Are Chickpeas Gluten-Free? | (2024)

Are Chickpeas Gluten-Free? | (1)Yes, chickpeas are gluten-free.

Chickpeas have many other names, including garbanzo beans, garbanzo, gram, Bengal gram, Egyptian pea, cici beans, chi chi beans and cece beans. The most common variety of chickpea is a beige, tan color, but they can also be black, green, or red.

Raw chickpeas are naturally gluten-free and easy to make; simply boil them for 10 minutes before eating (dried chickpeas will take longer, perhaps an hour or two). Chickpeas are commonly used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine, from hummus and falafel to chana masala. They can also be ground into a flour.

Chickpeas are nutrient-dense legumes, high in protein, fiber, folate, iron and phosphorus, which makes them an excellent part of a well-rounded diet.

As always, remember to read the label before you try a new product.

Are Chickpeas Gluten-Free? | (2024)
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