contact: Victoria A. Sills

JOHN OWEN HILL (1834 VA/WV - 1911 OH), m/CHARLOTTE BURCH (1836 OH - 1905 OH)
Contact: Joe Ellis South

JOSEPH HILL (1809 PA - 1874 OH), m/MAARY ANN CARLIN (1810 PA - 1841 OH)
Contact: Joe Ellis South

MICHAEL HILL (1801 OH - 1885 OH), m/1825 Stark Co., OH to SARAH J. BOST (1806 OH/PA - 1851 OH)
Contact: Dennis Mayfield

TANDY LIPSCOMB HILL (1834 VA - 1919 MO), s/o John Hill and Frances Tatum; m1/ SUSAN IRBY VanZANDT (1834 KY - 1884 MO), m2/MARGARET RUTTER (1853 IL - 1938 MO)
Contact: Robert Hill

TAZEWELL B. HILL (1837 MO - 1925 MO), s/o John Hill and Frances Tatum; m1/BELLE MORGER (1841 MO - 1873 MO), m2/AMANDA M. RIGNE (1846 OH - 1915 MO)
Contact: Robert Hill

THOMAS J. HILL (c1821 TN - bef 1866 MS), m/MARTHA ANN ____ (bet. 1833/34 TN - aft 1866 MS). Who were their parents?
Contact: Georgann Hunter

THOMAS B. HILL (1822 MD - 1885 MO), m/MARIANNE PHILIPS (1836 KY - 1912 MO), d/o John & Anne Philips).
Contact: Bud Hill

THOMAS B. HILL (1840 MO - ??) m1. Abbie Deens (?? - 1874 MO), s/o John Hill and Frances Tatum; m2/MARGARET STINSON, m3/Elizabeth _____.
Contact: Robert Hill

THOMAS O. HILL (1887 Elwood, NE - 19??) s/o Frank R. Hill (1861-1922) and May Albina Wright (1867 IA-1897 IA)
Contact: Beverly Hill

Contact: Carolyn Sue

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Martha Hill Whitcomb Wed Jun 11 10:45:32 1997
Am researching ASAPH HILL and wife ELIZABETH MARR of Wilson Co. They migrated from Fairfield Co. SC c1805 to Tn/Ala. The lived in Madison Co. Ala then in 1835 he bought land on Falling Creek in Welson Co. He is siad to have died there Feb 21,1845. Wife Elizabeth is shown on 1850 Wilson Census as is son John Jacob Hill(wife Mary Mullins). Eliz and Johns Jacobs family migrated to Cherokee Co. Texas in the 1850's. Asaph's dau Rebecca b 1810 in Madison Co. Ala.(mygg-grandm) m. James C. Hill there. They migrated to Texas in 1839(Nacadoches, then Smith Co.) It appears Asaph may have a connetion to Samuel Hill of Wilson Co. Tn. If anyone has info on any of these people please let me hear from you. Particularly trying to nail Asaph and Eliz parentage.

Lou Bridges Sun Jun 8 19:45:38 1997
HEARN-HARRIS -- Looking for info. on ELIZABETH M. HARRIS b. 22 Mar 1794, in N.C. d.21 Oct. 1881 in Wilson Co. Tn. Elizabeth m. STEPHEN HILL HEARN 8 Nov. 1810. Stephen was 2 mar. 1791 N. C. He died 19 Mar 1863. I will share the info. that I have.

Billie McDonald Goldwire Fri Nov 7 11:11:59 1997
Searching for parents of THOMAS VAUGHAN, b.ca 1780 (VA?), d. ca 1859, Wilson Co. TN and wife MILDRED H. (maiden name may have been Perman/Perryman), b. ca 1791 (VA?), d. bef 1859, Wilson Co. TN. Their marriage may have been in Halifax Co. VA, 12 Mar 1810. Wilson Co. TN Deed Book C2, p. 534 (LDS Microfilm) and various published TN marriage records show the following to be their children: Mary A. VAUGHAN, m. 22 Nov 1840, Sidney FROSHER Elizabeth VAUGHAN, m. 24 Nov 1829, James POWELL Frances C. VAUGHAN, m. 14 May 1848, William M. POWELL Lucinda VAUGHAN, m. 4 Apr 1838, Gregory D. JOHNSON Martha M. VAUGHAN, m. 21 Oct 1847, Caleb H. SMITH William P. VAUGHAN, m. 1843, Elizabeth HILL Thomas H. VAUGHAN, m. 3 Feb 1859, Mary Ann CLIFTON (family was in Dyer Co. TN by 1867) John T. VAUGHAN, (may have m. 12 Dec 1871, Elizabeth L. CRUNK) May have been another son, Spencer VAUGHAN, b. 1822, VA, d. July 1850, Wilson Co. TN Billie McDonald Goldwire 819 Elizabeth Dr. Forest Park, GA 30297-1360 (404) 366-3686 Fax: (404) 608-8021

Betty Street Sun Aug 31 12:57:06 1997
Wish to share & receive data on family of Littleberry Williamson WHITE, b. 1800, Franklin Co, NC, d. 1859, Wilson Co, TN; he is said to be son of Jack WHITE and Nancy HOLLOWAY. He md. Martha John "Patsy" Brown, dau of Jeremiah BROWN and Martha HILL. Children: Martha Ann, b. 1824, Lebanon, TN; md. Joseph T. MANSON John Clinton "Jack", b. 1826, Carroll Co., TN; d.1899, McLennan Co., TX. md. (1) Harriet J. WORTHAM; 3 ch: Henry Arthur; William Wortham; Matthew Weaver (2) Fountainella Pitts FERRELL: 4 ch: Sarah Shelby; Burtis Ferrell Roberta; Littleberry; Patsy Jane Henry Shelby, b. 1828, TN; d. 1896, Rosebud, TX; md. Sallie Taylor FERRELL Green Hill, b. 1831, TN; md. Fannie A. PEYTON Mary Amanda "Mollie", b. 1833, TN; md. Lucillius S. FERRELL Edward Jordan, b. 1837, TN; md. Lura JONES Jeremiah BROWN, b. 22 Apr. 1765; md. 22 Jan 1790, Franklin Co.NC; md. Martha HILL, b. 2 Oct. 1769, Bute Co., NC; d. 4 Apr 1863, Agarican, TN. She was a dau of Major Green HILL and his wife Nancy THOMAS. Ch. Nanny Thos., b. 1790 Henry Hill, b. 1793; md. Nancy Hannah, b. 1795 Martha John "Patsy", b. 1799, NC; md. Littlebery W. White Green Hill, b. 1801 Jordan, b. 1804; md. Sarah NOBLITT

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SNEED, DR. DANIEL HILL (1875-1936) PAPERS 1907-1938
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The Dr. Daniel Hill Sneed Papers (1907-1938) are centered around the medical practice of Dr. Dan. Sneed (1875-1936), physician in Coffee County, Tennessee ...


The Dr. Daniel Hill Sneed Papers (1907-1938) are centered around the medical practice of Dr. Dan
Sneed (1875-1936), physician in Coffee County, Tennessee and Bedford County, Tennessee. The Dr.
Dan Sneed Papers are a gift of Mrs. Jodie Helsley of Knoxville, Tennessee, through the agency of Guy
Sneed of Franklin, Tennessee. The collection occupies 1.03 cubic feet os shelf space, and consists of
approximately 23 items.
Single photocopies of unpublished writings in the Dr. Daniel H. Sneed Papers may be made for
purposes of scholarly research.


1875 November 22, born in Milton, Rutherford County, Tennessee,
son of Dabney Hill and Martha Eliza James Sneed.
1899 December 21, married to Della Dement, daughter of David
Armstrong and Mary Jane McElroy Dement. The seven children
born of this marriage were Guy, Jodie, W.D., Mary Gladys,
Dan, Jr., Della L., and Arthur S.
1910 Moved from Bradyville, Cannon County, Tennessee to Normandy,
Bedford County, Tennessee.
1911 Graduated from University of Tennessee Medical School,
Nashville, Tennessee.
1911-1923 Practiced medicine in Bedford, Coffee, and Cannon counties,
1923-1932 Practiced medicine at Manchester, Coffee County, Tennessee.
1932-1936 Practiced medicine at Normandy, Bedford County, Tennessee.
1936 July 10, died in Normandy, Bedford County, Tennessee and
interred at Milton Cemetery in Rutherford County, Tennessee.


Tennessee State Library and Archives TOMPKINS, CATHERINE ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
10. Herndon family. 11. Hickerson family. 12. Hill family. 13. Hollis family. 14. Jones family. 15. Kilgore, Lee, and Lloyd families. 16. Rascoe (Roscoe) family. 17. ...

State of Tennessee
Department of State
Tennessee State Library and Archives
403 Seventh Avenue North
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0312


Genealogical data is given for the Adamson, Bell, Bledsoe, Bloodworth, Brown,
Caudill, Causey, Dinning (Denning), Grooms, Harris, Hennessey, Herndon, Hickerson,
Hill, Hollis, Jones, Kilgore, Lee, Lloyd, Rascoe (Roscoe), Rice, Rieves, Sanders, Sarver,
Suber, Taylor, Tompkins, Warren, White, Whiteside, and Williams families.


Box 1
Genealogical Data
1. Adamson family
2. Bell family
3. Bledsoe family
4. Bloodworth and Brown families
5. Caudill and Causey families
6. Dinning (Denning) family
7. Grooms family
8. Harris family
9. Hennessey family
10. Herndon family
11. Hickerson family
12. Hill family
13. Hollis family
14. Jones family
15. Kilgore, Lee, and Lloyd families
16. Rascoe (Roscoe) family
17. Rice family
18. Rieves family
19. Sanders family
20. Sarver and Suber families

-------------- Also Listed

Tennessee State Library and Archives TALBOT-FENTRESS FAMILY ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
11. Genealogical data – Deaderick family. 12. Genealogical data – Fentress family. 13. Genealogical data – Hill family. Box 2. 1. Genealogical data – Lyon family ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Hardin family. 6. Hart family (John Hart, 1711?-1779). 7. Harmon family (Asa Harmon). 8. Haun family (Tennessee). 9.-13. Heironimous family. 14. Hill family ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
20. Gunn family. 21. Gunn, Miles – Spotswood Scott families. 22. Hamlett family. 23. Head family of Adams. 24. Head, George family of Port Royal. 25. Hill family ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Hill Family Cemetery. 8 mi. W. of Riceville, 4-4. Hill, John, Family Cemetery. 7 mi. W. of Riceville, 4-4. Hiwassee Baptist Church Cemetery. 6 mi. E. of Calhoun, 4- ...

State of Tennessee Department of State Tennessee State Library and Archives 403 Seventh Avenue North Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0312
Christie Hill (Mt. View) Christian Church and Cemetery9 mi. S. of Maryville, 1-2

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

Hill, J.C. 12-5-1944 Wed. April 26, 1972 Hill, Ruth 1-18-1932 9-26-1986 Wife of J.C.

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Clarks Grove Cemetery
Located off of Old Knoxville Hwy.. Information was taken from headstones..There were 69 headstones that were not readable from the age and weather
Flora Ellen Hill 1883 1963 MOTHER Wade A. Hill Jan. 9, 1878 Apr. 25, 1944 Climmie S. Hill Feb. 19, 1885 Dec. 27, 1956 Rondle Lee Hill Jan. 15, 1912 Dec. 15, 1995 Ernest R. Hill Jan. 18, 1893 Jan. 18, 1967 Ethel A. Hill Mar. 2, 1897 July 23, 1979 Ben Hill Feb. 1, 1910 Dec. 3, 1993 DAD Alma Vittetoe Hill Feb. 22, 1917 MOM Silles R. Hill Nov. 6, 1890 May 06, 1953 Eva Mae Hill Oct. 31, 1903 Nov. 6, 1984 Hugh Edward Hill Aug. 30, 1888 Aug. 25, 1966 Grace Lee Hill Dec. 21, 1898 Dec. 8, 1985 James H. Hill Sr. Dec. 25, 1906 Feb. 21, 1974 Marie T. Hill Mar. 27, 1909 Sept. 21, 1988 Allie Hill Sept. 21, 1897 Dec. 19, 1949

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Cloyd's Creek Presybeterian Cemetery
Located north of Meadow Road.
Hill, Floyd J. 11/28/1888 09/07/1944 Hill, Dora A. 09/03/1888 09/09/1963 Hill, Floyd H. 03/01/1916 03/03/1976 Hill, M. Kate 09/05/1922 [Wife of Floyd H.] Hill, Harrison 02/24/1946 09/07/1992 Hill, Janice E 05/26/1949 m. 05/30/1967 Hill, Sharon 10/28/1956 Hill, Mike 05/14/1952 07/25/1992 m. 08/02/1972

814 Dotson Memorial Rd....Maryville, Tennessee, Blount County 37801 (423) 984-9240 Located on the corner of William Blount Drive & Morganton Rd.
Ellis A. Hill Sept. 27, 1915 Aug. 3, 1966 Married Dec. 18, 1937 Martha E. Hill Sept. 6, 1920 WIFE

Hill, George 11/25/1866 02/19/1953 Hill, L Alice 10/20/1899 06/30/1930 Hill, Sarah Louvenia 01/27/1880 04/11/1950 Hill, Gordon 09/26/1915 03/04/1947

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Liberty Christian Cemetery
Located on Montvale Rd

Hill Albert [Ab] 10/12/1869 10/04/1936 Hill Alice C 05/07/1871 03/10/1946 wife of Ab Hill Albert Howard 01/02/1897 11/11/1983 Hill Reva Mae 04/02/1922 12/14/1995 2nd wife of Albert H Potter Hill Clara Myrtle 11/28/1894 09/05/1912 Hill Dorothy Jean 01/19/1936 01/19/1936 of L M & B Hill Eliza J 07/10/1848 04/06/1923 Hill Hazel 06/09/1913 03/03/1931 Hill Infant dau 06/16/1934 06/16/1934 of Pearlie & Hill Mildred W / / 01/23/1993 wife of Raymond Beecher [his 2nd] Hill Pearlie D 05/19/1899 05/21/1948 Tn PFC 117 Inf 30 Div WWI Vet Hill Elizabeth 08/22/1903 12/11/1928 wife of Pearlie Hill Raymond 64/19/15 08/04/1991 B[eecher] Hill Lois M 08/14/1915 10/31/1969 wife of Raymond B [Thompson] Hill Spence 06/04/1870 02/13/1949 Hill Stanley 10/31/1921 06/08/1923 of Grant Hill Virgil C 05/22/1899 08/25/1931 Hill William M 02/13/1872 12/30/1917 Hill Minnie A 07/20/1913 08/05/1915

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - New Providence Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
Located about 8 miles south of Maryville at 2633 Six Mile Rd. This road is also known as TN Rt 336.
Row Stone Last Name Given Maiden name or comment
10 3 Hill Chester Byron 10 1 Hill Dora unknown 10 2 Hill Labe Keith 10 1 Hill Lester 10 4 Hill Lester Kevin

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Wesley Ann Methodist Cemetery
Located on Roddy Branch Road behind the third house
Hill Carl 3-16-1896 10-21-1906 Lenard 3-5-1901 3-5-1901 Born & Died on same day W S 9-22-1847 2-20-1912 PVT CO L 3rd TEN CAV

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Williamson Chapel Cemetery
Located about a half a mile west of Lanier School on Lanier Road. About 20 other graves, mostly small children, marked with field stones.

Allison, Kenneth G 06/06/1907 04/13/1973 Tn Pfc US Army WWII Allison, Wrev B 12/11/1900 07/05/1927 Allison, Dahlia Randolph 01/26/1897 12/13/1977 Allison, William Sanders 11/04/1874 11/07/1955 Allison, Lula Fields 10/08/1879 08/25/1956 Allison, Mattie Lee (Melson) 10/30/1890 03/30/1870 Dau of A & C
Clark, Jess 08/25/1892 05/14/1917 Clark, Millie Crye 10/13/1896 07/15/1942
Crye, Mattie U 11/17/1905 01/18/1926 Dau of John Crye, John A 09/26/1844 05/29/1924 Crye, Cairline 07/31/1854 01/04/1921 Crye, Nancy Jane 01/04/1835 03/03/1891 Crye, Joe Ellis / /1912 Son of F F & M A Crye, John Riley 07/13/1863 02/05/1941 Crye, Elizabeth 01/24/1867 05/21/1957 Wife [of J R] Crye, George Earl / /1885 / /1905 Son of C H & M E Crye, George 09/28/1858 01/12/1898 Crye, M E 04/05/1862 06/20/1927 Wife [of George] Crye, Homer 02/26/1885 02/27/1905 Crye, James B 06/13/1892 01/07/1951 Crye, John S 08/17/1828 11/13/1863 (martyred) Crye, Elias 01/17/1825 09/21/1860 Crye, Inf dau of Elias & Nancy / /1853 Crye, John 03/29/1772 01/20/1859 Crye, Martha 02/03/1793 08/21/1859 Crye, Elihu 10/31/1819 09/18/1857 Crye, W A 12/05/1872 12/24/1945 Crye, Callie (Hammontree) 11/14/1869 09/03/1932 Wife [of W A] (dau of H A & M J) Crye, Wm Carl 10/06/1908 Crye, Lucille Frances 09/19/1910 Wife [of W C] Crye, Mary N 04/26/1875 03/10/1937 [wife of W A] Crye, Allis 06/09/1879 01/31/1897 Wife of W A Crye, Willie 07/25/1911 01/29/1942 Crye, Joe O 07/14/1905 11/29/1978 Crye, Chas S 05/26/1889 03/22/1917 Crye, Eva 12/16/1870 01/11/1909 Wife of Joe Crye, Birsha C 01/06/1919 09/22/1993 Crye, John Salmer 02/20/1901 03/23/1979 Crye, Ollie Jessie 08/04/1897 09/06/1984 Crye, R L / /1922 / /1982 Pfc US Army WWII Crye, Walter A 10/22/1903 04/29/1981 Crye, Robert Harold 09/12/1934 12/27/1983 Crye, Hettie Inez 02/19/1936 [wife of R H] Crye, Samuel L 10/13/1931 Crye, Betty Jo 02/23/1941 02/13/1997 [wife of S L]
Higgins, G W 09/26/1866 Higgins, Martha 08/22/1866 03/03/1950 Wife [of G W] Higgins, Joe D 02/23/1886 02/15/1925 Higgins, Polly Ann 05/16/1874 09/09/1961 Higgins, Samuel 03/09/1846 Higgins, Mary W 04/22/1848 04/13/1921 Wife [of Samuel]
Hill, Rev George W 02/26/1922 Hill, Adean Crye 04/15/1925 01/28/1979 Wife [of G W]

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

Blount, TN 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 9)
124B 40 HILL Goren 71 N C pg0118a.txt
124B 41 HILL Mary 63 N C pg0118a.txt
124B 42 HILL Susan 23 N C pg0118a.txt
083B 34 HILL Halcom 14 Va pg0075b.txt
083B 36 HILL Harrett 8 Ten pg0075b.txt
083B 33 HILL Mary 35 Va pg0075b.txt
083B 37 HILL Mary 4 Ten pg0075b.txt
083B 35 HILL Pleas 10 Ten pg0075b.txt
083B 32 HILL Preston 48 Va pg0075b.txt
083B 38 HILL Robert 2 Ten pg0075b.txt
135B 01 HILL Isablla 13 Ten pg0129a.txt


Page Transcriptions - P. 118a-a28b
CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Blount DIVISION: The 16th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 124B REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 13th day of Dec, 1850 by B M Russell
40 1820 1820 HILL Goren 71 M F N C
41 1820 1820 HILL Mary 63 F N C
42 1820 1820 HILL Susan 23 F N C
The 16th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 125A
01 1821 1821 LEMON Cumin 31 M F Tenn REMARKS: Handwritten page # 249
02 1821 1821 LEMON Mary A. 25 F Tenn
03 1821 1821 LEMON Leonadas 6 F Tenn
04 1821 1821 LEMON Collumbus 4 M Tenn
05 1821 1821 LEMON Samuel G. 2 M Tenn
06 1822 1822 CAMPBELL Alfred 27 M F Tenn
07 1822 1822 CAMPBELL Elizab. 22 F Tenn
08 1823 1823 McELRORY Lewis 37 M F Tenn
09 1823 1823 McELROY Martha 30 F Tenn REMARKS: Variation in spelling of surname
10 1824 1824 DAVIS *Re**Nett 24 M F Tenn REMARKS: Name unclear, begins with "I" or "J"
19 1826 1826 BIRD Rebecca "W" * 42 F Tenn REMARKS: "W" may indicate Widow -- 20 1826 1826 BIRD Mary 34 F Tenn -- 21 1826 1826 BIRD Lucretia 18 F Tenn 22 1826 1826 BIRD Dolly 14 F Tenn 23 1826 1826 BIRD David 16 M F Tenn 24 1827 1827 BIRD Elizabeth 35 F Tenn 25 1827 1827 BIRD George W. 10 M Tenn 26 1827 1827 BIRD Andw. Jac. 6 M Tenn 27 1827 1827 BIRD Joshua 3 M Tenn 28 1827 1827 BYRD Boyd 3 M Tenn
35 1830 1830 CARVER Thomas 47 M F Tenn 36 1830 1830 CARVER Margaret 43 F Tenn 37 1830 1830 CARVER Elizabeth 22 F Tenn 38 1831 1831 HOOKER Marthe "W" 25 F Tenn REMARKS: "W" may indicate Widow; "G" follows the "W" after name 39 1831 1831 HOOKER James 9 M Tenn X 40 1831 1831 HOOKER Will 10/12 M Tenn

The 16th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 125B

1 1833 1833 CARVER Elizabeth 65 F Tenn 2 1833 1833 CARVER John 27 M None Tenn X REMARKS: Occupation as written; "Idiot" in column 13 3 1834 1834 CARVER Cynthia 25 F Tenn 4 1834 1834 CARVER Angeline 8 F Tenn 5 1834 1834 CARVER Albert 4 M Tenn 6 1834 1834 CARVER John 10/12 M Tenn
The 17th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 128A
35 1873 1873 LANE Abraham 34 M F Tenn 36 1873 1873 LANE Delila 33 F Tenn 37 1873 1873 LANE Samuel 11 M Tenn X 38 1873 1873 LANE Jane 9 F Tenn X 39 1873 1873 LANE Pherea 6 F Tenn 40 1873 1873 LANE Mary 5 F Tenn 41 1873 1873 LANE George 5 M Tenn REMARKS: Two children the same age 42 1873 1873 LANE Rebecca 2 F Tenn--REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 128B = 1 1873 1873 LANE Will 1 M Tenn
27 1879 1879 ALLEN Reuben 60 M F Tenn
28 1879 1879 ALLEN Mary 40 F Tenn
29 1879 1879 ALLEN John 19 M F Tenn
30 1879 1879 ALLEN Will 16 M F Tenn
31 1880 1880 DAVIS Will 46 M F Tenn 32 1880 1880 DAVIS Sarah 41 F Tenn 33 1880 1880 DAVIS Nancy 21 F Tenn X 34 1880 1880 DAVIS Elizabeth 19 F Tenn X 35 1880 1880 DAVIS Malinda 17 F Tenn 36 1880 1880 DAVIS Rebecca 15 F Tenn 37 1880 1880 DAVIS Thomas 13 M Tenn 38 1880 1880 DAVIS Phillip 11 M Tenn X 39 1880 1880 DAVIS Ann 9 F Tenn 40 1880 1880 DAVIS Elizabeth 7 F Tenn 41 1880 1880 DAVIS Janie 5 F Tenn 42 1880 1880 DAVIS Jno. 2 M Tenn

--------, Also Listed for Blount, TN 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 9)

Page Transcriptions - P. 75b-85b
CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Blount DIVISION: The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 83B REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 22nd day of Nov, 1850 by B M Russell
32 1203 1203 HILL Preston 48 M Va---X REMARKS: No occupation listed; indicated attended school
33 1203 1203 HILL Mary 35 F Va
34 1203 1203 HILL Halcom 14 M Va
35 1203 1203 HILL Pleas 10 M Ten
36 1203 1203 HILL Harrett 8 F Ten
37 1203 1203 HILL Mary 4 F Ten
38 1203 1203 HILL Robert 2 M Ten
The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 84A
24 1211 1211 COOK Joseph 59 M F No Car -- 25 1211 1211 COOK Polly 62 F Ten -- 26 1211 1211 COOK Peter 40 M No Car
The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 78A& PAGE NO: 78B

35 1125 1125 PRATER Wm. 39 M F Ten X REMARKS: # 2 in column 11 -- 36 1125 1125 PRATER Mary 35 F Ten --37 1125 1125 PRATER Jas. A. 13 M Ten -- 38 1125 1125 PRATER Hugh B. 8 M Ten -- 39 1125 1125 PRATER Geo. W. 4 M Ten -- 40 1125 1125 PRATER Lehen 1 M Ten
41 1126 1126 LANE Eliza Wd* 87 F Ten X REMARKS: "Wd" may indicate Widow; indicated attended school
42 1126 1126 LANE Thomas 20 M F Ten
01 1126 1126 LANE Henry 17 M Tennessee
02 1126 1126 LANE George 15 M Tennessee
03 1126 1126 LANE Benj. 13 M Tennessee
The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 80A

12 1146 1146 ANDERSON John * 50 M F Tn REMARKS: "L" after first name, but written above the line 13 1146 1146 ANDERSON Julia 45 F Tn 14 1146 1146 ANDERSON Elijah 20 M Tn REMARKS: No occupation listed 15 1146 1146 ANDERSON Wm. 17 M Tn 16 1146 1146 ANDERSON John 15 M Tn 17 1146 1146 ANDERSON Cynthia 11 F Tn 18 1146 1146 ANDERSON George 5 M Tn 19 1146 1146 ANDERSON Jane 22 F Tn

20 1147 1147 BOYD John L. 33 M F Ten X REMARKS: # 3 in column 11--21 1147 1147 BOYD Matilda 28 F Ten -- 22 1147 1147 BOYD Sarah 13 F Ten -- 23 1147 1147 BOYD James 10 M Ten-- 24 1147 1147 BOYD Johnathan 8 M Ten-- 25 1147 1147 BOYD Mary J. 6 F Ten -- 26 1147 1147 BOYD John B. 3 M Ten -- 27 1147 1147 BOYD Matilda E. 2/12 F Ten

The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 80B & PAGE NO: 81A

37 1160 1160 HAYS Joshua O. 43 M Mechanic 800 Ten X REMARKS: # 5 in column 11 38 1160 1160 HAYS Hannah 40 F Ten 39 1160 1160 HAYS John R. 18 M Sadler Ten 40 1160 1160 HAYS Layfayette 16 M Ten 41 1160 1160 HAYS Mary 14 F Ten 42 1160 1160 HAYS Sarah 12 F Ten

01 1160 1160 HAYS Matilda 9 F Ten REMARKS: Handwritten page # 161-- 02 1160 1160 HAYS Walter 8 M Ten-- 03 1160 1160 HAYS Juliet 6 F Ten
04 1160 1160 HAYS James 4 M Ten -- 05 1160 1160 HAYS Eliza 2 F Ten -- 06 1160 1160 FOSTER Horace 35 M Mechanic 300 New York X REMARKS: Enumerator also listed as Fam/Dwell 1160; # 2 in column 11-- 07 1160 1160 FOSTER Elizabeth 26 F Ten --08 1160 1160 FOSTER Saml. 6 M Ten
09 1160 1160 FOSTER Franklin 4 F Ten REMARKS: Listed as female -- 10 1160 1160 FOSTER Wm. 2 M Ten 11 1160 1160 FOSTER Mary 1 F Ten
The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 82A

27 1176 1176 FINLY Jas. 47 M Mechanic Ten X REMARKS: Indicated attended school
28 1176 1176 FINLY Margaret 40 F Ten
29 1176 1176 FINLEY Saml. 21 M School T Ten REMARKS: Variation in spelling of surname
30 1176 1176 FINLY Mary 19 F Ten
31 1176 1176 FINLY John C. 14 M Ten
32 1176 1176 FINLY Narcissa 11 Ten REMARKS: Sex not listed
33 1176 1176 FINLY Martha 7/12 Ten

--------, Also Listed for Blount, TN 1850 Federal Census

(INDEX - File 4 of 9)
113B 39 FINDLEY Andw. 10 Tenn pg0107a.txt
105B 16 FINLEY John 27 Tenn pg0096b.txt
105B 17 FINLEY Mary 30 Tenn pg0096b.txt
036B 29 FINLEY Wm. 16 Tenn pg0033a.txt
082A 29 FINLEY Saml. 21 Ten pg0075b.txt
082A 27 FINLY Jas. 47 Ten pg0075b.txt
082A 31 FINLY John C. 14 Ten pg0075b.txt
082A 28 FINLY Margaret 40 Ten pg0075b.txt
082A 33 FINLY Martha 7/12 Ten pg0075b.txt
082A 30 FINLY Mary 19 Ten pg0075b.txt
082A 32 FINLY Narcissa 11 Ten pg0075b.txt

Page Transcriptions - P. 96b-106b
CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Blount DIVISION: The 13th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 105B REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 3rd day of Dec, 1850 by B M Russell


16 1554 1554 FINLEY John 27 M F Tenn -- 17 1554 1554 FINLEY Mary 30 F Tenn -- 18 1554 1554 FINLEY George 9/12 M Tenn
27 1561 1561 HAYDEN Jane Wd* 49 M F Ten REMARKS: Listed as male; occupation Farmer; "Wd" may indicate Widow
28 1561 1561 HAYDEN Caroline 14 F Ten

The 12th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 98A

16 1417 1417 NEWMAN George 59 M F Tenn 17 1417 1417 NEWMAN Ann 58 F Tenn 18 1417 1417 NEWMAN Malinda 30 F Tenn 19 1417 1417 NEWMAN Margart. 26 F Tenn 20 1417 1417 NEWMAN ***An 20 F Tenn REMARKS: Name unclear, possibly Susan 21 1417 1417 NEWMAN George 18 M Tenn 22 1417 1417 MOORE Matilda 5 F Tenn 23 1418 1418 NEWMAN Lewis 36 M F Tenn 24 1418 1418 NEWMAN Rachel 36 F Tenn 25 1418 1418 NEWMAN Alex 18 M Tenn 26 1418 1418 NEWMAN Wm. 17 M Tenn 27 1418 1418 NEWMAN Mary 15 F Tenn X 28 1418 1418 NEWMAN Sarah 11 F Tenn X 29 1418 1418 NEWMAN Hannah 9 F Tenn X 30 1418 1418 NEWMAN Lorenzo 6 M Tenn X 31 1418 1418 NEWMAN Nathaniel 4 M Tenn 32 1418 1418 NEWMAN John 10/12 M Tenn
27 1429 1429 GRAVES Silas 34 M Miller Ten X 28 1429 1429 GRAVES Nancy 34 F Ten X 29 1429 1429 GRAVES Barbary 3 F Ten 30 1429 1429 GRAVES Eliza 2 F Ten


Page Transcriptions - P. 75b-85b
CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Blount DIVISION: The 10th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 82A REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 21st day of Nov, 1850 by B M Russell
25 1175 1175 DUNN And. 23 M Ten REMARKS: No occupation listed-- 26 1175 1175 DUNN Sarah 20 F Ten--
27 1176 1176 FINLY Jas. 47 M Mechanic Ten X REMARKS: Indicated attended school-- 28 1176 1176 FINLY Margaret 40 F Ten --29 1176 1176 FINLEY Saml. 21 M School T Ten REMARKS: Variation in spelling of surname -- 30 1176 1176 FINLY Mary 19 F Ten --31 1176 1176 FINLY John C. 14 M Ten
32 1176 1176 FINLY Narcissa 11 Ten REMARKS: Sex not listed -- 33 1176 1176 FINLY Martha 7/12 Ten

Page Transcriptions - P. 33a-43a
CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Blount DIVISION: The 5th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 36B REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 16th day of Oct, 1850 by B M Russell
NOTE: Surnames Before & After
24 500 500 MALCOM Alexander 71 M F Tenn --25 500 500 MALCOM Mary 45 F Tenn --26 500 500 MALCOM Rachel 45 F Tenn REMARKS: Two persons the same age -- 27 500 500 MALCOM Nathan 32 M Tenn REMARKS: No occupation listed -- 28 500 500 MALCOM Jane 40 M Tenn REMARKS: Listed as male
29 500 500 FINLEY Wm. 16 M Tenn
30 500 500 MALCOM Wm. 22 M Tenn REMARKS: No occupation listed -- 31 501 501 LOGAN John 30 M Mechanic Tenn -- 32 501 501 LOGAN Lucy 40 F Tenn -- 33 502 502 GIBBS Levi 28 M F Tenn 34 502 502 GIBBS Elizab. 18 F Tenn 35 502 502 GIBBS Rachel 10 F Tenn 36 502 502 GIBBS Nancy 9 F Tenn 37 502 502 GIBBS Melinda 7 F Tenn 38 502 502 GIBBS Cynthia 3 F Tenn
37 448 448 MARTIN Wm. 34 M F Ten 38 448 448 MARTIN Rachel 32 F Ten
1 483 483 LANE Thomas 50 M F Tennessee X REMARKS: # 2 in column 12 2 483 483 LANE Martha 53 F Tennessee 3 483 483 LANE David 27 M Tennessee REMARKS: No occupation listed 4 483 483 LANE Joseph 25 M Tennessee REMARKS: No occupation listed 5 483 483 LANE And. 19 M Tennessee REMARKS: No occupation listed 6 483 483 LANE Elizab. 18 F Tennessee

--------, Also Listed for Blount, TN 1850 Federal Census

(INDEX - File 4 of 9)
30B 41 ALLEN A. W. 70 Ten pg0022b.txt 30B 19 ALLEN Amanda 6 Tennessee pg0022b.txt 47A 21 ALLEN Ann 52 Ten pg0043b.txt 30B 21 ALLEN Edmund 2 Tennessee pg0022b.txt 47A 24 ALLEN Elijah 22 Ten pg0043b.txt 25B 26 ALLEN Eliza 7 Tenn pg0022b.txt 47A 22 ALLEN Eliza 28 Ten pg0043b.txt 30B 17 ALLEN Elizab. 30 Tennessee pg0022b.txt 37B 17 ALLEN Francis 8/12 Tenn pg0033a.txt 47A 26 ALLEN Hetty 17 Ten pg0043b.txt 47A 20 ALLEN Isaac W. 50 Ten pg0043b.txt 25B 20 ALLEN James 41 Tenn pg0022b.txt 37B 9 ALLEN James 48 Tenn pg0033a.txt 37B 13 ALLEN James 7 Tenn pg0033a.txt 128B 29 ALLEN John 19 Tenn pg0118a.txt 37B 12 ALLEN John 10 Tenn pg0033a.txt 30B 20 ALLEN Julia 4 Tennessee pg0022b.txt 25B 22 ALLEN Kali 14 Tenn pg0022b.txt 25B 28 ALLEN La**Y 2 Tenn pg0022b.txt 47A 27 ALLEN Lucy 11 Ten pg0043b.txt 25B 21 ALLEN Martha 31 Tenn pg0022b.txt 128B 28 ALLEN Mary 40 Tenn pg0118a.txt 25B 25 ALLEN Mary 9 Tenn pg0022b.txt 37B 10 ALLEN Nancy 41 Tenn pg0033a.txt 37B 16 ALLEN Nancy 2 Tenn pg0033a.txt 47A 23 ALLEN Nancy 24 Ten pg0043b.txt 47A 25 ALLEN Polly 20 Ten pg0043b.txt 25B 27 ALLEN Rebecca 5 Tenn pg0022b.txt 128B 27 ALLEN Reuben 60 Tenn pg0118a.txt 37B 11 ALLEN Robt. 11 Tenn pg0033a.txt 25B 24 ALLEN Ruth 11 Tenn pg0022b.txt 37B 15 ALLEN Saml. 4 Tenn pg0033a.txt 25B 23 ALLEN Sarah 13 Tenn pg0022b.txt 30B 22 ALLEN Sarah 74 No Car pg0022b.txt 30B 16 ALLEN Thomas 40 Tennessee pg0022b.txt 128B 30 ALLEN Will 16 Tenn pg0118a.txt 30B 18 ALLEN Wm. 10 Tennessee pg0022b.txt 37B 14 ALLEN Wm. 6 Tenn pg0033a.txt

--------, Also Listed for Blount, TN 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 9)

Page Transcriptions - P. 129a-136a
CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Blount DIVISION: The 17th Civil District REEL NO: M432-871 PAGE NO: 135B REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 20th day of Nov, 1850 by B M Russell*
Note: listed Surnames Before & After
40 2093 2093 SHIELDS Wm. 25 M F Tenn 41 2093 2093 SHIELDS Charlotte 21 F Tenn 42 2093 2093 SHIELDS Wm. 1 M Tenn
01 2093 2093 HILL Isablla 13 F Ten
2 2094 2094 THOMPSON James 51 M F Ten 3 2094 2094 THOMPSON Martha 52 F Ten 4 2094 2094 THOMPSON Eliza 26 F Ten 5 2094 2094 THOMPSON Martha 22 F Ten 6 2094 2094 THOMPSON Eveline 20 F Ten 7 2094 2094 THOMPSON Alex 18 M Ten 8 2094 2094 THOMPSON Permela 15 F Ten 9 2094 2094 THOMPSON Margt. 11 F Ten
_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

BLOUNT COUNTY, TN - OBITUARIES - Blount Co. TN Funeral Home Records
Higgins, Elizabeth 10-3-1896 12-9-1972 John Lowe Emma Matthew Grandview
Higgins, Emma 9-10-1891 11-19-1972 Charles Smith Not Listed Clark's Grove
Higgins, Levi 10-18-1895 3-14-1982 George Higgins Martha Hensley Grandview
Higgins, Will E. 9-14-1884 8-3-1964 Not Listed Not Listed Clark's Grove
Hill, Claude William 11-23-1900 12-25-1981 B.H. HillMaggie Sullivan Sweetwater/ Hayesville, NC
Hill, Grace 9-26-1904 11-27-1971R.O. SmithGeorgia Sanderson Sweetwater/ Hayesville, NC
Hill, James Edward Jr. 12-16-1981 12-20-1981 James E. Hill Sr.Lucille Gail Bryant Cremated
Hill, Ralph Cletus 8-11-1926 7-26-1984 Claude HillGrace SmithSweetwater/ Hayesville, NC
Hill, Robin Danielle 10-9-1987 11-1-1987 Alvin Lee HillJessica Rose BrownUnion Grove Baptist
Hill, Walter Ray 3-8-1930 9-8-1981 Elzie HillThurzie RichCedar Lawn
Hill, Zelma Ruth 6-25-1934 4-30-1997 Walter H. MosesAnna FisherForest Hill

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

Blount County Tennessee ArchivesVital Records
"H" Surnames
HARRISON, James marr. RODDY, Malinda on 14-SEP-1826
HARRISON, John marr. DILLS, Mary on 29-SEP-1839
HARRISON, Michael marr. GRANT, Sarah on 01-OCT-1845
HILL, Betsy marr. CAGLE, Henry on 03-APR-1828
HILL, Cecil marr. LAWSON, Jacob on 24-JUL-1840
HILL, Eliza marr. CAMPBELL, Alfred on 16-JUL-1848
HILL, Emaline marr. ADAMS, Johnson on 18-NOV-1846
HILL, Mary marr. WEST, James on 04-APR-1852
HILL, Mary A.marr. LEMONS, Curran on 27-AUG-1843
HILL, Norcisa marr. DUNN, James W on 18-NOV-1841
HILL, Pleasent marr.MOORE, Matilda on 16-JUN-1859
HILL, Polly marr. WEBB, Thomas on 27-OCT-1821
HILL, Robert marr. PERKEY, Eliza E. on 17-DEC-1857
HILLE, Sarah Mmarr. CUNNINGHAM, Benjamin on 09-OCT-1845
WEBB, Thomas marr. HILL, Polly on 27-OCT-1821
WEST, James marr. HILL, Mary on 04-APR-1852
PERKEY, Eliza E marr. HILL, Robert on 17-DEC-1857
ADAMS, Johnson marr. HILL, Emaline on 18-NOV-1846
CAMPBELL, Alfred marr. HILL, Eliza on 16-JUL-1848
CUNNINGHAM, Benjamin marr. HILLE, Sarah M on 09-OCT-1845
CAGLE, Henry marr. HILL, Betsy on 03-APR-1828
DUNN, James W marr. HILL, Norcisa on 18-NOV-1841
GIVENS, William marr. SMALL, Narcissa on 24-APR-1845
GIVINS, Polly marr. WADDLE, Noae on 05-OCT-1824
GIVINS, Wm marr. THOMAS, Hannah on 03-MAR-1824
LAWSON, Jacob marr. HILL, Cecil on 24-JUL-1840
LEMONDS, Cintha Jane marr. MCCAMPBELL, James on 22-JUL-1847
LEMONS, Curran marr. HILL, Mary A on 27-AUG-1843
LEMONS, Samuel M marr. WELDON, Ann on 16-DEC-1816
LENNEMAN, Lucicia marr. HATCHER, Richard on 14-APR-1859
MOORE, Matilda marr. HILL, Pleasent on 16-JUN-1859
MOORE, Joseph M marr. MORTON, Rebecca J A on 24-DEC-1857
MORTON, Ann marr. DELZELL, David S on 24-SEP-1835 MORTON, David marr. DELZELL, Margaret M on 19-FEB-1835 MORTON, Hettey E marr. LAWSON, James D on 23-FEB-1860 MORTON, Isaac W marr. MURRY, Eliza on 21-DEC-1843 MORTON, Jane marr. SMALLEN, Elkany on 28-APR-1840 MORTON, John marr. WELLS, Mary on 03-OCT-1820 MORTON, Joseph M marr. SAFFELL, Mary A on 10-OCT-1850 MORTON, Madson M marr. HUFFSTETLER, Sarah on 28-DEC-1858 MORTON, Margaret A marr. COULTER, A A on 02-JAN-1853 MORTON, Mary J marr. SEATON, Alfred on 15-OCT-1857 MORTON, Myram H marr. STRANGE, Saml L on 09-AUG-1859 MORTON, Nancy marr. COOK, John H on 24-DEC-1829 MORTON, Rebecca J A marr. MOORE, Joseph M on 24-DEC-1857 MORTON, Silas J marr. POLAND, Sarah on 05-DEC-1849 MORTON, Will H marr. HERRIN, Celia on 25-NOV-1846 MORTON, Wm marr. BROOK, Mary E on 26-FEB-1851 MORTON, Wm marr. MACKEY, Nancy on 23-FEB-1825
TUCKER, Cyntha marr. MARTIN, Mark on 02-OCT-1828 TUCKER, Edmond marr. HUNT, Louisa on 28-DEC-1852 TUCKER, Elizabeth marr. BRIANT, James on 17-MAR-1825 TUCKER, Francis marr. RYLAND, Bedford on 22-NOV-1832 TUCKER, George marr. LACKEY, Sibi on 16-NOV-1808 TUCKER, Isaac marr. KEELAN, Sarah on 22-AUG-1840 TUCKER, James marr. PHILLIPS, Sally on 23-JAN-1834 TUCKER, Jane marr. EWING, Wm on 22-APR-1834 TUCKER, John marr. MORROW, Myra on 08-AUG-1848 TUCKER, John marr. STALLIONS, Sarah on 15-AUG-1844 TUCKER, Mary marr. KIZER, Joseph on 25-JAN-1839 TUCKER, Matilda marr. DAILEY, Jacob on 15-DEC-1825 TUCKER, Rachel marr. ELLIS, William on 11-SEP-1832 TUCKER, Sarah marr. BRACKITT, Richard on 29-AUG-1843 TUCKER, William marr. JAMES, Ann on 06-FEB-1820

_______________ Next New LISTING BELOW

Hill (James) Cemetery (Photo of a Rev. War Soldier memorial)

CASKEY, Robert, 13 Jun 1792 - 11 Jun 1864. (71-11-00.) (Native of SC.; his wife was Jane Hill Caskey. She was born in Ga.; Robert also has a memorial in nearby Pleasant Mount Cemetery with his wife and family.)
HILL, James, 1761 - 12 Jun 1831, age about 70 years. (Revolutionary War soldier, Continental Line.)
HILL, Jane, d. 9 Feb 1836, aged about 72 years. (Nee Robertson; b. N.C.; wife James Hill.)

HILL, Wm. H., 14 Sep 1802 - 10 Mar 1834. (Son James & Jane Robertson Hill.)

HILL, J.B.(James B.),18 May 1807 - 7 Sep 1892. (Stone broken.)

HILL, Peggie, died 1836. (Daughter of Robert & Nancy J. Turner Denham; 1st wife James B. Hill, married 1830.)(stone not found in 2008)

HILL, Nancy, 5 Mar 1808 - 8 Jan 1854. (nee Smith; 2nd wife of James B. Hill.)

HILL, James E., 12 Nov 1832 - 18 Aug 1860. (Son James B. & Peggie Denham Hill.)

HILL, Sarah E., 2 Jun 1834 - 15 Jun 1854.

HILL, Robert H., 6 Jun 1834 - 29 Mar 1860. (Son James B. & Peggie Denham Hill.)

HILL, William L., 28 Jan 1841 - 31 Mar 1842.

HILL, unnamed infant boy, 20 May - 3 Jun 1842.

KANNON, Burwell, 9 Nov 1771 - 19 May 1858.

KANNON, Archelus Burwell, 16 mar 1857 - 16 Jun 1858. "15 mos. old son W. B. & F. J. Kannon." (inscription not found in 2008)

RONE, Mary A., 7 Nov 1847 - 7 Dec 1883. "Wife of Merrit L. Rone"

WEAR, Nancy Jane, 14 Aug 1832 - 19 Aug 1851. "Consort of Rev. W. D. Wear." (Inscription not found in 2008)

WEAR, N.J., 25 Jul - 16 Sep 1851. "daughter of Rev. W. D. & N. J. Wear."

WORLEY, Vergie M., 3 Oct 1890 - 11 Oct 1890. "Daughter of N. D. & Eliza. Worley."

WORLEY, Floyd, 19 Jul 1900 - 24 Sep 1910. (10-02-05) "Son Mr. & Mrs. N. D. Worley.

Lost inscriptions:
Unknown, bottom without a top, inscription missing. Possibly for Nancy Jane Wear or Peggie Hill.

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Hill (Francis) Cemetery (Photo of a Rev. War Soldier memorial)

Outside Rock Fence:
HAYWOOD, Mary A., 20 Jan 1836 - 20 Mar 1863. ‘Wife of R. Haywood.’ (Dau. Solomon & Marthena Sedberry Haywood; Stone tumbled.)

HAYWOOD, Mary M., 29 Aug 1862 - 12 Jul 1863. "Daughter of R & M. A. Haywood",(Stone tumbled).
Inside Rock Fence:

HILL, Francis, 2 Feb 1760 - 21 Jun 1844. A soldier of the Revolutionary War.’
HILL, Elizabeth M., 16 Mar 1769 - 16 Apr 1840. ‘Consort of Francis Hill.’
HILL, Mary D., 10 Mar 1808- 12 Sep 1845.

Directions (2006) by Jennie Joe Hardison: To the grave of Francis Hill, 2 Feb. 1760 - 21 June 1844. "A Soldier of the Revolutionary War". It is written on the tombstone. From downtown Columbia drive on US 31N turning left onto Tennessee Highway #7/Santa Fe Pike on the south side of the Duck River Bridge. Continue on TN Hwy. 7 until you pass the Chickasaw Trace Park on the left, and then turn left at the first road, the Santa Fe Pike. Immediately turn left (west), onto the Robert's Bend Lane/Road, driving pass the old Athendale School/Community Center. Next drive .5 miles to the home of Thomas Culbertson on the left, then turn left onto a farm road on the right side of the Culbertson home. Drive thru open fences heading due-right toward the TVA transmission lines and a large support tower high on the hill. The distance is in excess of 3,000 feet. The cemetery is located on the crest of the hill near the tower in a grove of large trees. The soldier's grave and two other graves are located inside a fence of hand cut limestone boulders, one foot by two feet in size. Other graves are located outside the man made rock fence.
Directions (1987) by Fred Hawkins in Cemeteries of Maury County Tennessee".: In Attendee, turn west onto Roberts Bend Rd. and go 3/4 mile to Mr. R. Hill’s place on left. Enter farm lane and follow it for 2000 ft. Cemetery is on hillside, almost under a T.V.A. transmission tower.
Directions (1961) by the authors of T.P.T.W. Turn left off of Santa Fe Pike at Athendale School into the Sellers Farm, about 1/4 mile from road on hill.

Dr. Thomas Gorman is the owner of the surrounding property.

Several graves are marked with fieldstones according to Mr. Fred.

Listed on page B-48 in "They Passed This Way" by Evelyn B. Shackelford, Marise P. Lightfoot & Mrs. Carl Pogue, 14 Feb 1961 and again on page 177 in "Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries" by Fred Lee Hawkins on 3 Feb 1987.

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Hill (Reuben) Cemetery (lost cemetery, three listings)
South of Duck River, on property owned by Monsanto Chemical Co., in vicinity of Monsanto plant.
HILL, Reuben, 1761 - Jan 1833.
HILL, Andrew W., 27 Feb 1797 - 20 May 1876.
HILL, Sarah, 22 Dec 1798 - 8 Apr 1872. 'Wife of Andrew W. Hill"

The above information is taken from They Passed This Way. I could find no one who could give me information as to the exact location of this graveyard. Fred Lee Hawkins, 1987.

I have not yet searched for this place. Judging from where Mr. Fred placed this cemetery on his mapping I found a very high hill nearby the map location he pointed out so that I am assuming for the first choice in locating this cemetery the Hill Family is interred (as often they did) high upon that hilltop. See topographical & aerial maps. 24 Mar 2009 [Wayne Austin.]

Also published in the book Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries, by Fred Lee Hawkins, Jr. Page 660; attempt to visit 1987; and "They Passed This Way" page A-171, about 1967. Added to this site 26 Mar 2009 from They Passed This Way by Wayne Austin.

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Hills Chapel Cemetery (Complete listing & photos)
known also as the Cross Bridges (Baptist Church) Cemetery
Go south from Cross Bridges on South Cross Bridges Road 1/2 mile and the cemetery is on the right with a sign marked Cross Bridges Cemetery

CHUMLEY, Mary Ella Mae Hill, d. 27 Nov 2008 in Williamson Co. ( Maury Co. native; dau. Charlie Hill and Minnie B. Corley Hill; mar. to Elmer Eugene Chumley, who died 16 Jan 2000.)

CHUMLEY, Mary Ella Mae Hill, 6 May 1929 - 27 Nov 2008 in Williamson Co. ( Maury Co. native; dau. Charlie Hill and Minnie B. Corley Hill; mar. to Elmer Eugene Chumley, who died 16 Jan 2000.)

HILL, Andrew Edgar "Ed", 21 Aug 1901 - 28 Aug 1962.

HILL, Lettie May, 12 Jan 1901 - 2 Nov 1961.

HILL, Charlie P., 9 Mar 1903 - 16 Sep 1968.

HILL, Minnie Beatrice, 30 Oct 1902 - 21 Aug 1967. (daughter of Dan & Miriam Sims Corley.)

HILL, Ulna W. "Bill", 20 Sep 1915 - 7 Oct 1985, "Father."

HILL, Lovice L., 20 Sep 1914 - 22 Sep 1999, "Mother."

HILL, W. Larry, 4 Aug 1944 - no other date.

HILL, Gwendolyn B. (Brock), 15 Jan 1945 - 7 Aug 2002 in Davidson Co., Tn. (Limestone Co., Al. native; dau. of A. C. and Elizabeth Roberts Brock; married to W. Larry Hill 9 Jun 1963)

HOLT, Robert, 18 Nov 1853 - 5 Apr 1927. "Father." (Son of George & Dorcus Elizabeth Fox Holt.)
HOLT, Sarah E., 6 Aug 1861 - 20 Jun 1932. "Mother." (daughter of R. M. & Edziah Fox Kelly; wife Robert Holt.)
HOLT, R. A., 3 Feb 1872 - 11 Dec 1923. Woodman of World.
HOLT, Lou V., 22 Aug 1879 - 11 Nov 1967. (wife of R. A. Holt)
HOLT, J. C. (Ceph), 1882 - (1 Jul) 1927.
HOLT, Sallie, 1883 - 1940. (wife of J.C. Holt; daughter of Mr & Mrs. Mack Gray; native of Texas.)
HOLT, B. Harrison, Sr., 25 Apr 1888 - 2 Jan 1979.
HOLT, Beatrice Gray, 29 Aug 1898 - 20 Feb 1989. (wife of B. Harrison Holt)
HOLT, B.H. Jr., 23 Jun 1931 - 16 Jan 1982.
HOLT, Reubin M., 9 Nov 1895 - 18 Aug 1919. (Son Robert & Sarah E. Holt.)
HOLT, Marvin T., 29 Dec 1904 - 8 May 1969.
HOLT, Jessie G., 7 Nov 1908 - 2 Dec 1991.
HOLT, A. (Andrew) Floyd, 1910 - 1938.
HOLT, John F., 16 Nov 1918 - 24 Aug 1973. "Father."
HOLT, Pauline W., 8 Apr 1924 - no other date. "Mother" (wife of John F. Holt.)
HOLT, Danny Glenn, 4 Aug 1951 - 20 Nov 1977. (Son Marvin & Imogene Bryant Holt; mar. Ann Irwin.)
HOLT, David Bryant, 6 Jan 1962 - 4 May 2006.
HOLT, Marvin T. Jr., 6 Sep 1928 - 31 May 1998.
HOLT, Imogene B., 14 Mar 1932 - no other date. (wife of Marvin T., Jr.)


JOHNSON, N.J. "Tommy" Jr., 28 Apr 1931 - 8 Jul 2008. "GrandPa"
JOHNSON, Ruby S., 4 Aug 1934 - no other date. Grandma"
JOHNSON, Michael, Son; funeral Marker; no other information; May be a plot marker for the future
JOHNSON, Susan, Daughter; funeral Marker; no other information; May be a plot marker for the future
JOHNSON, Stephanie Anne, 21 Feb 1981 . (Infant daughter of Mike & Becky Weatherford Johnson.)


RAINS, Lucy Dayton, 20 Nov 1896 - 26 May 1898, "Daughter of C.M. & Lena Rains."

MOORE, Clinton B., 11 Jun 1880 - 1 Jan 1963. "Dad."
MOORE, Mary M., Aug 1894 - 8 Apr 1933. "Mother. (daughter of Harvey & martha Taylor Massey."

SIMMONS, Estalene H., 26 Mar 1939 - 6 Mar 1986. (daughter of William Robert & Garland Davis Rosson; married Robert Thomas Simmons.)

Photographed 28 Oct 2008. Published here first 4 Nov 2008 by Wayne Austin. Transcription first by Mary Bob McClain Richardson. Edited and updated from the high quality tombstone photos for revised transcriptions by Wayne Austin 16 Nov 2008. Several corrected revisions later occurred based on research and advice of Mary Bob McClain Richardson of Birmingham Alabama. 24 May 2010.

Other Sources: MAURY COUNTY TENNESSEE CEMETERIES Page 680 - 682, by Fred Lee Hawkins 1 Sep 1987; THEY PASSED THIS WAY, Page A -155, by Evelyn Lightfoot and Marise Shackelford. For more notes and info see the book by Fred L. Hawkins. This cemetery has not yet been updated for burials after 1987.
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Adkison Cemetery, Santa Fe (Complete 150+ graves, not photographed)
From Hilltown go east (or right) on Chestnut Ridge Rd for 1 & 1/4 miles and turn right (or south) on Lewis Rd. The cemetery is on the right 1/4 mile down Lewis Road road.

BEARD, Jennie Mae Shouse, 20 Nov 1915 - 5 Apr 2010. (Maury Co. native; d/o William Thomas Shouse and Dora Elizabeth HillShouse. mar. 27 Sept 1935 to Ralph Beard, Sr., who died 31 Jul 2006; preceded in death by grandson, Timothy Ralph Beard; daughter-in-law Janie Beard; son-in-law, Gilbert Green, brothers Cleveland, and Malcolm Shouse, sisters, Addie McKee, Louise Burns, Catherine Warren and Ruby Lewis.)

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Amis Cemetery, Valley Creek Rd. (listings & photos, visited by Rick Gray 2005)

AMIS, John, 29 Oct 1774 - 9 Sep 1852. Aged 77 years, 10 Mo. & 11 days.)
AMIS, Mary, (Tomb between tomb of John & Josiah. (Shaled and broken. Inscription now unreadable, probably grave of Mary Amis wife of John.)
AMIS, Josiah D., 10 Apr 1819 - 4 Apr 1852. Aged 32 years 11 months & 21 Days.) "Youngest son of John & Mary Amis." Sources: Photos and research by Rick Gray & his son Andrew. Visited & photographed 5 Feb 2005. Added here 26 Jan 2010. Also published in the following books in the past: "Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries", 26 Jan 1988, by Fred Lee Hawkins, page 508. "They Passed This Way", 1963, by Evelyn Shackleford & Marise Lightfoot, page D-210.)
The three box tombs of the Amis Cemetery, Culleoka, Valley Creek Road, behind a new wooden fence. Looking closely we see Miss Kitty (name unknown) in the center of the photo under the fence serving as our greeter. He/she is probably defending some good mouse hunting territory here.

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Bills Cemetery (Complete listing, 7 listings, 3 photos)
This cemetery has been removed to the Rose Hill Cemetery
The cemetery is/was located out Mooreville Pike about three miles on the right.

Mr Fred Hawkins offers this instruction in 1987: Go south on Mooresville Pike from Highway 50 three miles. The cemetery is on the right side of the road beside a barn on the A.T. Hill place. - I am sure it is not the A.T. Hill place today nor do I believe the barn to be still standing.
Rose Hill Cemetery in Columbia, Tennessee is correct documents and today can be researched at Oaks & Nichols Funeral Home, West 7th Street, Columbia, TN 38401. When Mr. Kelly Greene purchased the Bills' Place (from 1797 to abt 1807) around 1997, Mr. Frank Sowell of the Funeral Home actually supervised the remove of the six (6) graves seven (7) bodies to Rose Hill Cemetery.

The burial plot (Bills Cemetery) on Mooresville Pike was enclosed by a circular planting of Trees. As of 2007 these trees could be seen from Mooresville's Pike but as of today (Oct. 2011) bushes and trees have grown up at the road side preventing viewing. -- The Oaks & Nichols Funeral home will be able to tell us the lot and location of the new graves in Rose Hill. The grave slabs were also carefully moved to the new grave lots at Rose Hill Cemetery. Mr. Sowell also stated that the caskets were in remarkable condition
This cemetery listing was listed in the various books of the past. Mr. Fred Lee Hawkins in the book Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries listed this cemetery 17 Mar 1986 on page 463. Before that it was listed in the book They Passed This way page D-144, about 1967. While some of this info came from the above books much of it came from descendents with various ancestral books having common original sources. [Wayne Austin 4 Jan 2009] Updated and revised again 26 Oct 2011.

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Chumley, Claud, no dates
Chumley, Dellar F., no dates
Chumley, Harry E., no dates

Chumley, Isy B., no dates
Note: Believe these to be children of John E. Chumley and Martha Ann Chapman. There are several years between the birth of their 4th child and the 5th child. Between 1898 and 1910, the couple lost 4 children which are accounted for as dead children on the 1900 and 1910 census records.

Chumley, John E., 1868 – 28 Oct 1929 (son of of Alford Chumley & Martha Hill; husband of Martha Ann Chapman)

Chumley, Lillian, 1897 – 1941 (inscribed incorrectly as Chumlley; daughter of John E. Chumley & Martha Ann Chapman)

Chumlly, Martha A. Chapman, 1876 – 1916 (wife of John A. Chumley; daughter of William C. Chapman & Ann Thomason) Note: Incorrectly engraved as Chumlly on the stone.

Chumley, Martha Ann, married, born 24 Sept 1871, died 31 Dec 1915 of mitral regurgitation; buried Route 3, Mt. Pleasant; daughter of Bill Chapman, born in Tennessee, and Ann Thomason, born in Tenn.; information by _______ Smith, Route 3, Mt. Pleasant.

Davis, Allen, 13 Feb 1838 – 14 Nov 1911 (son of John Davis & Rachel Alexander Bennett; Company C, 19th Cavalry, C.S.A.)
Davis, Rachel Alexander Bennett Davis, no dates or relationship is listed for her.
Davis, Minerva, 1844 – 1921
Davis, Alfred M., 24 Feb 1874 – 4 Jun 1964. Uncle.
Davis, Attie B., 1880 – 1965
Davis, Hubert, 7 Jul 1911 – 31 May 1981 (married Edna Workman on 29 May 1929; son of Fount Davis and Ann “Annie” Pierce)
Davis, Edna Workman, 14 Jul 1912 – 3 Apr 1991 (married Hubert Davis on 29 May 1929; daughter Tildon Washington Workman and Ada F. Kennedy)
Davis, Hubert Kenneth, 13 Apr 1930 – 18 Jul 1995 (husband of Gertrude Elizabeth Trussaway; son of Hubert Davis and Edna Workman)
Davis, Gertrude Elizabeth Trussaway, 5 Mar 1937 – (wife of Hubert Kenneth Davis)
Davis, Bernice Katherine, 1922
Davis, Victoria Lynn, 17 Jun 1958 – 26 Jul 1973 (daughter of Hubert Kenneth Davis & Gertrude Elizabeth Trussaway)
Davis, Lucy Jane, 14 Sep 1931 – 18 Sep 2001
Davis, M. C. “Chick”, 11 Dec 1928 – 18 Dec 2000
Davis, Steve R., 10 Nov 1957 - 16 Jun 2007. (Born in Detroit, Mich.; son of Virgil "Hank" and Dora Corum Davis; Veteran US Army.)

Sources: Surveyed and photographed by Rick Gray and his 12 year old son, Andrew, on 11 August 2004.; Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries, By Fred Lee Hawkins, Jr., Page 783 (Listed 7 Sep 1987); They Passed This Way, J. C. Parrish, Marise P. Lightfoot, Page A-179 (Listed 20 Nov 1964). Published here by Wayne Austin, 6/20/2005

_______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

Boyd Cemetery, Rally Hill (Complete, 12 known graves)
Go south on Hwy 431 out of Rally Hill (Junction of Hwy 431 & Kedron Road) about 1/3 mile. The Cemetery is on your right behind just and off of the right of way inside a well made stone wall.

BOYD, Dr. T. M., 21 Apr 1833 - 2 Jun 1890. (native of Williamson County; settled in Maury County prior to the Civil War, setting up his medical practice in the Rally Hill community) (Front Row 1,2)
BOYD, Marzee M., 9 May 1835 - 28 Nov 1898. "Wife of T. M. Boyd" (Front Row 1,3)
BOYD, W. T., 7 Sep 1855 - 4 Feb 1924. (Front Row 2,5)
BOYD, J. W., 14 Aug 1859 - 25 Jul 1907. (Front Row 2,1)
BOYD, Bettie B., 17 Nov 1868 - 23 Mar 1896. (Front Row 2,3)
BOYD, Mount Edgar, 10 May 1864 - 12 Sep 1877. "Son T. M. & M. M. Boyd" (Front Row 1,1)
BOYD, James Madison, 19 Jul 1874 - 31 Oct 1922. (Front Row 2,6)
BUCHANAN, Lou Alta, 2 Jul 1870 - 5 Nov 1898. (Front Row 2,4)
FOSTER, Nannie Pearl Boyd, 29 Jan 1873 - 28 Dec 1893. (Front Row 2,2)
SMITH, George Monroe, 1862 - 1949. (Front Row 1,6)
SMITH, Annie A. Boyd, 23 Dec 1861 - 11 Jun 1891. "Wife of G. M. Smith." (Front Row 1,4)
SMITH, Willie Boyd, 9 Jan 1886 - 13 Apr 1900. (Front Row 1,5)
Listed in "Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries", 8 Mar 1986, by Fred Lee Hawkins, page 10.
Listed in "They Passed This Way", 1963, page C-19, by Evelyn Shackleford & Marise Lightfoot.

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Branch Cemetery, Philadelphia Church Rd. (Complete 4+ graves)
Follow Hwy 50 out and turn north (left) onto Fred white Road before it goes under I-65. Go 2 & 1/4 miles north and look right at a house sitting on an angle to the road. The cemetery is sort of in the front yard of that house, but 40 yards further down the road. It is within 20 yards of the road & you can see the three old stones under the trees, but will probably be shielded by leaf vegetation from the trees in the summer

BRANCH, James G., 6 May 1812 - 10 Jan 1873. (Son James & Martha Minor Branch of Va.)

BRANCH, Sarah A., 19 Jul 1819 - 6 Dec 1904 Age 85 Yrs, 4 Mos. 18 Days. (wife of James G. Branch; daughter of Elisha & Anna Cohea Uzzell of N.C.)

BRANCH, J. A. W., 13 Jul 1849 - 23 Apr 1882. (son of James G. Branch)

BRANCH, Johnie, 10 Dec 1874 - 27 Feb 1875. (from records of past researchers, I did not see a stone for this listing. [WA 23 Dec 2008])
1986 Mr Fred: Two or three cavities show other gravesites and several flat stones light have once been used as markers.

2009: One can confirm the above statement somewhat with these photos. However there is a missing stone since 1986 that of Johnie Branch. Since I did not linger long the stone may be fallen and I did not see it. It might be in the large skip between the JAW Branch memorials and those of James G. & Sarah A. further out on the end, (fallen) below the leaves. I do think I see a fieldstone there in the skip center where the headstone would normally be. There also are signs that another grave is located further out on the other side of James G. & Sarah A. Branch. Notice the balding ground out there where the soil is mounded up a bit. No sign of a head or footstone or even a fieldstone marking a grave out there.

A couple of parenthetical statements are from the book M.C.T.C. and appear to be originally from a study of the Census data of 1850, 60 & 70. All other information from the tombstone and this site mapping effort.
Listed in "Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries", 13 Mar 1987, by Fred Lee Hawkins, page 435. Also listed in "They Passed This Way", 1963, page D-167, by Evelyn Shackleford & Marise Lightfoot. Information & photos by Wayne Austin 23 Dec 2008, added here 21 Jan 2009.

_______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

BRYANT, Robertson, 11 Feb 1795 - 2 Feb 1872. (Son Roland & Mary Hunt Bryant of North Carolina)
BRYANT, Nancy, 11 Sep 1801 - 6 Sep 1868. (Nancy Amis; wife of Robertson Bryant.)
BRYANT, Ann R., 9 Feb 1826 - 26 Sep 1860. (Stone has fallen, findings of Mr. Fred, 1987)
Listed in March 9, 1963 by Earl T. & Dorothy Gilliam for T. P. T. W.
Listed March 17, 1987 by Mr. Fred L. Hawkins
Listings confirmed 1991 by Lucy Dunaway Zeier (descendent) There is a one year difference between the birth of Robertson Bryant in the listings. Some have 1795 others have 1796. I am unaware of the origin of the error.
From the intersection of I 65 and Hwy 50, go west about 1.5 miles to the Fred White Road and turn right (north). Almost immediately turn left on Rick Hight Road and go about 1/4 mile to the old antebellum home of the Robertson Bryant family on the right (the road will sharply bend to the left if you miss the turn off). With permission from the owners of the private property, turn right. The cemetery is about 150 yards to the east of the home.
The Robertson Bryant (family) cemetery (also in Maury County) is almost gone now due to destruction by cattle. Robertson Bryant and Nancy Amis are my g-g-g grandparents. My mother and her sister remember this cemetery from their childhood (I would guess 1930's and 1940's) and remember the ornate fence that once surrounded the cemetery. All of this is no longer around and the cattle are free to crush and knock over the stones. Have you ever taken pictures of these stones???? The owners (at least - use to be owners) were willing to grant access to the cemetery. It is a very small family cemetery.
Lucy Dunaway Zeier

This is an artistic rendition of what was at one time the old
Roberson Bryant Home as it might have appeared in the
1800s. Notice the high wall in front of the house for the stage
coach to load and unload its passengers. Computer art by
Wayne Austin 10/01/2005.

Subj:Re: Bryant Family Cemetery
Date:11/5/2004 9:35:39 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Looswhl (Lucy Dunaway Zeier)
To: WayneAL1 (Wayne Austin), [emailprotected] (Ronnie Erwin)

_______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

In Bryant Station, west side what was the old church, now converted into a residence. On old Columbia - Lewisburg Highway.

MAYBERRY, Emma Stallings, 1889 - 1978. (wife of William Hardin Mayberry)
*McKIBBON, John Richard, 6 Apr 1858 - 8 Apr 1928, (son of John Van McKibbon & Elizabeth Hill).

STEELE, William D., 1778 - 1857.
STEELE, Mary Watt, 1783 - 1859. (wife of William D.)

Listed in "Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries", 29 May 1986, by Fred Lee Hawkins, page 56-57.
Listed in "They Passed This Way", 1963, by Evelyn Shackleford & Marise Lightfoot, page O-172.)

_______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

So turn left into the Sam Watkins Blvd next turn left into the Joe Frank Porter Rd and then turn left into the Charles Fisher St and pass the Fire station. It is behind and just past that fire station marked by a black check on the left again. [CWA 5 Apr 2011]
GOODLOE, William Hill, 3 Aug 1804 - 6 Sep 1834. (Top of box tomb.) No photo - probably here: 4954

_______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

take Hwy 50 northest to Monsanto Rd and turn north or right and go about 3 miles to the cemetery on the right in the bend of the road.
Go out Williamsport Pike (Hwy. #50) to Monsanto Road and turn right. Just before reaching the main Monsanto plant you will see the cemetery on your right.

HILL, Ashley, 22 Jun 1815 - 29 Dec 1872. Mason. “Ruling Elder in C.P. Church at Concord, 34 yrs”

HILL, Mariah T., 7 Jul 1821 - 28 May 1843. “Wife of Ashley Hill; dau. G. W. & Ann Jennings.” (Box tomb with inscription on side panel.)

HILL, Mary, 5 Oct 1817 - 10 Jan 1896. “Wife of Ashley .” (Nee McKay.)

HILL, James N., 29 Nov 1845 - 5 Feb 1847. “Son Ashley & Mary Hill.”

HILL, M. A. B., 12 Jul 1856 - 1 Jul 1880. “Dau. Ashley & Mary Hill.”

HILL, Ashley M., 20 Aug 1860 - 4 Feb 1884. “Son Ashley & Mary Hill.”

HILL, Lula M., 17 Dec 1877 - 18 Aug 1879. “Dau. A. E. & D. R. Hill.”

HILL, Inf. son of A. E. & D. R., 2 Oct 1881 - 25 Oct 1881.

HILL, Inf. Son of A. E. & D. R., b & d. 7 Feb 1894.

MOORE, William H., May 1825 - 25 Feb 1862. “Died as Prisoner of War at Chicago. C.S.A.
MOORE, Darcus J. (?), 13 Apr 1830 - 15 Apr 1892. “Wife of Wm. H. Moore.”

PIGG, Sallie C., 4 Feb 1849 - 15 Oct 1905. (TS tumbled.) “Wife of W. H. Pigg.”
PIGG, W. A. J., age 3 months and 2 days.

SANDERS, Overton, 18 Jun 1807 - 9 Apr 1875. 67-07-21.
SANDERS, Mary N., 28 May 1815 - 24 Feb 1853. 37-08-27. (Nee Mary N. Douglas; mar. Overton
Sanders on 20 Dec 1838.)
SANDERS, Mary T., 17 Nov 1826 - 20 Jan 1867. 40-02-03.
SANDERS, Elizabeth Jane, 12 Jul 1839 - 3 Nov 1855.
SANDERS, James O., 24 Feb 1849 - 3 May 1868. 19-02-09.
SANDERS, Tennessee Beltrie, 8 Jun 1856 - 2 Sep 1857. “Dau. O. & M. T. Sanders.”,(Daughter of Overton & Mary T. Sanders)
SANDERS, Inf. of O. & N. R., 1873.

STEWART, Odie, 1875 - 30 Jun 1910. Father.
STEWART, Cordelia Jones, 13 Oct 1882 - 21 Jan 1958. Mother.
STEWART, Munice A., 1901 - (28 Dec) 1977. (Son of Odie & Cordelia Jones Stewart; mar. Irene Jones, who d. 1932; mar. 2nd, Louise Adams, d. in 1972; U. marker.)
STEWART, Murry D., 5 Dec 1901 - no other date.
STEWART, Nona Mae Poteete, 28 Jul 1909 - no other date.
STEWART, Murry D., Jr., 6 May 1939 - no other date.
STEWART, M. Alex. 12 Nov 1935 - 9 Aug 1957.

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From Williamsport, cross the Duck River to Fikes Mill and turn back east toward Santa Fe on (Hwy 247) Snow Creek Road. Go one mile to Mrs. Knott's place on north side of road. The cemetery is in a field just west of the house around and inside a tree lined rock wall.
On the above aerial map this cemetery can be found in the clump of trees. The cemetery is partly inside (Harris section) a rock wall with the Crosby graves and others being outside. The yellow pointer indicates the place. A private residence is located southeast of the cemetery and the gentleman there is the current land owner.

JOHNS, Mary Hill Macon Jessey, 3 Dec 1818 - 18 May 1839. "Wife of D. D. Johns."

JOHNSON, Sarah T., 18 Nov 1802 - 26 Dec 1831. (29-01-08.) (Old box tomb; Dismantled.)
JOHNSON, Sarah T., 25 Dec 1831 - 2 Aug 1832. (00-07-08.) "Inf. dau. Thomas P. & Sarah T. Johnson."
JOHNSON, William R., 13 Jul 1830 - 12 Jan 1831. (00-05-25.) "Son Thomas P. & Sarah T."

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HILL, Harry L., 11 Jan 1832 - 15 Apr 1862. "Son William C. & Mariah." (Box tomb.), Sec 1

HILL, John R., 27 Feb1855 -12 Aug 1861. "Son R.C. & H.E.", Sec 1

HILL, Ruth A., 22 May 1851 - 16 Aug 1861. "daughter of R.C. & H.E.", Sec 1

HILL, William J., 13 Jan 1853 – 18 Aug 1861.“Son R. C. & H. E"., Sec 1

HOBBS, Beatrice Wilson, 19 Dec 1924 - 14 May 1994 (wife of James L. Hobbs), Sec 3

HOBBS, Berney A., 3 Oct 1896 - 11Dec 1985., Sec 1
*HOBBS, Berney Anderson Jr., 29 Aug 1943 - 16 Feb 2010. (Maury Co. native; 5th generation Culleokan; s/o late Berney Anderson Hobbs, Sr. and Sadie Hill Hobbs; owner & operator of Hobbs Services, LLC for 41 yrs. and farmer; 1961 grad. of Culleoka High School and attended Middle Tenn. State University; certified as Master Plumber, Master Electrician and Master HVAC Technician; burial will be on property he donated as an extension to Friendship Cemetery; he enjoyed cattle farming on his Echo Valley Ranch.).

HOBBS, Lela Jane, 25 Apr 1886 - 4 May 1907., Sec 1
HOBBS, Sadie Hill, 14 Feb 1908 - 28 Jun 1984., Sec 1

HOLT, Elliot G., 13 May 1907 - 4 Dec 1989, Sec 2
HOLT, John Roy, 15 Apr 1888 - 14 Nov 1957, Tennessee, PFC, Co B 126 Engineers WWI, Sec 2
HOLT, John, 29 Jun 1907 - 10Aug 1994, Sec 2
HOLT, Johnnie G., 13 May 1916 - no date, (nee Jett, wife of Lawson L. Holt), Sec 2
HOLT, Katherine, 16 Dec 1909 - 21 Jun 2004, Sec 2
HOLT, Lawson L.(Lee), 13 Sep 1901 - 10 Jun 1980. (Son Jerry & Molly Davis Holt.), Sec 2
HOLT, Lee Jr., 20 Jan 1902 - 7 Apr 1970, Tennessee, Pvt Army Air Force WWII, (Son of Lee & Susie Mitchell Holt), Sec 2
HOLT, Lee, 1861 - (3 Jan) 1940 (son of W. L. "Billy" & Lucy Taylor Holt), Sec 2
HOLT, Lucy, 29 Apr 1912 - 2 Mar 1999, (same marker base with Katherine Holt), Sec 2
HOLT, M. Allen, 13 may 1904 - 2 Jan 1990, same stone as Elloit G. Holt), Sec 2
HOLT, Ola Kate, 1 Oct 1909 - 14 Jul 2001, Sec 2
HOLT, Susie M., 1868 - (27 Apr) 1940. (daughter of M. M. & Mary Elizabeth Tombs Mitchell.), Sec 2
HOPPER, Cyrus Melton, 19 Oct 1921 - 19 Aug 2003, SSgt US Army WWII, Sec 3
HOPPER, Lorene M., 19 Nov 1921 - no date, married 5 May 1950 to Cyrus Melton Hopper, Sec 3

TOOMB, Elizabeth P., 20 May 1822 -17 Jun 1899. (neeHill; Elizabeth P.Wife John H. Toomb., Sec 1

Unknown (2 each) unmarked stones near the Smith and Hill plots, Sec 1
Unknown box tomb near the Smith and Hill plots, Sec 1
Unknown box tomb near the Smith, Bryant and Hill plots, Sec 1
Unknown box tomb near the Smith, Bryant and Hill plots, Sec 1
Unknown fieldstone near the Smith, Bryant and Hill plots, Sec 1
Unknown fieldstone near the Smith, Bryant and Hill plots, Sec 1
Unknown pile of rough cut stones near the Smith, Bryant and Hill plots, Sec 1

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Goshen Methodist Church Cemetery (listing) Photo Of Headstone

HILL, John W., 1857 - (24 Nov) 1933. (Son Jim & Susie Cummings Hill; Obit.: b. 2 MAY 1858. shares stone with Mollie R. Hill.) 0599

HILL, Mollie R., 1858 - 1894. (shares stone with John W. Hill.) 0599

HILL, C.D. Jr., 1923 - no other date. "Sons of Charlie Hill" (shares stone with Charlie D.) 0668

HILL, Charlie D., (3 Apr) 1927 - (6 Aug) 1928. "Sons of Charlie Hill." (shares stone with C.D. Hill Jr.) 0668

HILL, John T., 19 May 1937 - 2 Nov 1937. "Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ulna Hill" (Son Abner & Louise Jannett Hill.) 0598

ANGLIN, Mary E., 1877 - (6 Nov) 1946. (Wife of W.T.; dau. of Samuel & Susan Hill Ashworth.) 0651

ALLEN, Mrs. Anner, 22 Mar 1842 - 17 Jan 1904. (ts fallen and on the ground.) 0569

HOGAN, T.M., 17 Jul 1868 - 30 May 1918. 0677
HOGAN, M.E. "Bettie", 13 Jun 1875 - 20 Jan 1941. "Gone but not forgotten." (Dau., M.A. Mary Beasley Mayberry.) 0676

SHOUSE, Dora E., 1887 - 1948. (Nee: Dora Elizabeth Hill, shares stone with William T. Shouse.) 0516
SHOUSE, Clareton (R.C.), 11 Nov 1891 - 5 Jan 1930. (Son of Van & Mattie Blackman Shouse.) 0517/0542
SHOUSE, Thomas Cleveland, 9 Feb 1908 - 23 Jan 1992. "Daddy" (mar. to Ethel Mae Hood) 0629
SHOUSE, Ethel Mae Hood, 23 Aug 1904 - 14 Jul 1991. "Mama", "Forever in our hearts.", "Married Dec. 24, 1932." (wife of Thomas Cleveland Shouse.) 0629
SHOUSE, Ronnie Lee, 20 Jun 1947 - 27 Jun 1947. 0630
SHOUSE, Jacqueline Kay "Jackie", 8 Feb 1957 - 3 Nov 1978. "To know her is to love her." (Dau. J.W. & Jewell Baker Shouse; killed in auto accident on Santa Fe Pike.) 0634

JOHNSON, James, 12 Oct 1807 - 26 Jul 1894. "Erected by J.P. Johnson." 0511
JOHNSON, Shorter, 26 May 1881 - 6 Sep 1904. (23-03-10.) "Son of M. B.(Bates) & N.A. Johnson." (Mar. Maggie Hutcherson, "d. six years ago.") 0546
JOHNSON, Marchell, 13 Sep 1903 - 16 Dec 1933. "In Loving Memory." 0543
J-------, BOX TOMB, LETTERS: "C.A.L.J." Scratched on end. (this is the only box tomb at Goshen Cemetery.) 0442
JOHNSON, Robert E., 20 Aug 1918 - 4 Aug 1920. (Son of Lex & Lula Gibson Johnson.) JOHNSON, Evert, no date. (appears to be a footstone.) 0544
JOHNSON, Grace, no date. (appears to be a footstone.) 0545
KELLEY, W. (Wm.) J., 1871 - 1938. " Our Father." 0646
KELLEY, Mrs. Laura, 1880 - (Sep) 1954. (Dau. of Josh & Betty Hood Anglin.) KELLY, Maxie Lee, 23 Feb 1903 - 6 Oct 1958. "In Loving Memory" (shares stone with Louisa Byrd Kelly) 0647
KELLY, Louisa Byrd, 16 Oct 1908 - 12 Jun 1993. (shares stone with Maxie Lee Kelly) 0647
KELSO, Gloria, 1955 - 2009. (U Marker Heritage Funeral Home and Cremation Services.) 0659

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Hogan Cemetery, Stiversville (3 listings, & photos)
Directions: From Stiversville on Highway 31 turn west onto road to Southport. Go one and a half miles. Along this 1 and 1/2 miles follow the road up the incline and then down the other side and around the curve. When the road straightens out go to the second Drive and the cemetery is behind that house. This was the Lonnie Ingram place in 1987. The cemetery is in the thicket behind a new modular house, but the owner had plans to clear the cemetery.
Toney Payne letter 2 Nov 2009:

Thanks Rose Higgins for allowing me to converse. Greetings Wayne Austin. I am a 1st cousin to Fred Lee Hawkins, His Mother and my Father were Brother And Sister, He has a son living in Columbia, or did when Mr. Fred passed away, Fred did much research and transcriptions of Cemeteries in Maury County. [Now thats an understatement WA 25 May 2010]
The three readable stones are part of mine and Freds Family. Namely from Daniel Payne and His Wife Nancy Paine/Payne, (Spelling presented as Each Person Used)
As I related to Rose Saturday, Daniel And Nancy Were First Cousins Their Daughter Elizabeth "Betsy" Payne married John Hogan, Their daughter Mary Jane is The third proven burial here.

By the way Wayne, Daniels folks, most of them went on to Missouri and Arkansas from Maury County. His Sister Catherine Paine married Samuel Austin who is buried in Hazlewood Cemetery In Missouri, Catherine is buried somewhere in Burke County N. C. If you connect there you could have a touch of Payne in you. [Note by Wayne Austin: No Toney I have accounted for all my recent ancestry in Maury County and so maybe this Samuel Austin connects back in Burk County N.C., but not in Maury County. Last ancestor I had about the age of Samuel is a Drewy Austin 1855 - 1831, who was from Anson County N.C. and died in Lincoln Co Tn. W.A. 25 May 2010. Those two guys could be brothers or cousins, but I don't info that connects them. ]

Thanks Rose for the contact. You have no idea how many John Paynes there are. About every generation in every family, Named their children after their brothers,
ThanksToney Payne.

Rose Higgins letter 3 Nov 2009:
I found a will of John's father "David" leaving his property to his youngest son Wiley. It is dated 1834. also, I have been examining the census records and comparing them to the headstone of John Hogan. I believe John Henry and his brother Josiah are buried together behind my house in the Hogan Cemetery without headstones. According to census records,
John's son "John" was born in 1830. The only one born 1810 is his brother Josiah and it shows them dying the same time and Josiah was 33 at his time of death. The top of the stone definitely says "John" and his information plus some of Josiah. I am going to try and do another rubbing this evening and see if I can get the stone to read better. If this proves to be true, the Hogans who are shown as died in Stiversville, Maury County, Giles County, and Hogan Cemetery during that timeframe are probably all in my back yard. I originally thought the graveyard was the immediate family of John Henry Hogan but now it is appearing it is of his family coming from his father David. David might also be buried there as he died in the timeframe as well.Rose

HOGAN, Elizabeth, 19 Dec 1799 - 26 Oct 1858. Aged 58 Years 10 Months & 7 days.
Inscribed as: "In memory of ELIZA.BETH HOGAN who was born December 19th 1799 Departed this life October 26 1858. Aged 58 years 10 Mos 7 days." 8043/8043A/8044

HOGAN, John. 19 Dec 1810 - 5 Aug 1843. Aged 33. (Broken and stone crumbling away.) *
Inscription illegible and could not be presented 8045/8045/A

HOGAN, Josiah, (dates and other information not discernable on the stone.) *
Inscription illegible and could not be presented 8045/8045/A

HOGAN, Mary Jane, 20 Jun 1826 - 20 Oct 1840. Aged 14 Years, & 4 Months.
Inscribed as: "Mary Jane Hogan was born June 26, 1826, Died October 20th 1840 aged 14 years 4 months." 8041/8041A

* John Hogan Married Elizabeth Payne Daughter of Daniel And Nancy Paine Paine, Daniel And Nancy were First Cousins. John And Elizabeths were known to have Eleven Children. [note from Rose Higgins a Hogan Cemetery researcher.]

* John Hogan and Josiah Hogan are buried in the same grave. they died at the same time. I don't know how, but I figure it was an illness as there was a black tongue plague during that time. This new information also matches the headstone rubbings. The rubbings show information on two different people but only partial information could be gleaned from the rubbing. [note from Rose Higgins a Hogan Cemetery researcher.]

HOGAN, James Lee, 31 Mar 1931 - 3 Jul 2002 in Columbia, Tn. (Maury Co. native; son of Warren Gerald Hogan and Ruby Dean Stofel; hus. of Daisy Leone Andrews Hogan; Veteran, U. S. Army; buried Andrews Cemetery near Spring Hill)

This graveyard was once larger without a doubt. I was unable to find any field stones standing. A neighbor told me that some years ago, when the area was being prepared for farming, the bulldozer hit at least one stone before the operator even knew the cemetery was here. This might have been the stone for John Hogan, which is now broken. or one that I could not find.

Graves marked with fieldstones: None were found & Fred Hawkins said there were none when he was there in 1988.

This publication is based on an on-site visit to the Hogan Cemetery 29 Sep 2009 by Wayne Austin accompanied by Bobby Chaffin a neighbor and cousin of mine. The cemetery was photographed complete s could be found in the brush. Other publications where information can be found on this cemetery are: Maury County Tennessee Cemeteries by Fred Lee Hawkins Jr. listed 8 Mar 1988 on page 610. Also published in the book "They Passed This Way", 1963, by Evelyn Shackleford & Marise Lightfoot, page A-71.

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HUNTER CEMETERY (Historic)-MAURY COUNTY, MT PLEASANT, TENNESSEE Hunter Meetinghouse - Hunter Cemetery is located just southeast of Mt. Pleasant past the fork of Highway 43 and the road to Enterprise community on what is known as the Military Road. Long before this land was inhabited by some of the earliest settlers of the area, it was being mentioned in court records, and plans for it were being made.)

BOND, John B., 1792 - 30 Sep 1845. 55 years.
BOND, Catherine, 9 Nov 1797 - 11 Sep 1845. 48-10-02. (Consort of John B. Bond, Esq.)
BOND, Thomas J., 14 Feb 1837 - 14 May 1853. 16-01-10. "Son of J.B. & C. Bond." (Thomas J. Blackwood, 10/14/1827-10/11/1844 s/o William P. Blackwood & Henley Thompson Hogan. Ref: Dora Mai Gordon, 10 Apr 2008)
BOND, Sallie Elizabeth, 11 Jan 1837 - 2 Jan 1861. "Wife of J.H. Bond."
BOND, Mary Virginia, 9 Jan 1839 - 23 Nov 1867. 29-10-14. "Wife of J. L. Bond."
BOND, Robert Lee, 16 Oct 1862 - 14 Dec 1865. 03-01-28. "Son of James L. & M. V. Bond." "Aged 3 Ys (1 month / 28 dys.)"
BOND, Willie, 18 May 1867 - 3 Nov 1867. 5 mos., 16 days. "Inf. son of James L. & M. V. Bond."
BUMPAS, Mary Malinda, 24 Jan 1828 - 27 Sep 1853. "Wife of Augustine Bumpas."
BUMPUS, William Henry, 8 Feb 1853 - 7 Sep 1853. "Son of A. & M.M. Bumpass."
CAMPBELL, Charles, 15 Feb 1795 - 30 Sep 1852. 57-07-15. "
STEWART, William, 5 Nov 1821 - 28 Sep 1873. 51-10-23.
STEWART, John S., 28 Sep 1848 - 15 Jan 1884.
STE----------, J., 14 Oct---- - ????. (inscribed fieldstone.)

Stockard, Richard,
Born the 5th of July 1790, the eighth child of ten born to James and Ellender Trousdale Stockard, who married in 1755 and came from Pennsylvania to Orange Co., N.C. and then to Maury County. James Stockard was a Revolutionary War soldier and died before 1822 in Maury County. Richard Stockard's mother, Ellen Stockard was born in Scotland and died in Maury Co., in 1810. Richard was married twice, first to Elizabeth Johnson on 23 Sept. 1818. They had a daughter named Sarah Ann Stockard (buried McClain Cemetery). Richard Stockard's second wife the widow Cynthia McLean Hill (dau. of Ephraim and Polly Boyd McLean of Snow Creek.), 20 Oct 1836. Richard and Cynthia had a son named Samuel McLean Stockard the recipient of the famous "Stockard Letter by Alney Hite McLean".

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Hurt Cemetery (Complete listing, no photos)
cemetery is located marked as a red +. This cemetery is located in the extreme northeast corner of Maury County. From Rally Hill go north on Hwy. 431 to Flat Creek Road and turn right. Go about ½ mile and the cemetery is on the left of the road.

NEAL, Richard H., 27 Oct 1902 - 12 Dec 1980. "Married Oct. 15, 1922." (Mar. to Maude Hill and share the same stone with her.) 8082
NEAL, Maude Hill, (31 Dec) 1904 - 24 Feb 1982. (wife of Richard H. Neal and share the same stone with him.) 8082

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Johnson Chapel Cemetery, Natchez Trace (175+ listings)
From New Fly village go 1 Mile east on Leipers Creek Rd to Dutch Pott Hollow Rd and turn north. Follow that until it junctions into the Old Natchez Trace Road. Go west or left about 3/4 mile to Johnson's Chapel. The cemetery is on your riht across the road from the Johnson Chapel Church.

BRADY, R. M., 11 Aug 1894 - 8 Feb 1965. (Son Redic M. & Betty Daniels Brady.)

BRADY, Lula M., 25 Mar 1894 - 29 Nov 1963. (Wife R. M. Brady; nee Lula Mai Hill.)

BRADY, Leonard C., 1919 - 1960.

BRADY, Rhoda C., 1918 - no other date

HILL, Francis M., (7 Apr) 1864 - 1928. (Son J. W. & Susan Rail Hill.)

HILL, Hettie S. (Hester A.), 1875 - 1955. (Dau. D. F. & Elvira Dudley Slater.)

HILL, Wilburn H., 7 Apr 1915 - 7 Jul 1971.

HILL, Effie C., 27 Jan 1915 - no other date.

HILL, J. B., 27 Nov 1924. 'Infant son of J.W. & B.M. Hill.'

HILL, Infant son of Arnold Hill, 5 May 1938.

HILL, Dudley Eugene, 2 Aug 1951 - 12 Sep 1953.

PEACH, James Wayne, 25 Sep 1935 - no other date
PEACH, Clara Mae, 7 May 1929 - 22 Jan 1979. (Dau. Harlan H. & Minnie Hill Stanfield; mar. to James Wayne Peach in 1965.)

STANFIELD, R. T., 6 Nov 1847 - 1 Mar 1928. "80, died Friday, near Johnson's in northern part of county; sick 2 mos.; native of Williamson Co.; lived here 50 yrs.; married to Catherine Hill. (Maury Democrat (news), 8 Mar 1928.)

STANFIELD, Catherine E., 22 Sep 1852 - 13 Apr 1941. (Mrs. "Katie" Hill, '88, died 13 Apr 1941; dau. of John & Susan Rail Hill; Methodist. (Daily Herald news 15 Apr 1941.)

STANFIELD, Dave F., 18 Feb 1887 - 23 Aug 1923. Father. (Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Hill Stanfield.)

STANFIELD, Katie H., 1903 - (9 Apr) 1977. (Dau. Ocie & Bessie Quirk Hill; Wife Wm. T. Stanfield.)

STANFIELD, Bessie Hill, 13 Apr 1913 - no other date

STANFIELD, Pearl Hill, 21 Aug 1908 - no other date

STANFIELD, Minnie K., 9 Apr 1906 - 15 Aug 1976. (Dau. John & Alice Panter Hill; married 6 Aug 1925.)

STANFIELD, Robert Lee, 11 Apr 1928 - 27 Dec 1978. (Son of Wm. T. & Katie Hill Stanfield; mar. Ruth Potts.

STANFIELD, Lester, 17 Dec 1928 - 17 Feb 2007. (Maury Co. native; son of Rudolphus and Pearl Hill Stanfield; hus. of Audrey Hay Stanfield; preceded in death by dau., Brenda Stanfield Patterson.)

STANFIELD, Wilma Shouse, 5 Aug 1937 - 30 Mar 2009 in Davidson Co., Tn. (Maury Co. native; dau. of James Washington Shouse and Mary Bessie Widmore Shouse; wife of David F. "Dood" Stanfield, who died 19 Jul 1991; preceded in death by son, David Ray Stanfield, sisters, Thelma Oakley,
Genevieve Hill and Pauline Andrews, brothers, Raleigh, Van "Buster" and Fred Shouse.)

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Cemetery in the upper right corner of the Exit 46 on Interstate Highway 65 Nashville to Birmingham Alabama. That is on the east side of I-65 & the north side of Highway 99 called Bear Creek Pike in the olden days. Can be seen from I-65. That is some 50 miles south of Nashville Tennessee. It is about a couple of acres in area
CHUMBLEY, W. R. (Bob), 22 Jun 1897 - 4 Jun 1967.
CHUMBLEY, Sarah R., 31 Oct 1897 - 14 Jun 1996.
CHUMBLEY, Lelie A., 9 Mar 1923 - 11 Sep 1980. 477
CHUMBLEY, Mary C., 10 Jun 1937 - (no other date) 477
CHUMLEY, George, 27 June 1900 - 1 Apr 1974.
CHUMLEY, Eva Lou, 27 Feb 1904 - 2 Nov 1965. (d/o Thomas Pinkney & Willie Ann Davis Ring).
CHUMBLEY, William Earl, 20 Dec 1919 - 19 Feb 1994. Pvt US Army Air Corp WWII., In Loving Memory. 478, 479
CHUMNEY, Unie Lee, 9 Mar 1904 - 10 Dec 1906. "Dau. J.C. & D. L." 092
HARDISON, Arthur P., 1882 - 1946.("Pete". Son, David M. & Mary Hardison.) 411
HARDISON, Ethie M., 1898 - 1970. 411
HARDISON, Jess L., 1883 - 1948. 410
HARDISON, Robert Raymond, 1892 - 1962.
HARDISON, Olie L., 4 May 1888 - 24 Oct 1974. 500
HARDISON, Martha J. 15 Jul 1885 - 7 Oct 1966. (w/o Olie L. Hardison) 500
HARDISON, Mrs. Minnie, 1883 - 1953. (U. marker.) 409
HARDISON, Willie Mae, 1914 - 7 Jan 1987. (w/o Robert A. Hardison; d/o Marvin & Beulah Dunnivant.)
HARDISON, M. A., 17 Mar 1931 -7 Sep 2000, same stone as J. B. & Mary E. Prince.) 135, 137
HARDISON, Arthur, 11 Mar 1917 - 24 Oct 1996. Father. 106
HARDISON, Louise Andrews, 26 Jul 1920 - 24 Sep 2005. Mother 106
HARDISON, Joyce M., 30 Apr 1945 - No other date. Daughter 106
HARDISON, James Ivo, 16 Feb 1905 - 29 Jan 1987
HARDISON, Alta Brown, 13 Sep 1906 - 29 Dec 1992. (w/o James Ivo)
HARDISON, Clarence A., 14 Jan 1910 - 14 Nov 1989. 408
HARDISON, Avo, 9 Sep 1905 - 27 Nov 1987. 408
HARDISON, J. L., 16 Nov 1944 - 1 Oct 2006. 499
HARDISON, Gail Parr, 19 Dec 1950 - no death date. 499
HARDISON, Sam, 22 Oct 1977 - no death date. 499
HARDISON, Joe T., 13 Sep 1921 - 10 Mar 1996. 676
HARDISON, Marjorie R. , 20 Jan 1925 - no death date. 676
HARDISON, Robert A., 1 Mar 1912 - 24 Mar 2002. Father. 437
HARDISON, Willie Mae, 12 Mar 1914 - 7 Jan 1987, married 16 Jul 1930. Mother. 437
HILL, Landra H., 7 Feb 1943 - 11 Aug 1964.

PRATT, Lillian C., 31 May 1930. Wife.
PRATT, Clarence Alford, 15 Jun 1922 - 13 Oct 1979; (Pfc US Army, WWII.)
PRATT, Clarence Walter, 23 Sep 1951 - 2 Nov 1995. Sgt US Air Force Vietnam. 491
PRATT, James Thomas, 4 Sep 1953 - 20 Jan 2005. Pvt US Army Vietnam. 491

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STOUT, Mary E., 27 Dec 1824 - 16 Feb 1855 - "Consort of Isaiah Stout; Dau. D.C. & S.T. Kinnard."

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DAVIS, John Elwood "Pa Pa", 20 Nov 1913 - 10 Apr 2008. (Maury Co. native; born at Neapolis; son of Maury County Davis and Lucy Stamps Davis; mar. 28 Apr 1934 to Frances Mayberry Davis, who died 14 Nov 2007; farmer, dairyman; preceded in death by brothers, Albert and Clyde Davis; sisters, Anna Mae Jones, Marie Hill, Louise Haywood, Katherine Mahon, and Leuna Harris.)
Old Knob Creek Veterans
Civil War

ALLEN, William C., 16 Nov 1805 - 1 Nov 1873 "b. Augusta Co., Va." (C.S.A, W.C. Allen, Forrest's 3rd Tenn. Cavalry Co. I, rank in Pvt. rank out Pvt. Film #M231 roll 1. Ref: Civil War Soldier's and Sailors. From the book "The Civil War in Maury County Tennessee" by Garrett and Lightfoot, 1966, pg. 211, "William C. Allen -- born Augusta Co. Va., 16 Nov 1805, died November 1873, age 68, died after 4 years of paralysis, lived on Knob Creek. Survived by wife and six children. 'Major William C. Allen --several of his sons were killed in the Confederate Army." (Columbia Herald, 7 Nov. 1873.)

ALLEN, William A. (Augustus), 12 May 1838 - 17 Jan 1862 (Son Wm.C. & Rebecca A.; Field's 1st TN Inf Co. H., C.S.A., Killed in action at Winchester, Va., rank in Pvt. rank out Pvt. Film #M231 roll 1 Ref: Civil War Soldiers and Sailors.From the book "The Civil War in Maury County Tennessee by Garrett and Lightfoot, 1966, pg 111, W.A.Allen, Maury Greys died at Winchester, Va.")

ALLEN, Thomas F.(Frank), 5 Jun 1842 - 16 Apr 1862 (Son Wm. C. & Rebecca A.; Maury Lt. Art., C.S.A.; "T. Frank Allen, Knob Creek, farmer, boy, Maury Light Artillery at orgin; died dysentery and yellow jaundice in prison Camp Douglass April 16 (or 14) (or March 16?) 1862. Remains brought home. (Note: OHPH Journal says T.F. Allen died April 14, 1862 at Camp Douglass, Ill.) (Note from mpl [Maury Co. Public Library]: born 5 Jun 1842; buried at Hanks Cemetery.)" Ref: Civil War in Maury County Tennessee, Garrett & Lightfoot,1966, pg 67, Roster of the Maury Light Artillery.)

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CUNNINGHAM, lrasmus N., died 14 May 1835. Aged 4 yrs 8 Months & 2 days.

LANCASTER, Mary A., 28 Dec 1829 - 25 Nov 1867 wife of W. H. Lancaster.' (Dau. Middleton & Elizabeth Cunningham Hill.)

SMITH, Benjamin F., 12 Aug 1818 - 23 Feb 1903 (Footstone inscribed ‘B.F.S.’) (Son Stephen & Elizabeth Smith.)

SMITH, Margaret E., 4 Feb 1828 - 23 Jan 1885 (Dau. Middleton & Elizabeth Cunningham Hill.)

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HADLEY, Ambrose, born 1758 - 18 Nov 1839. Age 81 years. Patriot OF Revolutionary War - Quaker.
HADLEY, Rebecca, 1 Jan 1797 - 5 Oct 1856.
HADLEY, Louiza, 6 Nov 1802 - 27 Jun 1842.

HADLEY, Christopher B., 6 Oct 1802 - 28 Nay 1890. Mason. (b. in Ga.; Co. G., 1st Tenn Inf., C.S.A..)
HADLEY, Rebecca, 7 Sep 1805 - 29 Jan 1873. "Wife. C. B." (Mrs. Rebecca Hill, mar. on 18 Jun 1856.)

HADLEY, Henry, 2 Oct 1807 - 31 Oct 1888.
HADLEY, Nancy D., 27 Aug 1816 - 8 Mar 1898.
HADLEY, John P., 13 Feb 1816 - 27 Sep 1840.
HADLEY, Tennessee J., 27 Feb 1833 - 10 Jul 1862.
HUGHES, Annie Hill. 2 Jun 1882 - 19 Dec 1932. "Wife of W. H. Hughes."
HUGHES, Richard P., 16 Nov - 6 Dec 1910. "Son W.H.& Annie"
LOCKRIDGE, Robert Cameron, 6 Sep 1872 - 26 Aug 1901.
LOCKRIDGE, Elizabeth Hill, 2 Feb 1902 - 15 Mar 1933.
LOCKRIDGE, 2 infants of R. D. & Florence. No dates.
McCORMACK, Leila Hill. 1879 - 1922.

McMEEN, Blanche Hill, 5 Nov 1892 - 1 Nov 1898. "Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. T. S. Hill."
McMEEN, W. S., 13 Jun 1813 - 6 Jul 1873. Masonic Emb. (Home Guard, C.S.A.)
McMEEN, Nancy, 31 May 1815 - 17 Jun 1887. "Wife W.S. McMeen." (nee Nancy McKay.)
McMEEN, Henry J., 15 Jul 1842 - 4 Feb 1864. "Son of W. S. & Nancy." (Co. K, 48th Tenn Int., C.S.A. He died in action at Port Hudson.)
McMEEN, John A., (21 Jan) 1838 - (14 Mar) 1912. Father. (Son Thomas F. & Elizabeth McKay McMeen; Co. G, 1st Tenn Hvy Art., C.S.A.; Elder, Cumberland Presbyterian Church)
McMEEN, Harriet D. Cook, (Oct 1838 - 17 Feb 1926. Mar. to John A. McMeen on 14 Nov 1859; Dau. E.Cook)
McMEEN, John W., 1863 - (3 Dec) 1915. Son.

BLESSING, Aunt Lou Hill, 8 May 1819 - 10 Feb 1902.

HILL, Joseph, 22 Jan 1794 - 5 May 1836.

HILL, William Henry, 18 Nov 1828 - 27 Oct 1852. (Old slab crypt that has caved in is beside above.)

HILL, James Thomas, 27 Oct 1831 - 30 Jun 1833. "Son of Joseph Hill."

HILL, H. H., 9 Apr 1834 - 21 Jun 1910.

HILL, America Gray, 15 Mar 1842 - 14 Sep 1901. "Wife of H. H. Hill."

HILL, Sallie, 17 Nov 1876 - 2/ Jun 1911. "Dau. of H. H. & America."

HILL, Inf. of H. H. & N. A., 2 Nov - 5 Dec 1874.

HILL, Joe Hays, 18 Jan 1866 - 18 Aug 1939.

HILL, Rebecca Roland, 15 Mar 1872 - 23 Jan 1949. (Wife of Joe Hays Hill; Daughter of I.K. & Margaret Cowsert)

HILL, Nona E., 3 Jan 1860 - 17 Dec 1885. "Wife of Dr. J.S. Hill; By her side sleeps her infant, b.& d. 16 Jul 1884."

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Maury County Natives or Residents interred elsewhere (Organized by interment)
HILL, Matthew "Matt", 26 May 1985 - 20 Jun 2006. (Maury Co. native; son of Kenneth and Wanda Lemay Hill, student at ITT Tech; preceded in death by grandmothers, Lou Dell Lemay and Landra Holder Hill, burial in Anderson Creek Cemetery, Giles Co., Tn.)

HILL, Jeraldine "Jeri" Sanders, 1 Jan 1923 - 23 jan 2011. (Lyons, Ga. native; d/o late Ralph N. and India Durden Sanders; grad. of Columbia Central High School; retired from Dupont and Spontex as a lab tech; preceded in death by sisters, Billy Jean Harmon and Doris Jester, and brothers, Wilburn, Roy and Ralph N. Sanders, Jr.)

MAXWELL, Margaret Viola Shouse, 5 Apr 1930 - 30 Nov 2010. (Maury Co. native; d/o late James W. Shouse and Bessie Woodmar Shouse; w/o Millard Maxwell; preceded in death by brothers, Van B. "Buster", James Fred, Raleigh Shouse, sisters, Genevieve Hill, Pauline Andrews, Wilma Stanfill, and Thelma Oakley.)

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Cemetery on the right just after the Tally Moore Road bends back north. After that northward bend turn into the first drive tree lined road to the cemetery.
Location: In extreme northeast corner of Maury County. Go north on Highway 431, pass through Rally Hill (Intersection of Kedron Road and Hwy 431), turn right on Tally Moore Road. When road forks, take left for 100 yards, turn right into a tree lined narrow lane that goes to cemetery.

MOORE, Alex H., 10 Aug 1837 - 6 Oct 1910. 291
MOORE, Ann E., 21 Oct 1841 - 7 Oct 1910, "wife of E. H. Moore." 292
MOORE, Sallie, 1 Jun 1811 - 20 Jan 1912. 320
MOORE, Alex A., 18 Aug 1858 - 19 Apr 1925 (age 66 yrs.) (son of Andrew Moore & Kate Daugherty). 287/288
MOORE, Alice E., 11 Dec 1868 - 30 May 1948. 287/288
MOORE, Charles H., 4 Nov 1874 - 30 May 1953. 286
MOORE, Cecil Edward, 24 Aug 1912 - 31 Aug 1982, (Uncle Edd),. 300
MOORE, Dosia Anderson, 26 Oct 1908 - 30 Jun 1999. 300

MOORE, Clint A., 10 mar 1911 - 16 Aug 1993. 282
MOORE, Emma Hill, 23 Jun 1909 - 2 Sep 1974, "Father In Loving Memory Mother". 282

MOORE, Cromer, 1922 - 1996 (Oaks & Nichols Funeral marker) 302 303
MOORE, Frank Ratcliff, 1877 - 1951. 313
MOORE, James (Watt), 12 Aug 1864 - 23 Dec 1921. 299

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Morton Cemetery, Leftwich (400+ listings & 400 photos)
Go out New Sowell Mill Pike about two miles past Antioch Church of Christ, turn right on A. Sampson Rd.; go three miles, turn right into Morton Cemetery road and cross Cedar Creek and before you is the cemetery

MORTON, Elder J. H., 10 Mar 1842 - 11 Dec 1927. (James Hardison Morton. Son Gabriel L. & Emily J. Hardison Morton; James Hardison Morton Maury County Tennessee Soldier's Pension # S14217 17th Inf. Confederate States Army)
MORTON, Margaret Elizabeth, 1 May 1844 - 8 Nov 1895. (Wife of J. H.; Dau. Joel & Jane Long Hardison.)
MORTON, Willie S., (14 Nov) 1864 - 1943. (Son J.H. & Margaret E.)
MORTON, Nancy E., 1868 - 1956. (Wife of William S.;Dau. David & Lucinda Davis Hardison.)
MORTON, Anderson, 3 Aug 1872 - 2 Jan 1895. (Died in Texas) (Son J.H. & Margaret E.)
MORTON, Samuel T., 1875 - 1927. (Son J. H. & Margaret E.)
MORTON, Fletcher T., 1871 - 1947. (nee Fletcher Thursatt. Wife of Samuel T. Morton.)
MORTON, Edward F., (17 Apr) 1883 - (28 Jan) 1926. (Died in Albany, Ala. Son J.H. & Margaret E. Morton)
MORTON, H. Gordon, 28 Aug 1892 - 17 Apr 1935.
MORTON, James H., 1909 - 1949. (Son of Ed F. Morton.)
MORTON, Clara Josephine, 20 Jul 1897 - 18 May 1978. (Dau. W. S. & Nancy E.)
MORTON, James D., 15 Feb 1902 - 29 May 1972.
MORTON, Henry S., 4 Dec 1899 - 27 Jul 1979. Pvt. US Army, WWI. (Son, Will S. and Nancy E. Morton)
MORTON, Martha Orma, 28 Jun 1904 - 30 Mar 1988.
PURDOM, L. O., 1867 - (14 Jul) 1934. (Married: 23 Dec 1891 to Mary Elizabeth Morton)
PURDOM, Mary Elizabeth, 1870 - 5 Mar 1931. (Daughter of James H. & Margaret E. Hardison Morton.)
CHEEK, Effie Jane, (6 Jan) 1869 - (7 Jan) 1948. (Daughter of James H. & Maggie Hardison Morton; Wife of Nimrod P. Cheek.)
HARDISON, M. Cornelia (Hattie), 3 Jan 1877 - 26 Dec 1962. (Wife of Wallace E.; Dau. James Hardison and Margaret E. Morton.)
HARDISON, Hattie, 4 Aug 1872 - 9 May 1956.

Morton (J.T.) Cemetery, Kinderhook (12 listings)
From Kinderhook go northwest on Gordon Lawrence Road for 3 miles. The cemetery is on Mr. Allen Beard's place (1986), about 1/4 mile beyond his barn
KING, Ben, 1904 - 1966.
MORTON, John Thomas, 20 Aug 1885 - 26 Jul 1976. (90 yrs.; Son Vica Arnold & Frances Morton.)
MORTON, Ida T., 10 Aug 1879 - 27 Aug 1957. (nee Taylor.)
MORTON, Baby Morris. (No dates.)
MORTON, Douglas Sewell, died 4 Oct 1985.
MORTON, James Sim, 12 Apr 1890 - 26 Dec 1984.
MORTON, Mary H., 10 Feb 1896 - 9 Mar 1953.
MORTON, V. A., 1893 - 1909.
MORTON, Tilmon F., 4 Apr 1906 - 9 Sep 1968.
MORTON, Oscar Henry, 29 Mar 1913 - 25 Apr 1948. (Tenn. S1C, USNR, WWII.)
MORTON, Thomas Edward, 2 Apr 1923 - 18 Feb 1947.
MORTON, C., (No dates.)
There are also 8 or 10 graves marked with fieldstones.
The cemetery is difficult to find. I would never have found it had Mr. Grover Beard not taken time off from his cattle inspection trip to accompany me to the place. This is on his father's place. Listed on 27 Sep 1986 by F. L. H. and Grover Beard.

Sources: Listed Maury County Cemeteries, by Fred Lee Hawkins Jr. 27 Sep 1986, page 217, Vol I.
Not Listed in They Passed this Way by Marise P. Lightfoot & Evelyn B. Shackelford

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From Porter's Chapel take Southport Rd. to Mack Benderman Road go past the right turn off of to Preacher Holt Rd. Go about ¼ mile further and turn into the trailer park entrance road. Trailers will be on the left. Cemetery directly south west from here. Go 300 yards and turn right into a field road that goes along the left of a tree covered hill. Go to the Crooked Oak tree among all the others and look left and into the cemetery. It is under the trees behind (to the south) the crooked white oak tree that leans to your right out of the tree line. It is across a dry branch

HARRIS, J. B., 25 Dec 1835 - 25 Mar 1910. HARRIS, Mary T., 17 May 1840 - 26 Nov 1884. 'Wife of J. B. Harris,' (Tombstone fallen off its base).
HARRIS, Catherine H., 15 Jun 1869 - 1 Sep 1870, " Daughter of J. B. & Mary J. T. Harris.'
HARRIS, Robert F., 10 Jan 1873 - 28 Sep 1873. 'Son of J. B, & Mary J. T. Harris.'
HARRIS, Arlin, 20 Feb 1894 - 3 Jul 1894. "Son of Mrs. Laura Harris."
HARRIS, Unknown, fieldstone to the north of Arlin Harris memorial)
HILL, Alonzo, d. 12 Sep 1883. 49-10-08. HILL, Infant son of A. & M. A. Hill, b. & d. 26 Jun 1867.
HOLT, Jeremiah, Jr., 24 Dec 1870 - 25 Jan 1894. 'Married Octavia B. Murphy on 7 Nov 1893.'
HOLT, Octavia B. Murphy, on 7 Nov 1893.' (Stone is missing, likely fallen and covered by debris)
HOLT, Eugene, 16 Sep 1896 - 25 Oct 1896. "Son of Matt & Florence Holt"

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HILL, Francis, 4 Feb 1878 - 26 Sep 1919. "Father". (8537)

HILL, Janie, 4 Apr 1876 - 26 Dec 1944. "Mother". (8537)

HILL, Gladys, 2 Jul 1916 - 24 Jul 1916. (8540)

HILL, Lucy Ann, 14 Apr 1907 - 12 Apr 1913. (8541)

NEAL, Jesse L. (Lee), 17 Aug 1923 - 19 Mar 2003 in Columbia, Tn. ( Davidson Co. native; son of Richard H. Neal and Maude Hill Neal; mar. 50 years to Christine Warf Neal; Veteran, S2 US Navy WWII; preceded in death by son, Don Neal, brother, Richard A. "Hap" Neal.)(8360)

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Old Knob Creek Cemetery was also known as Witherspoon Cemetery in earlier times
To find it go north on Knob Creek Road for about 1 1/3 mile. Turn left into a narrow lane beside the barn. Cross Knob Creek and follow the road around the bottom of the bluff. Just after road turns up the hill enter lane on right. The cemetery is in the woods on the hill.)
ALLEN, William C., 16 Nov 1805 - 1 Nov 1873 "b. Augusta Co., Va." (C.S.A)
ALLEN, R.A. Witherspoon, 26 Sep 1817 - 11 Sep 1899 "Wife of Wm. C. Allen", (nee Rebecca Ann W.)
ALLEN, William A. (Augustus), 12 May 1838 - 17 Jan 1862 (Son Wm.C. & Rebecca A.; Co. H, 1st TN Inf, C.S.A., Killed in action at Winchester, Va.)
ALLEN, Thomas F., 5 Jun 1842 - 16 Apr 1862 (Son Wm. C. & Rebecca A.; Maury Lt. Art., C.S.A.; died at Camp Douglass, Ill.)
ALLEN, Virginia May, 3 Dec 1878 - 14 Dec 1878. "daughter of E.B. & M.E. Allen"
ALLEN, Eugene, 23 Feb - 23 Mar 1891 "Son M.E. & E.B."
ALLEN, Emma L., 15 Nov 1887 - 13 Sep 1888 "daughter of A.B.H. & M.D."
ALLEN, Charles F., 18 Mar 1890 - 11 Nov 1893 "Son A.B.H. & M.D."
WITHERSPOON, Wesley, b. Jan 1787 in N.C. - d. 16 Jan 1856
WITHERSPOON, Sarah, b. 1 Feb 1800 in N.C. - d. 8 May 1860 "Wife of Wesley Witherspoon, (Marriage Bond: Wesley Witherspoon to Sarah Whitson, 18 Dec 1816. daughter of Wm & Anne Whitson)
WITHERSPOON, Martha P., 17 Jul 1805 - 17 May 1855
WITHERSPOON, Eliza J., 13 Nov 1818 - 13 Nov 1900
WITHERSPOON, Marier Jane, 8 Nov 1835 - 8 Nov 1853 "Wife of Steven Witherspoon"
WITHERSPOON, Inf. son W.O. & S.F., 7 May 1881
+WITHERSPOON, John M., "66, d. 9 Nov 1891; had lived in West TN; survived by 2nd wife
Elizabeth Hands, children: C.W., Dr. John A. and Mrs. Lint Jones; buried Knob Creek; died of old age."

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Location: From Pottsville, go west on Hwy 99 for about 1 mile. Turn right (or north) onto a small gravel road
that goes up steep incline. Cemetery is approx. 200 yards off highway across from the old Pottsville School site.

LANE, William H., 22 Feb 1850 - 3 Mar 1934.
LANE, Geneva Francis, 29 Sep 1857-31 May 1920. "Wife of W.H. Lane."
LANE, Joe Lee, 21 Oct 1882 - 18 Mar 1943. (Son of W.H. & Geneva Lane)
LANE, Bessie Bertha, 27 Sep 1886 - 2 Jun 1971. (Wife of Joe Lee Lane.)
LANE, William Curtis, 31 Oct 1925 - 24 Apr 1928.(Son of J.L. & Bessie)

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This historic church and Cemetery is located just off of Highway 50 on the north side and just east of the Fountain Creek & old Bridge.

BOATRIGHT, William Luther, (1 Mar) 1874 - (14 Jan) 1939.(Son John & Sallie Trice Boatright of N.C.;
BOATRIGHT, Ida D., 1876 - no other date
BOATRIGHT, Hubert A., 1900- 1951. (shares stone with Pearl Jeter Boatright) Footstone: "Father" 6940/6941
BOATRIGHT, Pearl Jeter, 1901 - 1984. (shares stone with Hubert A. Boatright) Footstone: "Mother" 6940/6941
BOATRIGHT, John L., 1923 - 2006. (shares stone with Roberta.) 6939
BOATRIGHT, Roberta, 1926 - 1998. (shares stone with Roberta.) 6939
*BOATRIGHT, David A., 29 Oct 1931 - 18 Nov 2008 in Columbia, Tn. (Maury Co. native; son of Hubert and Pearl Jeter Boatright; Veteran of U.S. Army. Williams Funeral Marker-new grave.) 6938
CASKEY, Robert, 1792 - 1864. (See Hill Cemetery listing MCTC), 12 Jun 1792 - 11 Jun 1864, 71-11-00; b. SC, his wife, Jane, b. Georgia.)
CASKEY, Jane Hill, 1805 - 1858.
CASKEY, O. C. McDonald, 8 Apr 1824 - 8 Apr 1898.
CASKEY, J. (James) A., 1825 - 1913. (mar. Amanza A. McDonald on 6 Sep 1849; Co. F, 8th Tenn. Cav., C.S.A.)
CASKEY, M. M. C. L., 1827- 1886.
CASKEY, M. J., 1827 - 1901.
CASKEY, J. T. (John Thomas), 1830 - 1885, (Son Robert & Jane Hill Caskey; Co. F., 6th Tenn Cav., C.S.A.; Married Mary Elizabeth Davidson. ref: Jackie family [emailprotected])
CASKEY, E. A., 1832 - 1909.
CASKEY, W.S. (William Sparks), 19 Jul 1833 - 10 Jul 1897. (Son Robert & Jane Hill Caskey; mar. Missouri Eugene Bryant, 22 Dec 1870; Co. F., 6th Tenn Cav., C.S.A.)
CASKEY, M. L., 1835 - 1852.
CASKEY, H. A., 1837 - 1896.
CASKEY, R. (Robert) H., (20 Nov) 1838 - (10 May) 1929, (son Robert & Jane Hill Caskey; mar. Margaret Galloway (1843 -1908); Co. F., 6th Tenn Cav., C.S.A.)
CASKEY, G.(George) M., 1841 - (Feb) 1901. (son of Robert & Jane Hill Caskey; never married; Co. F, 6th Tenn Cav., C.S.A.)
CASKEY, B. H., 1843 - 1878.
CASKEY, N. A. C. M., 1845 - 1924
*CASKEY, Eugenia Bryant, d. Tues.; "69, eight children survive. (Maury Democrat, 3 Jul 1919.)
CASKEY, Robert Edgar, 1874 - 1946.
CASKEY, Gracie Eudora Rieves, 1878 - 25 Mar 1939. (Married Robert Edgar Caskey, 4 Jan 1899.) (Dau. E. N. B. & Mary C. Anthony.)
CASKEY, Robert N., 26 Jun 1901 - 1 Jan 1970. (Cpl. 317 Base Hq., AAF, WW I I.)
KANNON, W. B., 16 Dec 1830 - 23 Jul 1892. (Husb. Frances J. Hughes; Son Burl & Olivia Hill Kannon.)
KANNON, W. W. (William Wear), 10 Sep 1852 - 24 Mar 1918. (Son W. B. & Frances Hughes Kannon, death rec. says b. date 9/21/1852)
KANNON, James H., 1 Feb 1864 - 1947. (Son W. B. & Frances Hughes; James H. was Maury Co. Trustee for several years.)
KANNON, Emma Crews, 1863 15 Jan 1940. (Wife Col. J. H. Kannon; au. Wesley & Nancy Collier Crews.)
KANNON, Finis Ewing, 10 Jul 1879
KANNON, Huldah S., 10 Aug 1889 - 2 Dec 1958. 6993
KANNON, Auby May, 13 Nov 1890 - 4 Jan 1894. "Dau. of J. L. & M. E. Kannon."
KANNON, Claude, 1891 - 1958.
KANNON, James Hudson (or Hutcherson), 24 Jan 1899 - 27 Feb 1900. (Son Mr. & Mrs. James Kannon.)
KANNON, William Wallace, 5 Oct 1915 - 29 Oct 1915 "Son of Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Kannon."
KELLEY, Wm. M. (Morgan), 2 Dec 1877 - 9 Jun 1941. (Son of Rufus & Martha Hodge Kelly; shares stone with Lillie P. Kelley.)-Birth date was after the death date on this one in MCTC. 7036
RONE, James Hill, 15 Dec 1872 - 15 Dec 1962.
RONE, Pearl Caskey, 16 May 1877 - 23 Mar 1966.
SMITH, Dewitt C., Sr., 1853 - Dec 1934. (81 yrs).
SMITH, Mary Jane, 1861 - Feb 1933. (Wife D. W. C. Smith; Dau. A. T. & Huldah Garrett Scribner.)
SMITH, Malinda (Alice) Wright, 4 Feb 1858 - 16 Mar 1934. (Wife of W. Jeff Smith) 7012
SMITH, J. Ellette, 21 Jan 1845 - 1909. (Son of Mumford & Elizabeth Bynum Smith.)
SMITH, Mada F., 1852 - 13 Mar 1921. (Wife of Ellette Smith; dau. Alfred & Lucy A. Smith Thomas.)
SMITH, S. W., 17 May 1857- 31 Oct 1907.
SMITH, Etta, 1861 - 1944.
SMITH, Walter S. (Scott), (23 Mar) 1868 - (18 Apr) 1939. (Son of Frank & Margaret Hill Smith.) 6994
SMITH, Emma Oliver, 3 Oct 1870 - 20 Mar 1949. (Wife of S. W. (W. S.?) Smith; dau. of Dr. H. L. & Valdaria Ann Dillehay Oliver.)
SMITH, Infant of D.W.C. & Mary J. Smith. No date(s).
SMITH, Infant of M. S. & Ella Smith. No date(s).
SMITH, Maxie S., 14 May 1902 - 17 Feb 1905. "Son of M. S. & Ella Smith."
SMITH, Ernest C., 3 Mar 1911 - no date. (Same stone with Eugenia D. Smith) 6880
SMITH, Eugenia D., 22 Apr 1909 - 31 Dec 1987. (Dau. Hardy & Thata Crain Daniels; wife E. C. Smith.) 6880

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BENDER, Dona, 28 Jan 1947 - 21 Jan 2006. (Atlanta, Ga., native; d/o Blanche Wallace Hill & Richard Hill; widow Burriss "Skip" Melton Bender, Jr..)
BRUNSON, Mary Frances Benderman, 13 Apr 1912 - 19 Dec 1994. (Maury Co. native; w/o Bernard Brunson, d/o late James W. and Georgia Ann Fleming Benderman.)
BRUNSON, Elizabeth Ellen Shouse, 25 Oct 1927 - 10 Feb 2011. (Maury Co. native; d/o late James W. Shouse and Bessie Widmoyer Shouse; w/o William Talton Brunson who died 17 Jul 2008; retired from Weather Tamer; preceded in death by sisters, Thelma Oakley, Genevieve Hill, Pauline Andrews, Wilma Stanfill, Margaret Maxwell and brothers, Van B. "Buster:, Fred, and Raleigh Shouse.)
BRUNSON, Bernard "Bunt", 16 Sep 1911 - 2 May 1977. Military marker: "S/SGT US Army WWII". (s/o late James T. Brunson and nannie P. Embry Brunson; h/o Mary Frances Benderman Brunson.)
CUMMINS, Esther Adams, d. 14 Aug 2003 in Columbia, Tn. (Giles Co. native; d/o Lewis R. and Sammie Lee Colvett Adams; mar. to Leslie Washington Cummins, who died 10 Nov 1997; preceded in death by son-in-law, Francis "Lefty" Hill.)
FARRIS, James Bernard, 25 Aug 1914 - 14 Jun 2005. (Born Gild Co.; son Edward herschel & Elizabeth Ursula Morrow Farris; hus.Mary Dorothy Murphy Farris, mar 63 yrs.)
FARRIS, Velma Dee Morrison, d. 2 May 2007 in Columbia, Tn. (Hickman Co. native; d/o James W. Morrison & Inez Hill Morrison, mar. to Walter Paul Farris who died 2 Feb 1976.
FOGG, Dumont, d. 28 Apr 2006 in Columbia, Tn. (Giles Co. native; son Guy & Pearl Harrison Fogg; Woodman of The World; mar. 68 yrs. to Margaret Hill Fogg.)
FOGG, Margaret Hill, d. 1 Nov 2007 in Columbia. (Limestone Co. Ala. native; d/o Jim Henry Hill & Eula Belle Watkins Hill, mar. Dumont Fogg 28 May 1938.)
HARRIS, Ruby Dean, 3 Nov 1932 - 14 Oct 2003. (Maury Co. native; d/o Robert Harden & Violet Staggs Harden Bible; wife of Robert L. Harris.)
HARRIS, Hunter Hill, 16 Oct 1896 - 21 Jun 1981.
HARRIS, Otho M., Jr., 1915 - 28 Feb 2005 in Columbia, Tn. (Maury Co. native; son Otho M. Harris Sr., and Jimmie Thompson Harris; mar in 1937 to Mary Stanfill Harris who died 7 Jan 1999; Veteran U.S. Army Air Corps, WWII.)
HARRIS, Hunter Lee, d. 28 Oct 2004 in Cullman, Ala. (Toledo, Ohio native; son Hunter Hill Harris and Jimmy Russell Johnson Harris; Veteran U.S. Army, Bronze Medal and Purple Heart; mar. to Louise Lawrence Harris.)
HENDRIX, Samuel W., 24 Aug 1958 - 17 Nov 2003. (Giles Co. native; son Pearl Ball Hill & Tommy Hendrix.)
JOHNSON, Doris Staggs, 21 Jan 1931 - 3 Apr 2008. (Maury Co. native; d/o Mary Fautt Whidby & step-daughter George Whidby; wife of 54 yrs. to Carl Johnson)
JOHNSON, Ruth E., 19 Oct 1930 - 29 Nov 2006. (Born in Lawrence Co.; d/o Grady and Allie Hill Benefield; wife of Lloyd L. Johnson; graduate Summertown High School.)
RENFRO, Ollie Paul Buddy, 16 Aug 1915 - 15 Aug 2003. (Maury Co. native; son Mr. & Mrs John A. Renfro; widower Lorene Arnold Renfro.)
RENFRO, Mary Augusta Gibson, d. 23 Jul 2003 in Columbia, Tn. ( d/o C.A. "Jack Gibson and Augusta Pulliam Gibson; 1941 Grad of Hay Long Hich School in Mt. Pleasant; 15 Jan 1956 married George W. Renfro who died 3 Apr 1992.)
SCHARRER, Jean Ann, d. 22 Apr 2008. (Maury Co. native; age 70 yrs; d/o J.B. & Irene Hill Parson; wife of William "Bill" Scharrer of Mt. Pleasant; she attended Hay Long High School.)
STANFILL, Eldridge Raymond, 28 Aug 1926 - 29 Sep 2003. (Maury Co. native; son Rodolphus & Pearl Hill Stanfill.)
SUMMAR, Bess Hill, 7 Apr 1913 - 17 Oct 2004. (Nashville, Tn. native; d/o J.J. & Bessie Mai Fottrell Hill; widow of Rev. W.C. Summar. member D.A.R and a Regent of the Jane Knox chapter;.)
HILL, Wm. Herman, 12 Aug 1902 - 24 Aug 1970.

HILL, Nellie Smith, 8 Apr 1900 - 19 Dec 1975.

HILL, Hardin F., 1906 - 2 May 1987. (Son Thomas F. & Sarah McQuigg Hill.)

HILL, Ora L., 1908 - no other date.

HILL, William Howard, Sr., 1914 - (20 Aug) 1979. (Son of Roy E. & Gertrude Mayberry Hill.)

HILL, William Howard "Sonny", d. 18 Jul 2007. (Maury Co. native; son William Howard Hill and Sally Aydelotte Hill; mar. 50 yrs. to Faye Minor Hill.)

HILL, Sallie A., 1917 - no other date. (Nee Aydelotte; mar. W.H. Hill in Dec., 1934.)

HILL, Linda Sue Beard, d. 6 Oct 2004. (Maury Co. native; d/o Cora Lee Malugin Beard and Ernest Glenn Beard.)

HILL, Mary Elizabeth Delk, d. 16 Feb 2007 in Columbia, Tn. (Maury Co. native; d/o John G. Delk and Ruth Hovver Delk; mar Loyd Dudley "L.D." Hill, who died 28 Apr 1995; 1942 graduate of Hampshire High School.)

HILL, Joseph Douglas, d. 14 Dec 2007 in Royal Oak, Mich. (Maury Co. native; son Roy E. Hill and Gertrude Mayberry Hill; mar. Margaret Wilson Hill, who died in 1991; Resturant owner.)

HILL, Clyde Eugene, 19 Nov 1938 - 22 Jul 2008. (Maury Co. native; son of Ed Hill and Lettie Bolton Jones; hus. of late Mildred Dale Hill; worked Polk Memorial Gardens.)

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ALLEN, Dessie B., 15 Apr 1893 - 22 Apr 1894, (daughter of James Henry and Lucinda Jane Anderson Allen; 2nd wife of John Reid Bates.) #039
ALLEN, W. H., 5 Apr 1878 - 4 Oct 1898 #041
DAVIDSON, Bobby Ray, 7 Jun 1939 - no date #181
DAVIDSON, Carolyn Hill, 18 Sept 1949 - no date, (Married 1 Dec 1962 to Bobby Ray Davidson) #181
ENGLAND, John Rufus, 12 Jun 1938- no date #180
ENGLAND, Betty O. Hill, 25 Dec 1937 - no date #180
GILMER, Irene Hill, 10 Jan 1911 - 24 Aug 1993 #168
SHELBY, John P., 25 Oct - 1941 - 6 Feb 1998, "Daddy" #126
SHELBY, Martha Hill, 1939, no other dates #146

HILL, Archie T., 1908 -1969 #170

HILL, Barbra Joyce, 30 Mar 1950 - 11 Jun 1952 #143

HILL, Eliza J., 15 Jun 1870 - 15 Jan 1950 #169

HILL, Eugene, 31 Jul 1906 - 14 Sep 1992 #172

HILL, Gladys J., 3 Mar 1913 - no date #172

HILL, Will Edward, 14 Sep 1916 - 22 Oct 2004 #179

HILL, Barbara Joyce, 30 Mar1950 - 11 Jun 1952 #179

HILL, Ora Mae Mitchell, 2 Jun 1915 - 9 Jul 1997 #179

HILL, William F., 3 Mar 1866 - 2 Feb1942 #162

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00-ALLEN, Silas R., 1 Jul 1845 - 6 Nov 1876. (22-04-29.)(Memorial not found by this researcher)
68-ALLEN, Mary E., 18 Oct 1845 - 22 Jun 1899. ‘This rock was given by R. C. Clark,’
52-CASKEY, John I., died 1810 in Maury Co., Tn. (Native of Scotland; immigrated in 1768 to Port Charles, S.C., Veteran Revolutionary War; married Margaret Coffey in 1785 in South Carolina.)
49-CASKEY, Margaret, d. 15 May 1835, In 80th yr.
67-CLARK, infant, born & died 3 Jul 1880. ‘Dau. R. C. & M. J. Clark.'(Martha Jane Ramsey Clark)

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Reese's Chapel Cemetery, Campbellsville Pike
*BOYD, Andrew, 1747 - 5 Aug 1828. 81 years. (Revolutionary War. )
*BOYD, James, 31 Jan 1791 - 15 Sep 1825. 34-07-15. (Son of Andrew & Sarah Ross Boyd; mar. Elizabeth P., dau. William & Nancy B. Henderson.)
BOYD, Winifred, (Daughter of Andrew & Sarah Ross Boyd; Inscription is badly eroded.)
*BOYD, Dr. A.T., 12 Sep 1818 - 22 Jun 1903. (Surgeon. 48th Tenn lnf., C.S.A.; Son James & Elizabeth Henderson Boyd.)
*BOYD, Lavonia, no dates given. "Wife of A. T. Boyd.' (nee Lavonia Curthirell.)
*BOYD, lnfant daughter of J.P. & N. R., 6 Nov - 10 Nov 1848.
JOHNSTON, Martha A. V., 13 Feb 1820 - 11 Aug 1843. 23-6-3. "Consort J. C. Johnston; daughter of Wm. & Elizabeth Knott.’
*KANNON, James, 20 Oct 1800 - 10 Apr 1874.
*KANNON, E. W., 29 Jan 1833 - 7 Jul 1901. (9th Tenn Cav., C.S.A.; pension application gives: b. 1837 d. Jul 1900
*KANNON, Martha E., 22 Oct 1855 -1 Jun 1933 (Mar. Edward W. Kannon on 3 Feb 1875; dau. M/M John Keavnell )
*KANNON, James B., 1869 -1950
*KANNON, William E., 1873 -1943
*KANNON, Lucus Y., 1875 -1956
*KANNON, R. B., Sr., 1890 -1959
*KANNON, Susie W., 1895 - 1972
*KANNON, R. B., Jr., 1915 -1938 Age 23 years.
*KANNON, John E., 1919 - 1975 (Son R. Bruce & Susie Walker Kannon; married Rachel Langley in 1971)
*KENNEDY, Martha W., 15 Feb 1800 - 6 Oct 1875

HILL, Henry H., d. 4 May 1841.

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Renfro Cemetery may be found by taking Mooresville Pike east out of Culleoka for a mile & a half and turning left on Fred Sharpe Road and traveling 1/2 mile to a locked gate. Climb up the steep tree covered hill on your left and follow the ridge about 500 yards to the top. Cemetery is there among the large trees and a bit hard to find in the summer time when the leaves are out. The cemetery is quite historic and very old with many stone now sunken below the ground and temporarily lost. The Revolutionary War Veteran William Renfro and his family are interred there. The photos supplied by the author here were not taken with enough care to capture this cemetery as I normally do. My visit there 11-1-03 was only brief but long enough to take a few quick photos and listen to the narrator Charles Hinson conduct a Historical Society Cemetery tour.

18-FOSTER, Infant daughter of Jonathan A. & A. E., b. & d. 28 May 1848.
19-FOSTER, Infant son of Jonathan A. & A. E., 8 Apr 1849. 15 days.
17-KILLINGSWORTH, Lucretia, 3 Jan 1769 - 13 Oct 1846.(Dau. of Jesse and Isabella Hays. Her father was Rev. Soldier; mar. to John T. Killingsworth 1788, Johnston Co. N.C. a silversmith in Smithfield N.C.
05-RENFRO, Wm., 1734 - 1830, (Name scratched in the top of large box tomb. William Renfro was a Veteran of the Revolutionary War.
06-RENFRO, Jane, d. 2 Jun 1830. Age 79 yrs. "Consort of Wm. Renfro."
07-RENFRO, William, 31 Jan 1797 - 6 Oct 1846. (49-09-06.) "Son of William & Jane Renfro." (Mar. Eliza A. Crafton, b. 1800, d. 1856; Constable.)
08-RENFRO, Eliza A., Dates Unknown, (Wife of William who was born 31 Jan 1797)
14-RENFRO, Sarah, No Dates available, (Infant daughter of William & Eliza A.)
15-RENFRO, William, No Dates available, (Son of William & Eliza A.)
16-RENFRO, William J.(or S.), No Dates available)
11-RENFRO, Rebecca E., 8 Aug 1819 - 10 Nov 1875, (56-03-03. Wife of William b. 1797)
13-RENFRO, Delia R., 28 Aug 1824 - 28 Oct 1872. (48-02-00.) Wife of J. S.(James Shelburn) Renfro (Daughter of Joseph W. & Catherine Lawrence Calvert.)
09-RENFRO, Narcissa E., daughter of Wm. & Eliza Renfro, 17 Nov 1835 - 12 Sep 1848. (12-09-25.) (Box tomb)
10-RENFRO, Barclay M., 28 Jul 1840 - 8 Feb 1862. (Stone broken.)
03-TOOMBS, Sarah J., 11 Apr 1820 - 25 Aug 1843. (23-04-14.) "Consort of W. W. Toombs & dau. William & Eliza Renfro."
04-TOOMBS, Sarah Jane, aged 5 days. "lnfant daughter of W. W. & S. J."
ROBERTS, Cannon Hill, 1 May 1833 - 16 Nov 1872. (Son Wm. & Mary F. Roberts; 1st husb. Jane F. Caughron Roberts Blackwell.)
BLACKWELL, Rufus H. (Harvey), (22 May) 1849 - (Jun 2) 1926. (hus of Jane Roberts Caughron.)
BLACKWELL, Jane Roberts, (4 Oct) 1838 - (10 Sep) 1915. ( Jane Fleming Caughron; 1st mar. Cannon Hill Roberts; 2nd to Rufus Harvey Blackwell.)

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(9,500+ Listings Section A-V (few unmarked or news paper obit listings)
Rose Hill Cemetery adjacent to Rosemont Cemetery in downtown Columbia Tennessee. Rose Hill was created for the white citizens use and Rosemont Cemetery for the black citizens. One can see the various roads thru these cemeteries from the aerial overlay from MSN Virtual earth. It looks like Rose Hill is accessible from the west side at Cemetery Ave while Rosemont is accessible from the north side at East 11th Street. Cemetery Avenue connects up to the main north south street (Hwy 31/7). The gray line traversing northwest to southeast is the Rail Road track.

Listings - G - O & some photos, 3,300
HILL, Alex E., 7 Oct 1849 - 21 Jun 1904. Block "E"

HILL, Benjamin Dunlap, 16 Aug 1875 - 12 Feb 1960. Block "E"

HILL, Blanche McBride, 25 Oct 1879 - 21 Jul 1957. (Married Block "M"

HILL, Carrie B. Peters, 15 Feb 1879 - 3 Dec 1955. Block "E"

HILL, Dollie Russell, 1853 - 1940. (Wife A.E. Hill; Dau. of M.M. & Rachel J. Russell.) Block "E"

HILL, Edgar D. Hill on 24 Nov 1982.) Block "M"

HILL, Edgar D., 22 Dec 1870 - 18 Aug 1932. Block "M"

HILL, Elva Pearl, 19 Nov 1888 - 12 Jul 1911. (Dau. M/M E.A. Hill.) Block "E"

HILL, F. Woodrow Kirkland, 30 Aug 1919 - no date. Block "U"

HILL, Florence C., 1882 - (9 Oct) 1941. (Dau. John A. & Lily White Collins.) Block "Q"

HILL, Garner Lee, 1912 - 1974. (U. marker.) Block "U"

HILL, Henry H., (10 Sep) 1867 - (3 Jan) 1932. (Son Joe T.& Millie Mayberry Hill.) Block "M"

HILL, James Clay, 1888 - 1943. Block "Q"

HILL, James Elmer 'Cotton", 15 Sep 1907 - 13 Jul 1973. Block "U"

HILL, James T., 1844 - 1915. Father. (C. S. A.) Block "M"

HILL, James T., 1876 - 1962. Block "Q"

HILL, Jennie Bennett, 1901 - 1985., Block 'D'

HILL, John W., 1861 - 1936. Pappy. Block "P"

HILL, Joseph W., 20 Aug 1898 - 10 Jan 1968. (Pvt US Army, WWII.), Block 'D'

HILL, Louise G., 1909 - no date. Block "Q"

HILL, Louise M., 7 Apr 1903 - 22 Jul 1966., Block "B"

HILL, Mary R., 1890 - 1949. (Dau. Gabe & Lou Edwards Ragsdale.) Block "Q"

HILL, Mattie E., 1857 - 1929. Mammy. Block "P"

HILL, Mollie J., 1839 - 1924. Mother. Block "M"

HILL, Mrs. Rebecca Harris, dates unknown. (Mar. K. Hill, Sr. in 1818. He buried in Texas.) Block "L"

HILL, Odie, 15 May 1890 - 20 Aug 1890. "Son J.W. & M.E." Block "P"

HILL, Roy E., 16 Mar 1893 - 27 Oct 1987 Block "E"

HILL, Gertrude M., 13 Sep 1892 - 9 Nov 1980 ( wife of Roy E.) Block "E"

HILL, James Roy, 17 Nov 1925 - 22 May 1977, (Cpl, US Army WWII.) Block "E"

HILL, Wm. K., Jr., 13 Dec 1827 1828. Block "L"

HILL, W. M. 'Bill", 1901 - 1961. Block "Q"

BROWN, Virginia Morgan, 1857 - 1923. (Wife A. F. Brown; Dau. Calvin & Virginia Hill Morgan.) Block "L"
BROWNLOW, Mary Deaoville Hill, 12 Dec 1889 - 11 Feb 1972. (D.A.R.; native of Nashville, Tn.), Block "B"
CRICK, Mary Parker, d. 25 Mar 2007 in Columbia, Tn. ( Maury Co. native; dau. of Leon Parker and Ruby Hill Parker; grad. Hay Long High School; mar. 25 Jul 1950 to CSM (ret) James R. Crick who died 19 Oct 2002.)
*CRUMLEY, Evelyn Thompson, 9 Dec 1935 - 3 Mar 2010. (Maury Co. native; dau. of John Douglas Thompson and Laura Louise Hill Thompson; worked at parents store "Thompson's Grocery"; mar. 58 years to Van J. "Dusty" Crumley; preceded in death by 5 infant children, Faye, Kaye, Randall Lee, Van Douglas and Anita Louise Crumley.)
DORMINY, Julia Hill, 24 Jul 1953 - 23 Jun 1989., Block "B"
PARKS, Elizabeth Elante, 8 Jun 1929 - 30 Apr 1982. (Dau. Hollis L. & Maggie Hill Gilliam.) Block "S"
PERRY, Lizzie Hill, 1879 - (28 Apr) 1944. (Wife Seth E.; Dau. Alexander Ewing & Dolly Russell Hill.) "Block E"
PUTNAM, Joanne Hill, 9 May 1927 - 16 Mar 1973., Block 'D'
RAINS, Aries B., 2 Feb 1860 - 25 Oct 1921. (Son Dr. T. B. & Elizabeth; d. Montgomery, Ala.), Block "B"
RAINS, Aries B., Jr., 13 Apr - 2 May 1887., Block "B"
RAINS, Catherine McK., May 1872 - Jan 1948. "Block E"
RAINS, Dr. T. (Thomas) B., 25 Aug 1831 - 10 Sep 1892. (C.S.A., Cross of Honor, Thomas B. Rains, 6th Tenn Inf. Co. C, rank in PVT rank out CAPT.; Son of Rev. John Rains & Lucinda Cartwright.) Block B
RAINS, Edna S., 31 Aug 1903 - 19 May 1955., Block "B"
RAINS, Elizabeth B., 17 Jun 1835 - 2 Aug 1902., Block "B"
RAINS, Hettie Thompson, 3 Nov 1858 - 25 Feb 1899. Mother. "Wife Aries B. Rains.", Block "B"
RAINS, Katharine Dupuy McKinney, b. 13 May 1872 - d. 1 Jan 1948.; wife Aris Brown Rains; dau. Thomas Hampton & Emma Thomas McKinney, Block "B"

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ALLEN, Addison, 3 Jul 1823 - 1 Mar 1890. 2569
ALLEN, Willie Florence Osborne, 24 Feb 1929 - 29 May 1982. 2601

HILL, Charles F., "Chuck", 27 Feb 1936 - no date
HILL, Alice P., Crigger 28 May 1932 - no date, (married 2 Oct 1981 to Charles F., Hill). 2622

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ALLEN, James, 1759 - 1829. (Co A, 10 Va Reg, REVOLUTIONARY WAR at Valley Forge.)
ALLEN, Emmett, 9 Apr 1872 - 3 Sep 1949. (Husband of Vicki Bell Hall)
ALLEN, Mrs. Ova, 4 Apr 1881 - 1 Apr 1945.

BRYANT, John R., 2 Jul 1884 - 4 Dec 1916.
BRYANT, B...., Footstone? E. T. B., near James & Susannah Hobbs.
CAMPBELL, John, 1 Oct 1780 - 6 Apr 1850. (69-06-05.) (From Hawkins Co., Tenn.)
CAMPBELL, Sarah, 23 Dec 1794 - 11 Jan 1862. (67-00-18.)‘Consort of John Campbell.’ (nee Kimbrough of N.C..)
CAMPBELL, Dr. James H., 7 Feb 1820 - 27 Sep 1884. Mason.
CAMPBELL, Robert K., 21 Jul 1829 - Dec 1853. ‘Son John & Sarah Campbell.’ (Stone broken.)
CAMPBELL, W.R., 6 Oct. 1855 - 12 Jul 1876.
CAMPBELL, George W., 12 Dec 1815 - 7 Mar 1840. (24-02-24.)‘Son John & Sarah.’
CAMPBELL, Sarah Ann, 27 Jan 1825 - 12 Oct 1866. ‘Consort of James H. Campbell; dau. J.S. & F.M. Hunt.)
CAMPBELL, A. J., 14 Feb 1834 -29 May 1883. (29-03-15.)‘Son John & Sarah.’ (Maj. Co. F, 48th Tenn lnf., C.S.A.; kept wartime diary; single.)
CAMPBELL, G. W., 25 May 1845 - 10 May 1885. (39-11-15.)‘Son Dr. J. H. & S. A. Campbell.’
CAMPBELL, Ann E., 2 Jun 1854 - 13 Aug 1879. ‘Wife of George W. Campbell.’
*CAMPBELL, Miss Sallie, d. 1876. "grnd dau of Col. A.P. Hughes, died in Culleoka, Maury Co., on Sat. She is the fourth member of her family to die in last few weeks. " (Columbia Herald & Mail, 16 June 1876)
CAROTHERS, Martha, 8 Apr 1803 - 27 Sep 1835. (32-03-19.)
CASKEY, John M., 18 Jan - 9 Oct 1834, Infant Son James J. & -----, (8 mo., 22 days.) (Box Tomb Fallen)
CASKEY, Mattie P., 1882 - 1928
CASKEY, William D., 1865 - 1938
CHEATHAM, Martha Ann, 16 Oct 1833 - 3 Sep 1907. ‘Wife of E.H. Cheatham.’ (Stone broken.)
CLARK, R. C., 8 Jun 1851 - 22 Aug 1931. Father.
CLARK, Mrs. M. J., 5 May 1850- 3 Jun 1924. Mother. (nee Martha Jane Ramsey.)
CLARK, Josephine, 27 Mar 1882 - 5 May 1938. Sister. (Dau. R.C. & Martha J. Ramsey Clark.)
CLARK, Luther C., 3 Feb 1886 - 11 Nov 1963.
CLARK, Pearl Fleming, 8 Aug 1889 - 3 Dec 1973.
CLARK, Nannie Sue, 26 Jan 1888 - 1 Nov 1971.

DAVIS, Samuel, 7 Feb 1796 - 5 Sep 1866.
DAVIS, Martha L., 29 Jun 1806 - 20 Feb 1874. ‘Wife of Samuel Davis.’
DAVIS, 3 infants, children of Samuel & Martha J., No dates.

GRAVES, Ann, Aug 1778 - 14 May 1840. (61 -09-00.) (A hugh maple tree has grown around footstone.)
GRAVES, John M., 13 Jan 1812 - 29 Apr 1879. Father.
GRAVES, Rosa A. (Collier), 12 Mar 1817- 29 Jul 1907. Mother (wife of John M.)

HIGDON, M. (Miles) C., 22 May 1823 - 15 Sep 1893.
HIGDON, Eliza M., 4 Aug 1827 - 8 Jan 1892. (nee Williamson; wife of Miles C. Higdon.)
HIGDON, L.G. Mack, 4 Jan 1855 - 6 Jan 1923. (son of Miles & Eliza Williamson Higdon; mar. Gillie Flora.)
HIGDON, Anna Morgan, 12 Aug 1861 - 3 Jul 1880. "Dau. of A. H. & S. C. Higdon" (i.e. daughter of Allen Hill & Susan C. Reynolds Higdon)
Allen Hill Higdon
HOLLIS, Josephine, 2 Aug 1911 - 16 Feb 1932.

MARTIN, Burnley Vest, 12 Mar 1881 - 21 Jan 1908. Brother. (Son Thomas T. & Martha Perry Martin.)
MARTIN, George E., 28 Dec 1878- 11 Jan 1882. ‘Son W. G. & Callie.’
MARTIN, Henry B., 28 Mar 1858 - 7 Aug 1933. (Son W. Groves & Mary J. Barrett Martin.)
MARTIN, Maggie L., 20 Jan 1868 - 1 Jul 1947. (nee Hobbs.)
MARTIN, Henry, 23 Feb 1793 - 20 Aug 1842, By JS Hunt. (Nat. N.C.; son of George W. Martin.)
MARTIN, James Monroe, 4 Jun 1871 - 13 Jul 1948. Brother. (Son Thomas T. & Martha Perry Martin.)
MARTIN, June F., 28 Jun 1877 - 13 Sep 1900. (Dau. W. G. & Callie Barrett Martin.)
MARTIN, Mildred L., 9 Jun 1829 - 12 Aug 1854. (25-02-03.) ‘Dau. Henry & Sarah.’
MARTIN, Martha H., 8 Sep 1850- 21 Mar 1920. Mother. (Dau. Burkley Perry; mar. T. T. Martin on 3 Mar 1869.)
MARTIN, Thomas T., 14 Oct 1841 - 25 Apr 1920. Father. (Son Henry & Sarah B.; 11th Tenn Calv., C.S.A.)
MARTIN, Callie D., 13 Mar 1840 - 11 Jul 1914. ‘Wife W. G.’ (nee Barrett, sister to Mary J.; mar. W. G. Martin in 1876; three children.)
MARTIN, Mary J., 10 Jan 1831 - 28 Mar 1876. ‘Wife Wm. G.’ (Dau. Wade & Amelia Jones Barrett; mar. W. G. Groves, 27 Jul 1852; 10 children.)
MARTIN, William Groves, 22 Sep 1825 -16 May 1917. (Son of Henry T. & Sarah Burnley Martin; Co. E., II Tenn Calv., C.S.A.; preacher, Ch. of Christ.)
MARTIN, Sarah, 6 Sep 1802 - 27 Jul 1870. (nee Burnley; nat. of Va.)
MARTIN, Golman, 5 Sep 1830 - 14 Jul 1861. (Son Henry T. & Sarah.’
MARTIN, James B., 3 mar 1840- 27 Jul 1861. ‘Son Henry T. & Sarah.'
MARTIN, Inf. dau. W.G. & N.J., d. 13 May 1857. (18 day..)
MARTIN, lnf. son W.G. & N.J., no dates.
MARTIN, lnf. son W.G. & N.J., b. & d. 22 Jun 1875.
MARTIN, Amelia Wade, 29 May 1881 - 6 Aug 1885. ‘Dau. W.G. & Callie.’
MARTIN, Merritt Dake, 22 Mar - 7 May 1915.
MARTIN, Bert T., 14 Feb 1899 - 18 Jan 1970.
MARTIN, Lurlene B., 30 Mar 1902 - 7 Dec 1980. (Dau. Jimmy & Mattie Lee Jeter Binkley; wife Bert Martin)
MARTIN, Mercer Jones, 24 Jul 1903 - 3 Nov 1904. ‘Dau. H.B. & N. L. Martin.’
MARTIN, Catherine R., 6 June 1894 - 2 Feb 1940.
MARTIN, Edward R., 1946 - 2002, (Now (10/14/2002) only has a Funeral Marker.)
MARTIN, Eldred Rea, 4 March 1916 - 26 Oct 2003
MARTIN, Jessie Hight, 15 June 1914 - 24 Apr 1984, (Wife of Eldred Rea Martin)
MARTIN, George E., 6 Mar 1888 - 27 Feb 1960
MARTIN, Gerald Gray, 18 Dec 1939 - 4 Sep 1997
WILSON, Enoch, 14 Nov - 17 Nov 1869. 'Son J.F. & P.D.'

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This cemetery according to the Maps can be found on the left side of Carpenter Bridge Road going south for 1.5 miles from Highway 412. Look to your left for the Cemetery Sign then take a narrow lane left for 200 yards.
JONES, Walter W., 1872 - 1916. (s/o David Samuel & Anna Katherine Sharp Jones; hus. of Alice L. Hill.) 2194
JONES, Alice L., 1878 - 1967. (d/o Geo. W. & Margaret P. Williams Hill; w/o Walter W. Jones.) 2194
JONES, Betsy Ann, 1909 - 1910. (d/o Walter W. & Alice L. Hill Jones.) 2208
JONES, David Samuel, 1829 - 1910. Military marker: "PVT Co. G 24 Tenn Inf Confederate States Army 1834-1910." (Note: the date of birth differs from that on the head stone; s/o Evans & Elizabeth A. Kitrell Jones; same stone with A.K. Jones.) 2198/2200
JONES, A. K., 1839 - 1906. ( Nee: Anna Katherine Sharp; same stone with D.S. Jones.)
JONES, Eulis Rainey, 7 Apr 1912 - 17 Apr 1974. Military marker: "PFC US Army World War II." (s/o Walter W. & Alice L. Hill Jones.) 2207
JONES, Idella Davis, 28 Jan 1872 - 20 Apr 1919. (d/o John Calvin & Emily Ophelia Derryberry Davis; 1st wife of Evans Jones, who is buried in Morton Cemetery.) 2192
JONES, James C., 25 Oct 1906 - 1 Sep 1958. (s/o Walter W. & Alice L. Hill Jones.) 2209

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ALLEN, Delila S., 1881 - no date "Mother".
ALLEN, James Norris, 1905 - Sep 1949. "Father". (Son, J. H. & Delia Smith Allen.)
ALLEN, Maggie L., 1907 - 'Mother".
ALLEN, Joseph L., 18 Dec 1907 - 23 Jan 1947.
ALLEN, Oleta B., 31 Jan 1920 - 11 Jun 1987.
ALLEN, Mattie Ruth, 8 Nov 1912 - 2 May 1928. "Dau. of James & Delila Sweet Allen."
BOATRIGHT, Loice C., 1883 - 1958.
BOATRIGHT, Beady A., 1891 - 1973.
BOBO, Elaine Henry, "M", 1925 - 1978.
BOND, Page, 23 Nov 1779 - 25 Nov 1859.
BOND, Jane. 22 Feb 1797 - 24 Sep 1854.
BOND, Mrs. Eliza Hearriet Ann, 27 May 1813 - 19 Feb 1840. (26-8-23). "Consort of Thomas B. Bond.'
BOYD, Sarah A., died 7 Oct 1860. (21-7-21). Wife of L. A. Boyd.
BOYD, Willie Mae, 14 Aug 1915 - 26 Mar 1983. 'Mother".
BOYD, Ronnie Lee, 13 Mar 1953 - 24 Jun 2004. "Roll Tide" (reference to U. of Alabama Football)
BRUCE, Benjamin Hawkins, 1863 - 1943.
BRUCE, Margaret Ann, (7 Dec) 1863 - (16 Feb) 1937. (Dau. Joel Cunningham & Susan Cummins.)
BRUCE, Jewell E., 4 Sep 1896 - 13 Mar 1925. (1st Sgt Co A, Inf. WWI. (Son, B. H. and Ann Cunningham.)
BUMPASS, Mrs. Mary, 9 Apr 1813 - 20 Mar 1846. (32-11-11) "Consort, Alexander A. Bumpass; daughter of Rev. Daunaldson Potter." (Same stone Rev. Potter.)
CAMPBELL, Iphigenia C., 17 Aug 1878 - 11 Nov 1880. Dau. E. C. & S. M. Campbell.
CAMPBELL, Nannie Star, daughter of S. S. & T. C., no dates.
DAVIS, John M., 1847 - 1933.
DAVIS, Angelina Augustine, (13 Apr) 1851 - 1924. (nee Angelina A. Gant.)
DAVIS, Minnie May, 22 May 1877 - 1 Dec 1878. "Dau. J. M. & A. A. Davis.'
DAVIS, Knox, 1880 - 1948.
DAVIS, Tennie, 1890 - 1977.
DAVIS, William M., 1 Jan 1854 - 26 Dec 1913.
DAVIS, Virginia E., 6 Nov 1860 - 19 Feb 1945.
DAVIS, Hardin A., 13 Feb 1881 - 20 Jul 1926.
DAVIS, Lewis T., 25 May 1889 - 22 Jan 1890.
DAVIS, Willie M., 6 Feb 1901 - 18 Jul 1912.
DIXON, Rev. T. Jeff, 15 Jan 1822 - 4 Dec 1911. (Jonathan B. Stephenson Lot.)
DIXON, Margaret S., 26 May 1839 - 23 Aug 1905.
DODSON, Gilford B. 'Gip", 11 Sept 1848 - 3 Nov 1920.
FINLEY, Samuel K., 5 May 1829 - 17 Sep 1889. (Mason.)
FINLEY, Ophelia Ferguson, 1853 - 27 Aug 1942. "Wife, S. K. Finley." (Dau. Franklin & Mary C. Ferguson.)
FINLEY, Mary T., 1872 - 1948.
FINLEY, Estelle K., 1879 - 1949.
FINLEY, unknown unmarked grave in the Finely Area.
GIVENS, William, 21 Mar 1785 -6 Jun 1850. (65-2- 16).
GIVENS, Ann M., 22 Feb 1804 - 26 Nov 1853. (49-9-4). 'Consort of William Givens."
GRAVES, Benjamin T., 14 Jun 1848 - 29 Jan 1855.
GRAVES, Page B., 29 Sep 1852 - 9 Feb 1855.
GRAVES, Ransom, 1887 - 1944.
GRAVES, Roxie L., 1891 - 1947.
GRAVES, Katherine Watson, 27 Jul 1908 - 22 Jun 1999.

MORTON, Alton William, 26 Jun 1916 - 20 Jun 1984.
MORTON, Evelyn Roberts, 21 Mar 1921 - 12 Nov 2003.
MORTON, Jess Oslin, Jr., 17 Mar 1918 - 14 May 2002
NEELY, J. W. 20 Feb 1877 - 6 Feb 1903. (Grigsby Lot)
NEELEY, Wilhelmina Lochridge, 22 Jul 1904 - 6 Mar 1996.
PRUITT, Reuben, 4 Sep 1895 - 29 Jan 1962.
PRUITT, Mary Sue, 18 Jun 1900
PRUITT, Elizabeth Bailey, 10 Sep 1917 - 7 Oct 1954.
RAINES, Nellie Sue, 8 Apr 1904 - 11 Jun 1936.
RAINEY, Mary E., 19 Feb 1858 - 8 Feb 1883. (Wife, Thomas J.; Dau. Ben & Mary E. Grigsby. Born a few days before the death of her mother.) (Grigsby lots)
RAINEY, Horace, 26 Jul 1885 - 17 Mar 1887. "Son T. J. & L. R." (Grigsby Lots)
TUCKER, Wilson M., 8 Mar 1834 - 30 Jul 1915. (Pvt 1 Tenn Inf., C.S.A.)
TUCKER, Fannie E., 16 Jun 1835 - 8 Aug 1908. "Wife, W. M. Tucker"
TUCKER, Frank, 1880 - 1945, (U. marker.)
TUCKER, Louise U., 1890 - 1975. (U. marker.)
VANHOOK, W. H., 8 Aug 1849 - 6 Dec 1889.

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St Johns Episcopal Church Cemetery, Ashwood (100+ photos, 350 listings)

BLAND, Martha Elizabeth, d. 21 Apr 1853. 15-07-07. "Dau. of Wilson & Susan W. Bland."
BLAND, James Harden, 5 Nov 1857. 18-09-05. "Son of W. & S.W."

BRANCH, Annie Pillow, 8 Sep 1829 - 11 Sep 1854. "Wife of Joseph Branch; daughter of George W. & Narcissa Martin. They married 7 Sep 1848.)
BRANCH, Mary Polk, 28 Nov 1830 - 2 Dec 1918. (Dau. William Juilus & Mary Rebecca Polk; b. Rowan Co, N.C.; 2nd wife Col. J.G. Branch; mar. 29 Nov 1859.)
BRANCH, Lawrence D.B., 25 Mar 1862 - 26 Aug 1936. (Son of Joseph & Mary P. Branch.)
BRANCH, Joseph Gerald, 1865 - 1952. (Son Joseph & Mary P. Branch.)
BRYANT, Joseph Andrew, 13 Oct 1849 - 30 Oct 1849. "Inf. son of James J. & Martha Ann."

HIGGINS, Edward, 1 Jul 1819 - 25 Jun 1901.
HIGGINS, Katherine, 1836 - 1926.
HIGGINS, Thomas L., 10 Sep 1867 - 12 Oct 1948.
HIGGINS, Alice M., 2 Nov 1880 - 23 Jan 1958.

MARTIN, George W., 1 Feb 1808 - 19 Aug 1854. "b. Albemarle Co., Va."
MARTIN, Narcissa, 17 Jan 1811- 28 Apr 1883. (Sister of Gen Gideon Cranville Pillow & Col. Jerome Pillow.)
MARTIN, Thomas Granville, 27 Sep 1831 - 10 Aug 1912. (Son George W. & Narcissa Pillow Martin; Mar. 1st. Mary Mayes Wingfield & 2nd Larissa Kittrell; Co. A, 9th Tenn Cav., C.S.A.)
MARTIN, Larissa Kitrell, 3 May 1842 - 5 Sep 1904. "Wife of T.G. Martin." (d. Decatur, Ala.)
MARTIN, Narcissa Pillow, d. 27 Dec 1854. 08-03-01. "Dau. Geo. W. & Narcissa."
MARTIN, George S., 3 Jan 1840 - 23 Sep 1863.
MARTIN, John Branch, 8 Dec 1849 - 21 Dec 1905. (d. Memphis.)

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In Spring Hill turn west on Beechcroft Road (Hwy 247), and go something under 5 miles. Just after you pass the Petty Road on the left the Terrell-McKay house is on the left back off of the road. The cemetery is in grove of trees behind and east of the ancient Terrell-McKay house. The cemetery is fenced in a field with heavy cattle farming around it and permission is required as you will probably need an accompanying person to keep the livestock calm. Postal address is 1199

HILL, John, 1 Jan 1794 - 7 Jan 1850.

HILL, Mary W., 24 Feb 1801 - 4 Mar 1846. (Box tomb partially fallen)

JENKINS, Elizabeth P., 18 Nov 1817 - 8 Dec 1834. (Could Elizabeth be the mother of Agniss who was born three months prior to the death of Elizabeth P. Jenkins)
JENKINS, Agniss P., 10 Sep 1834 - 26 Dec 1835. (The "3" in the death year is covered by a leaf)
McKAY, James A., 5 Oct 1838 - 26 Oct 1902.
McKAY, Mary T., 10 May 1842 - 30 Dec 1903 (wife of James A. McKay)
TERRELL, Dr. Hezekiah, 3 Feb 1815 - 4 Mar 1888. (Stone fallen from its base.)
TERRELL, Margret Smith, 3 May 1820 - 21 May 1895. "Wife of Dr. Hezakiah Terrell." (Dau. Charles & Anne Smith Dabney.)
TERRELL, Nancy, 1817 - 4 May 1882. (Stone fallen and partially covered in soil.)
TERRELL, James, 1822 - 1 Jan 1872.
TERRELL, Charley Dabney, 25 May 1840 - 13 Aug 1861. (Stone fallen from its base.)
TERRELL, Lenard Dozier, 18 Sep 1848 - 19 Feb 1852. "Son of Dr. H. & M. S Terrell." (stone not found in 2009)
TERRELL, Joe, 24 Nov 1854 -21 Aug 1896. (Also called Joel; Son of Dr. H. & Mary Smith Dabney Terrell.)
TERRELL, Ella, dates unknown. (Wife Joel Terrell; dau. of Samuel S. & Margaret Swanson Morton.) (stone not found in 2009)
TERRELL, Cora, 22 Sep 1860 - 20 Nov 1879. "Dau. Dr. H. & M. S. Terrell" (Stone fallen from its base.)
TERRELL, Inf. son. Joel & Ella, 29 Mar 1884 - 21 Apr 1884. (Stone fallen and broken)
TERRELL, Ellie, 6 Jul 1891 - 24 Aug 1896. "Dau. Joe & Ella Terrell" (Stone fallen from its base.)
Unknown fieldstone possibly marking grave.

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JOSSEY, James, 23 Nov 1786 - 12 Dec 1831. 45 yrs. "Nat. of Georgia." (Lt., War of 1812; son Henry & Mary Hill Jossey; mar. Nancy Coleman.)

JOSSEY, Nancy Coleman, 27 May 1792 - 16 Jan 1873. (wife of James Jossey)
JOSSEY, William Walker, 26 Nov 1813 - 28 Jun 1853. (Son of James & Nancy Coleman Jossey.)

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From Columbia go north on Theta Pike about 5 miles. The cemetery is on the left behind and to the left side of the church building which is on one of the highest hills in the county.
HILL, Lillian G., 6 May 1898 - 30 Mar 1972. 9720

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ALLEN, Lawrence L., 2 Jul 1903 - 6 Oct 1973. "Husband of Margaret Ann Cecil." (Native of NJ)
ALLEN, Margaret Ann Cecil, 18 Sep 1900 - 2 Sep 1975. (Wife of Lawrence Allen.)
AMIS, Agnes, 23 Dec 1888 – 4 Dec 1980 (daughter of Lewis Randolph Amis and Agnes Jane Fulton; native of Fayetteville, Tennessee)
AMIS, Agnes Jane Fulton, 29 Mar 1861 – 2 May 1926 (wife of Lewis Randolph Amis; daughter of Josiah Fulton and Martha White; native of Lawrence County)
AMIS, Fulton, 14 Apr 1885 – 30 Jul 1885 (son of Lewis Randolph Amis and Agnes Jane Fulton; no dates on tombstone; dates from family sources)
AMIS, Rev. Lewis Randolph, 7 Dec 1856 – 16 Dec 1904 “Methodist Episcopal Preacher” (son of Lewis Amis and Louisa Yeomans Johnson; husband of Agnes Jane Fulton) Note: birth year not listed on tombstone.
AMIS, Lewis Randolph, Jr., 5 Apr 1899 – 19 Feb 1968 (son of Lewis Randolph Amis and Agnes Jane Fulton; husband of Anne Cole Townsend; Tenn., Pvt., US Army, WWII)
AMIS, Louise, 18 Oct 1886 – 18 Mar 1888 (daughter of Lewis Randolph Amis and Agnes Jane Fulton; no dates on tombstone; dates from family sources)

HILL, William Newton, 5 Mar 1805 - 2 Aug 1856.
HILL, James, no dates, C.S.A.
HILL, James, no dates, C.S.A.; MCTC). Buried ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CEMETERY. There are numerous James HILL listings at Sailors and Soldiers Systems site. (NARA)

SIMS, Fred Hill, b. ca. 1924, d. 23 Nov 1941. (Son Carl & Octabell Hill Sims.)


Location: Highway 64 West, right into Campbellsville Road, right into Minnow Branch Road which becomes Apple Hill Road. Left side of road, enclosed by a chain link fence upon the slope about 200 yards from the road in a pasture.

ALLEN, Addison, son of J. I. & M. A. Allen, 5 Sep 1893 - 30 May 1903
ALLEN, J. I. Allen, 22 May 1851 - 21 Mar 1931.
ALLEN, Mary A., 19 Feb 1869 - 5 Jan 1940.
ALLEN, Ruby W. , 11 May 1895 - 9 Mar 19_ _(?).
CARPENTER, Julia A., 4 May 1826 - 26 Feb 1910.
CARPENTER, Michael, 18 Oct 1817 - 14 May 1889.
CARPENTER, W. E., 10 Sep 1861 - 15 Jun 1914 (field rock).

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FLY, Mildred H. (Hill) Fly (Armstrong), 27 Nov 1925 - 11 Feb 2011. Mother. In our hearts you'll always be Obituary
Mildred Hill Fly Armstrong
November 27, 1925 - February 10, 2011

Mildred Fly Armstrong, age 85, of Pulaski, TN, died on 2-10-2011, at the National Health Care in Pulaski, TN.

She was born in Giles County, TN on 11-27-1925, retired from Lee Mar Shirt Factory, her parents were the late Dale and Cora Mae Beddingfield Hill.

Survivors are: Son, Larry Fly of Goodspring, TN, daughter, Jennie Sue Glossup of Cookeville, TN, sisters, Mary Dean Wade of Pulaski, Pauline Meadows of Florida, Peggy Webb of Bristol, TN, Latricia Bee of New York, 5 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren.

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Location: From I-65 south take Exit 1 and go across Hwy 31 onto Pleasant Hill Road and travel about 2 miles and look to the right. The cemetery will be next to the road inside a low rock wall.

HILL,Viola Toone, 10 Jun 1878 - 5 Aug 1920. "wife of E. E. Hill.", "She was a loyal friend, a noble daughter and devoted wife and mother. Dear mother, thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel." 6050C,6050

HODGES, Lucy J., 18 Oct 1848 - 15 Jun 1912. "At Rest.", "erected by W. R. Hill. Sep. 17, 1920." 6063C,6063

STOUT, Wilkins Tannehill, 2 Oct 1851 - 15 Aug 1854. "second son of Dr. S. H. & Martha M. Stout.", "Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what .... deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fading ..." (Box tomb.) 6077C,6077,6081

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aka Elkton-Harney-Camp-Miller Cemetery
This road map shows the route needed from I-65 or Pulaski to get to this cemetery.
Location: From Pulaski go Highway 31 South 12+ miles to Elkton. Turn right on Prospect Road and go about 1/2 mile to the cemetery on the left (south) side of the road. There is a road into the cemetery
HILL, Emmett Walton, 15 Mar 1857 - 15 May 1929. "Father". (h/o and shares stone with Mary L. McCormack.) 2490

HILL, Mary L. McCormack, 17 Feb 1867 - 18 Jun 1944. "His wife", "Mother". (w/o and shares stone with Emmett Walton Hill.) 2490

HILL, W. A., 10 Dec 1832 - 18 Apr 1908. (h/o Martha S. Hill and shares same stone.) 2494,2493,2495

HILL, Martha S., 29 Feb 1832 - 5 Feb 1907. "Wife of W. A. Hill". (shares stone with W.A. Hill.) 2493,2494,2495

HILL, Edna, 1916 - 1988. "Gone but not forgotten". (shares stone with Wm. Hill.) 2388

HILL, Thomas Allen, 2 Aug 1941 - 15 Jun 1972. 2389,2394

HILL, Sue K., 7 Apr 1946 - no other date. no photo

HILL, Allen Riley, 12 May 1914 - 15 Mar 1928. 2398

HILL, John T., 22 Oct 1931 - 17 Mar 1934. 2396,2397

HILL, Ruby M., 31 Aug 1937 - 1 Sep 1943. 2395,2397

HILL, Steve, 1880 - 1922. Footstone: "Father"(shares sstone with Fannie Hill.) 2399,2400,2402

HILL, Fannie, 1880 - 1932. "Gone but not forgotten." Footstone: "Mother". (shares stone with Steve Hill.) 2399,2400,2402

HILL, Robert R., 11 Feb 1890 - 19 May 1964.Footstone: "R. R. Hill 1890/1964". (shares stone with Mabel M. Hill.) 2401,2402,2406

HILL, Robert "(Bob)", 23 Jul 1943 - no date. 2385

HILL, Maybelle (M.), 18 Jun 1925 - 12 Jun 1950. 2390

HILL, Mabel M., 9 May 1895 - 29 Mar 1944. "At rest". (shares stone with Robert R. Hill.) 2401,2400

HILL, Bose, 1898 - 1953. no photo

HILL, Joe, 17 Jun 1908 - 29 Jul 1946. 2404

HILL, Wm. "(Bill)", 1912 - 1971. (shares stone with Edna Hill.) 2388

HILL, William Edward "Hobo", 23 Jan 1939 - 13 Apr 1993. 2393

HILL, W. J., 17 Dec 1930 - 31 Jul 1995. (shares stone with Frances L. Hill.) 2533

HILL, Frances L., 24 Feb 1930 - no date. (shares stone with W. J. Hill.) 2533

HODGE, Mary Hill, 25 Sep 1908 - 26 Jun 1976. 2403,2402

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ALLEN, Ada, 1874 - 1914. 3297
ALLEN, Cordelia Floyd, 19 Oct 1883 - 1 May 1901, wife of J. H. Allen. Photo
ALLEN, M. C. , 7 Oct 1845 - 20 Apr 1910. (shares stone with Nancy Allen.) 6507
ALLEN, Mary Willie, 16 Mar 1909 - 17 Mar 1909, daughter of W. G. & Mary Allen. No photo
ALLEN, Nancy, 16 Sep 1854 - 4 Apr 1926. (shares stone with M.C. Allen.) 6507
ALLEN, Sarah A., 29 Jan 1818 - 30 Dec 1898. No photo- see FindAGrave
HILL, Ellin, 16 May 1858 - 14 Oct 1909. "Mother." 9006
HILL, Inis B., 6 May 1901 - 16 Jul 1901, daughter of J. H. & U. B. Hill.

SCROGGINS, Frank S., 9 Aug 1855 - 29 Feb 1936. (s/o Jesse Scroggins and Louisa J. Melms Epps; h/o Martha Ann Herd and shares same stone.) Photo
SCROGGINS, Martha Ann, 7 Nov 1855 - 27 May 1936. "Thy God has claimed thee as his own." (w/o and shares stone with Frank S. Scroggins.) Photo
SCROGGINS, Odall, 18 Jun 1908 - 9 May 1911. "daughter of J. T. & M E., Scroggins; Sleep on dear child and take thy rest." Photo
SCROGGINS, Jerry Lee, 1950 - 1952. No photo
SCROGGINS, John, 6 May 1910 - 8 Jan 1912. "son of J. T. & M. E. Scroggins." Photo
SCROGGINS, Johnnie B., 20 Mar 1892 - 24 Jul 1896, son of F. S. & M. A. Scroggins. 9036

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GIBSONVILLE CEMETERY, (Hwy 245 aka Columbia to Campbellsville Rd) GILES COUNTY, TENNESSEE
ALLEN, Robert English, Sr., 14 May 1927 - 11 Jun 2000. Military marker: "PFC US Amry World War II." (shares stone with Peggy D. Hill Allen.) 8228/8229
ALLEN, Peggy D. Hill, 9 Apr 1931 - no date. "Together Forever." (shares stone with Robert English Allen Sr.) 8228

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HILL, James Ruel, 10 Jul 1933 - 14 Dec 2010. (Carr & Erwin Funeral Home, burial location not mentioned.)

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CHEATHAM, Thomas, 13 Nov 1832 - 6 Apr 1894. (Masonic emblem) "Fold him, O Father in thine arms, and let him henceforth be a messenger of love between our human hearts and Thee." section D 4755/4756
CHEATHAM, Jennie Hill, 28 Dec 1910 - 8 Apr 1935. "Wife of Thos. Cheatham", "Beloved". section D 3658

DUNIVANT, Patty May Hill, 3 Aug 1874 - 10 Sep 1948. section D 3882/3880/3883

HIGDON, John C., 14 Nov 1838 - 16 Jun 1904. "Husband of Mary", "In Memory of My Little Family" (same stone with Mary Higdon, Willie & Geo. T. Higdon) section E 4910/4909
HIGDON, Mary, 27 Nov 1846 - no other date. "Wife of John C." (same stone with John C., Willie & George T. Higdon) section E 4914/4909
HIGDON, George T., 26 Nov 1879 - 18 Jun 1901. (son of John C. & Mary Higdon; same stone with John C., Mary, & Willie Higdon.) section E 4912//4909
HIGDON, Willie, 30 Jul 1870 - 29 Nov 1889. (son of John C. & Mary Higdon; same stone with John C., Mary, and George T. Higdon) section E 4913/4909
HIGDON, Allen H. (Hill), 19 Mar 1824 - 5 Feb 1898. section D 3814/3815
HIGDON, Susan C. (Reynolds), 6 Feb 1838 - 10 Feb 1898. (Same stone with Allen H. Higdon) section D 3813/3815
HIGDON, D.K., 5 Jun 1829 - 21 Nov 1894. (mar. to Cornelia Higdon) section D 4579
HIGDON, Cornelia, 9 Apr 1834 - 9 Sep 1901. (Wife of D.K. Higdon) "Gone but not Forgotten" section D 4579
HIGGINS, Ellis C., 1866 - 1928.
HIGGINS, William S., 1902 - 1935.


HILL, Mary A., 30 Nov 1843 - 28 Aug 1924. "Mother" section D 3654

HILL, Thomas F. (Franklin), 16 Nov 1865 - 8 Dec 1954. (mar. to Sarah L. Hill) section D 3659

HILL, Sarah L., 29 May 1876 - 15 Mar 1954. (d/o Abner Turner McQuigg and Martha Anne Evans McQuigg; wife of Thomas F. Hill) section D 3659

HILL, Roscoe Voyt, 22 Oct 1893 - 19 Oct 1993. Footstone: "R. Voyt Hill 1893-1993" section C 3286/3287/3293

HILL, Alberta M., 3 Oct 1898 - 27 Jun 1906. section D 3660

HILL, Mary Bray, 1903 - 1983. section C 3290/3293

LOVE, Velma Hill, 14 Aug 1896 - 11 Jan 1990. section D 3657

SELLERS, Eliza, 17 Mar 1809 - 13 Apr 1893. "Wife of Geo. W. & Mother of H.O. Sellers", (oldest dau. of Reps Osborn Jr. and Mary Hill Childress of Lincoln, Co. Tn. Ref: [emailprotected] section D 4745/4746

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From I-65 take the Bryson Rd or Exit 6 west to Highway 31 . Go south (left) on 31 to Elkton and right onto Prospect Road. Stay on 273 and it becomes Veto Rd then thru Prospect until it turns into Case Rd until next terminates on Hwy 166. Cross over 166 and the road becomes Edmunson Rd. Go until that terminates at Stella Rd. Turn north there or right and go to Tacketts Branch Rd about 3/4 of a mile. Turn left there and go 1.25 miles to the cemetery upon the side of a slope on the north side of the road.

ALLEN, Lucy Jane, 13 Jun 1843 - 9 Aug 1866, daughter of Jesse & Sarah M. Hardy; Married P. T. Allen 1 Sep 1864
ALLEN, Lucy J., 5 Feb 1871 - 9 Nov 1873. "daughter of P. T. & Lucy J. Allen."
ALLEN, Sarah A. H., 17 Jan 1866 - 6 Nov 1873, "daughter of P. T. & Lucy J. Allen"
BOYD, James A., 31 Oct 1859 - 25 Sep 1860, son of J. & M. A. Boyd
BOYD, Sirenia J., 16 Aug 1858 - 27 Jul 1859, daughter of J. & M. A. Boyd

KELLEY, Infant son of M. T. & W. L. Kelley B. & D. -- June 1874
KELLEY, Joseph C., 22 May 1849 - 21 Feb 1856
KELLEY, Lewis Wilbarn I., 27 Apr 1853 - 14 Nov 1853. (small stone misplaced and lying on the William J. Williams memorial.)
KELLEY, Luvicy, 18 Mar 1799 - 10 May 1890
KELLEY, Thomas, 16 Apr 1852 - 20 Apr 1852
KELLEY, Elizabeth Matilda, 27 Jan 1837 - 28 Aug 1868
KELLY, Henry, 4 Aug 1796 - 2 Jan 1887
KELLY, Mahaley, 9 Nov 1812 - 2 Jun 1877

TUCKER, Maggie L., 26 May 1913 - 2 Jul 1913, daughter of R. M. & Viola Tucker

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Location: Go west on Highway 64 (toward Lawrenceburg) from Pulaski two or three miles and turn north (right) on the Mt Moriah Road aka Big Dry Creek Road. The cemetery is 1/2 mile up the road in the first bend of the road on the right and (north of) beside the Mt Moriah Cumberland Presbyterian Church
ALLEN, Claudie H., 1878 - 1954.
ALLEN, Emma J., 1870 - 1875.
ALLEN, L. P.(Lewis Porter), 27 Feb 1844 - 3 Feb 1912.
ALLEN, Margaret J., 12 Sep 1843 - 22 Jul 1915, wife of L. P. Allen.
ALLEN, Lizzie Z.(Zelia), 1867 - 1887.
ALLEN, Robert Larry, Sr., 17 Dec 1947 - 1 May 2007

HILL, Sarah Ann, 2 Jun 1830 - no other date.
HILL, Walter M., Died 9 Nov 1850 - no other date.

HOBSON, John L., 6 Dec 1843 - 29 Oct 1855.
HOBSON, Lawson, 31 Dec 1753 - 4 Aug 1843, Revolutionary War soldier.
HOBSON, Elizabeth, 20 Mar 1763 - 25 Jul 1831, wife of L. Hobson.

HOLT, Billy, 1893 - 1958.
HOLT, Kathrine, 22 Dec 1891 - 11 Jan 1950.
HOLT, Hattie May, 1898 - no other date.
HOLT, Pansy A., 28 Dec 1916 - no other date.
HOLT, Jr., Thomas A., 28 Oct 1913 - 9 Jul 1979.
HOLT, John Milford, 25 Jun 1917 - 25 May 1994.
HOLT, Williria Bates, 18 Jan 1921 - 26 Jan 2009.
HOLT, Tom, 17 Apr 1899 - no other date.

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Location - Back 200 yards southeat from the large Elliot Cemetery. Another location detail: Highway 31 S., near cloverleaf on I-65. Road map above shows the Odd fellows Cemetery with a black arrow pointing it out on this map.

HILL, ________, wife of Abe Hill.

HOLT, Jr., Howard.
HOLT, John.
HOLT, Lee, born 6 Jan 1888 - Died 5 Aug 1912. 410

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Location: Take Highway 64 west from Pulaski and turn north after a mile on Hwy 166 (Campbellsville Road). Travel that for about 5 miles along the pristine Richland Creek valley farming community. Pass by the Wales Community. When the road starts to climb a large hill look to your right for a locked farm gate. The cemetery is about 1/4 miles due north behind that gate. Notice this map above shows the cemetery and farm road. Just before you reach the cemetery there will be a large farm pond on your left as seen in the map below. If you pass Wales Estate Road you have traveled too far. There is actually two gates with access into farm roads on the left in that area so don't go to the wrong one as the other one goes directly to a house. I am not aware if this is a private or public cemetery but the locked gates reminds me someone thinks it is private.

CRABTREE, Crawford L., 21 Jan 1918 - 12 Sep 2010. (Lincoln Co. native; s/o late Garland L. Crabtree and Robbie Lou Touchstone Crabtree; h/o Sarah Elizabeth Phelps Higgins Crabtree; Veteran U.S. Army, Co. I, 179 Infantry, 45th Division, WWII; retired Supervisor with Bargain Town U.S.A. and greeter for Wal-Mart; member of American Legion Post 11 in Florence, Al.; preceded in death by son, Thomas Gerald Crabtree on Dec 17, 2003, two brothers, Garland L. Jr., and Robert Crabtree, sister, Macie McKinney and step grandson, Joseph Logan Higgins.)

HIGGINS, Joseph C., 25 Dec 1924 - 2 Nov 1978. 8823
HIGGINS, Sarah E., 5 Aug 1927 - no other date. 8823

HIGGINS, Joseph Logan, Son of Pam & David Higgins, 2 Oct 1983 - 2 Oct 1983. 8824

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ALLEN, P. T., 30 Oct 1840 - 3 Nov 1925. (note: P.T. Allen alternate Phillip T Allin; 3rd (Forrest's ) Tenn. Cav. Co. A Bvt. 2 LT rank out Lt. Colonel; Ref: Civil War Soldiers Film #M231 roll 1. C.S.A.I can not confirm this is the grave of Phillip T. Allen/Allin. mb) 2008,2006
ALLEN, Sarah A., 30 Dec 1840 - 27 Jul 1915. 2008,2007

BIRDSONG, Ella, 24 Jul 1871 - 26 Mar 1940. 1666,1665,1670
BIRDSONG, Jesse M., 8 Jun 1879 - 4 Jul 1962. (shares stone with Nettie H. Birdsong.) 2132
BIRDSONG, Joe G., 23 Mar 1899 - 3 Feb 1991. 1666,1673
BIRDSONG, Joe T., 19 Jul 1930 - 18 Jun 1991. "Wed Feb. 28, 1952". (cattle in pasture grazing engraved on ts, h/o and shares stone with Rebecca A. Birdsong.) 1486
BIRDSONG, Ladye M., 4 Dec 1898 - 21 Sep 1976. 1666,1672
BIRDSONG, Nettie H., 1 Jul 1883 - 11 Feb 1924. (wife of J. M. Birdsong.) 2132
BIRDSONG, Rebecca A., 2 Jul 1935 - no date. (w/o and shares stone with Joe T. Birdsong.) 1486
BIRDSONG, Tom, 7 Apr 1871 - 26 Dec 1936. 1666,1671

DAVIS, Betsy S., 1882 - 1963. 1658,1657
DAVIS, James Emerson, 27 Oct 1975 - 6 Jan 2004. 1807
DAVIS, Margaret E., 6 Apr 1848 - 17 Apr 1931. 2003,2002
DAVIS, Rilla Howard, 6 Jan 1860 - 5 Mar 1946. 2002,2005
DAVIS. W. V., 5 Nov 1849 - 11 Dec 1924. 2002,2004
DAVIS, Martha R., 27 Oct - 1925 - 9 Nov 1925. (shares stone with Mary S. Davis.) 1688
DAVIS, Mary S., 27 Oct 1925 - 3 Nov 1925. (shares stone with Martha R. Davis.) 1688
DAVIS, Minnie Ozelle, 14 Dec 1908 - 24 Apr 1994. 1657,1660
DAVIS, Stout P., 1877 - 1949. 1659,1657
DAVIS, Thomas Howard, 31 Jan 1892 - 18 Dec 1977. 2112,2111
DAVIS, Elizabeth "Bess", 1 Aug 1893 - 13 Jan 1989. 2113,2111
DAVIS, Elizabeth Lee, 21 Oct 1917 - 18 Jul 2006. "Love Ba". (Giles Co. native; "Miss Davis", "Ba" and "Bee" her nicknames; teacher and coach in Prospect, Beech Hill, and Elkton, Tn..)

CAMPBELL, Blanch, 1886 - 1969. 1936
CAMPBELL, "Uncle", Brigadier (James K. Polk), 24 Sep 1844 - 18 Aug 1932. (known to daughter-in-law Anna Cole's family as "Uncle Brig" thought to be due to his "brigadier" mustache; h/o Fannie Campbell. Ref: Jane Gilbert Findagrave.) 1761,1763
CAMPBELL, Clarence Reed, 22 May 1871 - 2 Oct 1931. (s/o James K. Polk Campbell and Frances Reed Campbell; h/o Anna C. Daniel. 1761,1762, Clarence Reed Campbell (1871 - 1931) on Find A Grave
CAMPBELL, Bettie J., 29 Apr 1869 - 25 Jul 1906. "wife of C. R. Campbell.", "Let not your heart be troubled.." 1765
CAMPBELL, Earl, 25 Mar 1891 - 28 Feb 1906. "son of T. J. & M. A. Campbell.", "Come ye blessed". 2038
CAMPBELL, Frank, 26 Mar 1849 - 23 Sep 1905. (Large memorial stone next to Maude Campbell with another small (Frank Campbell) stone on her other side. Could this be the footstone for this large ts?) 1932,1934
CAMPBELL, Gustin T., 26 Mar 1819 - 7 Jun 1898.(s/o Hugh and Mary Snipes Campbell; h/o Linnie N. Tucker Campbell.) 2030,2031
CAMPBELL, Linnie N., 17 Aug 1822 - 17 Jun 1888. "wife of Gustin T. Campbell.", "Her spirit......". (Giles Co. native; d/o George B. and Margaret "Peggy" Cline Campbell Tucker; w/o Gustin Turner Campbell.)(She has two stones) 2029,2032C,2032
CAMPBELL, Herman Coffman, 1894 - 1978. Military marker: "PFC US Army World War I." 2015
CAMPBELL, John, 4 Oct 1887 - 14 Jan 1906. "son of T. J. & M. A. Campbell.", "Come ye blessed". 2039
CAMPBELL, Louise, 18 May 1909 - 3 Jun 1909. "daughter of C. R. & L. M. Campbell." 1767
CAMPBELL, Lula Mae Bledsoe, 23 Mar 1887 - 28 May 1909. "wife of C. R. Campbell." 1766
CAMPBELL, Mahlon F., 23 May 1896 - 30 May 1970. Military stone: "Alabama Wagoner 81 Wildcat Div. World War I." 1937
CAMPBELL, T.(Thomas) J. (Jefferson), 29 Nov 1857 - (12 Feb 1934) d.d. omitted. "Father". . (Giles Co. native; s/o Thomas Jefferson and Mary Jane Campbell Campbell, h/o and shares stone with Margeretta Jones Campbell.) 2040C,2040
CAMPBELL, Marceretta, b, 12 Apr 1865 - 30 Apr 1932. "Mother", "At rest". (Giles Co. native; d/o William Riley and Margaret Hassel Jones; w/o and shares stone with Thomas Jefferson Campbell. Ref: Jeanene Daniels Findagrave.) 2040C,2040
CAMPBELL, Maude, 26 Mar 1857 - 9 Jan 1944. 1933
CAMPBELL, Smith, 5 Nov 1882 - 4 Aug 1942. Masonic Emblem. "In my Fathers house are many mansions and where I am there, ye may be also." 1653
CAMPBELL, Martha O.(Ophelia), 1881 - 1954. (Giles Co. native; d/o Martin Henry and Julia Ann Campbell Brown; w/o Webster G. Campbell; Ref: Jeanene Daniels Findagrave.) 1975,1978
CAMPBELL, Viola, 1908 - 1993. 1975,1976
CAMPBELL, Webster G., 1868 - 1939. (Giles Co. native; s/o Thomas Jefferson and Mary Jane Campbell Campbell; h/o Martha Ophelia Brown Campbell; Ref. Jeanene Daniels Findagrave.) 1975,1977
CAMPBELL, Willie R., 19 Oct 1937. Military stone: "Alabama PVT U.S. Army." 1935

ELDER, Addie H., 1878 - 1948. 1611,1609
ELDER, Andrew J., 1873 - 1947. 1610,1609
ELDER, Frederick B., 2 Jan 1943 - prepared for future burial? no date. 1852,1853,1854
ELDER, Rev. James H., 1913 - 1969. 1852,1853,1859
ELDER, Lena Case, 1884 - 1972. 1852,1853,1857
ELDER, Mary T., 27 Oct 1911 - 11 Feb 1996. 1855,1852,1853
ELDER, Vachel B., 2 Oct 1911 - 27 Feb 1996. 1856,1852,1853
ELDER, William Cope, 1872 - 1938. 1852,1853,1858
ELDER, Annie Mae, 4 Aug 1913 - 14 Sep 1921. "dau. of Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Elder.", "Oppressed by grief yet cherished by faith and hope." 2155
ELDER, Annie V., 18 Aug 1858 - 27 Jul 1947. 2150
ELDER, C. D., 27 Sep 1889 - 16 Dec 1971. 1683
ELDER, C. L., 21 Apr 1892 - 8 Mar 1917. "Weep not he is at rest." 2148
ELDER, Christine, 7 Feb 1920 - 16 Sep 1922. 2127
ELDER, Fisher D., 28 Mar 1850 - 13 Feb 1913. "God's finger touched him and he slept." 2149
ELDER, Jr., J. F., 30 Jan 1918 - 4 Feb 1918. "son of J. F. & E. E. Elder.", "Buded on earth to Bloom in heaven." 2126
ELDER, Joe B., d. 21 Nov 1981. 1715
ELDER, Lorena Pearl, 18 Nov 1906 - 6 Dec 1961. 1714
ELDER, Mary F. "(Bitsie)", 27 Jan 1912 - 19 Aug 1997. (shares stone with William Glen Elder.) 1608
ELDER, W. E., 4 Sep 1876 - 12 Oct 1913. "Weep not he is at rest." 2151
ELDER, William Glen, 8 Jun 1910 - 22 Jan 1975. Military marker: "US Army World War II." (shares stone with Mary F. (Bitsie) Elder.) 1607,1608

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Location: From Pulaski take the highway 64 bypass turn south on Hwy 166 and go several miles and turn west on Stella Road. Go about 6 miles and the cemetery will be in Stella on your left upon the slope.

ALLEN, Solon W., 8 Feb 1869 - 19 Aug 1916, Age 46 years 7 Months & 11 Days. 1689
BOYD, Bascom B., 1871 - 1953. (s/o John G. "Jack:" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd; h/o Etta Ella Smith; shares stone with Ben B. Boyd.) 9480
BOYD, Ben B., 1878 - (31 Aug) 1956. (s/o John G. "Jack & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd; shares stone with Bascom B. Boyd.) 9480
BOYD, Bessie [Foster], 2 Aug 1883 - 22 Aug 1948. (d/o A.T. & Mary Lou Marbut Foster; w/o Walter W. Boyd.) 9378/9381
BOYD, Bettie Lee, 15 Apr 1869 - 8 Jan 1938.
BOYD, Clichie Verginia, 12 Nov 1884 - 29 Dec 1926. "She was too good, too gentle and fair, To dwell in this cold world of care." (Nee: Clichie Virginia Boyd; d/o John G. & Martha Fidelia Pearson Boyd.) 9509
BOYD, Carter, 23 Apr 1866 - 23 Dec 1884. "Son of John & Mary A. Boyd.", "Rest on my boy thy work is done." (s/o John G. "Jack" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd.) 9479
BOYD, Dicie Ila, 18 Aug 1896 - 1 Nov 1959.( d/o Wiley Tillman & Roena Belzonia Howard Boyd.) 9720
BOYD, Ella May, 1864 - 1899. (d/o John G. "Jack" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd.) no photo
BOYD, Ellen Etta [Smith], 19 Apr 1886 - 13 Apr 1952. (d/o Bryant & Mary Jane Hanna Smith; w/o Bascom B. Boyd.) no photo
BOYD, Euell E., 10 Sep 1915 - 14 Mar 1987. Military marker: "PVT US Army World War II." (s/o Tonchie & Mattie Phelps Boyd; hus. of Mary E. (Pigg) Boyd, and shares sames stone.) 9529/9559/9560
BOYD, Eva Elmore, 1 Aug 1897 - 14 Feb 1992. (Nee: Eva Earl Elmore Harwell; d/o Herman & Sarah jane Phillips Harwell; w/o Willie Clarence Boyd; triple stone shared with Willie C. & Sammie Croley Boyd.) 9444
BOYD, Flora, 6 Oct 1902 - 22 Jan 1996. (d/o Walter & Bessie Foster Boyd.) 9380/9381
BOYD, Infant, 16 Jul 1892 - 3 Aug 1892. "Infant daughter of W. T. & P. B. Boyd.", "Our loved one." (i/o Wiley Tillman & Roena Belzonia Howard Boyd.) 9716
BOYD, John, 15, Oct 1830 - 12 Oct 1902. (John Granville "Jack" Boyd, Sr.; s/o John Wiley & Rosanna "Rosey" Jackson Boyd; h/o and shares stone with Mary Ann (Gatlin) Boyd, married 1856. Ref: David Norwood [emailprotected] e-mail to mb.) 9476/9478
BOYD, John Granville Jr., 18 Aug 1857 - 2 Mar 1930. "Father." (s/o John "Jack" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd; h/o and shares stone with Martha Fidella Pearson Boyd, married 30 Dec 1877 in Giles Co. Tn.. Ref: David Norwood [emailprotected] e-mail to mb.) 9510
BOYD, Lera Mae, 24 May 1900 - 10 Nov 1902. "dau. of Walter & Bessie Boyd." (d/o Walter & Bessie Foster Boyd.) 9455
BOYD, Lue Velia, 8 Jul 1887 - 12 Sep 1971. Footstone: "Mother." (Nee: Lue Velia Riley; d/o William & Josephine Jones Riley; w/o and shares stone with Rassie J. (Jim) Boyd.) 9481/9482
BOYD, Mary Ann [Gatlin], 15 Mar 1839 - 10 Feb 1899. "Wife of John Boyd.", "Age 60-11-5." (Nee: Mary Ann Gatlin; d/o Granville Hetal & Cyrene P. Jones Gatlin; w/o and shares stone with John G. "Jack" Boyd.)
BOYD, Mary Ann [Gatlin], 15 Mar 1839 - 10 Feb 1899. "Wife of John Boyd.", "Age 60-11-5." (Nee: Mary Ann Gatlin; d/o Granville Hetal & Cyrena "Cyrene" P. Jones Gatlin; w/o and shares stone with John G. "Jack" Boyd. Ref: David Norwood [emailprotected] e-mail to mb.) 9477/9478
BOYD, Mary E., 17 Nov 1916 - 2 Sep 2006. "Wed. Dec. 30, 1939." (Nee: Mary Ellen Pigg; d/o James Edd & Estella Mitchell Pigg; wife of Euell E. Boyd, and shares same stone.) 9529
BOYD, Martha Fidella, 15 May 1857 - 3 Dec 1926. "Mother.", "Their toils are past, their work is done, They fought the fight the victory won." (Nee: Martha Fidelia Pearson; d/o Charles & __?__ Coffman Pearson; w/o and shares stone with John Granville Boyd.) 9510
BOYD, Ura F., 22 Nov 1891 - 11 Aug 1892. "daughter of J. G. & M. F. Boyd.", "Gone but not forgotten."(d/o John Granville & martha Fidelia Pearson Boyd.) 9511
BOYD, Rassie Leane, 13 Jul 1899 - 6 Jan 190l. "dau. of W. T. & R. B. Boyd.", "Gone but not forgotten." (d/o Wiley Tillman & Roena Howard Boyd.) 9715
BOYD, Erustus James "Rassie J.", 3 Sep 1880 - 19 Aug 1955. Footstone: "Father." (s/o John Granville Sr. "Jack" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd b. 1838; h/o and shares stone with Lue Velia Boyd whom he married 5 Feb 1905.) 9481/9482/9483
BOYD, Rena May, 16 Mar 1894 - 15 Mar 1910. "Come unto me."( d/o John Granville & Martha Fidelia Pearson Boyd.) 9512/9513
BOYD, Roenie H. (Howard), 18 Apr 1871 - 25 Jan 1969. "Gone to a bright home where grief can not come." Footstone: "Mother." (d/o Stephen W. & Elizabeth Bass Howard; w/o and shares stone with Wiley Tillman. Boyd.) 9717/9719
BOYD, Sammie Croley, 25 Sep 1899 - 9 Nov 1936. ( d/o Mack & Z.B. Bryant Croley; w/o Willie Clarence Boyd; triple stone shared with Willie C. & Eva Elmore Boyd.) 9444
BOYD, Wiley T. (Tillman), 15 Jul 1867 - 4 Mar 1949. Footstone: "Father." (s/o John "Jack" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd; h/o and shares stone with Roenie Howard Boyd.) 9717/9718
BOYD, Willie C. (Clarence), 24 Oct 1899 - 3 May 1976. Military stone: " Mess Sgt US Army World War I." (s/o Wiley T. & Roenie Howard Boyd; h/o Eva Earl Harwell; triple stone shared with Sammie Croley & Eva Elmore Boyd.) 9444/9445
BOYD, Y.(Yearby) A.(Austin), 15 Dec 1839 - 22 Sep 1909. (s/o Wiley & Rosanna Jackson Boyd; mar. to Mattie L. Jordan Boyd and shares the same stone.) 9485/9487
BOYD, Mattie L., 11 Jul 1848 - no date. "wife of Y. A. Boyd." (Nee: Mattie L. Jordan; d/o Thomas W. & Leda Zeigler Jordan; w/o and shares stone with Yearby Austin Boyd.) 9486/9487
BOYD, Walter, 7 Jul 1875 - 4 Dec 1945. ( Walter W. Boyd; s/o John "Jack" & Mary Ann Gatlin Boyd; h/o Bessie Foster Boyd.) 9379/9381

DAVIS, Edward G.(Grey), 12 Sep 1930 - 3 Sep 1985. Military marker: "SP/3 US Army, Korea." (s/o William Hiram & Reba Mobley Davis; h/o Nony Geer.) 9425/9427
DAVIS, J. W., 5 Jun 1866 - 25 Jun 1917. (s/o John William Sr. & Margaret Anderson Davis; h/o Tera R. Davis/Maggie Smith; Woodmen of the World Memorial.) 9771/9772
DAVIS, Tera R., 15 Aug 1868 - 8 Nov 1899. "wife of J. W. Davis, Jr..","The wife, the friend, the mother dear. In dreamless sleep reposes here. May those to whom her love was given, all meet and live with her in heaven." (Emblem at top of ts, circle with initials C.F.N.D.O.S.B.T.K.; inside circle A M Y R) 9770
DAVIS, Eugene H., 6 Dec 1894 - 26 (Mar) "Mch" 1901. "son of J. W. & Tera Davis.", "At Rest." 9769
DAVIS, Mary, 19 Nov 1896 - 8 Oct 1910. "daughter of J. W. & Tera Davis." (d/o James William Jr. & Tera R. Weatherford Davis.) 9768
DAVIS, William H. (Hiram), 11 Dec 1902 - 21 Sep 1938. (h/o Reba Mobley.) 9426/9427

DUNCAN, Andrew, 12 Apr 1901 - 19 Oct 1901. "son of J. A. & M. M. Duncan." Footstone: "Andrew son of J.A. & M.M. Duncan." (shares stone with Mary M. and Jessie A. Duncan.) 9844/9845
DUNCAN, Danny (Daryl), (8 Apr) 1943 - (19 Aug) 2009. (Son of Max D. & Sue Pascall Duncan; Veteran of US Army; preceded in death by brother Noah Edmond Duncan; U marker: "Carr & Erwin Funeral Home.) 9654/photo
DUNCAN, Jessie A., 29 Jul 1858 - 16 May 1932. (s/o John & Martha __?__ Duncan; shares stone with Mary M. Duncan and son Andrew.) 9844
DUNCAN, Mary M., 22 Nov 1862 -2 Apr 1937. (Nee: Mary M. Jones; d/o Andrew Jackson & Martha M. Hanna Jones; w/o Jessie A. Duncan, mar. 19 Mar 1882 in Giles Co. Tn., and shares stone with "Son" Andrew and Jessie A. Duncan.) 9844

HAGAN, Charles Ewart, 23 Sep 1911 - 19 Oct 1971. Military marker: "Tennessee Captain US Army World War II." (s/o John Alexander & mMalissa Jackson Hagan; h/o Helen Barnes) 9403/9404

HAGAN, Edwin J.(Jackson), 7 Dec 1906 - 1 Mar 1957. (s/o John Alexander & Malissa Jackson Hagan; h/o Rebecca Smith.) 9401

HAGAN, Lewis (Nance), 11 Sep 1853 - 21 Dec 1923. "Father." (h/o Caledonia Elizabeth Dobbins.) 9406

HAGAN, John A.(Alexander), (1 Jul) 1873 - (23 May) 1947. (s/o Lewis Nance & Caledonia Elizabeth Dobbins Hagan; h/o and shares stone with Malissa Jackson Hagan.) 9402

HAGAN, Malissa J. [Jackson], 1874 - 1960. Footstone "Mother" at the end of her ts. (w/o and shares stone with John Alexander Hagan.) 9402

HAGAN, Margaret L., 3 Jun 1885 - 1 Jul 1974. (Nee: Margaret Charlotte Cosby; c/o Robert Bruce & Louanna McGrew Cosby; w/o and shares stone with William H. Hagan.) 9405

HAGAN, William H., 21 May 1876 - 5 Feb 1943. (h/o and shares stone with Margaret L. Hagan.) 9405

HAGAN, Caldone E. [Dobbins], 19 Aug 1854 - 17 Feb 1922. "Mother." (Nee: Caldone Elizabeth Dobbins; d/o Alexander & Zilpha McMasters Dobbins; w/o Louis Nance.) 9407

HAGAN, George Leon, 21 Sep 1917 - 19 Jan 2000.(s/o William H. & Margaret Charlotte "Maggie" Cosby Hagan.) 9395

HILLIS, Betty Allene, 18 Feb 1918 - 1 Mar 1937. "wife of C. T. Hillis.", "Her memory is blessed." (Nee: Betty Allene Bumgardner; c/o R.L. & Annie Hunter Bumgardner; w/o Carol Turner Hillis.) 9562

HILLIS Reford H., 23 Feb 1909 - 26 Feb 1909. "son of C. H. & Laura Hillis." (c/o Connor H. & Laura Sandlin Hillis.) 9850

MCREE, C. (Carroll) Emmet, 10 Sep 1872 - 25 Jan 1944. "At rest." (s/o William Carroll & Margaret Trisiler Gatlin McRee; h/o Della Hanna/Myrt Davis/Mattie Green Hagan.) 9896

MOBLEY, Bernice H., 31 Oct 1909 - 14 Mar 2007. "Together Forever." (Nee: Bernice Hagan; d/o Jonathan Alexander & malissa Jackson Hagan; w/o and shares stone with Roy E. Mobley.) 9738

MOBLEY, Larry Hagan, 28 Jun 1937 - 16 Jul 2006. (s/o Roy E. & Bernice Hagan Mobley.) 9739

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TACKER CEMETERY, (11 miles n. of Pulaski in back of Blackburn place) GILES COUNTY TN
11 miles north of Pulaski, left in back of Blackburn place. Since we are still looking for this cemetery on private land this map is good for discerning where the hills are located since most cemeteries are located upon higher ground & above the flood plain.
Location: Take Highway 31 north out of Pulaski and go about 11 miles and look left onto the old Blackburn farm. We offer no GPS location here because this cemetery has not been mapped in the past on USGS records. Thus we only know the vague directions printed in the book Giles County Tennessee Cemeteries by the Historical Society about 1988.

HIGDON, Ann, Born 1787 - Died 4 Aug 1859
HIGDON, John, 29 Jul 1785 - 6 Feb 1836
HIGDON, Henrietta, 24 Feb 1851 - 24 Nov 1866
HIGDON, Martha T., 10 Jul 1828 - 21 Jul 1853
HIGDON, Zanie Ray, 25 Jan 1819 - 16 Sep 1876, dau. of William and Cely Higdon.


Allen Cemetery (Listing partially updated)
Location: At Caney Spring, just off the Verona Road on the west side.

ABERNATHY, Ike Gordon Floyd, 24 Oct 1896 - 19 Dec 1898
and brother
ABERNATHY, Ike N., 2 Jun 1860 - 4 Jul 1903.
ADAMS, Lillian K., 1891 - 1921.
ADGENT, Ollie B., 1877 - 1942
ADGENT, Leota, 1880 - 1963.
ALLEN, Bernard Mack, 20 Oct 1934 - 22 Dec 1934.
ALLEN, Callie Mae, 1873 - 1950.
ALLEN, Eugene M., 8 Oct 1893 - 29 Jan 1918.
ALLEN, George H., 15 Nov 1780 - 8 May 1874.
ALLEN, George H., 1874 - 1940.
ALLEN, Jr., George H., 1903 -1914.
ALLEN, George S., 11 Oct 1868 - 19 May 1873
ALLEN, Nancy T. 6, Sep 1870 - 13 May 1873, children of T. A. & M. F. Allen .
ALLEN, Hattie H., 31 Aug 1877 - 18 Jul 1879.
ALLEN, James, 5 Oct 1844 - 4 Dec 1845.
ALLEN, Mary, 21 Jun 1782 - 11 Aug 1855, "Having been a member of the M. E. Church 52 yrs."
ALLEN, Mary Ida, 1 Jul 1859 - 28 Aug 1885
COLLINS, Fannie Lou, 31 Dec 1865 - 3 Mar 1933, wife of J. J. Collins.
ALLEN, Rev. Nick Oslin, 16 Jun 1898 - 10 Dec 1967
ALLEN, Laila H., 24 Sep 1899 - 19 Apr 1974.
ALLEN, Sam T., 2 May 1861 - 19 Sep 1943
ALLEN, M. B. Oslin, 27 Jan 1865 - 18 Aug 1942.
ALLEN, Jr., Samuel Thomas, 18 Apr 1889 - 28 Aug 1949
ALLEN, Elizabeth Green, 2 Jul 1893 - 10 Jan 1978, mrd 27 Feb 1919.
ALLEN, Rachel Oslin, 22 Mar 1924 - 9 Feb 1934, daughter of Morton & Mary Clair Allen.
ALLEN, William, 25 Apr 1818 - 20 Aug 1845, Age 27 yrs, 3 mos, 20 days, "He died happy".
ALLEN, William G., 3 May 1832 - 10 May 1880
ALLEN, Eugenia E., 30 Jul 1838 - 14 Jun 1921.
ALLEN, William G., 19 Jan 1887 - 24 Mar 1966
ALLEN, Lennie J. 26 Aug 1890 - no other date.
ALLEN, II, William G., 26 Aug 1913 - 8 Mar 1957, interred in Brookville, Md.

LANIER, John O., 22 Jan 1873 - 13 Mar 1913.
LANIER, Minnie M., 1 May 1879 - 26 Oct 1966.

MARTIN, F. W. , 9 Nov 1847 - 22 May 1848, son of H. & D. Martin.
MARTIN, Horace J., 1898 - 1945.
MARTIN, James C.,
MARTIN, Nancy C.,
MARTIN, Amanda L., 19 Dec 1845 - 24 Jan 1846.
MARTIN, James H., Born 28 Aug 1847, Age 14 mos., son of John H. Martin & Sarah A. Martin.
MARTIN, John H., 5 May 1825 - 13 Aug 1855, "Who left a companion, Sarah A. Martin & 2 children with a hope of going to rest."
MARTIN, Nancy C., 1 Feb 1826 - 30 Aug 1856, Aged 30 yrs, 6 mos, 9 days. Sacred to the Memory of, consort of James M. Martin, she embraced religion A.D. 1842 in Williamson County, Tenn, & joined the Methodist Episopal Church at Garrett's Meeting House A.D. 1843, & lived a faithful member the balance of her days on this earth with hope of wearing the immortal crown of everlasting joy with her Blessed Savior.
MARTIN, Robert Thomas, 14 Feb 1897 - 10 Jul 1919.
MARTIN, Thomas N., Age 7 months, (no dates), son of John H. & Sarah A. Martin.
MARTIN, Thomas R., 30 Oct 1868 - 22 Oct 1950
MARTIN, Sarah M., 24 Mar 1868 - 22 May 2934.

POWELL, Hartwell, B., 29 Jul 1894 - 26 Sep 1961.
POWELL, Josephine Baker, 8 Sep 1854 - 14 Jan 1928.
POWELL, William L., 13 May 1834 - 22 Dec 1897.

WOODALL, John Clark 16 Sep 1889 - 8 Jul 1953.
WOODALL, John Clark, 9 Dec 1804 - Died 3 Apr 1887, born in Compton, Md.
WOODALL, Edward Taylor, 15 Sep 1886 - 8 Oct 1918.
WOODALL, Emma, 26 Mar 1818 - 27 Feb 1895, wife of John C. Woodall.
WOODALL, John T., 26 Dec 1847 - 15 Aug 1863.
WOODALL, Robert D., 1892 - 1976
WOODALL, Mary F., 1883 - 1065.
WOODALL, William Preston, 1843 - 1918, Father.
WOODALL, Sarah Lemuel, 1860 - 1938, Mother.

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Location: Located at Berea Church of Christ, one-half mile north of Verona on the right on Hwy 272 (or the Verona Caney Road).

DERRYBERRY, Chesley W., 1875- 1939
DERRYBERRY, Z. Cordelia (Hill), 1880 - 1969.
DERRYBERRY, John W., 15 Apr 1901 - 10 Oct 1902.
DERRYBERRY, Myrtle C., 27 Dec 1899 - 26 Sep 1901, (daughter of C. W. and Cordelia Hill Derryberry.
DERRYBERRY, Thomas W., 11 Dec 1902 - 2 Oct 1975, (son of W. Franklin Pierce Derryberry & Martha C. Hooten Derryberry)
DERRYBERRY, Mary Margaret, 12 Aug 1909 - no other date, Mrd 14 Mar 1936.
DERRYBERRY, Sherman D., 21 Nov 1889 - 14 Aug 1967., (son of W. Franklin Pierce Derryberry & Martha C. Hooten Derryberry.)
DERRYBERRY, Iva Hill, 21 Apr 1895 - 18 Mar 1935, (wife of Sherman D. Derryberry).

ENDSLEY, James A., 11 Mar 1868 - 9 Jun 1917
ENDSLEY, Nora B., 9 Aug 1871 - 8 Aug 1942.

GREEN, Roy B., 1885 - 1924
GREEN, Ina E. Hill, 1888 - 1970.

HILL, Callie, 1885 - 1926
HILL, Will, 1881 - no other date.

HILL, Will R., died 1952
HILL, Effie, 1886 - 1922(TM)

HILL, Cpl, Charlie Webb, 10 Jul 1920 - 1 Dec 1954, Tennesee, Cpl Co A, 512 Armd Inf , Korea, PH.

HILL, Clarence Jones, 1886 - 1954
HILL, Kate Fisher, 1890 - no other date.

HILL, Giles Clayborn, 27 Mar 1857 - 24 Aug 1937
HILL, Donna Jean (Tankersley), 8 Dec 1863 - 17 Aug 1905, (daughter of David and Eliza D. Hardison Tankersley).

HILL, Elisha Boone, 21 Sep 1884 - 5 Dec 1957.
HILL, Ellis O., 23 Oct 1882 - 10 Dec 1883.

HILL, Emma A.(Almarinda) (Tankersley) , 5 Feb 1850 - 1 Mar 1895, wife of T. A. Hill,(daughter of David & Eliza D. Hardison Tankersley).

HILL, Fannie D., 10 Nov 1890 - 17 Jan 1894, daughter of G. C. & D. J. Hill.
HILL, Giles David, 19 Feb 1903 - 22 Oct 1903, son of G. C. & D. J. Hill.
HILL, Herschel Elam, 5 Oct 1887 - 9 Apr 1955, Tennessee, Cpl U. S.Army, WW I.
HILL, Infant of G. C. & D. J. Hill, (no dates).
HILL, Infant son of G. C. & D. J. Hill, B & D. 21 May 1901.
HILL, Infant son of G. C. & D. J. Hill, B. & D. 11 Dec 1897.
HILL, Infant son of G. C. & D. J. Hill, B. & D. 10 Jan 1893.
HILL, Infant daughter of G. C. & D. J. Hill, B. &D. 8 Oct 1887.

HILL, James F., 9 May 1914 - 15 Feb 1977, Father
HILL, Reba Wolfe, 18 Jul 1920 - no other date, Mother.

HILL, John F., 15 Apr 1852 - 3 Aug 1910, Father
HILL, Sallie D., 22 Jul 1861 - 11 Jun 1941.

HILL, Magie Maree, 14 Jan 1916 - 29 Mar 1918.
HILL, Mittie E., 9 Jan 1890 - 4 Jun 1895.

HILL, Nora, 26 Nov 1881 - 4 Jun 1957
and Sister,
HOOTEN, Dora, 16 Nov 1881 - 15 Nov 1960

HILL, Pearl, 15 Nov 1893 - 17 Sep 1909, daughter of G. C. & D. J. Hill.
HILL, Roy, 17 Feb 1899 - 8 May 1900, son of G. C. & D. J. Hill.

HILL, Rucker B., 1882 - 1956
HILL, Pearl G., 1885 - 1966.

HILL, Tolbert B., 23 Mar 1880 - 23 Feb 1886.

HILL, W. D. 20 Sep 1850 - 3 May 1919,
and wife
HILL, Sarah C. Williams, 2 Jul 1857 - 4 Jul 1919.

HILL, William Lenzie, 12 Aug 1891 - 19 Dec 1962
HILL, Mary Rebecca, 3 Jun 1898 - 18 Sep 1964.

HOLT, Mrs. Mary Ruth, 1916 - 1979, (London FH).

MORTON, Don Alvin L. 20 Aug 1944 - 28/30May 1974, SP 4 U. S. Army
MORTON, Susie, 21 Mar 1950 - no other date.
MORTON, Mrs. Fannie M. 1911 - 1979, (London FH).
MORTON, J. B., 7 Aug 1916 - 19 Aug 1957
MORTON, F. Murrel, 1 Dec 1921 - no other date.
MORTON, Jim, 1886 - 1968
MORTON, Minnie, 1897 - 1956.
MORTON, M. Douglas, 1940 - 1951.
MORTON, Margaret D. 25 May 1925 - no other date.
MORTON, Sr. Robert L., 1881 - 1958
MORTON, Ruth E., 1885 - 1957.
MORTON, Robert Lee, 30 Oct 1914 - 7 Mar 1964, Tennessee, PFC Btry A. 43 Coast Arty BN, WW II.
MORTON, Tony E, 16 Jun 1962- only date listed.
MORTON, Scottie Dewayne, 10 Nov 1968 - 17 Jul 1970.
MORTON, Willie Lee, 23 Jun 1919 - 15 Dec 1967.

STEWART, Carroll M.(Mayhugh), 1856 - 1934
STEWART, Eliza A.(Anne) , 1855 - 1944, (daughter of David & Eliza D. Hardison Tankersley).
STEWART, E. B., 1884 - 1922
STEWART, N. H., 1847 - 1919, C. S. A. 1864 -5.
STEWART, J. A., 9 Sep 1854 - 6 Feb 1920
STEWART, M. F., 29 Jan 1857 - no other date.
STEWART, John A., 2 Sep 1885 - 21 Oct 1967
STEWART, Maggie H., 24 Dec 1888 - 5 Jun 1969.
STEWART John C., 1863 - 25 Jul 1884.
STEWART, W. Frank, 5 Apr 1884 - 28 Sep 1941
WOOD, Josie Stewart, 3 Oct 1890 - 29 Dec 1969
WOOD, Henry B., 18 Mar 1877 - 10 May 1957.

TANKERSLEY, James M., 19 Mar 1858 - 9 Oct 1900, Father, (son of David & Eliza D. Hardison Tankersley.
TANKERSLEY, Lucy Bell, 20 Aug 1862 - 10 Mar 1958, Mother.
TANKERSLEY, Mary A., 20 Feb 1841 - 23 Jul 1887, daughter of David & Eliza Tankersley.
TANKERSLEY, David, 29 Mar 1815 - 16 Feb 1882, (son of John & Mary Stokes Tankersley).
TANKERSLEY, Eliza D.(Hardison), 14 Oct 1818 - 20 Sep 1892, (daughter of William Joshua & Martha Long Hardison).
TANKERSLEY, David E(Ephriam)., (29 Jun)1897 - (1 Jun)1964, (son of F. P. & M. E. Tankersley.
TANKERSLEY, Ruth M.(Martin), 1896 - no other date.
TANKERSLEY, Demie, 2 Feb 1889 - 20 Sep 1903.
TANKERSLEY, Eddie Long, 6 Jan 1900 - 13 Nov 1978, (son of F. P. & M. E. Tankersley.
TANKERSLEY, Margaret Louise(Hill), 22 Dec 1905 - 13 Feb 1965.
TANKERSLEY, F. P. (Franklin Pierce), 9 Feb 1853 - 11 Jul 1938, (son of
TANKERSLEY, Mollie E. (Hardison), 10 Nov 1861 - 16 Aug 1903, (wife of Franklin Pierce Tankersley & daughter of Ephriam Samuel & Martha Puckett Hardison).
TANKERSLEY, Infant son, 1911 -1911.
TANKERSLEY, Mary A., 20 Feb 1841 - 23 Jul 1887, daughter of David & Eliza Tankersley.
TANKERSLEY, Theophilus D., 1 Jul 1882 - 28 Nov 1896, son of F. P. & M. E. Tankersley.
TANKERSLEY, Virgil, 23 Sep 1884 - 18 Sep 1952, (son of F. P & M. E. Tankersley).
TANKERSLEY, Dossie Collins, 14 Jul 1887 - 7 Dec 1927, wife of Virgil Tankersley, Mother.

______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

HARDISON CEMETERY, (Hwy 431, behind the New Hebrew/(Hebron)

HARDISON, Etta, 1863 - 1953. 146
HARDISON, Girtie, 1891 - 1954. 144 145
HARDISON, Joe 1893 - 1943. 148
HARDISON, M.E., Dec 8, 18??, dates otherwise illegible. 163
HARDISON, Hamp, No Dates. Son of Lettie and Sam Hardison (they are buried in Joshua Hardison Cemetery approx. a mile away) . No Marker (He died in an accident on the Humphrey Hardison (1804-1874) Farm in the Leftwich Community of Maury County.).*
HILL, Gladys P., 1913 - 1941. 149

______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

Lone Oak Cemetery just south of Lewisburg Tennessee. Follow Cornersville Highway out of Lewisburg and look for the signs along the left side showing you the road into the cemetery.

BALL, Charles Cecil, 16 Aug 1915 - 16 Feb 1939, (son of John and Dixie Hill Ball).
HILL, Betty Pigue, 31 Mar 1935 - 31 Oct 2010.
HILL, Carrie Mansfield, 18 Dec 1894 - Oct 1981.
HILL, Clifford Allen, 1884 - 1978.
HILL, Mary Yarbrough, 1897 - 1966.
HILL, Jr., William, 1931 - 2009.
HILL, William H., 25 Sep 1900 - 16 Jul 1969, Tennessee Pvt CAS Det Sta Com, WW II.
HILL, Bruce K., 1886 - 1974.
HILL, Maggie Neeld, 1862 - 1948.
HILL, Gladys, 1902 - 1963.
HILL, Luther G., 27 Apr 1898 - 10 Jun 1974 and HILL, Elizabeth T., 31 Jul 1900 - no other date listed.
MILLER, Charlie R., 1888 - 1942 and MILLER, Inez Hill, 1894 - 1964

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Find this cemetery by exiting onto Hwy 129 from Interstate 65. Go west toward Lynnville for about 1/4 mile and turn north on Mars Hill Road at Mars Hill Church of Christ. The Mars Hill Church Cemetery is immediately on the left, but go past Mars Hill Church cemetery about 1/2 mile. There the road will bend sharply to the left. The cemetery is in the bend on the north (right) side of the road in a grove of trees.

DAVIS, George, son of G. W. & R. A. Davis, Jan 1, 1883 Feb 6, 1884
DAVIS, I. E. Davis, Jun 15, 1823, May 27, 1825
DAVIS, Mary, daughter of G. W. & R. A. Davis, May 16, 1870 (date in ground, deep)
DAVIS, Nancy, Consort of E. R. Davis, Mar 8, 1805 Feb 16, 1856
DIXON, J. M., son of J. T. & U. J. Dixon, "DIED THE DAY OF BIRTH APR 1, 1887".

HILL, (David Hill) (fieldstone, no dates), Rebecca, wife of
HILL, Rebecca, wife of David Hill, May 19, 1779 Jun 2, 1850
HILL, S. H. (footmarker)

______________ Next New Cemetery Listing

BOATRIGHT, J. D., 1856 - 1913, Father. 9138
BOATRIGHT, Clemmie, 1861 - 1916, Mother. 9138
BOATRIGHT, Ethel Griffis, 14 Apr 1881 - 14 Aug 1905. 9134
BOATRIGHT, Floyd, 11 Sep 1881 - 15 Oct 1904. 9130
BOATRIGHT, Thomas Brown, 1888. (no other date), son of J. D. & Clemmie Boatright. 9131
BOATRIGHT, Sallie Mary, 1892. (no other date), daughter of J. D. & Clemmie Boatright. 9131
BOYD, Eliza M., 6 Dec 1846 - 18 Apr 1904.
BOYD, John, no dates.
BOYD, Sarah no dates.

CAMPBELL, Sacred to the Memory of Collen Campbell, Native of Scotland who was born 1 of Aug 1754 and died 27 of May, 1832.

CASKEY, John B. 1870 - 1951. 3515/3515A
CASKEY, Virgie V., 1877 - 1944. 3515/3515A

MARTIN, Thomas G., 23 Apr 1861 - 20 Feb 1900. (broken off base and lying face up on ground). 9144
MARTIN, Infant son of W. F. Martin. 17 Sep 1907.



From Isom, go west on Cathey's Creek Rd. to Lewis County line. Continue for one mile to the site of the old Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which no longer stands. Turn right & go 1/4 mile to cemetery, which can be seen from road. (instructions from Fred Hawkins, 1986)

PEERY, Permelia Ova Burcham Hill , 9 Jan 1888 - 17 Feb 1958, (Dau of Rufus Hill & Margaret Josephine Adyelott; Wife of Otey Peery)
PEERY, Betty Sue Peery , 31 Aug 1928 - no date, (Dau of Otey Peery & Permelia Ova Burcham Hill; Wife of Jimmy Brown Peery)

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Here we see the instructions needed to get to this cemetery. From Mt Pleasant go west west on Mt Joy Road a couple of miles to the Maury/Lewis county line. Turn right or north on Oscar McClain Road and to about a 1/2 mile and the Cemetery road will be on your right. It will be a bout another 1/2 mile trip into the cemetery.

McClain Cemetery is located approximately 1/4 mile across the Maury County into Lewis County, Tennessee. The land for McClain Cemetery was donated by W.T. McClain the son of John and Elizabeth McMillan McClain; and an early founder of the Mt. Joy Church. This family was the first to be buried at McClain's. Nearby is the Macedonia Church of Christ, in the middle of a fork in the road, right side being Mt. Joy Rd. This church used to be the Old Macedonia School house, the first school I ever attended. Miss Ava Stockard was my 1st grade teacher and her sister Miss Annie Stockard was the substitute teacher. My sister Elizabeth "Liz", 2 years my junior was in the first grade with me at age 4. Now how can that be? You might be thinking. Well, this was a very small community and the only school for miles. My mother told me that, she was asked to put my sister in school because if the school didn't have a certain number of children, then there would be no school.

SIMS, Bill, 1931 - 2000, (son of Carl Sims & Ota Belle Hill Sims. Korean War; mar. 26 Aug 1959 to Emily Joyce Vaugh of Alacha, Fla.; father of Kenneth Vaughn Sims; brother of Charles Eugene, Donna Faye, Hallie Augusta, Fred Hill, Mary Elizabeth Sims.)
SIMS, Carl Cooper, Sr., 13 Aug 1894 - 23 Nov 1978. (husband of Ota Bell Hill; son of William Donely & Eleanor Elizabeth Grimes Sims; Grandson of Eleanor Catherine Cooper Grimes & Samuel Henry Grimes; Father of 7 children, Carl Sims Jr., Mary Elizabeth, Fred Hill, Hallie Augusta, Donna Faye, William Ray, Charles Eugene Sims. Inscription: "US ARMY WWI"
SIMS, Hallie Hill, 17 Feb 1894 - 8 Aug. 1956. ( wife of Samuel Augusta Sims; dau of John Hill; no children.)
SIMS, Ota Bell Hill, 18 Nov. 1900 - 10 June 1978. (wife of Carl Cooper Sims; mother of Carl Cooper Sims, Jr., Mary Elizabeth Sims, Fred Hill Sims, Hallie Augusta Sims, Donna Faye Sims, William Ray Sims, Charles Eugene Sims.) Inscription: "Daughter of The American Revolution."
SIMS, Rachel, 26 April 1834 - 27 June 1899. (Inscription: "Wife of AC Sims, 65yrs-2mos-1day."
SIMS, Rebecca Ann, d. 2 Feb. 1947. ( metal marker only.)
SIMS, Samuel A., (Samuel Augusta), 6 Sept 1986 - 9 Nov. 1963. (husband of Hallie Hill Sims; son of William Donely & Eleanor Elizabeth Grimes Sims; brother of Mack Dickson, Donna Elizabeth Sims, and John Eugene Sims.)
Next New Cemetery Listing


Location: At 570 Shelbyville Highway 231 north several miles on the left going north toward Shelbyville. The grounds are maintained but the stones are broken, fallen and sinking into the ground as usual for an abandoned cemetery

HIGGINS, Little Frank, Died 29 Mar 1876, age: 21m, & 23d, son of H. G. & F. A. Higgins. 2398/2391
HIGGINS, Rose Emma, 15 Aug 1850 - 4 Aug 1867. 2399

SHERRELL, Elizabeth, died 4 Oct 1848, age: 29 yrs, wife of M. R. Sherrell. No photo-stone not found
SHULL, Boone, died 14 Jan 1902, age: 85 yrs. No photo-stone not found
STONE, L. L., 19 Sep 1802 - 16 Aug 1880. 2394
STONE, Evaline P., 5 Sep 1808 - 12 May 1872. married to L.L. Stone 21 May 1830. 2395
STONE, Sarah L. Higgins, 27 Aug 1832 - 4 Nov 1857."Daughter of L.L & E.P. Stone. 2387
STONE, Julia Ann, 22 Oct 1836 - 7 Jan 1860. 2390
STONE, Jimmie D., 12 Jul 1862 - 9 Apr 1863. 2388/2389
STONE, Martha D., 13 Oct 1834 - 8 Sep 1857. 2393
STONE, Rosanna G., 10 Mar 1831 - 16 oct 1855. 2396

TUCKER, Mrs. Nancy, died 28 Jun 1892, age: 68 yrs. No photo-stone not found

______________ Next New Cemetery Listing



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