Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (2024)

By Katja Heino 55 Comments
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Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (1)

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post on the health benefits of grass-fed gelatin. This week, I am sharing an easy recipe that the whole family will love: Coconut Mango Gummy Treats.

I’ve been making several of the recipes posted on-line lately for healthy fruit gummy treats, and the family has been loving them. They are so easy to make and are a great way to get gelatin into your diet.

Not only is the gelatin good for our skin, nails, hair, and teeth, it also supports and heals our digestive tracts. This is good for me as I have suffered from digestive issues, and little one has had some skin issues we are working on healing.

I’m not a big fan of taking tons of supplements, but grass fed gelatinCoconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (2)is something that I try to get into my diet EVERY day.

Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (3)

I have the cutest little silicone moldsCoconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (4) that use to make my gummy snacks, but you can just pour the mixture into a glass baking dish and cut into squares once it has set. You can add more honey if you want a sweeter treat, but we find that they are good with minimal added sweetener.

And like I mentioned in the previous post: quality matters. Please be sure to use gelatin powder from a grass fed sourceCoconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (5). This is not the gelatin for JELLO that you buy at the store that can be loaded with artificial flavors and sweeteners.


Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (6)

Coconut Mango Gummy Snacks

★★★★4 from 3 reviews

  • Author: Katja from Savory Lotus
Print Recipe




  1. Peal ripe mango and slice off all of the fruit from the pit. Puree mango pieces with immersion blender or small food processor. Set aside
  2. Combine coconut water and lemon juice in small pan and gently heat the mixture until it is just warm to the touch. Remove from heat
  3. Add gelatin powder 1 TBS at a time and whisk to thoroughly combine (If you notice clumping, gently heat mixture again)
  4. Add mango puree to gelatin mixture and whisk to combine
  5. Pour mixture into silicone molds or glass baking dish (no need to grease it)
  6. Place in fridge for at least 2 hours to allow to set
  7. Remove from molds or cut into desired pieces
  8. Enjoy!! (store any leftovers in fridge. Only good for 2-3 days as the coconut water spoils quickly)


Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (7)

Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (8)

Need some more gelatin recipe ideas?

One of my favorite gelatin recipe books is Easy Paleo Gelatin Treats by Caitlin from Grass Fed Girl. I love everything that girl makes. Caitlin’s book has 30 easy to make gelatin recipes for gummy snacks, smoothies and puddings, all with great photos. All of the recipes use wholesome REAL food ingredients, are gluten and grain free, and are low in sugar (no refined sweeteners.)

I have made several of the recipes for my family. Some favorites in our household are strawberry panna cotta pudding. creamy blueberry gummy bites, and the easy paleo creamsicle smoothie.

Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (9)

And the best part is that it’s on sale right now. ONLY $5.99 for a limited time.

Click HERE to learn more about Easy Paleo Gelatin Treat

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Reader Interactions


  1. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (10)Tracy Bychowski says

    I love your recipes and would like to know if there is a way to make the mango gummy recipe for vegetarians who do not use gelatin?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (11)Katja says

      Not really sure. Gelatin is what helps them set. I have used agar-agar in the past for setting things but not sure if it would work for this. You could definitely experiment. As far as I know it’s a 1:1 conversion rate gelatin to agar agar…. let me know if you try it.
      One website quotes: “Keep in mind that highly acidic ingredients, such as lemons, strawberries, oranges, and other citrus fruits, may require more agar-agar than the recipe calls for. Also, enzymes in fresh mangoes, papaya, and pineapple break down the gelling ability of the agar-agar so that it will not set. Cooking these fruits before adding them to a recipe, however, neutralizes the enzymes so that the agar-agar can set.” from —–>


  2. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (12)Heather says

    I can’t wait to try out this recipe! Two quick questions, though:
    1. Do you have any idea approximately how many cup(s) of mango/fruit is needed?
    2. I might try subbing fresh strawberries and blueberries for the 4th of July. In this case, do I need to worry about the acidity levels even if I use grass-fed gelatin?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (13)Katja says

      It doesn’t have to be exact. 1 to 1 and 1/2 cups of fruit would be just fine. I have done strawberries and blueberries. Gelatin works fine with high acid foods as well. 🙂


  3. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (14)Jesse says

    Coconut milk might be a better option for longevity, instead of coconut water. Also, wouldn’t the acid (citric) in the lemon juice preserve the gummies longer than a couple days?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (15)Katja says

      Yes to both but I was experimenting. I do use lemon often but wanted to make a treat that wasn’t so sour. My kids really like these so they get eaten pretty quickly. 🙂


  4. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (18)Patti says

    My grandchildren love the creamy lime popsicles. I cringe when I buy them. Any recipes for those?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (19)Amber says

      Ooo! Creamy-lime Popcycles homemade sound great!

      I love making homemade gummy treats for my kids with grass-fed gelatin. I love mango too so def will try this!


  5. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (20)hanis says

    can we make our own grass fed gelatin? or can i use beef stock in this plus agar2? i cant find any grass fed gelatin at my place


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (21)Katja says

      Making powdered gelatin for something like this is complicated. I have not tried agar agar so not sure if it will work. Where do you live?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (22)Alisha says

      I can’t seem to find it in Virginia Beach either. Why does it need to be grassfed? Me and my kids will have fun with this- thanks!


      • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (23)Katja says

        Buying grass fed gelatin ensures that you are feeding your family a quality food source. Conventionally-raised or factory-farmed meats are not only inhumane but can be unhealthy. The living conditions are often horrible, and animals are loaded with GMO feeds and antibiotics. Buying the grass fed gelatin from a reputable source means that you are supporting farms who do not believe in CAFO (confined animal feeding operations.) I hope your kids enjoy these treats. My little one could eat gummy treats every day. We have been making blackberry ones from all the fresh California berries. If you can’t find good quality gelatin locally, you can order it here—->


  6. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (24)Amber says

    where can I find grassfed gelatin? Do you have a brand you recommend?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (25)Katja says

      This is the brand that I use——> I order it from AMAZON. 🙂


  7. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (26)Peasles says

    I have frozen mango – do you think I could use those instead if I let them defrost beforehand?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (27)Katja says

      yes, frozen would be fine. You can use just about any fruit for gummy treats. 🙂


  8. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (28)glacierkn says

    How do you get it to gel with mango? Doesn’t the mango prevent the gelling? I tried making mango jello before but it didn’t set. Maybe it’s because I used only 1 Tbs of gelatin?


  9. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (30)Lish says

    I’m sad- I made these exactly as directed and they have a weird bitter taste to them. 🙁 My mango was sweet and ripe, as well, so I know it’s not that. Any ideas?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (31)Katja says

      Not sure??? Gummy treats should not be bitter. I wonder if something was off with your coconut water? Did you use a good quality gelatin? You can try just plain water instead of the coconut water and add a TBS or 2 of raw honey. Sorry to hear that they were not good because gummy treats are usually so tasty. 🙂


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (32)gabriela says

      I followed the recipe to the letter and I had the same problem. The texture was perfect but they were too sour, even after adding 2 TBSP. honey. It tasted too much like lemon but you couldn’t taste the mango (a very ripe mango) at all. Would it work the same if I cut back on the lemon juice?


      • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (33)Katja says

        You can totally leave the lemon juice out if you like. It’s all about personal preference! 🙂


  10. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (34)Shannon says

    Ok – I am one of those people who has the horrible beefy wierdo after taste after using the great lakes gelatin. I definitely have unflavored. I have tried these fruit snacks twice, each time with different fruit – and still the same taste. It is very off-putting. I wonder if I got a bad batch?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (35)Katja says

      Not sure what is going on. I find that if I put too much gelatin in my gummy treats it can be a bit strong. Maybe you are super sensitive to the taste. Try adding a bit less and see if it is better. I do find that the taste is strong when the mixture is warm but mellows as it cools. Let me know how it goes…


  11. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (36)Ashley says

    I was wondering if there is any substitution or how important of a role the lemon juice plays in this? My 17 month old has a list of food problems and lemon or any citric fruit is a no no.


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (37)Katja says

      you can just leave it out. It will work just fine! Gummy treats are such a good toddler snack. We make them out of all sorts of things. Just juiced the last of our apples from the tree in the backyard and made apple gummies. My 2 year old loves them. Just fresh apple juice and gelatin. 🙂


  12. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (38)Liyana says

    Do i need to use gelatin in powder form? The ones I have in stock at the moment are the sugar grains like…sorry dont know what they’re called. Can I use those instead?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (39)Katja says

      I’m sorry but not sure what sugar grain ones you are talking about. I haven’t used those. But if it is gelatin, you could give it a try. You may have a gelatin that has sugar added to it so you wouldn’t need to add a sweetener when you make gummy treats. Let me know how they turn out. 🙂


  13. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (40)Stephanie says

    Hi, my daughter gets horrible diaper rash from citrus 🙁
    I dried making a fruit snack from another blogger yesterday morning and what I was scraping in to my pan looked like the BLOB! I could barely move it, yikes.
    Do you have a suggestion for a sub for the lemon/orange juice? Thanks


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (41)Katja says

      Hi, Stephanie! Citrus bothers my little one too. I just use full fat coconut milk and any fruit. Check out this recipe—> You can sub any fruit or berry. Super easy. And super yummy!


  14. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (42)Claudia says


    These look delicious, I love the color!
    I was wondering what the lemon juice is for, I’m worried if it will turn out sour?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (43)Katja says

      You can leave the lemon out if you don’t want to add it. I add it it for a bit of flavor. 🙂


      • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (44)Claudia says



  15. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (45)Tasha says

    How much did you find 1 large mango created in cups? I have some fresh mango puree juice that I’d love to just use instead.


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (46)Katja says

      Hi, Tasha~ The ratio of gelatin to liquid is usually around 4 TBS for 2 cups of liquid. So if you make these with mango puree/juice, you can just combine the puree, coconut milk or water, and lemon juice to make 2 cups, add 4 TBS of gelatin. Or if you want more gummy snacks, make 3 cups of liquid and use 6 TBS of gelatin. 🙂


  16. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (47)Lauren says

    Love your recipes Katja! Your pinacolada gummies were awesome too! Going to try this with the ripe persimmons lined up on my counter top right now. : )


  17. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (48)lisa says

    do you need to use the lemon juice? im allergic to citrus.
    thanks 🙂


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (49)Katja Heino says

      no, you can just leave it out! 🙂


  18. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (50)LaLa says

    This recipe looks fantastic! The brand of gelatin to which you’ve linked doesn’t list free range nor organic on its packaging. As it sounds like that’s as important to you as it is to me, is there another brand you’ve found that adheres to those guidelines? Thank you for posting the recipe!


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (51)Katja Heino says

      Hi, there! Yes,the gelatin that I link to, Vital Proteins, is the best gelatin that I have found. Most importantly, the gelatin is single-sourced from pasture-raised and grass-finished cows. It has more protein and amino acids per serving than other brands. I also find the collagen peptides to be smoother and less grainy then other brands. I also like the packaging. It comes in non-BPA, air-tight canisters, preventing moisture with it’s own little scooper. It’s non-gmo. And sustainable. You can check them out here:


  19. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (52)Jen says

    Can you make these with something other than coconut milk? We have allergies in our home, but these look delicious!


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (53)Katja Heino says

      Hi, Jen! You can use any liquid that you like- milk, juice, water. 🙂


  20. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (54)Shelley says

    How much gelatin do you use if you are using home-made gelatin and not the powdered stuff?


    • Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (55)Katja Heino says

      I dod not know what homemade gelatin is. Can you explain? 🙂


  21. Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (56)Larissa King says

    My favourite gummie recipe! I make it with frozen mango, coconut milk lemon juice and no honey. Lovely custardy texture!


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Coconut Mango Gummy Treats - Savory Lotus (2024)
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