Daily News-Democrat from Festus, Missouri (2024)

Jefferson County in temperature sional rain or drizzle erstorms Tuesday. 54, high Tuesday 65. Volume 91-No. 64 WEATHER Cloudy with little through Tuesday. Occatoday.

Showers and thundHigh today 62, low tonight Russell -Tree is caught on its way to the ground at 214 street Sunday. Boys scamper for safety, although it mire actually of that was address headed in different direction. Raymond of which were sawed down the diseased tree, the roots Waypushing up the sidewalk. (Staff Photo) Festus Loses Opening Games 1-0 And 13-9 Festus high school's baseball team Saturday lost a doubleheader here afternoon to St. Francis Borgia of Washington, Mo.

A steal of home plate decided the first game, 1-0, and the visitors took the nightcap 13-9. It was the first action oft the season for both squads, and both games went seven innings. Everybody on the Tiger bench saw action during the day. Festus used six pitchers. Gil Baumaker, who caught the first game and pitched in the second, scored the only run in the opener.

In the 6th inning, he walked, took 2nd and 3rd on infield outs, and stole home during the pitcher's windup. Each team had two hits in the first game. Roger Butler and Den Propst had doubles for the last Tigers. Larry Lewis, a shortstop season, pitched the first four innings for Festus, and Ken Aubuchon finished. Paul Wessel hurled for St.

Francis, W. Baumker and Jim Voss paced the visitors' attack in the nightcap. The former had a 2- run home run and a single. Voss smacked 3 singles and a triple. Richard Moore, Roger Kreitler, Dennis Siebert, and Ken Harris saw mound duty for the Tigers.

The big Festus blow of the game was a three-run double by Wendell Ridings, Dennis Siebert had a double and Butler a single. R. H. St. Francis 2 7 0 2 2 0 0 13 12 Festus 1003014 9 4 Three Injured In Three-Auto Collision Sunday Three people were injured in a three-car accident Sunday about 3:30 p.m, on Hwy.

61-67 just south of Hurst Motors, north of the Crystal City limits. Injured were Raymond Roy Thomas, 56, whose home is on the highway where the crash occurred; John Lucas, 30, St. Louis; and Marge Ingram, 20, Dupo, Ill. The State Patrol said Thomas had stopped to make a left turn into his driveway, and his car WAS hit in the rear by a car driven by James Allen Hamilton, 21. Apparently Hamilton couldn't pull into the righthand lane because it was full of traffic.

After the impact, Hamilton's car struck another, vehicle, driven by John Everett Wisdom, 33, St. Louis. All three vehicles were southbound. injuries and was treated at home. Lucas and Marge Ingram, passengers in the Hamilton car, were to be taken to St.

Anthony's hospital, St. Louis, by a Cady ambulance. Both had cuts of the face and head, Daily News- Democrat Festus-Crystal City, Monday, April 1, 1957. 97 Union Gives Another $20,000 To Hospital City, School, And Amendment Election Tuesday Jefferson county voters will the polls tomorrow (Tuesday) to elect officials, in all incorporated communities to vote on school levies and directors in all 14 school districts, and to ballot on I Missouri Constitutional Amendment No. 1, which would increase the pay and expense allowances for members of the legislators.

Herculaneum school district residents also will vote on a $125,000 bond issue for a new grade school building. A light vote is expected in most areas because of the lack of contests for many, of the positions and because the threatening weather. Showers and thunderstorms are forecast for the county Tuesday. In Festus there are contests for these City Council jobs: first ward, Gene Self vs. Xavier Bauman; third ward, Gordon Stewart vs.

Lee Covington; fourth ward, Russ Bauman vs. George Hampton. Fof Festus Marshal, Incumbent Carl Mezo has sition from Matic. Roy Gibson and rence Crystal City has two council contests. Art Kinney and Woodrow Patterson are running in the first ward, and Harold Vance opposes Joseph Cage in the fourth.

In both cities there is no opposition for city attorney, treasurer, assessor, police judge, and colfor lector. Jim Harris is unopposed Crystal City marshal. De Soto will elect two councilmen. Candidates are John Richeson, Charles Robison, Stanley C. Foster, and Robert E.

Terry. They survived the primary March 19. The terms are for three years. Pevely will elect a new mayor. L.

E. Wilson and Frank Watz are the candidates. George Weier, Who In Twin Races Russell Bauman, a lifelong resident of Festus, has served for two fourth years as councilman from the ward. Bauman formerly president of Junior Chamber of Commerce and winner of its Man of the Year award. He is a director of the Community.

His Chest. home is at 928 Parkview, Festus. He and his wife have two small children. Bauman is a salemsan for Arnold Chevrolet. Bauman stated he would like to complete the street program started during his term as street chairman.

George F. Hampton Drive, George F. Hampton, 414 Holly has lived in Festus for 49 years. He is employed in the temPlate pering department at Pittsburgh Glass where he has worked for 11 years. Hampton has a wife and one daughter.

He said he is interested in the city and would like to help improve it. He was formerly a member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, V.F.W., and the American Legion. COUNCIL--FOURTH WARD Russell Bauman CITY MARSHAL ROY E. GIBSON ago. Matic has three tepchildren.

ren. Roy E. Gibson has been a residen off and on in Festus since 1940 Gibson and constantly since 1952. force was on the Festus police as a regular policeman for 17 months previous to his job with the Pinkerton detective present department and favors enforcement to prevent garbage being River agency as Chemical a guard at Mississippi at Selma. Gibson lives on East Frisco street, Festus.

He has four stepchildren. He said he feels he can do the job of marshal efficiently. LAWRENCE M. MATIC Festus, Lawrence M. Matic, 55, Beffa, has had experience as an extra a stone mason by trade, poilceman.

Matic has lived in Festus since 1946 and was formerly employed at Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. until about two years He stated that he thinks he could improve operations of the thrown or dumped in the city causing rat infested areas. The candidate said he thought If Your Paper Is Not Delivered By 6:30 P. M. Please Call YE 7-2237 Beginner Shoots Hole-In-1 Here Richard Lowery, 28, of near Cedar Hill, is starting his golf career in an exciting fashion.

Dick, who this year for the firstlaying shot a hole in one at Joachim golf course near Herculaneum Sunday afternoon. Lowery got his hole in one on the 145-yard No. 8 hole, and used a No. 8 iron. He was playing in a foursome with Don (Flash) Atkins and Mr.

and Mrs. Don Roehrs, all of Festus. Richard is a foreman at Billgere Chevrolet, St. Louis. Demonstration Of Bookmobile Is Sought Here The quarterly meeting the Jefferson County, Home nomics Extension Club Council bly room courthouse was held March, 26 in its assemHillsboro, with Mrs.

Maurice Lutz, president, presiding. Mrs. Homer Price, of hart, was secretary protem the absence of Mrs. William Bergmeyer who is ill. It was decided to request state of Missouri for the loan a bookmobile for demonstrative purposes in Jefferson county.

After the effectiveness of bookmobile for the rural sections has been established, measures will be supported to enable ferson countians to buy own unit. Support of the Jefferson County School for Retarded Children was upheld as the most worthy of wide the suggestions for al county project. Each club represented at the council, pledged contribution and the president quested that all donations be before second quarterly meeting of the council, in June. Checks may be sent to Mrs. John Wills, Dittmer, treasurer the Council.

In view of recent newspaper reports that some members of Mo. State Legislature are informed as to the usefulness county home agents, their stant help in any or all phases home making and the guidance numerous 4-H Clubs among the youth, it was decided that each Extension Club will write either our state representative state senator to acquaint him with the work of our home agents and our need of them. Mrs. William Greech, associate agent, announced that eight classes in tailoring have completed the course. Similar classes will be organized in the fall there is sufficient interest.

On May 10, seventy-five Jefferson County Extension club members will be guests at the Russ David Play House Party KSD. broadeast over radio station Proceeds for the of reservations will go to the Countreasury. While some of the clubs presdrew names for the entertainment of each other, plans for county wide picnic were postponed until the June meeting. After adjournment coffee and were served by the Festus Educational and Nimble Fingers clubs, co-hostesses. Conservation Farm Contract Deadline April 15 Farmers have until April 15 to sign Conservation Reserve contracts to begin this year, according to Henry Werner, chairman of the Jefferson County ASC committee.

He urged that all farmers sign their Conservation Reserve contracts as soon as possible before the deadline to avoid the last minute rush. The deadline date originally was set at March 15, but the extension was granted to give a better opportunity to plan their operations for the period of the contract and to relieve pressure on the county offices. Werner said that up to March 15, a total of 11 farmers in Jetferson county had signed contracts under the Conservation The Reserve program. Conservation Reserve program is the long-range of the Soil Bank. Under it, farmprogram ers may sign contracts general cropland out of production and divert it to soil and water conservation uses, tree plantings, and wildlife protection periods of three, five, or ten for years, Glassworkers Increase Total Gift To $40,000 mayor since Pevely was porated, is not seeking reelection.

Candidates for other Pevely spots are not opposed on the ballot. Kimmswick will elect two aldermen and a marshal Tuesday. No names are on the ballot for marshal. The winner will have to be a write-in candidate. Council candidates in Kimmswick are: first ward -Ray Anthony, George Grimshaw, and Elmer Fisk.

Second ward- -Herbert Wendel, Elmer Haefner, and Robert Edney. Fisk and Haefner are seeking reelection. All the Kimmswick positions carry no salary. Josephine Thies Dies At Antonia Josephine Thies (nee Klable), 89, Antonia, died Sunday at the home of her son, Louis, near Antonia. Mrs.

Thies was the wife of the late Louis Thies and had lived her entire lifetime in the Antonia vicinity. Survivors of the deceased include a daughter, Mrs. Minnie Shubert, Festus, and three, sons, Otto, St. Louis, Emil, Louis, and Louis, of near Antonia. The body will lie in state at Heiligtag funeral home, Antonia, until Wednesday at 11 a.

m. Services will be Wednesday at 2 p. and m. at St. Luke's Evangelical Reformed church, Antonia, with burial in the Burgess cemetery, Private Power Wine Case Washington, April 1 (UP) Public power interests lost in the legal Supreme court today, their long of fight to block development Hell's Canyon in the Pacific Northwest by a private power company, City Tomorrow are needed.

CARL MEZO one or two extra police officers in Festus Carl Mezo who has been a resident of Festus since 1950 is a member of Chamber of Commerce, a counselor for Boy Scouts, a member of several police officers organizations, formerly was chief of police in DeSoto, and has been in police work for last 6 years with the exception of some part-time work on two newspapers. Mezo lives at 809 Warne street. He is the father of one son. Mezo stated he wants to keep Festus as it is. He said since he has been city marshal the department has installed a record system, extra police, fingerprinting, and crime and accidents have been cut.

COUNCIL Crystal City FIRST WARD Author Kinney Kinney has been a resident of Crystal City for 27 years. Four years ago he ran for City Council but was defeated. is married and the father of three children. Kinney is a machinist at Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Woodrow E.

Patterson Patterson tied in the Council election a year ago and lost when Council itself had to select the winner. He has been a resident of the city since 1934, except for one year at Horine. He is employed in the warehouse at PPG. in World War II. Patterson served in the Navy COUNCIL FOURTH WARD Joseph C.

Cage This is Cage's first try for public office. He is a machinist in the sand mines at the glass factory, and is a union steward. He and his wife have two sons, Wayne in the Air Force in Germany, and Kenny, at Crystal City High. He has lived in the Twin Cities 13 years. Harold Vance The youngest council candidate at 30, Vance is an advisor of the YMCA Rifle club here.

He is married, has two children, and has been a resident of Jefferson county since he was five years old. Vance since has lived in Crystal City 1947. He a machinist at PPG. A contribution of $20,000 to the Jefferson Memorial hospital by Local 63 of the Glassworker's union was announced today in a joint statement issued by Amos Govero, chairman Burchhe hospital board, and Bill president of the local. This brings to $40,000 the contribution by the local, which is comprised of PPG workers, to the hospital.

In the original drive the local contributed $20,000. Presentation of the request for the contribution was made by Bill LaBrier, a PPG employee long active in union affairs, and also vice-president of the hospital board. Govero said this brings the total of contributions and pledges the current drive for $195,000 to between $80,000 and $90,000. The local is splitting its 000 contribution into two payments, one of $10,000 to be made this year and the balance of 000 to be paid next year. Govero was elated over the union members highly their union's action praised, the "tremendous civic on "The county can be grateful to the and women of Local 63 for this outstanding contribution to our fine, new hospital.

This action is an example to every resof the county, to offer maxident imum financial support for this undertaking," Govero stated. SAFE AT FIRST Gary Parker of Festus beats throw to first base in game against St. Francis Borgia of Washington, Saturday here. Festus lost doubleheader, though scoring 10 runs for the day. (Staff Photo) of Eco- in Ex 38, Dies During Visit Mrs.

Bernice E. Dorrn (nee Harris). 38, 6616 Morganford road, Louis, died Saturday at her father's home on Crystal Heights. Mrs. Dorrn, a former resident of Crystal City, died of cerebral hemorrhage.

She was visiting on Crystal Heights over the weekend. The deceased is survived by her husband, Fred A. Dorrn; a brother, Walter J. Harris, Los Angeles, three sisters, Mrs. Nola Elder, Normandy, and Mrs.

Betty LeGrand and Mrs. Geraldine Johnston, both of Festus; and her, father, Walter C. Harris, Crystal Heights. Mrs. Dorrn preceded, in death by her mother.

late Mary C. Harris, and a sister, Mona Mrs. Harris. Dorrn had lived in St. Louis for the past 11 years.

had been ill since January. She was a member of the First Baptist church. The body will lie in state at Cady mortuary tonight (Monday) and Tuesday at noon will be taken to Edw. Fendler funeral home, Grand and Bates, St. Louis, The body will be returned to Cady funeral home Wednesday and services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.

m. in the Cady chapel with Rev. George Hammon officiating. Burial will be in Rose Lawn Memorial Garden cemetery. John Bell Winner At Overberg's Sale John Bell, 612 Moore street, Festus, was the winner of a beautiful scenery mural in color given away by Overberg Paint and Wallpaper store, 406 Main street, Festus, during its big anniversary sale, which started March 22 and will continue throughout this week.

Approximatelv 500 people registered and are asked to come in and register again for another mural which will be given away this week. fered Many with bargains are being offree gifts for everyone and balloons for the kiddies. Look for the ad in today's paper. Receives Honor At School Of Nursing Rosalea Sue Hoffman, form- er resident of FestusCrystal City, has been selected as the student with the most dynamic and pleasing personality at Tourol School of Nursing which is affiliated with Tulane university, Orleans, La. She also ranks in the New top ten of her class.

Sue, is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hoffman, Parkview drive, Festus, and Superintendent and Mrs.

Roy Taylor, Mr. Herculaneum. Her parents are and Mrs. Raymond Hoffman, Winter Haven, Fla. Under the five and ten year ments contracts, of 80 farmers may earn percent of the cost of establishing a conservation practice.

All farmers who take part in the program will receive annual per-acre payments for land in the reserve for the periods of their contracts if they remain in compliance with the program. The April 15 deadline applies only to the 1957 Conservation Reserve program. The signing for contracts to begin in 1958 is expected to start late next summer or early fall. Farmers who need advice in planning a Conservation Reserve program for their land should consult their county ASC office this week. to Hold 2 Boys In Burglary; Heavy Motorists Fines Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Pilliard, Festus, son, Paul Allen, nine pounds, 10 and a half ounces, March: 28, Lutheran hospital, St. Louis. The mother is the former Helen Howard, Crystal City. They also have a three-year-old son.

Mr. and Mrs. Vance, De 10 Soto, son, Larry Daniel, 6 pounds, ounces, March 23, Bonne Terre hospital, first child. The mother is the former Viola Lewis of near De Soto. Who's NEW ARRIVALS Election Festus COUNCIL--FIRST WARD Gene Self Gene Self, councilman of the first ward has served on Festus City Council two years.

He has been a resident of Festus for nine years and has two daughters. Self lives at 208 North Adams. is Self said he thinks annexation the biggest goal of city at present, He said he would like to see it go through as it would be beneficial to all concerned. Self is employed at Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. as an electrician.

Xavier Bauman Bauman, 110 Gray Street, is a former councilman here. He first came to the council when Dr J. Scott Wolff mayor, Bauman has a wife and son, He is retired from Pittsburgh Plate Glass where he worked from 1912 until March 1, 1957. He worked in the machine shop. The former councilman is a candidate for councilman in the first ward.

COUNCIL THIRD WARD Gordon Stewart Gordon Stewart, former owner and operator of Quem's, is runward. for councilman of the third Stewart been a resilives at 729 North Mill street. dent of Festus hair his life. He Stewart has a wife and one son of high school age. He is employed at Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.

where he has worked for about 14 years. Stewart is in the safety glass office. Stewart is a board member of the YMCA. He is serving an unexpired term as councilman now. G.

L. (Lee Covington) Huber street, has been a resident G. L. (Lee) Covington, 804 of his Festus for 30 years. He and wife are the parents of two sons and three daughters.

Covington is a member of Scottish Rite, Eastern Star, and the active Army Reserve. He is employed at Pittsburgh Plate Glass in the polishing department. He has worked at the plant for 23 years. He spoke of several long programs such as modernizing range the water department service. He was formerly a water technician and said he did not know whether present water system is adequate.

Thurman Bowers, 22, Robertson, arrested Saturday on a warrant for having no lights on his vehicle, was released on payment of a $10 fine and $11 court costs, the sheriff's office reports. A 15-year-old boy, High Ridge, brought in Saturday and charged with juvenile delinquency by means of breaking and entering, is still in jail. He allegedly broke into Martin Standard, Service station, and took four tires which were recovered. Francis Conway of near pington, brought in Saturday by trooper, was charged with careless and reckless driving drinking and having no operator's license. He received a $100 and $11 costs and is still in jail waiting to make bond.

Donald E. Boyer, 18, Herculaneum, brought in Saturday and charged with burglary and larceny and receiving stolen property, was released on $2,000 bond from Magistrate court. Boyer was allegedly involved the 15- Ridge. year-old juvenile "from High Reealdon Barton, 27, Pilot Knob, brought in Sunday for careless and reckless driving, was fined $100 and costs and is still in jail waiting to make bond for his release. Report Lack Of Enforcement In Kimmswick Kimmswick A Daily Democrat reporter was contacted by telephone early Saturday morning by a resident of wick who identified himself but requested his name be withheld.

He called to report that, since the resignation of George Foster as town marshal several weeks ago, the town has become increasingly beset by rowdyism and hotrodding on the once-quiet streets. According to the informant, the curfew that kept the children off the streets until Foster resigned, now seems to have been forgotten. An instance occurred, according last to the informant, one evening week when he said he arrived home about 10 p.m, and was preparing for bed when a loud disturbance in the street outside brought him to his door. He said he saw a group of teenage girls going down the street and screaming, "Rape." He said this was unseemly behavior for young girls-or girls of any ageand certainly a very bad hour for young people to be roaming the streets. Also, according to another citizen of Kimmswick, who called on Sunday, at least three families have become so disgusted with the 'wild and wooly" activities again rampant in the town that they are seriously considering leaving town.

Less than a year ago Foster was made town marshal of Kimmswick and caused quite a stir when he "cleaned up the town." After a flurry of excitement (and protest from some quarters) Kimmswick settled down to quiet and law and order. Since Foster's resignation things out appear to have gotten "back on normal." 67 Imperial Motorists Collide; Nobody Hurt Nobody was hurt Sunday when two Imperial area motorists were involved in an accident on Hwy. 61-67 1.4 miles north of Hwy. near Imperial. The State Patrol said a car driven Route by Bernadine N.

Hook, 3, Imperial, was attemptline driveway, to make when a it left turn into a was struck by car driven by Frederick John Akiki, 17, Imperial. Both were northbound. Bill Bradley To Get Top Scout Award Tonight Bill Bradley, 13, Crystal City, tonight will receive Boy Scouting's highest advancement award, the Eagle rank, at a court of hall, honor of Grace Troop 549 in Fellowship Presbyterian church. The event will start at 7:30 Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

p.m. Warren W. Bradley, Other 'awards will include Life badges to Jim Audiffred, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Audiffred, and Steven Trau wein, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Norman Trautwein; the Star award to Larry Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ray; First class to Jim Clifton; Tenderfoot badges to Joe Cunningham and Darrell Bu.ler; and 24 merit badges. The merit badges will go to Bradley, Audiffred, Grant Butler.

David Dodd, Kenneth Eiders, Sammy LaPres.a, Larry Hay John schwent, Jim Slaughter, Steve Trautwein, and Tom Walton. Fred Trace will present the Eagle award. Bernard Perry is the new troop committee chairman of institu.ional representative, and Dean Fitlgerald is scoutmaster. The unit is sponsored by Grace Presbyterian church. PFC Robert B.

Albee Stationed In England of Army PFC Robert B. Allbee, son Dr. and Mrs. R. H.

Allbee, Crystal City, is a clerk-typist headquarters battery of the 32d Antiaircraft Artillery brigade in England. in Allbee entered the U.S. Army February, 1956, and received. basic training ot Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He arrived overseas last July.

At Medical Meeting Harry Yoskit, M. of Festus, is attending the state medical society convention this Monday through Wednesday in Kansas City, At Convention Miss Route 2, hospital, train for medical The Festus a small Meyer and CC Rose Rita Schmidt, Festus, a technician at Desloge left Sunday morning by Kansas City to attend a convention. Grass Fire fire department put road grass fire Saturday between Highway highway about 2 p.m..

Daily News-Democrat from Festus, Missouri (2024)


What is Festus MO known for? ›

Festus is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:
  • West City Park.
  • Sunset Park.
  • Boxed In Escape Rooms.
  • Top Score Gamerooms.
  • Main Street Music Club & Coffee Bar.

Is Festus MO growing? ›

Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Festus, MO grew from 12,609 to 12,772, a 1.29% increase and its median household income grew from $62,850 to $65,942, a 4.92% increase.

What is the first black town in Missouri? ›

Despite adversities, Kinloch will always be remembered as Missouri's first Black city. Historical facts contained in this article were obtained from the Missouri Historical Society.

What is the oldest town in Missouri? ›

History. Founded around 1740 by Canadian settlers and migrants from settlements in the Illinois Country just east of the Mississippi River, Ste. Geneviève is the oldest permanent European settlement in Missouri.

Is Festus, MO a good place to live? ›

Festus, Missouri, is a great place to live for many reasons; this small town boasts a tight-knit community, friendly local businesses, and proximity to larger cities (like St. Louis.)

What is Missouri most famous for? ›

Missouri has been called the "Mother of the West", the "Cave State", and the "Show Me State". Its culture blends elements of the Midwestern and Southern United States. It is the birthplace of the musical genres ragtime, Kansas City jazz and St. Louis blues.

Is Festus MO safe? ›

Relative to Missouri, Festus has a crime rate that is higher than 69% of the state's cities and towns of all sizes. Importantly, when you compare Festus to other communities of similar population, then Festus crime rate (violent and property crimes combined) is quite a bit higher than average.

What is the fastest growing county in Missouri? ›

County Highlights

The populations of Christian and Lincoln counties are projected to grow the fastest in the state, more than doubling between 2000 and 2030. The largest numeric change in population is projected to be in St. Charles, Clay, and Greene counties.

What is the fastest growing area in Missouri? ›

Springfield, Missouri, is seeing the largest population growth of all cities in the state as of last year, according to new data released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

What is Festus known for? ›

Roman procurator of Palestine (c. 60–62) who sent St. Paul to Rome for trial at the Emperor's tribunal. He was an honest and capable administrator, but he did not live long enough to lessen the Jewish hostility toward Rome that had grown to dangerous proportions during the preceding decades.

What is O Fallon Missouri famous for? ›

Although, as a town, O'Fallon began with Arnold and Nicholas Krekel, the City's historic sites include early American and Native American history, a War of 1812 settler fort and Civil War history.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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