Crowd Gathers For Civic Center Demonstration Against SOPA And PIPA (2025)

Crowd Gathers For Civic Center Demonstration Against SOPA And PIPA (1)5:08 PM: As several prominent Internet companies hold online protests today against anti-piracy legislation being considered by Congress, smaller San Francisco and Silicon Valley-based companies also held a live demonstration.

About 200 people, many of them technology entrepreneurs and startup employees, gathered at noon in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza.

Speakers at today’s rally implored legislators to work more closely with technology companies in drafting and implementing legislation regulating the Internet.

Prominent venture capitalist Ron Conway suggested that tech companies create a committee of innovators to help solve issues of copyright infringement and piracy through technological methods.

“Why don’t we find a way to innovate a solution to the piracy issue?” Conway asked the crowd of technology employees and entrepreneurs. “Let’s do what we’ve always done before, which is solve problems with technology and not against technology,” he said.

San Francisco-based websites Reddit and Wikipedia shut down their websites for the day and have posted a message against two bills being considered by Congress, the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, and the Protect Intellectual Property Act, or PIPA.

In addition, Mountain View-based Google has blacked out its logo and linked users to information about the two bills, while San Francisco-based Craigslist displays a page of information about the legislation before allowing users to access the website.

Some veterans in creating innovative and successful startups appeared at today’s rally to speak out against the proposed legislation, saying it would impede the ability of successful companies in even getting off the ground.

Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, joked when asked if he started a company, “by accident I did.”

He said Craigslist now receives 40 billion page views a month and employs 35 employees. “The bottom line for me is this new law is in really bad shape. It allows sites to be taken down more or less arbitrarily,” Newmark said.

Caterina Fake, a co-founder of Flickr, said her company’s success would have been impeded under the provisions of the proposed laws. “Flickr would not have been possible had this legislation been in place when we started,” she said.

SOPA and PIPA would fundamentally alter how copyright holders seeking to remove infringing content from the Internet would make a complaint against the infringing company, said Parker Higgins, an activist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

While at the moment, companies complaining about copyright infringement first issue a notice to the infringing company to take down the offending material, under the new regulations, “it would be a different procedure and it would go directly to court order,” Higgins said.

Internet service providers and search engines could be forced to remove all links and references to the entire offending site, not just the pages with the copyrighted material, creating a particular problem for sites hosting user-generated content, Higgins said.

“A new site getting off the ground might not be able to start without hiring lawyers first,” Higgins said. “Because of that there’s a way that legitimate speech could be silenced,” he said.

Organizers of today’s protest said some of the companies that would be most affected by the legislation are the Bay Area’s small startups, companies that they said might build the next Google or Facebook.

Myles Weissleder, founder of SFNewTech, said the proposed legislation could cost the area jobs, as it could increase the barriers to entry for startup companies.

“It’s not really a harbinger for a good economy, especially here locally, because we build the Internet here. It’s just going to make life harder for a lot of people and it’s just not healthy,” Weissleder said.

Organizer Jonathan Nelson, founder of the startup coordinating organization Hackers and Founders, said one example of the type of startup that could be affected would be one dedicated to sharing videos through email. Since the song Happy Birthday is copyrighted, he said, a video of a birthday party could be considered illegal to share with others under the legislation.

“That kind of thing could bring your startup down,” Nelson said. “The people building on top of Google, people building on top of Facebook, all of these startups could be at risk,” he said.

“I read through the legislation and some of the proposals,” Nelson said. “It’s apparent to me that people who understand the technology deeply would never support this.”

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee issued a statement about the bills this morning calling on the House and Senate to “consider all the issues at stake more carefully” and seek more input from those in the fields affected.

“Innovative technology and new media companies in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the nation are creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs and driving our economic recovery,” Lee said.

“While protecting intellectual property against piracy is extremely important, we must not take steps that stifle the free exchange of information on the Internet or harm critical engines for jobs and economic growth,” the mayor said.

While today’s protest began through fear of a challenge to the foundational structure of the Internet industry, organizers and participants at the rally heralded a new civic engagement from the tech community, and websites using their considerable outreach platforms to rally opposition to the legislation, rather than spending money lobbying.

“Today is the day that the government has figured out that the Internet actually matters,” said Chris McCann, the founder of Startup Digest, a resource for online entrepreneurs.

“On the flip side, today is the day the Internet figured out that the government matters.”

1:10 PM: As several prominent Internet companies hold online protests today against anti-piracy legislation being considered by Congress, smaller San Francisco and Silicon Valley-based companies are holding a live demonstration.

The protest began at noon in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza.

As of about 12:30 p.m., about 200 people had gathered.

“We just wanted to show that it’s not just huge corporations doing this; there’s hundreds of tiny little startups that are going to be affected by this,” said organizer Jonathan Nelson, founder of the startup coordinating organization Hackers and Founders.

San Francisco-based websites Reddit and Wikipedia have shut down their websites for the day and have posted a message against two bills being considered by Congress, the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, and the Protect Intellectual Property Act, or PIPA.

In addition, Mountain View-based Google has blacked out its logo and linked users to information about the two bills, while San Francisco-based Craigslist displays a page of information about the legislation before allowing users to access the website.

But organizers of today’s protest said some of the companies that would be most affected by the legislation are the Bay Area’s small startups, companies that they said might build the next Google or Facebook.

Myles Weissleder, founder of SFNewTech, said the proposed legislation could cost the area jobs, as it could increase the barriers to entry for startup companies.

“It’s not really a harbinger for a good economy, especially here locally, because we build the Internet here. It’s just going to make life harder for a lot of people and it’s just not healthy,” Weissleder said.

Nelson said one example of the type of startup that could be affected would be one dedicated to sharing videos through email. Since the song Happy Birthday is copyrighted, he said, a video of a birthday party could be considered illegal to share with others under the legislation.

“That kind of thing could bring your startup down,” Nelson said. “The people building on top of Google, people building on top of Facebook, all of these startups could be at risk,” he said.

“I read through the legislation and some of the proposals,” Nelson said. “It’s apparent to me that people who understand the technology deeply would never support this.”

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee issued a statement about the bills this morning calling on the House and Senate to “consider all the issues at stake more carefully” and seek more input from those in the fields affected.

“Innovative technology and new media companies in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the nation are creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs and driving our economic recovery,” Lee said.

“While protecting intellectual property against piracy is extremely important, we must not take steps that stifle the free exchange of information on the internet or harm critical engines for jobs and economic growth,” the mayor said.

Among those scheduled to speak at today’s protest are Ron Conway, a top angel investor in Silicon Valley for the last 20 years; Brewster Kahle, the founder of the Internet Archive; and Gideon Lett, a vice-president for

Scott Morris, Bay City News

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Crowd Gathers For Civic Center Demonstration Against SOPA And PIPA (2025)


What is the SOPA law? ›

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) are bills that were introduced into the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate in the last quarter of 2011. Both are responses to the problem of enforcement of U.S. laws against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction.

Who created SOPA? ›

Lamar Smith (R-TX) introduced the SOPA bill.

What happened to Sopa and Pipa? ›

While SOPA and PIPA were ultimately defeated, their spirits live on. They live on in legislation like the CASE Act and the EU Copyright Directive. They live on in the use of copyright filters on major platforms, which exist because the largest entertainment companies insist on them.

What was the blackout of Sopa and Pipa? ›

The English Wikipedia joined thousands of other web sites in protesting SOPA and PIPA by blacking out its own content for 24 hours. The purpose of the blackout was twofold: to raise public awareness, and to encourage people to share their views with their elected representatives.

What is the goal of sopa? ›

A: There are actually two bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act, known as SOPA, in the House and sister legislation called the Protect IP [Intellectual Property] Act, or PIPA, in the Senate. Both are designed to tackle the problem of foreign-based websites that sell pirated movies, music and other products.

How does sopa work? ›

If a progress payment claim is ignored by the debtor, SOPA provides an avenue in Court for the creditor to recover the payment. It also enables creditors to stop work for that debtor in light of their failure to pay the claim without breaching the terms of the contract.

What is sopa known for? ›

The Studio of Performing Arts (SOPA) is Australia's only dance + circus school, that is a registered provider of Outside School Hours Care.

Does SOPA mean shut up? ›

The Greek word "σώπα" (SOPA) means "shut up"

How does SOPA work? ›

If a progress payment claim is ignored by the debtor, SOPA provides an avenue in Court for the creditor to recover the payment. It also enables creditors to stop work for that debtor in light of their failure to pay the claim without breaching the terms of the contract.

What is the goal of SOPA? ›

A: There are actually two bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act, known as SOPA, in the House and sister legislation called the Protect IP [Intellectual Property] Act, or PIPA, in the Senate. Both are designed to tackle the problem of foreign-based websites that sell pirated movies, music and other products.

Did the Sopa bill get passed? ›

Websites went dark, demonstrators marched, and activists gave speeches, and on Jan. 20, 2012, SOPA was defeated. SOPA had become a lightning rod for all sorts of issues surrounding the shift that the Internet created: copyright law, Internet freedom and the language used to govern computer crimes.

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