20-Minute Mat Pilates Workout (2024)

20-Minute Mat Pilates Workout (1)Share on Pinterest

All the straps, springs, and moving parts of a typical Reformer class make Pilates seem almost scary compared to those yoga classes full of flickering candles, blocks, and cozy blankets.

Plus, fancy machines mean Pilates can be pretty pricey — upward of $40 per class at some studios!

Add in the svelte celebrity fans applauding the workout, and we don’t blame you for thinking it all seems a little intimidating — and out of your budget.

But before you pass up on Pilates, we have some good news: You don’t need any extra equipment to reap the physical and mental benefits — all you need is a mat.

Mat based Pilates is a gentle, low-impact, yet serious strength workout that research shows can help ease low back pain,Wells C, et al. (2014). The effectiveness of pilates exercise in people with chronic low back pain: a systematic review. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100402 improve sleep,Curi VS, et al. (2018). Effects of 16-weeks of pilates on health perception and sleep quality among elderly women. DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2017.10.012 and even support mental well-being.Caldwell K. et al. (2013). Pilates, mindfulness and somatic education. DOI: 10.1386/jdsp.5.2.141_1

In fact, mat Pilates can be even more effective than using a Reformer since you’re using your own bodyweight to strengthen your muscles and stabilize your joints, says Taylor Phillips, a Pilates manager at Equinox.

Here, Phillips demonstrates a 20-minute Pilates mat workout — no gym or weird apparatus needed.

Whether you’re new to Pilates or you’re an experienced pro, you can follow along, taking modifications or more advanced positions where noted. Complete 3 rounds of the following moves for an intense full-body burn.

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20-Minute Mat Pilates Workout (2)Share on Pinterest

Reps: 5

Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart. Inhale, then exhale while extending your arms up and reaching through your upper back.

Inhale, then exhale and slowly roll down toward the floor one vertebrae at a time. Sit back as if sitting in a chair before reaching up and lifting your heels. Return to standing.

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Reps: 15 per side

Walk your hands out to Plank Pose. Engage your abs to draw your right knee into your chest. Extend your leg back, pointing toes to the ceiling and engaging glutes and hamstrings. Repeat for 5 reps.

Next, bring your right knee to your left shoulder in the same manner for 5 reps. Bring your right knee to right shoulder for 5 reps. Repeat entire series on the other leg.

Make it easier: Lower knees to the ground and limit leg range of motion.

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Reps: 10

Bring your knees and tops of your feet to the floor with knees directly under hips, feet touching.

Hinge your upper body back about 45 degrees, engaging abs, glutes, and feet. Maintain a straight line from head to knees. Return to the starting position.

Make it harder: Sustain the hinge position and lower and lift your arms 10 times.

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Reps: 10 lifts and 10 circles per leg

From kneeling, lower your left hand to the ground and extend opposite right leg out, holding your right hand behind your head.

Lift your right leg to hip height, then lower for 10 reps. Then hold your leg at hip height and rotate leg in small circles for 10 reps.

Make it easier: Lie on your side instead of kneeling.

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Reps: 10 to 15

Lie faceup. Raise shoulders off the ground slightly and engage abdominals to support your lower back. Extend your arms by your ears and raise your legs to a 45-degree angle from the floor. Circle your arms around and hug knees to chest.

Make it easier: Keep your legs at a 90-degree angle and rest your head.

Make it harder: Scissor legs on top of each other for 5 beats with each extension.

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Reps: 10 per leg

Lie faceup. Lift your head and neck to raise shoulders slightly off the ground. Hover your left leg 1 inch above the mat and point your toes to engage the quad.

Extend your right leg to the ceiling and bring your hands to your ankle. Use your abs and leg muscles to pull your right leg in toward your forehead, then switch legs. Maintain hip stability throughout the exercise.

Make it easier: Softly bend your knees and keep your head down.

Make it harder: Reach arms by your ears throughout, keeping hands out.

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Reps: 100

Lie faceup, arms at sides. Curl your head, neck, and shoulders up, and extend your legs to a sustainable level. Find the sweet spot where your abs stay engaged but your lower back is not lifting from the mat.

Begin pumping your arms up and down, breathing in for 5 counts and exhaling for 5 counts, totaling 10 breath cycles.

Make it easier: Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle (as shown).

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Reps: 5 per side

Lie on your right side, supporting your body with your right hand. Engage core and rotate your hips to lift legs as high as possible from the floor to engage obliques. Return to starting position with control.

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Reps: 5 to 8

Lie facedown. Draw shoulder blades down the back and place hands underneath shoulders. Engage core and lift head slightly.

Raise your chest up and extend your arms forward. Lift legs 1 inch above the mat. Bend elbows so your arms form a “W” shape. Hold, then lower down to the mat.

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Reps: 10 kicks and 15 to 20 circles in each direction per side

Lying on your left side, bring your legs slightly in front of your hips to create a kickstand. Lift right leg to hip height and kick forward and back, maintaining upper body stability and pointing your toes. Repeat for 10 reps.

Next, pause at hip height, point your foot, and rotate in small circles (about the size of a tennis ball). Circle 15 to 20 times in each direction.

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Reps: 5

Lie faceup with your arms extended behind your head. Engage your core, lift your head, and raise your arms toward the ceiling to roll up smoothly.

Reach forward (like you’re trying to grab your toes) while drawing your waist back. This creates length along the spine and maintains a feeling of drawing your abs in. Slowly roll back down and repeat.

Who says a great workout needs to take a long time? Now that we’ve gone over good form for each exercise, it’s time to perform all 11 moves in order. Complete 3 sets in a row, and don’t forget to cool down and stretch your body.

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Thanks to Lululemon for outfitting our model in the Wunder Under Pant and Cool Racerback.

20-Minute Mat Pilates Workout (2024)


Is 20 minutes of Pilates a day enough? ›

Is 20 minutes of Pilates a day enough? If you're following the right workouts, absolutely! 20-minutes a day is plenty to get you in Pilates shape. And if the alternative is not doing Pilates at all, then it's even better (you gotta work with what you've got).

How many calories do you burn doing 20 minutes of Pilates? ›

On average, a person weighing 150 pounds (68 kg) can expect to burn around 70-100 calories during a 20-minute Pilates session. If you weigh more or less than this, you can adjust the estimate accordingly.

Does Mat Pilates actually work? ›

It Helps Reduce Pain

While mat Pilates surely counts as a workout, it's also employed for rehabilitation purposes and to improve physical function. The low-impact, restorative nature of the practice promotes benefits for those seeking active forms of recovery and pain management.

How many times a week should you do mat Pilates? ›

Pilates is safe enough to do every day. Initially you may want to do it every day so you get a rhythm and become consistent; then a good goal is to do it every other day. Joseph Pilates used to say to do it three times a week.

What is the 80 20 rule in Pilates? ›

The 80/20 rule simply means: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the things u do. 20% from exercise. It isn't just about the weight loss but actually about the fat loss and muscle gain.

What is better walking or Pilates? ›

Significantly higher carbohydrate metabolism was used during Pilates compared to walking (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The cardiopulmonary responses to a single Pilates session are similar to walking at a speed of 3.2 kph but lower than walking at 4.8 kph.

Can you lose belly fat by doing Pilates? ›

While you can't spot-reduce fat, Pilates can help you learn how to properly engage your pelvic floor and deep core muscles, says Brennan. "Pilates will teach you how to engage your muscles correctly, which will lend to increased activation during core exercises and lead to a 'tighter tummy,'" she says.

Does Pilates flatten your stomach? ›

Most Pilates exercises work to tighten your core muscles — the abdominal muscles, back muscles, and the muscles around your pelvis. Not only do Pilates help to flatten your stomach, but stronger core muscles enable you to do more physical activities.

Is 20 minutes of Pilates enough to lose weight? ›

If you're ready to develop core strength, postural alignment and a toned physique, Looney's 20-minute, at-home Pilates workout will take your weight-loss workouts to the next level. Although fat burn isn't the focus of Pilates, this workout will help with building muscle definition.

Why is Mat Pilates harder than Reformer? ›

“Advanced mat classes are the hardest because you're using your body all the time. The Reformer isn't assisting or supporting you,” she says. Pilates mat class size can range from three to 30-plus, so Gaiam suggests newcomers should look for smaller sessions to receive personalized instruction.

Should I get a thick or thin mat for Pilates? ›

A thicker mat is best for Pilates – at least 1/2” but 5/8″ or 3/4” is even better – because the less flexible back of a beginner is easily irritated by several Pilates exercises that involve rolling up and down the spine.

What is the 3 2 8 workout? ›

What Is the 3-2-8 Workout? There are two variations on the 3-2-8 workout around: One has three days of strength training, two of barre and Pilates per week, with 8,000 steps per day; the other swaps the strength and Pilates to be two days of strength, three days of barre/Pilates per week and 8,000 steps per day.

Is it better to do Pilates in the morning or at night? ›

As for the best time to practice Pilates, it really depends on your individual schedule and preferences. Some people prefer to practice Pilates in the morning to start their day with a boost of energy, while others prefer to do it in the evening as a way to unwind and relax after a long day.

How long does it take to see results from mat Pilates? ›

While individual experiences will vary, many people begin to notice physical improvements within a few weeks of consistent Pilates practice (usually the initial results within about 3 weeks) This is because even in the first few weeks, your ability to activate the correct muscles and be aware of your posture begins to ...

Is Pilates better than weight Lifting? ›

Simply put, if your goal is to maintain a lean, toned, yet strong, and active body shape, Pilates is ideal for you. But if you want to get bigger and bulkier, then weight training is the right choice. But to support both, you have to adjust your diet accordingly.

How long should you do Pilates for a day? ›

For most individuals, sticking to 20 minutes for a Pilates session is enough. So, 20 minutes / 3 times a week is a good schedule to begin with. You may find that as you get more comfortable with the routines and you begin to get stronger and more flexibile that you will want to increase this to 30 minutes or more.

How much Pilates a day is enough? ›

However, two to three sessions per week are enough for beginners according to Pilates instructor, Melissa Nagaib. If you feel motivated to do Pilates daily, 30 minutes is plenty. Some people prefer to condense their sessions into two or three one-hour workouts per week.

What are the benefits of 20 min Pilates? ›

The health benefits of Pilates include:
  • improved flexibility.
  • increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the 'core muscles' of your body)
  • balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body.
  • enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.